
Supply Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Forerunners are in extremely short supply, demand is huge."
"The demand for batteries continues to grow, and supply is limited."
"You are attracted to the universal mind as your source of supply along the lines of least resistance."
"People are intelligent enough to understand, 'Hey, this is different. This is something that retains its value and is fixed in supply, so you don't need to worry that you're not getting more of it.'"
"Socialism will produce what is demanded by the people in a way that the government deems optimal."
"To stop the supply, we need to stop the demand."
"We're increasing the vaccine supply to 13.5 million doses per week, a 57 percent increase."
"There's a real threat if we don't keep up supply of ammunition and ultimately replacement systems."
"The Japanese had all these problems, but they had a lot of success early on, don't they?"
"We are the ventilator king of the world, supplying the whole world now."
"No country should be held hostage to a single provider of energy."
"We're beginning to see more inventory finally coming on, it feels like they're now kind of beginning to panic a little bit."
"Because yes, God is your supplier, your I amness, that power within you is your supplier, but more important than this, and this is big. It is supply."
"What we are seeing at the moment is the world is running down its inventory of oil because we've got a combination of increased demand and very high prices."
"Best case scenario is that we get substantially more supply in the market."
"Money is nothing more than a claim on work and work comes from energy, so if you want to talk to me about increasing the money supply, you're really saying that you want to increase the energy Supply."
"Decreasing demand is actually drastically outpacing Supply."
"So as you can see we are at a month of Supply that we haven't seen since roughly July of 2020."
"The fact that we have 3.1 months of Supply is already demonstrating that the housing market supply is starting to balance out."
"They know what the people want and they're willing to provide it even if no one else will."
"Even with Tesla at scale, it's looking challenging enough for Hertz to get these vehicles as quickly as they want them." - Rob Maurer
"It's almost like we ought to move to a different currency where you can't change the supply conditions."
"I realized the way for me to offer a complete service was for me to supply people with their fixtures and fittings."
"Think about what people are in need of in their home."
"The demand for social housing even in this relatively affluent part of England far outstrips supply."
"If there is a demand, there will always be a supply."
"Bitcoin is a fixed supply, never more than 21 million, so there's no leakage, there's no inflation to that number."
"Simultaneously decrease prices by 10 times and increase profits for Supply."
"If you're able to create demand and Supply tension you get paid really well."
"Drainage precedes Supply. Get the muck out, then put the stuff in."
"The same place where the enemy is fighting you the most is the same place where God's supply will be the greatest."
"This is not a speculative-driven spike...this is being driven by an actual supply deficit, a market lacking in secondary supply."
"I will be supplying you guys with some great videos."
"Where there's a demand, the supply will be met in a particular stylish way."
"Tires are at the racetrack, they've brought enough tires to run the race, it's just so many teams bought extra tires that they're just mounted up."
"The supply of Bitcoin is limited to just 21 million coins. Once that number is hit, there'll be no more created."
"So logically here we should have something which is excess, more than sufficient, excess. Like a word like 'excess' would match here within the system, some locations within the system with an excess of bicycles and other areas with insufficient supply."
"That supplies all our power when we're boondocking."
"All these people do a lot of work, responding to the market what the market requires."
"That's awesome, like a never-ending supply of them down there, yep."
"...the supply still kind of meets the demand which is why the prices don't move around much with C4s..."
"Douglas aircraft became the main supplier for the Allied Forces, meeting urgent demands for military aircraft."
"We've been doing this for a while, man. We get the good stuff that y'all want at the time y'all want. Y'all don't want to wait till Nike to drop them, so here we are, reimagine Jordan for bread."
"The government wanted to make sure that home cooks did have some sugar available."
"Bitcoin is the only asset on the planet where that new supply is fundamentally fixed and inflexible."
"With such high demand, the quality of the supply was often questionable."
"We don't make as much bread and pastries as we make because people don't like it. We make it because somebody wants it."
"One is the fact that the supply thing, it continues to be a huge problem."
"The enforcement of the fixed Supply is what drives everything."
"A lot of people are concerned that the demand might be weakening."
"The supply of Bitcoin is infinitely elastic with respect to the price."
"Now there is more demand than supply."
"...Camlot token has very small amount of circulating Supply versus the total Supply."
"It is kind of a One-Stop shop for machine consumables and everything you need to use it from day-to-day operation."
"...they are not worried about competition, they are worried about Supply."
"The supply of ammunition, let alone food, to the troops that were on the high mountains and extremely bad weather in the islands on the last day was critical."
"Grace demands, but Grace supplies."
"With Jesus, whenever need meets supply, all supply goes into the need."
"Selling out is a great thing, but when there is a high demand for your product and you do sell out really quickly and you're not holding onto any product, it's also like you're losing money."
"There's just not a lot of supply. This is one of the least inflationary assets or most deflationary assets there is."
