
Boundlessness Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Like the wind, he fears no bounds of space or time."
"The great thing about life is there actually aren't any bounds."
"Forget the boundaries, forget the distinctions, plunge into the limitless, and make it your home."
"Boundless mysteries that the deep oceans hold."
"It just goes to show you that love has no limits."
"When Joy takes flight it can't be contained."
"Love has no boundaries or parameters, it just expands, right?"
"Love truly has no boundaries or limitations."
"If you touch something beyond physical nature that means you touch something which is boundless in nature."
"The power of imagination makes us infinite."
"Infinite mind is completely unlimited; nothing can constrain it, control it; it's all possibilities over all time and space."
"In the spirit realm, there are no limitations."
"Freedom. You think that there is no border for him; in his mind, there is no border. Everywhere is for him, everywhere."
"Cherish the idea that although everything around you is dictated by natural laws, your mind is bound by nothing."
"Creativity knows no bounds, whether in fashion or in life."
"There's nothing in the entire world that I would not do for you. There's nothing in the entire like there's no limit to my love for you."
"The quality of the heart is it keeps being boundless, it keeps embracing everything into itself... that quality of compassion is where you're one with everything."
"Despite these observational constraints, the universe itself remains boundless."
"The kingdom of God is without limit, it cannot be stopped or hemmed in."
"Our existence, potential, and capacity for greatness know no bounds."
"Potential at its core is unbounded."
"Your innermost longing is to become boundless."
"Everything is possible, everything is limitless."
"The springtime of Youth has no limit."
"Love knows no bounds, not even the limitations of the self."
"The human imagination has no limit on it."
"Unconditional love is for everyone and everything and doesn't have any boundaries and it doesn't have any limitations or conditions upon it."
"The possibilities are literally limitless."
"It just felt like there was no limit."
"Nothing ever really happens, and yet the sense of boundlessness corresponds with a sense that there's no limit to the energy."
"Her imagination just knows no bounds"
"Love knows no bounds and that's the beauty of it."
"Oh, please, the power of imagination makes us infinite."
"You are cloaked in a love that knows no bounds, a love that does not depend on the crowd around you."
"My love for you knows no bounds, not confined by time or space."
"My love for you is as boundless as the skies above and as deep as the ocean. It is a love that does not waver, does not falter, and knows no bounds."
"There are no limits, there's only God."
"Endless creativity, I agree with that statement."
"God's love has no boundaries or limitations."
"We live in a limitless world. There's so much possibilities."
"There's nothing that you can do, I mean there's no limit."
"Crafting: where creativity knows no bounds."
"I'm focused on that right now. There's no boundaries to that [__]. It's all versions of art. You know, art is subjective and perspective."
"What we see with our eyes is very limited. There's something else inside that is so vast. And there are no walls, there are no limits. The moment that we start going inside, that is when we find out who we truly are."
"The field of compassion is the field of suffering beings and that is limitless."
"No bounds, no limits in the size."
"a doctor's love knows no borders no boundaries"
"I am present and aware, and I find no limits in myself."
"We're infinite and there's no finish line."
"Love has no boundaries; its presence reaches beyond walls, grievances, and lifetimes."
"Villains are limitless; they're boundless, right? Where heroes are bounded by a code, villains are not."
"The curriculum of mindfulness is boundless, it's infinite."
"Love is limitless. I don't think that there is a set amount of people that you can love in your life."
"The limits of art cannot be attained."
"Love is a wonderful and unbounded thing, and you would never know when it's going to return."
"No one can lessen love, it is itself the great restorer, it can but return all that is taken to itself, it knows no loss, no limit, and no lessening."
"I love Mama this much... like the universe, that's how much I love Mama."
"The number infinity is not a number, it's a concept; it's the largest possible thing that you never ever get to."
"The spaciousness or the stillness has no boundary."
"His love for Animals knows no bounds."
"It has this sense of infinity, it has boundlessness, there's no boundary."
"Because God is immense, his love is an incomprehensible vast, bottomless, boundless sureness."
"God is ultimately boundless, ultimately nameless, so it's really a critique of all our current theologies."
"Love is great, and love is endless. There's no limit to love; it is infinity."
"There's an age when their imagination knows no bounds."
"There's no limit to how much he can love."
"Tanjito's hearty thankfulness is still just as boundless as ever."
"There are no limits to God's power."
"When it comes to love, there are no boundaries."
"True love knows no distance, it knows no boundaries."
"There are no bounds to your creativity."
"Our true nature is boundless. It is all encompassing. There is no division in it."
"My love for my country is boundless."
"Your Divine potential is Limitless."
"My love for you has no bounds; you are my beloved child."
"Our hearts do not have any borders; they are non-dual."
"Spiritual qualities don't have any limitation."
"Their heart is overflowing with love so much it scares them because their love for you has no end."
"There are no boundaries to this awareness."
