
Travel Experience Quotes

There are 512 quotes

"The food was like 99.9% as good as the food he ate in Italy."
"This is finally, after probably half an hour of walking around, it's so good. Very much colorful places, nice photographic place for visiting India."
"The whole package can't be beaten - the people, the hotel, the beach, it's all just stunning."
"Honestly, Chris, I do gotta say, this is probably one of the coolest places we've ever been to."
"I can't believe this, it's better than I expected. It's just Paradise. It's beautiful."
"It doesn't take much to have an unforgettable trip."
"Despite the somewhat inhospitable sounding figures, Sicily actually proved to be quite an Ideal Home."
"Pico turned out to be a pleasant surprise, most likely thanks to the off-season and the lack of tourists."
"Mangalore has been incredible the hospitality the delicious."
"Definitely one of the best things we've seen so far."
"This is the best sight I've seen so far by a long way."
"I didn't realize it was such a big and beautiful city. Thank you for showing it to us."
"Did you enjoy that?... that was incredible and beautiful."
"Stealth camping in London, baby, we're doing it!"
"So this is the most underrated city I've ever visited in my entire life."
"Londoners are absolutely first class... everyone we spoke to was the most friendly I've ever met."
"Are you regretting this trip yet? Why did I come here?"
"We gotta have the kids all the way up to the 60 year olds. It's funny, because when I first went to Japan, it was intergenerational."
"Rule number one always be quiet third class is like like one big Russian family hostel on wheels it's Reuben these are roommates Pete it's like an army barracks if they allowed women and children who Verdun everything very interesting place."
"Flying high and listening to music on a plane surrounded by all these people, no one's talking, it's magical."
"It's overlooking flaws in order to have a unique experience."
"I'm trying different things in Karachi, one thing is very famous, that is called Biryani."
"Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me."
"Traveling around Iran it makes you feel like you're stuck in a time machine."
"This is an Iranian vacation look around me." - Iranian Vacation Vibes
"I hope that your eyes and ears have been opened to one of the most special and beautiful cultures on our planet."
"Was the flight okay? It was alright but the service was slow."
"I've been doing this for about 30 years now, and traveling for about 25."
"This is amazing. I know I've said this before but everything on this ship is just so open."
"So there you have it, that was our trip out to Fort Wilderness and Tri Circle T Ranch, an excellent day it was fantastic getting back out into nature and seeing all kinds of the natural environments around Fort Wilderness Resort."
"It feels like you're home when you're in Africa."
"Your next flight can be the best flight you've ever had."
"Our minds are blown and this is the bluest water I've never seen anything like this in my life."
"Our time in Porto (Oporto) was spent sipping on Port wine, soaking in the views across the Douro River, wandering through the hilly streets, and marvelling at buildings covered in blue tiles."
"It's impossible for a traveler to be hungry in Palestine."
"This is beauty that you can't really see anywhere else but right here."
"I can't believe that we were here over a week."
"And it was actually a really pretty drive, I don't know how much of the drive you got to enjoy but I was uptight the whole time."
"It's an experience. It's not driving around, it's like a good bonding fun unique experience."
"It's nuts driving into the Serengeti after a short while you actually get used to the Jungle Book scene."
"This is what makes Cape York, what makes the place so much fun."
"That was really good quality, obviously go to Germany a lot as you've seen here on the channel, and that was like the best representation of Germany I've seen outside of Germany."
"The highlight of this park, it was so good to see that again."
"But the thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way."
"But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a market for those who want their trip above the clouds to be less of a shuttle and more of an airborne retreat."
"Words can hardly describe how beautiful the ride was coming up the south side of Logan Pass and all of the clips you saw speak for themselves. I only have four simple words for you, and those are 'you must ride it.'"
"I love Montreal, great city, great food, great memories."
"That was the most seamless check-in process I've ever had."
"Coming here has just been like really neat, like it's just showing you like that mindfulness and just to you know like stop and enjoy."
"It's amazing to try to comprehend that this is a city from 79 AD."
"What we have to remember is that I have been to Beijing on a Sunday morning. The air was so polluted coming back, I could hardly breathe. And that was on a Sunday in Beijing where factories shut down."
"The more I traveled, the more I would come back proud to be an American."
"If you're on a ship like Mariner this season, you're thinking yourself, 'Wow, this is we're having such a great time, let's book another cruise.'"