"Demand is way outstripping supply in terms of people who know what they're doing."
"If I reduce the demand, I help out even though I have very little supply."
"It absolutely keeps us for several days at a time fully stocked up."
"When you have increasing demand and shrinking supply, eventually something breaks."
"One of the most obvious reasons is scarcity."
"People will get what they want one way or another, so in addition to legitimate supplies, a black market also emerged driven by the high prices and even higher demand."
"We're gonna get everything we need in here today."
"Whatever happens politically, you've got stuff people want. They always need content provided."
"That should keep me stocked on Withers for a while."
"Stable coins serve a demand. There’s a demand for stable coins and therefore supply is made to meet that demand."
"...the supply is coming from existing holders. It's not coming out of the ground, it's not coming from a stock split. Does that make sense?"
"Demand will increase. These narratives, some of them I find interesting and questionable, but the point is, the supply-demand is in favor of those that hold it. No one can print more of it, no matter who you are."
"Because He supplies the treasure."
"The primary thing that happened with the surge in demand was the contraction of supply. There's just not enough supply."
"Bitcoin's total Supply is capped at 21 million BTC."
"How many millionaires are there in the world when they start to understand what they're dealing with this creates a major Supply shock and price appreciation."
"Cardano has peer review technology and a cap supply."
"There is not enough supply and housing prices are still relatively high."
"Understanding the demand to then determine if that representation is relative to the demand."
"It's almost like God wants to challenge your attachments, so he'll keep on moving around his supply and springing up from different places."
"Every Bitcoin they buy from a miner is a Bitcoin that doesn't get dumped on the market."
"Come to the throne of grace"; there's a never diminishing supply for every need that you will ever have.
"Understand what you need, what you want, and what the market can handle."
"I knew we made a good movie but the response that this has received it clearly showed that there was a demand in the marketplace with no Supply. Hollywood won't make this movie."
"Now that I'm taking the medication to boost my milk supply, I wake up in the morning and my boobs are really full again, which is great because it means there's lots of milk for Orin to drink."
"They need that narcissistic supply. That's their food, that's their lifeblood, that's their oxygen."
"Give the people what they have been asking for."
"They're addicted to the delicious milkshake of narcissistic Supply."
"Don't look at the need, but look at the supply. There is no need bigger than God's affection for you."
"Renfro will have plenty enough for Dallas."
"You can't necessarily model it, but I think by and large as you get more Supply naturally, that is a break on price growth."
"Security of supply, it's gonna be a lot more important than it used to be. This is the kind of thing that people at NATO would be discussing every two or three years, but now it's gonna be elected officials at the residence of the prime minister in each European country."
"Line current is the current flowing through the supply line to the load."
"Difficulty adjustment in Bitcoin ensures a predictable supply, offering perfect certainty."
"There is not a need that we have in our lives but that he is the supply."
"Tesla has products that people want. There are pockets of demand issues and there were certainly supply issues and execution issues. Tesla should own their supply issues which they do."
"The best way to improve affordability is to have more supply."
"The only thing that makes supply meet demand is price."
"If you want to look at a good example of the supply of something having no real bearing on the price, look at Dogecoin."
"If enough weapons, food, and men could make it across the Atlantic to Britain and to its Russian ally, Nazi Germany could be defeated."
"We are the largest supplier of collegiate golf vans."
"I think there's enough supply right now but not enough demand."
"If you can figure out what people want and what they're willing to pay for it, if you can give it to them and you successfully give it to them, they will pay you."
"Pegmatite supply some of the world's finest colored gemstones."
"The great waves of resupply planes become fodder for the new German jet planes."
"Prices are still rising for one simple reason: there's just not enough supply."
"We have product people want it more than I can supply it, and that's a good problem."
"Gotta get the people what they want."
"We control the food into the stores, so I guess that's an ace card right there for everybody."
"Low supply of these crucial chips and high demand in the car market has been the key factors."
"I genuinely think the biggest reason we're seeing Modern Magic and sealed product doing so well across the board is... the supplies are lower, the print runs are lower, and the single cards are going up and the market's repricing."
"We need to build more homes; supply is critical in the current environment."
"Growth deflation is caused by an increase in the production, the supply of goods."
"A railroad cannot order what they need on Amazon back in those days, you had to have it on-site."
"Your three-month supply is an important and critical piece of your hunger insurance."
"As much as they wanted, as much as they would, which means there was no end to the supply."
"The spiritual supply from which the visible comes is never depleted; it never runs out."
"The whole benefit of that is you never run out of ink."
"Opulence is the law of the universe, an abundant supply for every need if nothing is put in the way of its coming."
"As the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of that good increases, and vice versa."
"One of the places that I shop is called GFS or Gordon Food Supply."
"An increase in productivity results in an increase in aggregate supply, a rightward shift."
