
Divine Message Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"I'm saying this not with respect, and won't. I'm saying it because I want you to understand just what God is saying."
"This is a strong message from the divine coming in for you telling you, don't give up hope."
"God has a word for you tonight. You need to understand that right now, I am on an assignment to train up soldiers in the body of Christ."
"Jesus Christ said to me, 'My son, I'm coming soon. What are you going to do with your life?'"
"Your heart fixed, but so is your family, says the Living God."
"The world is populated with religions, and God Himself told us to be one thing."
"The Bible is not a religious book; the Bible contains the communique from heaven. It is a memo from God... to reveal to us His plan for mankind, His plan for planet Earth."
"Every time a woman cries out in pain in childbirth, it is God screaming to us in mercy, 'You are fallen, you are fallen, you are fallen, but look to my Son.'"
"He appeared and stood in front of me, said, 'You are My son. I love you.'"
"Listen, hear what the Spirit is saying," proclaimed God's voice.
"The Quran consistently demonstrates that this is the message."
"God has one last message to the world: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"God moved on them to write and left the message that he gave them on record for us."
"The final word to mankind is in and through Jesus Christ."
"We could actually challenge for the title this season."
"The gospel is a message of salvation from God."
"God could be trying to tell you something very powerful, it's very life-changing for yourself and for your church and for your family and for those around you."
"Just go for it. That's what the Lord is saying to do."
"We need prophets who cry out 'thus saith the Lord.'"
"God sent me with this message to bring this revelatory experience over your life."
"Messages from your divine counterpart: 'I want to marry you, I am committed to see this through.'"
"God's voice: 'Don't be afraid. You're going to be okay.'"
"I heard you preach that the Rahm is when they heard that divine ultimatum."
"You are carrying the word of Allah that changed the world."
"God has good things to say to you. Don't be afraid."
"This is a message from spirit about a very special sacred relationship in union."
"God spoke to me one day and Jesus said that he was about his Father's business."
"I have no power to say whatever I want. I can speak only the message that the Lord puts in my mouth."
"God told me to tell you today if you want to be blessed stay in character."
"Every time God sends His word, His word comes with power, His word comes with healing, deliverance, and hope. Praise the Lord."
"This is the encouraging word, the prophetic word that the Lord had for me to talk to you about."
"The Lord is shouting out right now: 'Danger, heads up!'"
"God is speaking that to you, He wants to speak it to you."
"He's just actually saying, by the Spirit, as I translate, he's saying, 'Oh yield to me, my child. Yield now.'"
"Significant changes are just around the corner, and guess what? The Holy Spirit has chosen you to receive His words."
"If god has a message for me, I genuinely want to hear it."
"It covers me and people stop looking at me and they start listening to what he has to say through me."
"Went to Heaven, sent back with a message from Heaven."
"Hey, it's God. Climate change is real and I can't fix it."
"God wants you to know that he is sending an exclusive message revealing that an extraordinary blessing is about to manifest in your life."
"The angels are approving of my message, I guess."
"There is prophecy moving, and God is saying it's time."
"Every time the Lord gives us a word of warning or when he gives us a prophecy that is telling us something bad is coming, he always gives us hope in the midst of that prophecy."
"God told me to tell you that you shall not leave here empty."
"She was actually resurrected as a divine messenger from God."
"It's not going to be a word from me, it's a word from the Lord: be filled with the spirit."
"God said to me, celestial scandal is coming to the White House."
"Success is coming towards you; a very quick, truthful message is coming in from the divine."
"I realized I felt like God was saying I want you to be a teacher."
"Muhammad proclaimed that the message he received from God was the same message that was preached by Moses and Jesus."
"My encouragement is for you in that let me read this again: 'the Lord gave me two words, he said there's a blessing and a warning.'"
"Speak to the world about my mercy. It is a sign for the end times."
"God spoke to me and said, 'You are going to be a mother to many children.'"
"It's a message system that comes from God, every single letter and every placement means something."
"He whom God have sent will speak the words of God."
"God is trying to tell you something."
"Maybe this is God's way of saying that we need to be around the people that we love."
"For every generation, God has a message."
"The heavier the message from the Lord, the more glory on the other side."
"I hear the Lord telling me to tell somebody you have to repent for your lack of faith."
"I feel like God told me to tell you that you're the captain of the ship."
"Whenever God is ready to transform a people, He sends a message to a people."
"My part is my part, and other people did their parts... God got the message across as He wanted to get it across."
"Then the word of the Lord came to him."
"You speak authoritatively when you say 'Thus says the Lord.'"
"God transcends gender in the same exact way that god transcends all."