"He places no limits on his doings."
"My love for you is eternal, unconditional, and knows no limits."
"My love for you is without bound."
"The capabilities which on our lives are endless, like anything is possible."
"You are walking in the realm of the limitless possibilities of God."
"The ether is boundlessness, it is the unknown."
"This is eternity, this is just boundless, eternal, and infinite."
"It is spirituality, it is a planet that holds no boundaries."
"His talent knows no bounds and his passion knows no limits."
"Your mercy is limitless, it is unstoppable, it is infinite."
"Your opportunities are unlimited."
"God is sending out all the love of the ocean without any limit, without any restrictions, without any conditions."
"We become limitless creators and where the sky isn't even the limits."
"It's not that I go around in bliss all the time, but the natural state is just that spaciousness, that indestructible, awesome, endless, boundless."
"We can kind of do anything, we can do whatever we want; it's quite boundless."
"Love as an emotion is pretty unlimited."
"The options are limitless. The limit does not exist."
"The enlightened state knows no boundaries, no words, no labels, no reason."
"Love is love, not limited, unlimited."
"Real love is unlimited and not time bound. Real love is eternity."
"Love doesn't have a shape, love doesn't have dimension, love doesn't have limits."
"Awareness is boundless; it's not limited to the skull or to the skin."
"Be the love and notice that there's no center and no periphery to that either."
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep."
"I love you unconditionally without limitations."
"We are the sky, the empty sky of awareness that has no limits."
"I had experienced absolute freedom; I felt that my body was without boundaries, limitless."
"God is infinite; He is limitless in His being without boundaries."
"Heaven knows no frontiers, and I've seen heaven in your eyes."
"You have no limits; you're limitless."
"You are unlimited; no problem can touch it."
"Thank you to infinity and beyond for everything."
"All creatures are capable of love and there is no limit to how far it will spread."
"His generosity truly knows no bounds."
"I feel open beyond these boundaries, I feel infinite spaciousness."
"I don't have a limitation when it comes to loving someone and caring for someone."
"Love has no bounds, as we all know."
"When you love somebody, you go all out, like there's no limit."
"Love has no limits; this is the truth."
"The limits are, there are no limits."
"The fifth dimension is imagination. It's everywhere at once."
"If you close your eyes, where are you? You're in a space that has no boundary, that is free, that is open, and that is connected to deep cosmic space."
"Awareness knows no limitation within itself."
"There's no limit, no boundary, no beginning, no end, just this."
"Our minds were portals to an infinite expanse of possibilities, unconfined by the physical world's strictures."
"Their journey is a beacon of hope, illustrating that love in its purest form knows no bounds."
"There is no limit to what can be created."
"The human spirit... that's the spirit of nature, is boundless."
"Love has no bounds, huh? No bounds."
"I am capable far beyond the limits of your understanding, far beyond the boundaries of human potential."
"God's love is infinite, immeasurable, and uncontainable."
"If God has essence, that's it; there's no limitation."
"God is love, and that love knows no bounds, that love knows no limits."
"I appreciate you to infinity and beyond."
"If something has no death and something has no time, you could say it is unlimited in every way; it's unrestricted in every way; it cannot end."
"There's no limit to the love you can give."
"The creative genius knows no bounds."
"Place your trust in me, for my love for you is boundless."
"For my love for you is eternal, unwavering, and as boundless as the universe."
"My love for you is as endless as the horizon, stretching far beyond the limits of understanding."
"You are allowed to be spontaneous; you are allowed to be limitless."
"His love for you is limitless and unconditional."
"My love for you transcends all bounds and comprehension."
"To come into contact with an adult whom I just recently met and to have my heart stretch to the capacity of just like boundlessness."
"The world is limitless; there's no limits on what you can do and what you can feel like."
"There's no limits to your creativity."
"Your potential is through the roof. Limitless."
"Perseverance, no limits, infinity."
"I love you guys to infinity and beyond."
"Love you lots to infinity and beyond."
"The knowledges are an eternal dress upon the soul which have no limit."
"Love knows no boundaries, love knows no distance."
"Neptune in the eleventh house can make your dreams boundless."
"Break free, dear one, spread wide and far, for you aren't containable, you are limitless."
"My love for you is boundless; that is the truth."
"In your mind, your imagination has no limits."
"God's love for man is boundless, a love so pure and unconditional."
"There are no limits to what she can create."
"We want something out of this world; we don't want to have limitations."
"Be available, see as God sees, love outside the lines, love without bounds, just love."
"The love of my heavenly father, glorious Lord and God, has no bounds."
"You are limitless, that there are parts of yourself that are unknown that you don't even know are there."
"They feel like your love for them is endless; their love for you is endless."
"You're living your life with no limits."
"The love that never ends, it's infinite."
"Calling in your soulmate, you are limitless."
"Nature doesn't know limits, just grows as much as it possibly can until something gets in the way."