"An increase in demand is a rightward shift in demand; an increase in supply is a rightward shift in supply."
"As our technology, as our knowledge grows, then we're able to supply a greater quantity of goods and services."
"Buffer stock is kept as a buffer to smooth out any disruptions of unexpected demand."
"Prices are always going to go to where the orders are."
"You have to come here and figure out what the demand is, and then you supply it."
"Supermarkets only carry enough food for three days, that's it."
"Price comes back down to the demand zone and just touches it; notice it gaps up and rallies pretty strong. That can only happen because demand exceeds supply so much at this price point right here."
"We're growing way more weed than people need to smoke, so all it takes is the consumer demanding a little bit higher quality product."
"An increase in supply will decrease the price and increase the quantity."
"Sometimes you got to give the people what they want."
"The Great Lakes system holds about 21% of the world's fresh water supply."
"You have to get good at ramping up demand first and then slowly ramping up supply; there's got to always be this demand and supply tension, or else the thing won't work."
"Great A supply will always be available."
"Provision I defined it as predicting your needs of the future to supply the requirements in full."
"A lot of what I sell is out of need. I didn't want to sell fertilizer, but my customers or my audience was like, we need this."
"Any fabric that Free Spirit keeps in stock of Tula Pink, we keep reorder forever until they discontinue."
"I see it as a supply and demand thing. There's always gonna be some demand for milk."
"The supply is always greater than the need."
"Abundance is basically a plentiful oversupply of something, so there's enough to go around."
"The short run aggregate supply curve is the supply of all goods and services within an economy in the short run."
"My God is my source of supply, and my God will provide."
"Universal Corporation processes and supplies leaf tobacco and plant-based ingredients worldwide."
"This is a one-year supply of pasta for us."
"Are the grocery store shelves going to be stocked at this point? Wow."
"The long run aggregate supply does not depend on price level."
"We've all got this endless supply of love."
"It's always about supply and demand."
"The supply is mathematically set and it's decreasing asymptotically towards zero."
"We absolutely have to increase the supply everywhere, but at the same time, we also need better and higher paying jobs."
"Price elasticity of supply is how responsive quantity supplied is to a given change in price."
"If the price goes up, do sellers sell a lot more or a little bit more? If they sell a lot more, we would say that supply is elastic."
"Liquidity is the actual amount of supply that's available on the market."
"A change in quantity supplied refers to a movement from one point to another along a supply curve."
"It's going to show the total supply of tokens we have."
"What else do you bring in? Well, we've got, uh, let's see, coating of all sizes and you know, you're supposed to be carrying ice and spare other spare parts, like literal ice, water that has to be mined, delicious hydration, and a couple of uh, mystery boxes."
"Marketing economies include advantages such as better prices on supplies due to bulk purchasing."
"Price elasticity of supply refers to the responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in price."
"The quantity demanded and supplied being equal at the equilibrium point with the equilibrium price."
"And the price will go up, especially when the supply is cut in half, absolutely cut in half, and if the demand remains equal, we're going to triple, and that's just mathematics."
"The supply of the station is just one example of international collaboration on the ISS."
"When the supply is low, the cost is high."
"If all of that starts to cool, I think it'll push some supply into the resale market, it'll loosen up the rental market, all of that's going to be a good thing."
"Supply is the willingness and ability of firms to produce a good or a service at a given price."
"The housing crisis is ultimately a crisis in supply."
"It's always comical to me when you hear some of these big corporate guys going, 'Well, there's not enough small producers around to supply the country.' Who do you think supplied the country for the last 80 years?"
"The law of supply states that other things equal, the quantity supplied of goods rises when the price of the goods rises."
"A free good is anything that's abundant in supply."
"Households supply businesses with factors of production."
"My supply is endless, inexhaustible, and immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways."
"If supply increases, it results in a fall in the price and an increase in the quantity traded."
"It's a brilliant deal; I'm gonna need more swords."
"Hollywood gives people what they want, alright?"
"Can't hate on someone for providing the people with what they want."
"We always have to stock up on this because it is so delicious."
"The entire Phillips curve shifts to the left when aggregate supply shifts to the right."
"If farmers are willing to produce more as price increases, that's a normal supply curve."
"The fundamental problem is that supply has not kept up with demand."
"Our distribution network will far outpace our supply. Our supply is the problem."
"I must keep that pass open. Wives and children of prospectors on the other side will soon be running short of supplies."
"Supply is very, very high and demand is quite low."
"We're looking at supply deficits across nickel, lithium, copper... that long-term narrative is still very bullish about electrification."
"With each fragrance, you'll get a 30-day supply, so this is the size right here, bigger than any trial vial you get anywhere else, which is really awesome."
"I am like any other man, all I do is supply the demand."
"Focus on those rarities, focus on products that have the lack of supply."
"88.5% of the Bitcoin Supply hasn't moved in the past three months."