"I think the Lord is saying, 'Don't say any longer, God, let me see what you can do if I deliberately don't cooperate.'"
"Of all the messages you received in your conversations with God, the single most important one is: 'Your life is not about you.'"
"I started to feel that love, I knew there was something more that God has to offer me, and since then I have wanted to share that message because I wanted everybody to take it."
"God said the same way you saw the flood go to Baton Rouge and things and destroyed properties, and then a certain group of people came and bought them properties dirt cheap and rebuilt them and became rich. God said, 'Same opportunity is being given to you right now.'"
"I heard God say, 'Swift transition. Swift transition.'"
"The messenger of God has come to you."
"Our Lady started crying and she said, 'Peace, peace, peace, and only peace. Peace must reign between man and God, peace must be among all people.'"
"There is a special message for you, for your house, and for your family."
"I heard God say you're called to be a missionary and a minister to go to Africa Asia and England."
"Prophets deliver God's message for the benefit of others, but sometimes God speaks directly to individuals."
"No other message is more important in our Father's word."
"I know when people say things like that to me, I know that they feel and hear God talking to them and that the message I have is the right word from God for that day and time."
"I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a word for this house, for this church, and it is a word for you. Look at your neighbor, say it is a word for you!"
"When I look at the prophet Hosea, I see a man who's trying, who has laid upon him the burden of God's word to a people who just don't want to listen."
"God just wanted me to give you this message."
"God uses common men with an uncommon message."
"God had told Jeremiah that he would take his people captive for 70 years."
"She has a word from heaven for you."
"The Gospel of God, this is God’s message. This is God’s Gospel."
"Elijah's story isn't just a fascinating tale from the past, it's a living message calling us to faithfulness in anticipation of God's work in our world."
"God will preach a message through you."
"God's been trying to give this message to the whole world for centuries. He's risen up angels and Prophets and Saints to try to teach us about His Mercy. But we don't listen."
"The Holy Spirit hath spoken through lips of clay."
"God says tell him I'm gonna give him a chance."
"God told me to tell you you've been approved."
"The Lord said to me, 'Arise, arise.'"
"Prophet means one who utters what God is saying, he's speaking about God, not about him."
"What God is speaking to you right now is going to be greater than anything you've ever experienced."
"I hear the Lord saying, 'I'm getting ready to bring you above what you battled all year long.'"
"I heard the Lord say to me I've called you for the healing of the Nations."
"Being the mouthpiece, the ambassador of the Almighty Triune God."
"God wanted me to tell you to start the YouTube channel, start it today, and stop sleeping with that girl's baby daddy."
"The light given was that 'Thoughts on Daniel and Revelation,' 'The Great Controversy,' and 'Patriarchs and Prophets' would make their way. They contain the very message the people must have, the special light God had given his people."
"My words are spirit and life; the flesh profits nothing."
"It's a message directly from God, okay? That's the difference between Revelation and inspiration. A revelation is a direct message from God to Prophet Muhammad."
"The message of the prophets is firstly directed to Israel, as God's covenant people."
"Just breathe. It is God's way of saying to us, 'Be still and know that I am God.'"
"God brought me here to tell you He loves you."
"The word of the Lord comes to Haggai the prophet."
"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches."
"I believe that God has something to say to us tonight."
"Arise, go down to the potter's house and there I will cause thee to hear my words."
"That's God's messages to you, is God telling you, like, 'Yo, this is not gonna work for you, I'm gonna need you to do this.'"
"We received the word of the Lord."
"He wants us to know what He has to say."
"I believe this is one of the most important messages that God's people can hear."
"Indeed, The Messengers from our Lord have brought the truth."
"God said, 'Get up, it's time to move. I've got better things for you than just some donuts.'"
"Oh Daniel, man greatly loved, understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright, for now I have been sent to you."
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass."
"Revelation reveals God's final message for humanity."
"When God emails you, you can't hold it in the box."
"God is telling somebody today, I want to break that routine."
"A prophet is someone who speaks forth God's message."
"When the mysterious Angel Number 222 appears in your life, pay attention; it's a divine message and call to action from the universe just for you."
"God maybe told me I was mentally ill, who knows, but that was a very... you said invest in your mental health, that's what God said to me."
"We are indebted to God for entrusting us with this pure, clean, infallible message."
"Just hearing something from Him changes everything."
"Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people, to His saints."
"Lord, we thank you for the message you give us in your word, that you want to have that love relationship with us."
"He who hears you hears me, he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."
"The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him."
"It's a single message from outside the time domain."
"I am totally persuaded... that the 66 books that we call the Bible... can be demonstrated to be a single message system."
