
Political Extremism Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Both [political sides] are getting too extreme."
"The media has made this fringe lunatic faction the left. Congratulations America, your left wing is now a bunch of psychopaths."
"Violence is like a knob that you can turn up and down... people on the right treat violence like an on/off switch."
"Every single criticism that I have for the far left...can be applied to the far right. I would be a hypocrite if I were to criticize the far left for doing something and then it's okay when the alt-right does it."
"If this is an ideology that's going to require locking people up and killing them and putting them on trains and hurting them off to concentration camps, maybe we shouldn't go there."
"For as bad as January 6th is, I believe that the former president would not have qualms about going further."
"There was a spectacular failure of the establishment... what did that bear? Nazism, fascism, racism galore."
"I love it when the cops all took a knee at these protests... basically pledging fealty to the extremists."
"In recent months, the Democrat Party has also been aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion."
"Violence could very well start at the hands of the armed militant wing of the Republican Party."
"Both of them realize that indeed the left can and has gone too far."
"This so-called America First Caucus is one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen."
"The Republican party has moved dramatically to the extreme right."
"I just don't see a path forward for my position... because the left is psychotic and wants unrestrained abortion and the right wants to ban it outright."
"Keep in mind these are small fringe groups... not necessarily going to change the course of human history."
"Right-wing extremism is the fastest-growing terror threat."
"When there is a revolutionary or an extremist moment, the first target of the extremists often isn't the other side, it's the quote in group moderate of their own side."
"I think they're also people who are much crazier around him and they are much stronger than the moderates around him."
"There's a danger that people will start self-censoring because of the threat of far-right attacks."
"One of our political parties is out of its mind."
"The republican party has gone completely off the rails. They have open contempt for 99 of americans, they think their voters are morons, many of them are white supremacists and have zero regard for actual democracy."
"Fascism can also feed into outrage and become parasitic to it."
"Homosexuality is a massive issue in this dystopic America... he believes that we need a military coup to reinstitute right-wing religious, political values."
"Extremism in the pursuit of Liberty is novice; moderation in the defense of Liberty is no virtue."
"The left has just continually gone further and further left."
"The democrats have gone too far off the plot and because of that republicans are also unleashed."
"These disgusting vile Mega fascists... think they own the world... they tried it in Bolivia... soon in Brazil as well."
"Fascists and the right wing will never accept people who do not fit into their very very narrow view of the world and humanity."
"We're gonna be fascists, it isn't then we're gonna wait for Germany to extend their hand and say join us guys."
"The Radical Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now. They are stone cold crazy."
"Everybody has their Spider Sense super tuned in for Nazis but no one does for Communists."
"Even for Donald Trump and his movement, the blatant call for racist violence is something we haven't really seen."
"What we are seeing now is a merger of every white nationalist trope and group and ideology bound together by the crazy QAnon conspiracy theory into an American neo-fascist movement led by a fascist president of the United States."
"There's this terrifying poll out in February that a really shocking percentage of Republicans believe it's okay to use violence to overturn an election if they don't get the results that they want."
"Antifa is an extremist left-wing group and it is very real and it is violent and they very much do want people who don't agree with their way of thinking to be punished with violence."
"In America, the conservative movement broadly has always made an effort to Encompass the interests of neo-nazis, white supremacists, and white nationalists."
"Right-wing political violence is rising, right-wing political extremism is rising, we've already had a series of mass shootings that were based in right wing hate and misinformation and bigotry there will probably be more."
"I'm a big believer in free speech... we are losing control of this beautiful city to a tiny minority of extremists and nobody seems to be doing anything about it."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"Let's just sack the Supreme Court, let's burn the whole system down."
"The only thing that matters now is the complete and utter destruction of the Soviet Union." - Jadon Co
"He lit the fuse of a box of dynamite that contained white supremacists far-right militias proud boys boogaloos neo-confederates and many other insurrectionists."
"One thing I hear a lot from friends on the left is you know the real extremism right now is on the right."
"It's crazy how something so extreme as Hitler and his party was able to slowly creep into government."
"While many vets are being outed as far-right extremists, one branch keeps popping up: the United States Marine Corps."
