
Chain Reaction Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Life is a chain reaction because each life is connected to the next life."
"By saving his family, Joseph ended up saving the entire lineage of God's people... see how chain reactions work?"
"These ten are like dominos, one after the other. When the first one comes, alas! the rest are gonna follow very, very quickly."
"Rarely is it just one singular mistake; it's like a chain of mistakes that cascaded from one."
"Once you tap the first domino, the rest obediently give way."
"I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, it will start a chain reaction of the same."
"A cascade effect is an inevitable and sometimes unforeseen chain of events."
"Some people simplify the losses to what's in front of them, but the losses are a chain, a value chain, and there's energy efficiency losses."
"Barbados making this decision started a domino effect."
"The smallest little detail cascading into something else."
"You're doing one small thing that cascades into something larger, you are the purveyor of the domino effect."
"This way, a whole chain of kindness is started."
"Good things started happening, sort of like a butterfly effect."
"You just set off a whole positive chain reaction of more microbes."
"It's like one giant snowball effect."
"Lemonade can lead to Smiles which can cause dimples"
"If one tree burns and then more air or wind is added to it, then the next three burns and the whole forest burns. But if that first fire hadn't started with the one tree, there would have been no loss of acreage."
"We knock down the Domino, the first one goes down and the rest of them fall after."
"A chain reaction: when a tiny atom splits, it makes a tiny explosion, and that explosion can start another explosion, and another."
"All it takes is one really nice person to hold the door open for you and that can lead to catastrophic events."
"when you start this interventionism... it's very hard to stop... it's like a domino effect"
"David's lust led to adultery that led to deception that led to entrapment that led to murder."
"A small thing that could upset balances and knock down a line of small dominoes and then big dominoes and then gigantic dominoes all down the years across time."
"It is feared that at the end of this chain reaction, a final evil for humanity will emerge."
"Everyone who observes you gets impacted, and they in turn are more likely to go and help someone else, starting a chain reaction of goodness."
"Pile up a stack of dominoes, push one, and the others will all fall."
"I help other people and they help three more, and so our kindness chain was launched."
"One positive decision creates another positive decision, and another, and another."
"One act of gratitude often leads to another act of gratitude."
"Once you set the tone of doing the first good thing, another good thing gonna follow."
"The problem: make a chain reaction to make plutonium, to make a bomb, to end the war."
"If we start to put too much stuff up there and that becomes uncontrolled and turns into debris, that it'll start ricocheting off and perhaps set up a chain reaction ultimately that could lead to a catastrophic cluttering of space."
"When one thing happens, it's like the floodgates open and a lot more happens."
"It's kind of like a chain reaction."
"For every good person that you impact, how many good people do they impact? You don't know how many people's lives you make better through the people whose lives you make better."
"When a tiny atom splits, it makes a tiny explosion, and that explosion can start another explosion, and another, and another."
"One thing that happens on one side of the world can affect people all over; it's a chain reaction."
"If the fundamentals are implemented correctly, the other stuff is more of a chain reaction of good sequence."
"When we get a successful chain reaction growing, we have what is called a supercritical mass."
"The last thing I want to show you in this video is my favorite thing to do with physics, is to set up a chain of dominoes."
"...we've literally changed the composition of the atmosphere to such an extent that there's some chain reaction that's been set in motion..."
"Sometimes you just need one to inspire, and that one will inspire others."
"When we change one variable within your retirement, there is a chain reaction effect of changing 30 variables down the line."
"I smiled at someone walking by then I saw them smile at somebody who then smiled at somebody else."
"Once one of the dominoes fall, I just want to see them go and just end it."
"When one tuning fork gets going, it sets off a chain reaction, making the other one vibrate too."
"Sometimes one silly little accident can set in motion a whole chain of consequences."
"This one's called Chain Reaction."