"This place is enchanting, like everything about it feels so enchanting."
"No I want to say no but yes no no not that like your flight was good and like all of that everything was good like I'm so shocked that you're not like jet leg jet legged."
"Egypt after going this summer like I suggest that's one place like Egypt is crazy like the vibe everybody's out having a great time the music riding camels sitting the pyramids is unbelievable."
"Seattle though is like gorgeous, holy crap, it's like the Emerald City."
"New York is his people, it's, it's, it's like I was just there this weekend, it's like that place is like really, you got to be there to like really understand like that place is really freaking special."
"I really want you guys to have the best experience possible if you come to visit Seattle and hopefully you fall in love with it like I did."
"Honestly stunning, I didn't know places like this existed."
"Honestly, it is really one of the nicest beaches I've ever been to."
"For my last act in Finland, I take a scenic ride to a small island outside of Helsinki with Michelin star rated chef Yoni Toivonen."
"I love being boat access only...every time that we go into town or we're coming back here...we see so much on our boat rides home."
"Maximize your Disney experience with Disney Genie: It's like having Tony Stark plan your vacation."
"I enjoyed that flight, I thought that was really, really nice."
"No traveller has ever escaped a sense of strangeness in those deep ravines, and artists shiver as they paint thick woods whose mystery is as much of the spirit as of the eye."
"I couldn't have asked for a better first day in South Africa."
"Paris really surprised me, even though I was only here for a short space of time, I've definitely got to come back here."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"Walking down onto the plane, it was pretty hectic out there."
"This beach is really, really cool. The trees, the roots, it's all pretty neat."
"Everyone should be praying for Russia right now. I was just over there, and I'm in utter shock that this is happening."
"We got to see some awesome landmarks we did meet ups with fans live streamed a lot of the trip and it was incredible."
"The gothic quarter is very much like cruising through medieval streets."
"Please learn from this story and do not make the same mistakes I made because my first trip was one of the worst trips I ever had."
"Daisy Ridley was an absolutely lovely individual, according to my co-worker who traveled with her."
"The back seat is definitely a really nice place to spend time."
"My overall experience spending two weeks in Mexico City was wonderful."
"It's hard to ever go see another mountain, you know what I mean?"
"There's just something magical about Japan: the culture, the food, the people."
"This place is beautiful, like when I tell y'all, the lobby, the restaurants, the spa gym, you name it."
"I felt very at home on this ship and I definitely got what I paid for."
"An absolutely beautiful morning at Boca Chica."
"I'm gonna tell people to come here and experience it for yourself."
"My friends, it is a great day because we are in Gatlinburg, Tennessee."
"I went to the palace... beautiful [expletive] place."
"An exhausting wonderful day here at saquito montebranco in spain with the 296 gtb our first drive and what a drive it was."
"That's the end of our tazzy adventure unfortunately and to do it with some really cool mates as well was just the icing on the cake."
"Light sport is never going to be a get from here to Florida kind of airplane but to get out have a fun weekend, a camping trip, a group fly to some new airport—an airplane that gets you back in love with flying."
"Two days just isn't long enough. I mean, we didn't have time to do half the things we wanted to."
"The Palestinian people were extremely warm, extremely kind, extremely welcoming."
"We want people's heads to turn and say I want to fly with them."
"Tongariro Crossing yesterday was a fantastic climax in the North Island."
"California part of it has a Mediterranean climate, some of the most beautiful national parks I've ever visited in my entire life."
"Make your first meal an experience. Start off strong by booking breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table."
"Has bringing a supercar on this trip improved the experience? 100%."
"The final evening of a Disney cruise is always just magical and special."
"Once again, I want to say a massive thanks to BOTB for sponsoring this video, without their help I certainly wouldn't have been able to spend the past two days in this car up here in Wales producing what is hopefully a fairly good video."
"Everybody, I want to thank you all so very much for joining me for this adventure, this has been a ton of fun."
"Anyway I've had an amazing time here in South Africa with Audi."
"And so that wrapped up our visit to Eugene, Oregon, as well as our big Oregon road trip and I would say it was everything that I wanted it to be."
"Living in Vietnam showed me how welcoming other cultures can be."
"I will definitely come on Virgin Voyages again."
"Epcot might be a park where you can travel around the world in a day, but it's also a place where you can try extraordinary snacks that you cannot get anywhere else in Disney World."
