
Political Campaigning Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"If the byelection had been in February of 1940 or 41, would anyone seriously have condemned me for putting the crimes of the Holocaust at the center of my election campaign?"
"It's all up for grabs. I think Kamala Harris is the one who's slowly but steadily building support."
"They’re the ones out in Iowa, in Iowa 1, knocking on doors in 90 percent humidity and heat in June and July. Why?"
"Let us campaign and deal with the issues of the problems of the country."
"Let's pretend like we're 30 points down, let's pretend like we're in the fourth quarter, we've got about 8 minutes on the clock and we're down by 30 because that's exactly how we need to campaign."
"He ran without any hope of winning... he just told the truth to people."
"Every single dime that you give to the Biden Harris re-election campaign, we spend talking to voters."
"Brexit done it was one of the most effective election slogans you've seen"
"It’s about helping people. You campaigned for the forgotten men and women of this country."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"You could totally neuter a candidate's ability to communicate and execute a campaign plan."
"Democrats don't want to campaign with a socialist. Biden's points about Sanders are exactly true."
"For our liberties, for our freedoms, we need Senator David Perdue and Senator Kelly Lefler back in the Republican majority in the United States Senate."
"The proof is in the pudding. Fetterman's memes about Dr. Oz's residency will be compelling to Pennsylvania voters. He's leading the polls at the moment."
"Trump's most powerful weapon was the media who gave him billions of dollars worth of free air time."
"I thought that Trump was clearly putting the effort in."
"If he had gotten his ass, his fat ass out of Florida and had done a single rally in Augusta... they would have won both of those seats."
"This is not a race about policy. This is a race about personality." - Jared Moskowitz
"There is still time for the top of the ticket to come in and show Texas that we are important."
"Television revolutionized election campaigning."
"Once you cross 285 you're in a completely different state and if you do not understand that territory and how to campaign there then you're not going to be able to win."
"You're supposed to have people who campaign and during their campaign, they criticize what the person in power is doing that they are going to do differently. That's the nature of politics."
"Money's not enough, you know if you're a big enough jerk the country figures it out no matter how many ads you buy."
"Being a solid, direct, and effective public speaker for the issues that you want to campaign on is irreplaceable."
"The American people have to go to voters and say to them, 'Let us keep control of the House of Representatives.'"
"If this were all just about the popular vote then what you would end up with is Joe Biden campaigning solely in California and New York and Massachusetts."
"Money could buy cowboy boots, but money cannot buy love in a presidential race."
"Trump's pitch for the wall is going well, his pitch for himself is not."
"America does not want to witness a food fight, they want to know how we're gonna put food on their table."
"Fighting to win those seats changes the conversation and becomes one about demonstrating progressive government."
"This can be a top three issue that people can really bring home to people during this campaign season."
"With your continued support, every day between now and November 3rd, we're going to make Arizona and America stronger than ever before."
"We gotta flip Florida blue in 2020 and beyond."
"A progressive populist teacher who spoke in language of a battle against the super rich and with a focus on economics won 76 percent of our sample."
"We've got completely different audiences... I'm not doing this to try and get votes... I'm actually super glad that we both ran."
"Running for the top job in America means you've got to be able to bundle a lot of money."
"Parents are not going to vote for candidates who are running on injecting sexuality in elementary school."
"I do actually think it will have a significant impact. I think that there will both be a number of legitimate significant uses of AI, particularly generated AI and large language models by the campaigns."
"These tools actually can be a boon for campaigns."
"We're going to vote, we're going to vote republican because we're going to bring common sense back for our children and their children and their children's children."
"It's okay when you're out on the campaign hustings, that's okay when you're working on the Congress. It is not okay when you're sitting talking to federal agents."
"He's campaigning on a few key issues which I'll go over now."
"Hillary Clinton was the first candidate in history who wasn't expected to garner votes through campaigning. You just owe them to her."
"It's perfectly reasonable to suggest that you can campaign still without criting threatening statements or saying threatening statements in a way that undermines a chance at a fair trial or otherwise."
"It is very difficult to win elections in India on a positive agenda." - "You should never talk about what you have already given."
"You're here for four years on your you run for a campaign four three of those years are spent raising money and then you're gone."
"Relations between China and Brazil worsened under Bolsonaro, a Bolsonaro himself campaigned demonizing China."
"Ultimately what you got to do is replace the candidate right because this answers has shown that he is not ready for prime time he doesn't have what it takes."
"If you want to move forward, come out and vote for us. If you want to slide back to the good old days that weren't that damn good for a lot of people, they're your candidates."
"So hats off to everybody for their incredible work to put us in this position where we've clearly got a shot on Tuesday..."
"You want to be energized and excited about America, go campaign in Pennsylvania."
"New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not the last in the nation. This race is far from over."
"Governor Newsom fights for opportunity for all Californians. Voting no means women are respected, children are protected, and our planet is defended."
"So the more that people hear the Republican or Democratic message, the more they're likely to vote for that side."
"President Trump is campaigning on the most basic elements, the most basic intuitions of a people in a free self-governing society."
"If things are going well, he'll have a compelling case for reelection."
"There's meaning behind that, because of all places to go and launch a campaign, why?"
"The forward-looking candidate doing far better."
"The money vote will not be won through tweeting emojis or calling your budget plan fire."
"The freedom of speech has its fullest and most urgent application precisely to the conduct of campaigns for political office."
"The real key is to go to those members and say we want to win."
"If you switch to a system where it's just the popular vote, you're going to have politicians who only campaign in the largest cities and the coastal elites."
"I began campaigning for the Roosevelt tradition and the Roosevelt legacy when I was 10 years old."
"The system used by Cambridge Analytica... was very sophisticated, it was extremely accurate at picking just the right people to target."