
Opera Quotes

There are 319 quotes

"Listening to Italian opera while getting ready for dinner with this view is luxury."
"Painting a narrative picture was often like writing an opera, where the raw material of a play is converted by poetry and music into something stronger, more concise, as an expression of the essence of the story and its action."
"Your generous contribution will help us continue to create and bring you world-class Opera experiences."
"Blending the power and energy of rock music with the dramatic narratives of the operatic tradition."
"And I just am i right in thinking fka twigs is involved in this at the beginning yes she's on she's on the sheath does like the opera voice the opera part at the beginning."
"Opera, one of the faster, safer, and smarter browsers out there."
"The Phantom of the Opera aesthetic is gorgeous."
"So next time I watch Miss Yun's opera, I'll be able to take the compliments."
"Apparently there was this amazing opera singer named Joanna Wagner. She was the hot ticket in London in 1853."
"Gattis's enduring Legacy in the Opera world as a Visionary leader and Mentor will continue to inspire future generations of artists and administrators."
"This warrior, friends, is Siegfried. And the sword he carries by his side is Nothung, whose blade was forged by Wotan in Valhalla."
"It's not a happy ending but it's an opera that contains everything it contains politics and love and loyalty and betrayal and all the things you'd expect on good story right."
"Well, what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending?"
"My name is Maggie Renee and I am a Juilliard trained opera singer."
"Nessun Dorma is an amazing aria from the opera Turandot by Giacomo Puccini, who is an incredible composer."
"The only thing that I have beef with Puccini on is that he did not write enough for mezzos."
"I mean, have you guys ever seen La Bohème? If you haven't seen La Bohème yet, you really should."
"Now that they've done this, they've opened the floodgates. I'm coming over, and we're doing an opera together."
"It's honestly promoting opera to the masses, which is really important."
"I love that they playing the opera music, baby."
"They didn't just try; they were very successful at singing opera."
"Do I think this could work on Broadway and my answer then was I don't think it could because I think it's just too big I think it's too operatic."
"I think deash has as much talent as as anyone I've ever heard to be an opera singer if he polished up he'd be unstoppable."
"I love Opera and there is a very good reason for that. Opera singers are so incredibly loud. She has no microphone right now and she is just going off. This is incredible."
"'21st Century Breakdown' is described as a punk rock opera, taking inspiration from David Bowie, The Who, and the Beatles."
"It all seemed so simple," he moaned. "I thought Opera, how hard can it be?"
"He just wanted somewhere to watch the Opera. It made him feel better."
"That's why as opera singers, we often opt for a bigger pharyngeal space to make that dark round sound."
"The iconic lullaby 'Summertime' is from the first act of Porgy and Bess."
"It's like listening in music, you know? A great opera, what would opera be with that you know, without the music? It would be nothing."
"It's the biggest Verdi grand opera before Aida and the biggest Verdi opera before Aida, and it's really just a great piece."
"Don Carlo has really been the Verdi opera that I think has had the biggest rise in its estimation of quality over the 20th century because it really is a big, serious opera and it's just marvelous."
"Pete’s opera idea was put on hold for the remainder of ‘67 as the band pursued un-relenting touring, side projects, and the recording of their Sell-Out album."
"I love Opera for the most beautiful music and it provokes an emotional response in me that no other form routinely can do."
"I'm a heroic tenor, my voice is going to tell you who I is and who I ain't."
"And in this aria she is telling Pamina you have to go kill your father or I will disown you and you will not be my daughter anymore."
"I was going to be an opera singer. I got my master's degree in Opera at Oklahoma. We actually have like music school there. I don't mean to be rude."
"This is Pavarotti. This is Carreras. This is Dominguez. This is the full three tenors."
"Puccini really wrote for the masses and he wrote for the natural voice which are the two things that I think his operas have going for them."
"I went to the opera to see Saint-Saëns' 'Samson and Delilah.'"
"There's nothing else that can fry you or can make your hair stand on end the way opera can."
"I would be a great diva. I would be Renata Tebaldi, Beverly Sills, or Marilyn Horne."
"I love all operas, but most of all, Mozart. And one day I will tell you 'Don Giovanni' is my favorite, and the next day 'The Marriage of Figaro.'"
"Opera is super interactive and entirely non-linear."