"Just being in Rome alone and just looking at it... everything was just intense."
"Aside from the delays, I couldn't give them more compliments, it was a wonderful experience."
"Absolutely, certainly, definitely, unequivocally, the best restaurant I've been to by far in Punta Cana."
"It was more than worth it to get on the cruise."
"What more could you want check this view out got a shipwreck right there yeah and the view of the wonderful ocean it's own neighbors you know."
"The Royal Promenade is the main thoroughfare on Independence of the Seas, a classic Royal Caribbean area of any cruise ship."
"Gotta say fellas, this is the smoothest road I have driven in probably about two and a half weeks."
"Traveling around Morocco, visiting the Berbers, sleeping in the Sahara has been one of the best travel experiences of my life."
"That was a fantastic way to start this Tashkent food tour."
"Monaco was honestly maybe my favorite place that we went I don't know it was just really cool and different like it's a small country it's basically France but people basically made their own country so they didn't have to pay taxes."
"This experience in South Africa... it makes me see the other side of life."
"Beautiful city right now we are in the botanical gardens."
"Epic couple of days, mate, had an absolute ball."
"Swim with the dolphins in Key Largo at Dolphins Plus for 210 dollars."
"I can name the blocks. There's a reason why I've traveled the country as I have. I can name them."
"I was actually in Singapore before. And then I came here."
"Go to Ghana and see the images of God that's been erected all over Ghana."
"My daddy came to Paris and he saw everything."
"It was a pretty seamless and flawless road trip."
"This trip was so good y'all, nothing short of amazing."
"Exploring this tiny little market in the village...everyone's curious why we're walking around here."
"This place is awesome very different to Delhi very different Delhi is polluted city polluted because of the pollution yeah Agra is dirty City and Jaipur is beautiful city."
"I am in awe of this place, very tropical, obviously gets really hot but because you're on a boat you have the wind coming in. It is epic, epic. I loved it."
"I've been traveling around Colorado for about two weeks now and it is spectacular."
"We're in London but y'all, y'all our cruise ship room, you know the one that we've all just know and love at this point, it got an upgrade."
"This is everything that I pictured Italy would be."
"We're finally here, and before we knew it, we were boarding the ship. It was so, so quick and easy."
"Overall, absolutely love the car, the road trip experience is fantastic."
"Absolutely gorgeous sunset guys, out on the ocean as we debark."
"I thought when you see these things on television, these ancient sites, you think, well, you know it's nothing like being there, because when you're there you see things for yourself."
"And thus ends our Whistle Stop Tour of Rome. It's been an incredible experience and I definitely recommend a visit. Ciao!"
"What a sensational way to end my visit to Hinchinbrook house."
"Road trips to Vegas and Northern California were the first times we felt the lower range battery, and superchargers still had us covered."
"Holy sh excuse me what what's going on during my week in Budapest I was hospitalized with Co and mugged at gunpoint but eating the food was definitely a low Point God damn that is telling isn't it"
"We are staying at the Grand Laconte Lodge and we are so, so blessed to have this opportunity."
"Many of the search algorithms that we're using now, currently using the Baptiste algorithmic phrase for identifying non-semantic approaches and will continue to do so until the Wolfram|Alpha Engine becomes artificially aware of itself."
"I just got home Matilda um traveled with us today as well she did pretty good actually."
"Don't be afraid to go out there and truly experience the real Greece."
"Even some places you just have to yourself when you're here."
"It's cliched, but I fell in love with Vietnamese people."
"There's two kinds of people in this world: people who have been to Europe and people who haven't."
"In Shanghai, you can have as good of experience anywhere in the world."
"We're back from Los Angeles...I did a lot of what we call screaming...in the biz. So, I did that and now I sound like this."
"I traveled to 17 different countries and interviewed hundreds and hundreds of people... all of a sudden I got better."
"The pictures don't do it justice, you have to see it in person."
"His brother martin had told him about a web-based taxi ordering system that he had used while on a business trip in Ukraine that system served as inspiration for the first version of Bolt."
"Cruising provides an immersive and compelling experience like land travel does."
"It's a privilege. Yeah, no, this beautiful place you have. Your first stop. I mean, I'm loving Texas, I have to say. This is a very Texan place that we're in right now, so welcome to Texas."
