
Investors Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"America is set up for two people: entrepreneurs and investors."
"Entrepreneurs who have great business ideas often don't have the capital to make their ideas a reality, so they often take on investors who later get to reap the rewards of the growth of the company."
"Investors across time have become a lot more socially conscious."
"The institutional investors out there have a lot more availability to pull strings than us retail investors do."
"The kind of bull market that investors dreamed of in the late '90s... will come out of this."
"Investing is becoming increasingly global and the best companies in the world are attracting more investors."
"Thank you so much to all of the investors who have gotten behind DigiBuild."
"A battle between the retail investor and the hedge funds."
"You don't need every investor to like what you're building; you just need a few of them to believe."
"We're no longer just operating in our own silo; there's another subclass of crypto token investors who don't really play in our sandbox in the same way as us."
"And I think good investors may be still get kicked in the stomach, but then come back soon enough to take advantage of the opportunities that come."
"If all you had were A-minus investors, you would be fine."
"Investor meetings are a two-way street, they're like auditions."
"Sometimes investors make quick decisions based on recent events or focus too much on losses instead of gains."
"So sometimes just remember that your investors have certain mandates with their LPS and certain you know kind of areas in which they plan to or you know think that they want to invest and it might just not align with where you are."
"My loyalty is to my investors. I'll leave the politics."
"Investors all around the world are flocking to Safe Haven assets."
"Some investors can get bored with dividend Stock Investing and by getting bored, there is a risk that comes about."
"We try to empower investors through education. Very similar to AAI where it's an educational resource."
"Positive news for investors however they did post a quarterly loss."
"Knowing the odds of success can deliver one of the greatest advantages in investors' world."
"Just to be clear thank you for all the Kickstarter fans out there to put the money in but we did get private investing investors to make this bigger."
"Richard Bernstein: I think that investors have gotten very use over the last 30 years. They’ve gotten used to increasing globalization. And I think the New World Order is that we should expect globalization to contract."
"Investors are often placing their capital with the team, not the deal."
"Focus on relationships, investors want to place their capital with people they know."
"I think what we need as investors, you know, we need guidance from the central banks as to how they see the reality of a world shaped by supply."
"Help shaping the future was something that the very best investors said again and again."
"The best investors want to invest in founders building products that people love. No one else matters."
"Be extremely generous with your employees and be less generous with your investors."
"I don't think that's true. I think it will actually hit a threshold or a ceiling sooner than Amazon's investors."
"In short this section is where you really sell it to potential investors and show your strengths."
"It's important for investors to know that the Canadian markets are really the epicenter of mining finance in the world."
"It will be the first big kind of a gathering in-person gathering, kind of a reunion of smart, savvy, sophisticated investors getting together."
"Investors should never expect Auto margins except with FSD possibly. But outside of FSD, we should never expect Auto margins to be back to 27-30-35%."
"Investors need to combine tools from competitive strategy and finance to anticipate future value."
"I think it's about creating a winning team, a team that wins wins for investors and it also wins for shareholders."
"Investors can use markov chains test to identify patterns in market transitions and develop strategies to exploit them."
"Remember, when shows go queer, they're going to get pushback, not just from reactionaries and YouTubers with way too much time on their hands, but also from investors."
"That's what investors love most in the gaming space: live service games. That's what they love most."
"Investors always prefer more expected return to less expected return and they always try to minimize risk in the context of being risk averse."
"Think of investors as being the offensive lineman in a football game, pushing to minimize risk while maximizing expected returns."
"Investors require some compensation for taking extra levels of risk."
"He's always protected the downside of his investors; he never once put his investors in jeopardy throughout his entire history."
"The best money to earn is the money from your clients, and not from your investors."
"The Council of Institutional Investors... an extraordinarily powerful force for advocating on behalf of investors."
"Frauds like these have scammed tens of billions of dollars out of individual investors and institutional investors alike."
"There are three major financial statements that businesses provide their investors with so they can judge whether or not the business is doing well."
"I think it's important for investors to look in the mirror and say, 'How confident am I in this management team?'"
"MoviePass... was simply taking money from investors and giving it to customers... the more customers they gained, the more money they lost, and eventually, this company went bankrupt."
"As investors, we'll be much happier with a situation where the long-run aggregate supply or the potential GDP has increased by a certain amount."
"The goal here is to get relevant information in the hands of investors for evaluating the risks sustainability risks and opportunities around these specific businesses."
"We want to build trust with our investors."
Do a monthly newsletter to these investors, "Hey, here's what we are doing. Here's how the company is doing. Here's what we are doing."
"Investors are maturing, understanding things in a much better way."
"Activist investors are market laxatives; they make the system work."
"So many hodlers and whales of Bitcoin could potentially move the market."
"Invisible cheers to all Tesla shareholders today."
"Real Estate Investors, we are big problem solvers."
"If your mandate is to protect small investors, why would you take away tools that help them earn income on their assets?"