"I might be the tallest professional operatic tenor in the world."
"Opera is the greatest performing art form in my view."
"That's a hip-hop opera right there bro."
"You can also see a tremendous amount of live performances. I have to say this, I do suspect that there's a surprisingly large percentage of operas which are cast around the world now off of YouTube."
"When another opera singer bad-mouthed her, she just ambushed him, pushed a sword in his face and then beat him with a cane."
"How much time do you think it would take from training for you to be like one of the top opera singers of the planet?"
"I just went from my first rehearsal with the Minnesota Opera. It's about to be lit!"
"I travel all around the world singing opera, so once I go to Italy or Germany or France, I'm enveloped into these beautiful worlds of language and it kind of just sticks after a while."
"It's a glorious climax that Wagner has been working for--for three hours here, that we've got, that we've arrived at."
"Mozart's comic operas plus 'The Magic Flute' have always been in the modern repertoire."
"Mozart's later operas are a model of dramatic clarity."
"Operas are famous for having somewhat convoluted plots, but this one is really typical."
"'Don Giovanni' is the Mozart opera par excellence, the one everybody does over and over and over again."
"It's just this is such a wonderful opera but it's it's the one where it's the most cynical of all the Mozart operas because you don't know whether anyone is serious or not or honest or not."
"I mean I love the music, I love the Queen of the Night opera arias."
"It's what Wagner uses in 'Götterdämmerung'."
"I really really enjoyed this and I loved getting to understand a little more about how metal and opera might be combined."
"The first time I heard Leontyne Price... I remember how beautiful she was and how natural she looked when she sang."
"The opera Boris Godunov is a history opera, it's based on an actual Czar in Boris Godunov who usurped the Russian throne."
"The grandest opera house in the world, the new Metropolitan."
"When she sang Aida for the first time with Herbert von Karajan, she said, 'I used notes I didn't even know I had when I sang that performance.'"
"Leontyne Price, you are probably the most celebrated singer of our time, and perhaps of all time."
"It's musical theater, but really it is an opera, isn't it?"
"I think there are many bravura moments that could make some of the things they're operating very operatic in scope, very vocal, very wonderful to sing."
"It has been taken seriously as an operatic piece indeed."
"See the world's favorite tenor in an unforgettable performance."
"Her goal in life was eventually to become a professional opera singer."
"The book's name translates to The Marriage of Figaro, which is a homage to the famous opera of the same name by Wolfgang Mozart."
"It's not just a visual record of an opera but also a rich movie in its own right and a lot of fun."
"I love singing opera because it is full of drama."
"I've always wanted to be able to sing opera."
"I'm excited for the Opera; I can't wait."
"What an enchanting opera this is, I just love this piece, it's so, so wonderful."
"King Arthur is fantastic, and this is a magnificent set."
"Nessun Dorma means 'nobody sleeps.'"
"He knows about the drama and the opera of performance."
"The Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi was present for this La Scala debut which only galvanized his conviction that Patty was the best singer of our time and perhaps of all times."
"Patty's voice is an immortalized link to Rossini, Verdi, Gounod, and others."
"Adelina Patty dominated the stage for nearly 60 years during which time she left an indelible mark in the rich heritage of classical music."
"Yes, friends, there is more than one type of soprano!"
"Their voices work differently and the type of repertoire they'd sing is completely different."
"Nothing in opera is ever simple. Except the plot. Sometimes."
"Opera is complicated, and lots of people have very firm but differing beliefs on the matter."
"It's over when the fat lady sings."
"I officially fell in love with opera and always knew in a sense that my voice was probably going to go into something a little bit more heavy than like musical theater or just pop."
"I want opera to be worldly. I want it to reach a much wider audience than just those people who are sitting in the audience themselves."
"I love bel canto. I love Italian music period. So I love Donizetti, I love Bellini. My favorite opera to sing by far is Lucia."
"While Richard Strauss is best known for his operas, he wrote a huge amount of other music."
"He found his operatic feet, so to speak, in 1905 with Salome, which burst onto a shocked world."
"Carmen went on to be the most successful opera ever written."
"The Tbilisi Opera, one of the oldest such establishments in Eastern Europe, was built in a Moorish style with exquisite oriental design."
"I think everything he does in the opera house like his choreography and how he moves is awesome."