"Any time a political movement gets convinced that it is no longer involved in a political debate but a historic war between pure good and pure evil it starts to turn to authoritarian tactics to win."
"Most terrorist attacks in this country since 9/11 have been right-wing extremist groups."
"We've got one party that's decided to go full-on white nationalism."
"Rejection of extremism in most governors and senate races."
"Right-wing extremism: targets pro-life, anti-government conspiracy theorists, believers in the New World Order."
"Political Cults are never good, often rise always pass. May that time come sooner rather than later."
"They would love it if every single Trump voter was rounded up. No joke."
"MAGA forces are determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people."
"The ignorant masses... are unwittingly helping Nazism."
"Washington Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now."
"The extremism on both sides makes it really hard to think for yourself."
"These weren't your average Trump weirdos, these were Q Anon people."
"People can transform aspects of morality into its antithesis to support extreme political policies."
"Extremism, regardless of what faction it belongs to, is a problem."
"Remember the closer we get to the midterms the crazier the commie lefts will get."
"Despite his continued instances of being viewed as center-left, Pool routinely will deem it as a crucial sign pointing towards a civilization-ending crisis or imminent civil war."
"It's infinitely scarier that people can so callously deploy a very real fear while simultaneously being fascists themselves."
"The vast majority of people who are protesting... were neo-nazis, klansmen, alt-righters."
"It's part of this fascist cosplay combined with the hatred of women."
"Ukraine's far-right problem: less about mass support, more about state support."
"How do we survive if half the states become full commie dictatorship by blind CNN and NPR listeners who nod their empty skulls at whatever Democrats say?"
"Not only did its supporters lead the storming of the U.S Capitol building, kidnaps, assassination plots, and murder have all been linked to QAnon fanatics."
"People think it's hyperbolic when you say it, but let's look at history. Hitler attempted the exact same thing in 1933."
"The right wing is radicalizing and arming the mentally ill for their political gain."
"The possibility of a situation resembling the cultural revolution becoming clearly observable in the near future highlights worries about the return of a time characterized by intense political zeal and broad social unrest."
"We're witnessing sedition... it's treason against the founding principles of our nation." - Kirk Wiebe
"One-third of Republicans say that violence may be the answer."
"Among supporters of Donald Trump, there is a three-fold multiplier for the merits of violence."
"Left-wing violent extremism poses an increasing threat to our country."
"What we want to stop right now are the crazies on both sides."
"The left always gets dragged to its worst parts."
"This is pre-genocide talk. It is, it's the kind of thing you say before you start rounding people up."
"It's akin to this, it's almost a religion, the politics, the left, the right, it's almost becoming a religion, a radical cult religion that is not helpful to anyone."
"You can never appease the mob... until the destruction of America is complete."
"These are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn't win."
"It's an objective fact that when it comes to ideologically motivated shootings, the far right is Far and Away the most represented."
"You build it by compelling everyone to adhere to extreme irrational positions and then by insisting they declare their absolute fealty to an extreme and irrational leader."
"This is not conservative ideology this is far-right fascist ideology."
"If they deem you to be extreme you are therefore a domestic terrorist yep unity through conformity and purging of dissidents not consensus building."
"Who do you think is the most extreme political group in the United States?"
"There you have it, an awesome embrace of the violent insurrection, anti-Semitic tropes, the reference to replacement theory."
"They knew they were sending them to kill the vice president... they radicalize people to do the thing radicalized people do, which is political violence."
"Not just that they're racist or that they believe in white nationalist replacement theories but that they were the ones to help stage the insurrection from the inside."
"The left-wing mob has become utterly radicalized at this point."
"We're really seeing it more solidified as a cult now... I think that's dangerous on any side of politics."
"The Maga people believe that everyone on the other side are pedophiles... they all believe that Donald Trump is here on a Divine mission."
"The danger of Trumpism and right-wing extremism... is still so real..."
"There's a big difference between being proud of your country and being a nationalist and being a Nazi sympathizer."
"Trump should not invoke the Insurrection Act. That would be a declaration of civil war."
"All of these far-right anti-immigrant anti-Europe parties that are poised to destroy the European Union from within."
