
Habitation Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Space may be the final frontier for business, but Earth is still the only planet that we can live on."
"Seasteading... asks whether we could move from a few weeks on the water at a time to a semi-permanent habitation on international waters."
"Places we inhabit being a reflection of the trauma we experience there."
"Evidence of people living here... crucial evidence."
"This is going to be our home for the next little while."
"The Pitcairn Islands, almost uninhabitable, with only one island inhabited by just 55 people."
"More definite proof of habitation."
"With millions of people living and relying on volcanoes, the need to understand their processes is vital."
"Volcanoes are very beneficial places to live."
"...we're now looking at an Anglo-Saxon site that spans centuries and was at different times a home to the living and the dead."
"The underground city has been occupied since Europe was overrun with cave people."
"Happy, happy earth! fit habitation for gods."
"So each time we do this, we add another hab to the base. And before you know it, we've got the beginning of the first human settlement on a new world."
"The island of Tristan Duna...the most remote place in the world that is actually inhabited by people."
"Ultimately our goal is to make Mars a beautiful and habitable place."
"It is not permanent occupation or habitation."
"The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness, but I have built a house of habitation for thee and a place for thy dwelling forever."
"You're building a house... people are going to move into the house and make it their home."
"Someone could be living in there and we would never know."
"Windsor Castle is actually the largest and oldest inhabited castle anywhere in the world."
"To be urban, people must live in the city."
"...one day we will need to leave and find a new planet preferably one similar to this one to call home."
"Could humans live on Mars? Maybe within our lifetime."
"The past echoes in the present, the street pattern anyways been inhabited 2,000 years have been home for Londoners for that long."
"And amid all the splendors of the World, its vast halls and spaces, and its wheeling fires, Ilúvatar chose a place for their habitation in the Deeps of Time and in the midst of the innumerable stars."
"These ancient Alleyways where people have lived for 5, 600 years throughout the centuries."
"The ancient Celts called the area the village of cave homes because many of the inhabitants lived in caves."
"It was a pioneer in the human habitation of space and it deserves to be remembered."
"The foldable living module called Lunark is designed for space settlers."
"Your people have done what many thought impossible; you've made Eridani Delta livable."
"As we venture beyond the known, we'll explore the potential homes of the future."
"The first human habitation in this area is believed to be about 1300 years ago."
"The Sumerians occupied the delta between the two rivers in the southern part of present Iraq, one of the oldest inhabited wetland environments."
"It's a history that stretches back much further than that, with humans inhabiting the area for well over 12,000 years."
"These lands were not discovered; these lands were inhabited."
"The earth shall rejoice, and the righteous shall dwell upon it, and the elect shall walk thereon."
"One thing to note is that people have actually lived here on the Headland at Whit for about 3,000 years."
"The Lord's chosen Zion, He's desired it for His habitation: 'This is my rest forever, here will I dwell, for I have desired it.'"
"It's not just this old dead house anymore; it's becoming a living entity again."
"But Judah shall be inhabited forever, and Jerusalem throughout the ages."
"Where the demons dwell, where the banshees live, and they do live well."
"Starship will enable a permanently occupied moon base."
"Eyeball planets might be where our species ends up in the long run."
"People do actually live in the Sahara Desert."
"Flatey Island has been inhabited for almost a thousand years."
"Tristan da Cunha is easily the most remote inhabited place on Earth."
"We live in a world which is designed to be stable, designed for people to live in."
"The main reason why we haven't moved in is because to actually live inside the house you need to be connected to the grid."
"So why do so few Americans live in the empty Southwest?"
"What needs to be administered is the creation of cities so lovely that people don't want to leave them."
"The Adobe complex of Taos Pueblo in Taos, New Mexico, USA, has been continually inhabited for more than one thousand years."
"To God be the glory, most people in the world live in some kind of house or dwelling."
"The region we know today as Tunisia has been inhabited since prehistoric times."
"St Kilda's cultural history is also very interesting; it's been inhabited since the Bronze Age."
"The scarabs show continuous occupation, people living there when the secular archaeologists say they weren't."
"This is the northernmost inhabited place in the world."
"Arson has long been thought of as a bad thing because it's not just a crime against property, but also against habitation."
"For ten thousand years these 750 caves here were home to a nameless civilization."
"What makes this discovery so fascinating is that scientists have generally associated high altitudes with prehistoric travel but not living."
"This thing is a habitation, it's a structure human-made for people to live in and do research on, you know, basically use as a home base on another planet."
"It seems that we have to push back the history of human habitation in North America by a truly massive number of years."
"The British Isles were uninhabited for 10,000 years."
"The truth is that people have been living in the Grand Canyon for thousands of years."
"This is no museum; it's very much lived in."
"With sufficient technology, and potentially even just controlled fusion, any of these places can be home."
"The cities were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited."
"It's got habitation and everything; you can legally live here, legally build here."
"It's ready for residents to move into it, but there's a lot of detail work left to add."
"The base is upgraded to be a habitation module where astronauts can stay and research for many months."
"He created it not to be empty; He formed it to be inhabited."
"If you're gonna live on Mars, the way it would have to work is you would be underground."
"The brownie was said to be a strange ragged creature that lived in the clan castle near Loch Fyne."
"Architecture must also consider habitation and daily usage."
"We depend on the coast... a lot of our global population lives along the coast."
"Early humans were using the cave as a home over 2 million years ago."
"These caves have been inhabited for about half a million years."
"In whom ye also are build together for an habitation of God through the spirit."
"For 400 years, families have been living right above this forgotten theater."
"Volterra has been inhabited since at least 1500 BC."
"Biblos is among the cities listed as candidates for the distinction of the oldest city in the world."
"Aberystwyth actually had some form of habitation since the Mesolithic period."
"Our God, you have been our habitation, our abode, the being in whom we reside from generation to generation."
"The Samoan Islands have been inhabited for more than 3,000 years."
"We literally have thousands of birds now that live here."