
Religious Harmony Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Seeing how many similarities there are inside the religions, especially with core beliefs, has definitely changed my mind a ton."
"Whom Buddhists, Muslims, Jainus, Hindus, and many others in the area revere as Isa, a Buddhist monk."
"I think it was a beautiful sight because it was the first time Protestants and Catholics were not at each other's neck about who's right about what."
"In no way am I talking about Muslims being violent towards Hindus. In fact, quite the opposite."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"I think if they could see that an atheist and a Christian are both working together to benefit Charlie, maybe that would have a better impact on them."
"Evidence is out there and it's accepted by scientists and accepted by most religious people."
"I think it's a message that's universal to all religions."
"Since your city is regarded with affection by the adherence of three of the great religions of mankind."
"Every religion has a good thing to make our world a beautiful peaceful."
"All major world religions have the same potential to create good human beings."
"Islamic civilization is the only civilization that has allowed Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others to live side by side in harmony with justice and security for all."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"The Islamic civilization is the only civilization that has allowed Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others to live side by side in harmony with Justice and security for all."
"We're living in prophetic times when Easter, Passover, and Ramadan happen on the same day."
"A Sikh man builds a mosque for his lifelong Muslim friend because he had nowhere to pray."
"Muslims brought the Jewish people back into Jerusalem, coexistence under the Muslims."
"It's very interesting that you have Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, all practicing similar concepts."
"The values of three religions: Harmony, Peace, Love, and tolerance – the abrahamic symphony."
"I will fully respect your prophet, but only as much as you respect Sriram."
"Muslims facilitated the coexistence of the Jews and the Christians for centuries."
"If you want to make non-Catholic Christians comfortable with you as a Catholic, show them your love for Jesus."
"The differences between religions lie only in the superficial forms, while the underlying truth is non-duality."
"He presented himself as a Hindu, as a Muslim, and as a Christian to assert that all religious paths were equal."
"Ethiopia is very religious... Christian people can marry Muslim people and there's no problem."
"So he's very explicit he even says about how the Muslims and the Jews rebuild the temple together like Jerusalem this is, wow, serious stuff."
"Basically, a zone called the multi-haven contains people from every religion in existence coexisting together in complete harmony."
"empathy is going to save the religious world in the face of this fourth revolution"
"I think the major division religiously in the world today is not between the religions but within each religion. I have much more in common with progressive Jews and progressive Muslims than I do with the absolutist wing of my own tradition."
"I want Jews and Christians to study together, to learn from each other, civilly and in Shalom."
"We should love each other, not fight because of religion, not fight because your God is different. God is always the same; it's love."
"Religious harmony is my lifelong commitment."
"Promotion of human values and religious harmony are my two lifelong commitments."
"Wouldn't it be constructive for the various religions to triage out the hierarchy of offences and realize that the core things that you believe are probably quite similar?"
"The promotion of human value, promotion of religious harmony mainly depend on public, not government leaders or even Parliament members."
"Whenever anything new is introduced to us, the first thing we have to do is make sure that it fits perfectly, beautifully, harmoniously with the faith itself."
"India is living example of religious Harmony."
"That which makes for pure science and pure religion is open and free discussion; it's transparency, it's dialogue, it's iron sharpening iron."
"The essence of all religions are one."
"Holy envy is looking at another religion and finding things in it that I wish were in my own religious tradition."
"The different religions all believe in God which is one, God is only one, we all believe in the same God."
"I think the spirit and the content is very novel and fresh trying to show not that evolution is true but that evolution is not a threat to the historical Adam and Eve."
"While Islamophobia is on the rise in several European countries, Muslims here live in peace."
"All faiths are right and they're all chapters of a single eternal faith of God."
"We've cut across religion; it doesn't matter if you're Muslim or Christian, we are all inclusive."
"The Dome of the Rock... it's on a site that is sacred to the Jews, to the Christians, and to the Muslims."
"Jesus is breaking down these walls of religious violence that permeate communities all throughout history."
"This is the Insight, the great contribution of Sri Ramakrishna to our time, it harmonizes all these various religions by saying that they're all true, they're all valid, and you can realize God through any of those paths."
"The mosque was next door to the synagogue, next door to the church, and in a lot of the Balkan towns, it's still like that."
"For over a millennium, Christians and Muslims coexisted peacefully, worshipped even in the same buildings."
"One of my commitment is try to promote religious harmony because I have full confidence it is possible."
"The Dome of the Rock was built to relieve the fitna, or annoyance, caused by the presence of other religions' great temples."
"The minute that we can get out of this spiritual set trip and this religious gangbang that has us at war with one another and begin being more concerned with the product than the formula used to get the product."
"There are many ways to relate to spirituality, and that is once you recognize it, then what I fear is an issue between religions fighting in the name of religion disappears immediately."
"Indonesia offers a successful model that shows that Islam is compatible not only with democracy but also with modernity."
"This attack was against Sanjkar, so this house of God is for everyone, it's a universal shrine, it's not just a Sikh shrine."
"Christians and Jews can find all sorts of common ground."
"Don't feel like you have to avoid people that don't look like you; they need you, they want to see religion at its truest sense."
"The fair also had the world's first parliament of the world religions, which ran from September 11th to September 27th, marking the first formal gathering of representatives of eastern and western spiritual traditions from around the world."
"Under Islam, the followers of the three religions - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism - may coexist peacefully and safely."
"This is going to be a melting pot of different cultures, different races, different religions, all in a synagogue."
"I respect and love every religion."
"The Romans were quite happy for a Temple of Isis, an Egyptian goddess, to be next to the temple of Juno, a Greek Roman god."
"Those who don't fight you because of your religion, they don't kick you out of your home, Allah does not forbid you from being good and righteous to them."
"That's what AR is all about, Hindu, Muslim, and Christian, to learn to respect each other's religion and to embrace each other."
"All religions stay together, really friendly. First, we need to respect each other."
"We love Jesus... we love Christians, Jewish, and Muslims, all the religions."
"Jesus being the ultimate peace offering brought both the Jew and the Gentile together as one church."
"We believe in the Torah, we believe in the Injeel, the words of Jesus peace be upon him."
"I believe that if there is a heaven, the Almighty Father wants me to be there with Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, all in one accord."
"You have to ask yourself that question: Why would the Quran do that? Why would Muhammad come and certify exactly what Jesus said?"
"Each person is made in the image of God and the Muslims and Jews and Christians and the Bedouins and the Druze that I met in Israel are far more beautiful than any building and far more valuable than any dusty relic that they dig up."
"What I care about is Arabs and Jews and Christians and Muslims living in peace in that land."
"We have a great admiration and respect for the sisters in Islam."
"Islam is going to have to learn just as Christianity did, that we will have to find a way of being in harmony with the other children of Abraham."
"We're talking about our religions being cousins."
"I promise to the Christian world that we are responsible for, we will take care of the holy places of all religions here, for all people."
"It's just so cool here, people of all religions come here."
"There's a lot of truth in Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Taoism."
"We welcome all religions there; it's just one love over there."
"The message of Islam, that's the message of Israel, and of Judaism as well."
"I love all religions, I think there's something valuable in all of them."
"Muslims brought a system which allowed the three Abrahamic faiths to coexist for the first time in history."