
Narrative Criticism Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"When the only gay narratives are tied to death and misery, and that's like the only representation you get, it kind of sucks."
"You had two chances to make me care about a character's death and you fucked it up twice."
"I stopped really giving a [ __ ] about the story whenever WAD happened."
"All of those plot lines, everything supernatural in the show just completely went nowhere."
"If you're saying, 'Self-admittedly not super educated in this matter,' and then also engaging in a narrative, 'Well, all of it's bad,' yes, that's a position that you're coming from: admittedly ignorance at that point."
"Palpatine coming back to life influences every other insane and awful idea this movie throws at us."
"The real reason why people continue to buy into the narrative even if it's utterly absurd or blatantly wrong."
"It does feel to me like Kubo got to the point where he was like I don't know how to realistically get rid of this bad guy so he invents this ceremonial blade with the ability to reflect god's holy light."
"The emotion in the scenes is top-notch, the emotions that the player feels is at an all-time high, but the sequence of events that lead to this moment are horrible."
"Rape is not a tool to make a character stronger."
"It just doesn't make sense for us to allow that narrative to reduce her."
"Our existence is a joke. The narrative abandoned us to be miserable and we are breaking the narrative."
"I don't enjoy having a character die in front of me and I feel all the emotions, you know? I'm shocked, I'm upset, I'm mourning them. It hurts. And then I turn the page and know they're alive because of reasons."
"Does every monstrous looking humanoid race have to be associated with the big bad?"
"Since Madoka Magica's success, a lot of series being produced have been more or less a jaunty exercise in misery and suffering for their female characters."
"But the problem is that this character just turned out to be a tad bit too plain in my personal opinion."
"It's time to learn how to be more decisive, to be more intentional about the process, instead of the stupid traditional narrative."
"Mass Effect 3's ending was rushed, poorly thought out... it was probably at the time the biggest gaming controversy in a long time."
"It's fine to not care about plot holes but people who do aren't wrong."
"I still enjoy the characters and buy into what's happening, even if I feel like they're becoming lazy in a lot of other aspects."
"SpecOps is point is that we the gamer have far too much in common with Walker."
"I just don't like it when things are evil because they're evil."
"Do your own research is deposing a lot of their narratives real fast."
"Code Geass is a series that regularly writes its characters into corners."
"It's a series that can't properly articulate or portray its own jumbled themes."
"I just gotta wonder maybe if they'd started in charge of the character arcs and then it maybe wouldn't have felt jarring perhaps."
"The only thing that could save this story is for it to eventually be revealed that Adam is kind of abusive."
"That's what happens when you force towards an ending and you don't know how to write an ending."
"That's Tatsuki Arasawa, a character who deserved better."
"There is nothing here that adds to Abel's character or the overarching story."
"Subversion undermines narratives, characters, expectations, and quality. It causes universes to lose coherence and fly apart."
"Characters not behaving in manner that is internally consistent but in the manner that is necessary in order to move the plot forward - that is bad writing."
"I feel like it was just sort of people standing in a room over and over and over again. Star Wars prequel vibes."
"There's a line between 'this is the way it is' and 'the world is how it is because the author wanted to get away with stuff.'"
"I'm tired of this narrative that people are spinning."
"Captain Cutter's speech to Isabel is almost like a criticism of the way the UNSC has been handled in new Halo games, making it clear he's going to be bringing the soul of the UNSC back to Halo."
"The portrayal of Daenerys as prone to madness and careless in her actions feels out of place."
"The Order 1886 fits in that vein but it also seemed like it was trying to be a cinematic exciting big third person shooter and it missed the mark there."
"He's truly the only one that's completely irredeemable after all jack, tia, and ace were all victims to his method of recruitment."
"He indirectly helps the story criticize the big negatives of Aravin's influence and methods."
"There's no attempt at anything objective or truth-seeking, it's just a narrative."
"The red pill is the realization that what is presented as fact by the corporate press is in reality a carefully constructed narrative."