"Did you know Mozart wrote his first opera when he was 12?"
"The Metropolitan Opera broadcast live on radio."
"This marks the 38th year of Mexico's opera radio broadcast and Texaco urges everyone to join us in supporting the Metropolitan America's only National Opera Company."
"He's an opera singer and can actually sing really, really well."
"Music history and musicology is German... they hate Italians because the Italians wrote tunes, they wrote operas, they were the singers, they were the people that everybody loved."
"Find that fat lady Eartha, make her sing, then bring down the curtain on Carmen."
"It's the best opera yet written, that's what it is, and only I could have done it."
"That's why opera is important, Baron, because it's realer than any play."
"It is the best opera yet written, my friends."
"It's almost like a little opera, you know, 'cause it tells a story."
"Opera is really should be for everyone."
"The auditorium is the greatest room for music and opera in the world, bar none."
"If more women wrote operas, fewer of us would die in them."
"So good morning. Today we're going to be talking about opera, particularly opera of the nineteenth century."
"It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. That's probably a silly remark about opera. In this case, it ain't over until the thin lady sings because on our video we have the role of Violetta sung by Teresa Stratas, the very thin Teresa Stratas--and she is a very fine actress indeed."
"Nessun Dorma means no one will sleep."
"If there are abundantly more operas showing up, even if the size of the average audience has stayed the same or even decreased, we could still have a net increase in public interest as a whole."
"Opera was his next goal; he was always thinking about the next big project and the next thing that could further legitimize not just himself but his genre in the eyes of the wider culture."
"I'm super excited about the Vienna State Opera."
"Mozart concert at the state Opera and it was so freaking good, highly highly highly recommend it."
"Known for her distinctive vocal range and tone, she skillfully sings an aria in front of an adoring crowd."
"The best coloratura in the world."
"Opera is a visual as well as an aural experience; it's a form of theater."
"Rossini's best known opera is his Barbiere di Siviglia, the Barber of Seville, full of lightness and brightness."
"Opera became more of an art form."
"The Flying Dutchman in its original version is absolutely marvelous."
"Don Carlo in its original five act version is dramatically and structurally superior than Verdi's final four act revision."
"...Handel pulled off an astonishing run of two dozen hit operas in just 15 years."
"What Brahms called a work of genius and what many ironically call Verdi's greatest opera."
"His charitable endeavors go beyond his celebrated operatic career, demonstrating his compassion and commitment to various causes."
"...Marion Anderson, the famous opera singer, also made her career first in Europe and became an international superstar there before coming back to the United States in the 1930s and 40s."
"He hit upon what would become the defining characteristic as an opera composer: the idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk."
"These works stand apart as true masterpieces and while they are firmly based in the classical period, they are set apart from any other operas of their time."
"For some, these operas are the epitome of human emotion, perfect distillations of drama and at the same time, they are champions of the mundane."
"It's in large part thanks to these pieces that people could start to see opera not just as evening entertainment, but as vehicles of something more, something divine, something that can touch your heart."
"Baroque Opera is a stylistic medium all of its own, and it's wonderful."
"To understand what makes Mozart one of the great musical geniuses, you need look no further than his late operas."
"For people who have never seen any opera, what can I expect from this work? It has a very jazzy sort of lightness to it that is for me coming especially from my dramatic background is really enjoyable."
"The thing I love about Sieglinde is that she has so much hope."
"Should you come again to San Francisco, I hope you'll come with me to the opera."
"Whenever I hear people say there are no good opera singers anymore, operas no longer interesting, that's BS."
"It's called the opera cake because it was so sophisticated and amazing."
"Which Mozart opera concludes with the title character being dragged down to hell? Don Giovanni."
"Opera originated in this country."
"Welcome back to Opera Anna, my name is Anna, I am an opera singer, and with a brand new Aria explained, I am here to offer up your life."
"Laugh, Pagliaccio, laugh at the pain that is poisoning your heart."
"The only way I'd be interested in something that's that long would be if that night the opera was about me."
"He brings great arias to ordinary people."
"He clearly had revolutionized opera singing and had brought it in front of a public who had never really heard opera in the past."
"Hello and welcome to the legends of opera."
"There's almost no other opera singer who's had that massive mainstream reach and really shown people who wouldn't have otherwise seen opera the power of the form."
