
UFO Sighting Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"The object flew over the entire state of Arizona, leaving hundreds and hundreds of witnesses in its wake."
"The entire crew of nearly 20 fishermen, along with witness Laurie Wickens, stood spellbound as an immense object floated effortlessly in the Atlantic Ocean."
"It darted from above the school to the hospital in a blink of an eye."
"At 0300 hours that night, Shepherds and some villagers observed a small group of five to six UFO approaching the area from the north. One of them had an unstable flight and seemed to be having a problem."
"In front of the cinema... I noticed this object... The object floated very slowly once to the left and right and then twice up and down."
"We noticed this huge object in the sky just sitting there by the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, Florida. The object blurred itself out when we started recording it."
"Tic Tac may be the most important UFO case of all time."
"I think they really did see something quite real, the Farmington Armada."
"There have been incidents in late June, the famous sighting of Mount Rainier by Kenneth Arnold."
"I've just seen something that I can't explain. Wow, I believe what I saw was some form of UFO."
"Orbs, a mysterious string of lights, and a massive V-shaped object that appears to undulate are all reported over Phoenix in March 1997."
"Yo, I'm the alien guy, so I'm just gonna say it, uh, yeah, that's a craft. Like, of course it is. NASA didn't follow up like, what are they gonna say? Uh, yeah, that's swamp gas. Birds. Balloons. Uh, cut the feed, cut the feed. Like, this is nuts."
"An extraordinary event occurred when dozens of unidentified flying objects flew in formation over Farmington."
"The Pentagon UFO video captured by Navy pilots."
"Look at this it's incredible it is absolutely there goes look at that and in less than two seconds it was gone."
"What makes this unusual case even more intriguing is the fact that the former Phoenix Governor Fife Symington witnessed this event himself."
"There was no denial that the authorities believed that this was a genuine UFO incident."
"A sighting in 1986 that involved a Japanese jumbo jet over Alaska... The pilot was grounded for several years afterwards."
"The objects described as cylindrical, cigar-shaped, triangular, and round like a saucer."
"The Belgian Air Force has no idea what it was that they had witnessed but they thankfully did acknowledge that some sort of unknown activity had taken place instead of just trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend like nothing ever happened."
"Just when Gorman thought he had the UFO caught, it fired vertically upwards and disappeared."
"UFO witnesses don't get much more credible than that."
"This has been recognized as one of the most reliable encounters with an unidentified flying object due to the number of witnesses who were able to observe what happened."
"One of the most recent reports of these encounters comes from the little town of Storino near Naples, Italy."
"It's absolutely gobsmacking that it's being kept as a secret, there's a massive UFO."
"The first was sighted and filmed in Tikul, Yucatan on the 7th of August 2004."
"A Navy pilot named David Fravor... 'We've encountered the so-called Tic Tac UFO.'"
"The most famous aspect of the case is the videotaped footage of anomalous lights."
"Astronaut says that he saw a UFO. How could you not believe that?"
"I got a feeling you're gonna be seeing a UFO. You know, it takes a while, but if you're looking up and you have an open mind and you're susceptible to it and you have the what to see, I got a feeling you will see one."
"The video recording of what she and her then commanding officer David Fravor saw off the coast of southern California in November 2004 will be part of the upcoming government report."
"In 2017, a woman in Pennsylvania claimed to have seen a UFO while driving home from a Halloween party."
"The tic tac UFO encounter is one of the most famous unexplained aerial phenomena to be caught on camera."
"I believe we have a genuine, anomalous, aerial event that occurred over Tinley Park in 2004."
"In the sky, it's really cool. That's an alien ship, dude."
"This pic of a UFO flying near my place in Seattle. It's the tower, you don't say."
"At that point I was fairly sure if I was looking at an alien spaceship."
"This is where it's interesting you see this object I'm gonna go back and forth with it there's something else that flies across now it's very difficult for me to say what this is."
"Arizona residents witnessed the Phoenix Lights phenomenon seen for hundreds of miles across the entire State."
"It made this video go from oh maybe that's a UFO to oh that is definitely a spacecraft being piloted by an intelligent being."
"So you guys want to see UFOs? Well, you've come to the right place." - Blake Cousins
"Despite these secondary events taking place in the same day as Mantel's death, the Air Force report does not seem to consider that this very strange object might have been involved in his death."
"I knew straight away it was the underneath of a craft you are looking up into... the door is underneath there. The door would open and take whatever into the craft." - Trish Blair
"Witnessing a UFO, but when you're collaborating with friends that are experiencing the exact same thing, so you have other visual eyes spot on an object in the sky, you're confirming that it's there."
"Officer Lonnie Zamora was on duty chasing a speeding car when he spotted a cloud of smoke intrigued he decided to investigate and came across a strange object described as a large white or silvery green saucer-shaped craft with a slight purple Hue."
"The Nimitz incident, the first video called flir1."
"Eyewitnesses described the unidentified object as a glowing sphere of light emitting a soft glow that stood out against the backdrop of Darkness."
"They saw clearly the two helicopters chasing this red light at night." - Eyewitness testimony
"As I looked up, I saw two silvery objects moving swiftly out of the Northwest."
"One of the first people to report this instance said the objects appear to be flat, almost in the shape of a disk."
"The UFO stayed with the cargo plane for about 50 minutes, following the plane's every move."
"These lights did not have the characteristics of shooting stars; there were no trails, they traveled faster than any shooting star I have ever seen."
"The activity is intensifying and it is much erratic, really. I mean the objects seem to come a lot closer now and a lot lower."
"Within minutes, there was a light pink craft hovering directly above us."
"His report of nine shiny disk-shaped refers flying near Mount Rainier electrified the country."
"...reports from residents in the area saying that they had seen a strange object in the skies at around the same time that the event occurred."
"The Flatwoods Monster, some also call this the green monster or the phantom of Flatwoods, the legend of it began in 1952 after a group of children claimed they saw a UFO crash behind a hill not far from the town."
"That's probably the most interesting thing yet it was a flying saucer."
"Lonni Zamora would soon find himself at the center of the best documented UFO sighting on record."
"It shot off westward, covered 4.8 miles in one to one and a half seconds, and stopped cold."
"The disc-shaped metallic craft is visible, emitting rays of light towards the ground where a man and his dog are gazing up at the luminous object."
"The Phoenix Lights were seen by so many people that it might be the largest US UFO sighting of all time."
"As soon as I said 'Hey, there's no star there,' it zoomed across the horizon, stopped, then zoomed up, then blinked out like an old tube TV turning off."
"The alleged object shoots into the sky at incredible speed, blasting a hole through the dense cloud cover."
"I knew there and then I'd seen a UFO."
"The crew of a raid over Frankfurt on February 4th, 1944, said they saw a stationary, silver ball about 10 miles away that just hovered in the air."
"...there were also sightings of sometimes quite large objects and I've included for the first time a remarkable case reported by the crew of a Lancaster over France of an object which absolutely dwarfed the four engine Lancaster bomber."
"The Berkshire UFO incident is one of American history's most famous UFO sightings."
"A huge UFO is witnessed by thousands."
"It was like it was showing off for us; it came zooming back down, faster than we could imagine anything flying."
"The craft I saw was silver in color, it was round, it did come down on the ground."
"Fred believed he himself had seen a UFO, which made him anxious, even paranoid, that they might attack him one day."
"They saw a disc-shaped object that was floating about 150 ft off the ground."
"I don't care what you say about me, I know you think it's a hoax, I know you think I'm lying, this is what I saw that night."