"This ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials."
"These white nationalists are determined to rule or ruin."
"Evolution is the root of atheism, communism, Nazism..."
"Extremists on the right pose no actual threat to the extremists on the left or as centrist classical liberal ideas really do when it comes to the left radical collectivism and animus against white people fair-minded individual."
"These far right-wing loonies legitimately don't give a [__] about anyone or anything, they only care about their own power."
"Kennedy's presidency would be cut short in 1963 when he was assassinated by crazed communist sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald."
"The easiest position in politics is always to take the hardest right or the hardest left position."
"If these were Christian nationalists, do you think the mainstream media might be going crazy? But when you see that people are praying for an Antifa revolution..."
"The escalation from the far left would result in people begging law enforcement to escalate their tactics."
"The deaths of this movement, if fully implemented, could be measured in the billions." - James Lindsay
"These people, these so-called Christian nationalists, has nothing to do with Christianity. They find God's will in violence, in lies, in the desecration of the United States House, and in the destruction of American democracy."
"There are people who still don't want to believe that they really believe it... but these people were chanting 'hang Mike Pence' as they came in."
"So, having extreme political beliefs and mental illness could be a perfect Brew for disaster."
"It started with the cartoons with Charlie Hebdo and all the murders, where every time what is happening is the far-right party is taking advantage."
"Is a greater danger to conservatism the left or the pendulum in political thought swinging so violently back the other way that it goes straight past conservatism into genuine far-right ideology?"
"Damn near half of a political party believes that a terrorist attack against the united states government was justified."
"The debate was a left versus far-left brawl."
"The decline in religion may contribute to the rise in political extremism."
"Remove dangerous extremists from occupying mainstream political parties."
"He reportedly followed several controversial figures on Twitter, many of whom have been criticized for their alt-right or right-wing extremist language."
"The left will push for the most radical thing they want, they don't care how unrealistic it is."
"Christian nationalism is much more of a problem. It led to a resurrection on January 6..."
"There's something dangerous happening in America now, there's an extremist movement."
"If you sink, we sink. Why are you making holes in this ship? What do you think is gonna happen when you label these groups of people as Nazis and these groups of peoples as white supremacists?"
"It's not just the left; there are people on both sides that are extreme, creating evil begets evil."
"There is a nucleus of zealots who are pushing this hard left cultural agenda on the country."
"We're simply dealing with fanatics who are not prepared to be reasonable and make any sense of compromise."
"The Republican party is now run by right-wing zealots and Maga extremists."
"The elite agenda of creating a Marxist world tyranny via the excuse of 'we must save the planet' has completely taken over."
"At a young age he was brutalized at home, ran away to his uncles, and quickly became a thug for an extremist political party."
"She once was an anti-feminist Crusader in the meme War she rubbed shoulders and hobnobbed with all sorts of anti- sjw alt-right adjacent figureheads and white supremacist terrorists back then."
"The fear of democracy is sometimes more extreme than it needs to be."
"Totalitarian left... they will destroy institutions they can't control."
"President Trump fired the nation's top law enforcement officer for refusing to defend an unlawful, unconstitutional, and deeply immoral order."
"This is a cult. This is a death cult that will steal this democracy from us and kill millions of people trying to get herd immunity."
"Something dangerous happening in America now - there's an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy."
"It's no real surprise to me that baby killers are willing to kill to maintain their rights to kill babies."
"I just think that America has dug a hole both culturally and militarily with regards to a the weaponization of anti-Semitism in name only government packed with Nazis the GOP packed with Nazis."
"A lot of those things would be gone, the advancements, you know, I have a young daughter, she's three years old and I'm excited for the potential for her future."
"Extremists are never correct and extremism is not ever the right view."
"The dangerous extremism is growing in this country right now."
"When you get militias and identity-based politics, these are flashing red lights that we could find ourselves in far more violence than we've experienced since the Civil War. So, I'm very, very alarmed."
"That's not even like weird left-wing racism that's a actually like full-on racism."
"...this is going to be a national phenomenon and again it's going to get so big that you're going to have open Klan members running for office."
"The biggest threat to the UK from extremism is the far right."