"God has something to say every night to His people."
"It's not about reaching 100,000 hearts; it's about reaching the person that the Lord wants you to reach through the message that He's given you."
"I think Jesus just wants to tell you who you are."
"I've got a word from God: I am not finished; it's not over."
"Animals are little emissaries from God that are sent down from heaven to touch our lives and to make our lives better."
"We will make him among the messengers."
"Miracles... occurred then and prior to that for a very singular reason: the purpose of authenticating the oral message of God's representative."
"This Quran... it's a message, it's a letter from Allah to you."
"For those of you seeing this number, you are in for a real treat because the Lord is speaking something very significant to you."
"What angels speak is steadfast because they speak on behalf of God."
"Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that you did set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words."
"This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto his servant, to show in brief what must needs come to pass."
"On the doors of Jannah was written 'Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulallah'."
"Maybe this is God trying to give you a message."
"Every one of you in here needs a word from God."
"God indeed has a word to say to us."
"I am that I am. Tell them I am has sent you."
"Because in the midst of you talking, God said, tell her."
"I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaim to you the testimony about God."
"This is our year of destiny; the Lord spoke clearly to me that it was going to be a year of opportunity."
"God sent a silent message into the minds of every villager: 'Take good care of this man; he has undergone horrors you can't even imagine. Your kindness will be rewarded later, for that you have my promise.'"
"The Lord brought you to this day because He has a word to speak to you, and that word is not just a word of conviction; that word is a word of hope."
"One day you're going to go all around the world telling God's children just how very much he loves them."
"God would give me these glimpses of things and he would say, 'Mark my words'."
"The Quran is the final message from Allah to mankind."
"We're always waiting for the next best thing coming, what's God saying, waiting for a message of breakthrough."
"Therefore, oh Jesus, make haste and be quick; this sun is Your divine reporter."
"You are a messenger of the Divine, a messenger of spirit, God, the universe."
"Prophet Muhammad didn't care about followers; he cared about what God tell him to say."
"The appointed words... are prophetic."
"The Lord really gave me a message, and I'm gonna go home and write it out."
"The Lord is telling someone today you have passed."
"I'm writing you and calling you by my name, that you'll know that I am the God of the universe."
"God always has a message of hope and a message of help."
"God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee."
"The Spirit of the Lord has a wonderful word for us."
"Jesus was born of Mary; Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men, speaking to the human consciousness."
"It's very important that you just don't listen, but you look upon the scripture because we want to see what is God's message to us."
"More than ever, more people need to hear about Jesus."
"Down through the centuries, God was increasing the tempo of telling the people about the coming of the Messiah."
"Malachi was a messenger, God's messenger with a message."
"God gave me a message, a message which I'm standing here to share with you today."
"Sometimes I can't question what God gives me to give you guys; I just have to obey."
"God wanted me to tell His children that you guys are gonna be okay."
"God spoke to me audibly and told me He had a purpose in my life."
"It was a profound experience, and it only said two words: 'Bring God'."
"He pressed against me until I thought I would die and then he released me and said read."
"O Lord, through all that you have said to us, you have truly inspired us."
"We believe that Abraham, Moses, Muhammad, peace be upon all of them, they were all sent by God."
"These prophecies... why would God have given us these if they weren't important for us to know?"
"I have come unto you with a message from your sustainer."
"Whether you go to church or know the Bible or anything, God still going to get his message to you."
"God has blessed me in my life, and all I'm trying to do is just let Him speak through me."
"He or she who has an ear, let them hear what the Spirit of God is saying."
"I believe that God has a word customized by heaven just for you."
"Listen, O heavens, and pay attention, Earth: this is what the Lord says."
"...the angel Gabriel visited him in a dream and reassured him that yes, Mary actually was going to have God's kid."
"God is telling somebody today, 'I'm going to give you that job.'"
"God sent every community a messenger."
"Feel this immense love with which I speak to you."
"A prophet is a messenger whom God sent to deliver a message from the heart of God, from the mind of God."
"God gave me a message and he was talking to me about family directly."
"I'm a man on a mission with a message sent directly from Heaven."
"God has a word for his people, and God is not playing."
"God sometimes tells you to slow down, and I think it's just like, pause, hit the pause button, it's okay."
"It's more of a message of calling people to return to God."
"God spoke to me and He said, 'Brian, you've been so sad and so confused and so angry, you're too young for all of that.'"
"Repent ye, repent ye, and seek no more to destroy my servants whom I have sent unto you to declare good tidings."
"Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying."
"Oh my people, threshed and winnowed, I have told you everything the Lord of Heaven's armies has said."