"If you make your antagonistic force into a yo-yo whose actions depend on whatever in the moment is necessitated by the plot, you don't have an antagonistic force, you have a slave-like construct of the plot."
"It's almost two hours long. Yeah, they don't really do much. It's just a lot of incompetent police officers standing outside a building."
"But again just because something makes sense in a sort of narrative artsy way does not mean that the fans or The Gamers will find it fun or entertaining."
"Proving his death pointless, Xavier comes back to life."
"Kenya's stories fell flat, Marlo is pretty much falling back and letting everybody dig their own grave."
"It should have been more bittersweet in the sense there should have been a real loss at the end."
"Stephan fixing everything with a joke invalidates Pink Diamond's suffering."
"Sadistic both physically and psychologically, Alex is definitely an embodiment of ultra violence."
"The entire narrative we've been handed is so illogical as to be unacceptable, and it is astounding the number of minds that just still accept that we went to the moon."
"They made him a joke, your character was always a joke."
"When you introduce an idea as high concept as the distortion of space and time and only use it for one thing, it just feels cheap and contrived."
"The 14-year-old's dialogue sounds like it was written by adults and then the plot sounds like it was written by 14-year-olds. What gives?"
"A whimper of an ending for characters, for story, for gameplay."
"It's moments like these that I really feel are missing from the series."
"The game condemns Sharp and the Asylum. I just think it's a waste that Batman doesn't."
"This is the point where they just did not give a [ __ ] about story, did not give a [ __ ] about continuity, certainly didn't give a [ __ ] about respecting characters of the video games."
"Ruining the entire premise of your show and character development is impressively bad."
"This is a series that a while back had a Spider-Man ramrodded into being a good guy by one of the worst superhero morale systems known to man."
"Seeing such important and powerful characters killed off by debris felt incredibly disappointing."
"Games often want these conflicts as a framing device but seldom have much to say about them beyond 'war is bad.'"
"If there's no nuance, no complexity, then all you're left with is nothing but a pointless story."
"I think the narrative is the one thing most people seem to be a bit more united on is like the more weak thing in this expansion."
"Unfortunately, because she was written to be an idiot up until this point, she is too late."
"Isn't it great that this film made him into the adult? Yes, but my problem is that he wasn't that for three freaking movies so far."
"I really hate when stories do this. The author has the ability to craft the story in any which way that they choose."
"Marvel needs to move away from this whole time travel multiverse nonsense fairly quickly."
"After all the disrespect that they treated those two characters in the past seven eight years, it's the Skywalker Saga now."
"The dragon breaks are a giant cope," acknowledging the narrative complexity introduced by these events.
"It's totally fair to criticize it for being inconsistent with the established canon."
"And this tedious backstory comes at you with all the energy of a 1950s after school public service announcement."
"Overly romantic... deeply rooted... politics, religion, racism, violence, regret."
"No, nothing connects at all. I think it's just to pretend that these stories have anything to do with each other. For the longest time, for whatever reason. For whatever reason."
"It's the ultimate in Poochie died on the way back to his home planet moments from video games as far as I'm concerned."
"I personally feel like if they want to create a bigger narrative then the writing should be better and deeper." - Reflecting on the writing quality.
"Failure to imagine heroes aging gracefully into middle age without becoming deadbeat disappointing failures."
"It's sort of hard to buy that Phoebe grabs the gun but obviously it makes sense."
"It should have been focused on the nature of the world, not revenge."
"Fire Emblem Fates has a really solid cast of characters, they're just victims of absolutely abysmal writing."
"Everything just came down to Destiny... Destiny just feels like a real narrative cop out when you can make up literally any sci-fi or fantasy concept you want."
"Danny isn't gonna go mad because that's garbage and it's bad writing."
"It seemed like the writers forgot what made part 1 such a harrowing experience."
"I'd like no totalitarian movies; we should resist narratives that are too filled in the blanks."
"The heroes don't do things which make the audience think they are exceptionally stupid, and the villains don't do things which make you wonder how anyone could ever lose to them."
"This film feels rushed and all over the place."