"By just traveling a couple of miles, you can have a taste of Chile, the ultimate Steakhouse experience, and eat a mind-blowing meal at a Korean-inspired strip mall restaurant."
"Overall, I had a fantastic time at Shanghai Disneyland. It was an incredible first international park experience."
"It's been a very long time since I've been to such a stunning place."
"There's no doubt about it... there is no better way to experience the United States of America than from an Amtrak train."
"It's an incredible country, incredible people. I fell in love with it."
"Amazing place and I just told Natsuki is satisfied with his 30 yen and his broken Nikon camera."
"So its no wonder I always feel at home in France."
"The purpose of this trip was to explore the places where foreigners don't often visit, to interact and learn from the local people, and to showcase all that Java has to offer the world."
"Stepping into Leonia for the first time is beyond breathtaking."
"Philadelphia has really grown on me over the years and it rests firmly in my top five favorite cities in the world that I've visited."
"...the road to Hana it's about 60-ish miles of hair pin twist turns on Lane Bridges and plenty of waterfalls."
"I'm absolutely spanned, I think one thing I've learned more than anything from our first few days in Taipei is just how friendly and helpful the people have been."
"Rocky Mountain National Park... definitely an unforgettable experience."
"Road tripping around the highlands was the best way to see the area, and I know we'll be back."
"This place was amazing, scenery was beautiful, swings are super fun, and also all the people here were really nice."
"The morning session was one of the most fun sessions we had the entire trip."
"Love Dubai, you never get that issue."
"This whole trip has been perfect weather nice mountain breeze coming through the house has just been amazing."
"I honestly could go there every year for the rest of my life. I think it's one of the coolest places."
"Remember those indescribable highs I was just telling you about? This morning pretty much summed up one of my favorite parts about cruising."
"We've been doing a little tour of them all, haven't we?"
"Taking a canal cruise through Amsterdam's numerous enchanting waterways is an experience you simply can't miss."
"Wow, it's so creamy and it does taste like cheesecake. And it's so fluffy and soft but also super creamy. Dude, the Ikea here blew my mind. I already love Ikea at home but this Ikea is way better."
"It's fantastic another thing about River cruising is that it's a very sociable way to travel because these ships are so small and intimate you really do get to know all of your fellow passengers and all of the crew as well."
"This is hands down one of the most stunning places I've ever stayed in my life."
"What an amazing few days it's been here in Okinawa."
"This is one of the best things I've ever done in Thailand."
"In general, throughout all of our travels in Turkey, we have found it to be one of the most hospitable places we have ever visited."
"The weather wasn't that great I wish I wish they could have traded the weather today for yesterday but at least we have like this morning beautiful weather it's been the best most beautiful week I feel so thankful to have been here and been with such a good fun group of girls."
"That gondola ride was honestly top ten moments of my life, like so cool, so magical."
"The view is amazing when the cruise departs the port, this is the best."
"An unforgettable 13-day Alaska Adventure."
"I promise they're gonna make your travel journey and experience so much more enjoyable."
"The charm of Egypt had laid hold of me, not so Poirot."
"My biggest concern was nature, it was mother nature, you know, holding me up, but no, you know, I enjoyed, I loved Mexico and I loved Colombia."
"I can say that the 10 days I spent in Japan were true pure magic."
"Just want to lay anyone's fears. Going from South Africa into Mozambique was super relaxed. Wonderful people, they were kind and funny, and they were all relaxed at the border."
"Female travelers when they do come here they might be shocked of how different they're treated versus male travelers when they're here."
"Well that was a bucket list item for sure if you get a chance to do a horseback ride I would do it here Bryce Canyon it is magnificent yes on feet but with four feet you can really see so much more."
"This is definitely a trip and a memory I am never going to forget, and it's probably one of the coolest experiences I've ever had."
"Meaning this luxury travel experience turned into one of the most spiritually enriching experiences of my entire life."
"Immediately, it's like stepping into another world. For the first time traveling with Amtrak in first class, it actually feels like I'm walking through a first-class coach."
"Now that we are home, I wanted to fill you guys in on how the rest of that flight went."
"Just came back from the so-called sardine run. So it's really cool, there's basically millions of fishes swimming in the water."
"One of my favorite experiences to do is the white on Tao Lake."
"Happy to be back, and tell us what you love about Yucatan or Doc Ford's."
"Overall, great tour. We had lots of fun stories, the coach was so cute, it screamed Ireland."