
Truth Pursuit Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Why do these men that dedicate their lives to understanding the universe, to pursuing truth, why do these men turn away from God in droves?"
"At the heart of our message is a call for empathy, respect, and the shared pursuit of truth, regardless of where our individual journeys might lead us."
"You're capable of doing [the pursuit of truth]... but the only way that you can do that is if you're free."
"The academy exists to educate the American people about the free exchange of scientific ideas and the proper relationship between freedom and science in the pursuit of truth."
"Striving for getting at the truth is a constant battle against our biases."
"Your only side should be the pursuit of Truth."
"Rogan does see his job as getting at truth... I genuinely think that he does."
"Anakin's pursuit of the truth underscored the importance of individual conviction over blind adherence to Dogma."
"Facts and evidence must be evaluated by reason... it's consistent with what will lead us to truth."
"There is no dead end to truth. There is no dead end to freedom. Your movement is going nowhere unless you do something about it and not just talk about it."
"Pursue your damn research, tell the truth about it, and let the chips fall where they will."
"Higher education has gone from pursuing truth to imposing ideology."
"We must seek something that is true even if it is accompanied by uncertainty."
"Jim Jordan and Barry Loudermilk have shown commendable courage in exposing this scandalous collusion. Their Relentless Pursuit Of Truth is a testament to their dedication to Justice and the American way."
"We're on the side of truth and if we'll dig one study we'll get the great answers."
"Believing as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"Truth is the ultimate goal in all of our questions and our pursuits. Truth is the most valuable thing in the world."
"Open dialogue and open conversation usually fixes that because the truth always prevails in an environment where you can speak to each other."
"Science isn't claiming to have the truth, it's seeking the truth."
"Your whole life should be about in Pursuit Of Truth."
"The only thing in life important is to understand truth and use my agency to do some to it."
"It's a bad idea to replace logos with pathos for any number of reasons. We're not agents of the truth because we suffer, that's not how it works."
"In the pursuit of truth, integrity must always lead the way."
"When you decide to follow the truth, you become a sponge. You begin to absorb all manners of truth."
"I truly believe in this pursuit of truth...and sharing that with people...can help us have a good productive and healthy society."
"My goal is to have people believe as many true things as possible and as few false things as possible."
"I'm saying everyone should come together, investigate, use evidence, and whatever is the truth, we all should follow it."
"We are journalists, and it is our job to learn the truth."
"What is your heart being drawn to and for the ancients, the classical Greeks, Romans, Christians? Whatever your heart is being drawn to, it is good only if it is true."
"We're the one who wants to get to the bottom of this. That's the reality. Let me bring some facts to their story."
"Truth is like gravity it draws in all lies and crushes them completely until there's nothing left but facts."
"The more I hit the truth, the more they're probably gonna steal from me."
"Debunking religious comments and claims, while perhaps uncomfortable to the religiously minded, is not mockery but an honest pursuit of truth."
"We need our higher education system to focus on promoting academic Excellence, The Pursuit Of Truth."
"It takes time and dedication to wanting to know what is true."
"Freedom gives us truth, and truth gives us the opportunity to get to the essence of the problem or the solution."
"If you care about truth, don't call yourself a man of cloth."
"But our goal is one of the same: pursuit of truth."
"We're students of truth, not students of movements."
"Science and religion, each pursues big truth. Why then, do they think so differently?"
"If we continue to pursue truth, we'll find those dreams at the end of our rainbow."
"Whether it is an aiming at the true or an opening towards the true, this is perhaps what we have asked in our questions."
"Having an empathy for their world view, trying to understand where they're coming from... that kind of empathy while you're discussing ideas, what is in your pursuit of truth."
"The truth has no agenda, it's not a living thing, but it's something that if you follow it, you'll finally get to where the story takes you."
"Presupposition gets you nowhere if you are truly interested in arriving at the truth."
"We need to come up with... the truth or the best understanding of reality that we can."
"Skeptics, a lot of times, what they do is they want to just avoid believing false things, but they don't really have the courage to go out on a limb and believe true things."
"Man can never make even the foot of an insect, Then how can he create the light of truth?"
"Wizards would no longer be just ordinary mortals that have some special abilities, but long-living beings that pursue the truth and laws of the world."
"You must always follow the truth, and wherever the truth leads you, you have to go because where the truth is, there God is."
"I don't live for money every day; I live for the truth."