"He could have been an opera great on the stages of the world, but instead he became a legend of cinema."
"It's hard to listen to Wagner's operas. They're very long. But you happen to catch a small piece from it, and it's excruciatingly beautiful."
"I am a Juilliard trained opera singer streaming to you live."
"It's the people that speak for me, that's what makes this opera so warm, lyrical, and ultimately human."
"Imagine an opera in which nobody dies, a life-affirming opera without self-sacrificing heroines or overconfident heroes."
"It's operatic in proportion, it's so beautiful."
"Einstein on the Beach is a seminal work; it's in every history of opera as something that really changed our whole perception of what opera could be."
"Opera is something that has been dead quite a while ago, so if we really don't try our very best to give it much seriousness and much persuasiveness and dignity, it's not taken in with pleasure."
"My mother was interested in music, she loved opera, so I listened to Italian operas, very Puccini."
"I have some tickets for the opera tomorrow."
"What is so fascinating about this music, about opera, that attracts people from many cultures?"
"Bel canto is opera; opera is theater, expressing drama and feeling through music."
"Probably the greatest thrill of my life was the Met debut," she declared, reminiscing about her career highlights.
"He always wanted to compose, and he always had this interest in composing opera."
"This is one of the world's great opera houses."
"When opera works, it's when everybody involved has put in that work and they've challenged themselves to go deep."
"La Traviata is accessible, tuneful, and melodramatic, but its aim is to force its audience to confront its own prejudices and double standards."
"It's the moment where she takes the high road and no one else does in the opera ever."
"I love the sound of opera or very well classically trained singing with a very bright timbred 'ah' sound accompanying it; I think they complement each other so well."
"The Genius of the cartoon is that you don't have to have seen a single Opera to enjoy it."
"I think I love opera because it makes the mundane sound so beautiful."
"I think that's why I like opera, because it's able to make things that are very everyday just significant."
"Opera is a musical art form in a theatrical context."
"The first purpose-built theater in a century opened in 1900 as the Opera House."
"It's the turning point of his personal relationship with Beijing opera, his relationship with himself, and all the history and all the things he's done, willingly or unwillingly, because he lives in this particular time and in this particular family."
"You were great tonight, Cecilia, the greatest Carmen I've ever seen."
"Now I have someone to go to the opera with who can explain what's going on."
"Salome is a glorious score; it's basically a Strauss tone poem with voices."
"Der Rosenkavalier is a genuine comedy; it's delightfully fun."
"Ariadne of Naxos is a true delicious masterpiece of comic operanus."
"Die Frau ohne Schatten is Strauss's greatest opera."
"The whole opera in all of its plenitude and effulgence."
"It's like ten times more exciting than Wagner."
"You should hear each opera in its entirety."
"Capriccio... it's about the choice of words versus music."
"Strauss's opera career was in some senses successful, though it was rather tragic."
"The Magic Flute crossed a mythical land between the sun and the moon."
"She is a fabulous, fantastic operatic singer."
"There's a lot of power in Opera, man."
"The vocal range for an operatic soprano is roughly from middle C up to two octaves above that, which is high C."
"Dramatic sopranos are big voices with sufficient heft to be heard over the entire orchestra."
"Mezzos are usually relegated to the villain roles for women."
"Mozart was also one of the last composers for a long while to find equal success and equal footing in both the instrumental and operatic realms."
"He took his mother's maiden name was Lanza, Maria Lanza, and he settled for Mario Lanza."
"Nothing happens in Tristan and Isolde; they basically stand around and sing at each other."
"If you think of the end of Ger Demeral, there's a tiny scene with Gatuna waiting for Zek Freed... it's also a moment of dense humanity."
"I got to sing in the children's choir of the Finnish National Opera in Helsinki when I was seven."
"What can't you write an opera about? Nothing."
"The Italian word 'Opera' literally means 'work,' as in hard work or it's a beautiful artistic work."
"I left the Opera House that night thinking to myself that I liked the Opera and hoped to see it again."
"The second act is definitely the most dramatic, and it's really the meat and potatoes of this opera, of this role."
"This feels like a power metal epic, like a rock space opera."
"Puccini's music is so emotional, you know, it breaks your heart every time you listen to his operas."