
Difference Making Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"The love for America should drive us to act, to engage, and to make a difference."
"Being a high value man, it's not just about making money, it's about making a difference."
"You make a major difference in people's lives, no matter what you do."
"We saw a problem in our community, we go out, we try to help, we try to make a difference."
"Every day that they're out there, they feel that they're really making a difference."
"Be cut from a different cloth. You gotta be different to make the difference."
"Desperate to be seen as a capable asset... We can make the difference."
"We are celebrating the Griffith family for making a difference right here in Jacksonville."
"Even one person contributing just a little bit can make such a difference."
"It is only us, the people, who will make a difference."
"There's just so many ways to make a difference."
"There's so many things that we can all do to make a difference."
"It's supposed to be about honouring people who have made a difference."
"It's little details like this that I think make a big difference in the end."
"The most important thing you can do is to try and write books that make a difference."
"The difference that makes a difference."
"You always make a difference in someone's life."
Compassion is a verb. It also says, "I must, I will, I find a way to make a difference."
"There is hope that this can change and that we can make a difference."
"We can make a difference you can."
"I just thought, you know, I could maybe make a difference."
"You only make a difference when you are committed."
"Between all of us working together, we can hopefully make a difference."
"He said, 'Sometimes the only way to make a difference is to be fearless, kid.'"
"Every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the potential to make a difference."
"You don't need a lot of people or a lot of money to make a difference in this world."
"I think it can make a really, really big difference."
"There is no reason not to at least try to make these kind of differences... it helps your mind overall."
"It takes millions of people doing things imperfectly than a few people doing things perfectly to make a difference."
"You can make a difference in the world now, whether by following your calling or simply being you."
"Real leaders seek to make a difference."
"You don't need to seek permission to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is the right thing. I just want to make a difference in life."
"It just takes a couple anointed people to make a big difference."
"Whatever area you fall into or are in, you can not only make a difference, but even if you jump around to a bunch of different places, you will still have that security."
"Mary Ellen's character is defined by her steadfast dedication to making a meaningful difference in the lives of others."
"The difference that we're making is just phenomenal. I mean, it's just phenomenal."
"Just like Batman, these people are making a difference."
"This right here is the difference strategy is so important."
"They're willing to pay a price in order to make a remarkable difference that most people aren't willing to make."
"This is the most important thing he's done in his life, and he's doing things that really make a difference."
"We're all called to be difference makers."
"Diana was a champion for numerous causes and dedicated her life to making a difference in the world."
"Having someone there definitely makes a big difference."
"If you want to truly make a difference in this planet, you got to mentor these people."
"I think it really does make the biggest of difference adding a little key line."
"It's really impressive what you're trying to make a difference when the path of least resistance could easily be to just sort of do the Bachelor thing forever."
"If you want to make a difference, all you need to do is tell the truth."
"You can make a great difference, you can really touch people's hearts in a tremendous way."
"We don't make a difference, we make effort."
"Your life has to be a difference-making in the lives of others."
"If you can do it, do it. The difference is shocking."
"No one ever made a difference by throwing stones."
"This is going to make a huge difference."
"What I want to tell people internationally is to let them know that we are doing something here you know, we're doing good things here and you know we're trying to make a difference I think that's probably the most important for me."
"If you work hard and you take advantage of opportunities, you can make a difference in your life."
"You don't have to be not crazy to make a difference sometime."
"It's definitely going to make a big difference on the tracks."
"It makes a difference to this one."
"Because you are having all the difference in the world you're making all the difference in the world."
"I truly believe in my heart that has made a difference for some."
Andre Agassi: "He has shown us all that this is how you give back to your community, this is how you care for others, this is how you make a difference."
"What makes the difference? That's what we're gonna talk about today."
"I love that and I love to think and I'd like to think I can make a difference just like you guys do and you guys are inspirational and inspirational."
"I had an epiphany... You've got to find that one thing that you truly are going to make a difference at."
"I am their voice, and I want to make a difference."
"Having even a bit of a helping hand just makes a world of difference."
"You make a huge difference, so thank you."
"What seemed to really make the difference was the willingness to live into what it means to be human."
"This is what increases survivability. This is what's going to make the biggest difference in the first one to three minutes."
"I can never explain how much of a difference you really do make by doing these things."
"It gives an opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of people."
"You have truly made a difference."
"You're able to make a small difference in a person's life."
"If you're interested in the environment, you don't have to be the head of the EPA to make a difference."
"If we use our voice, if we take up space, if we are courageous enough to be ourselves in this world, that's when we can truly make a difference."
"Anybody, no matter where they are in an organization, can make a difference."
"The people who are here are here because they want to make a difference."
"It's the movement towards your passion of making a difference that brings other people resources."
"They surrounded me with all this love... that has made all the difference."
"However, I don't think there's anything wrong with me actively trying to make a difference with myself."
"I'm not gonna let an American die if I can make a difference in that person's life."
"These will really make the difference in building a good wheel."
"We could make such a difference by sharing this message."
"Her hope: Inspire others, make a difference in a fight that impacts each and everyone of us."
"You are making magic, you are making a difference for someone."
"I genuinely believe that having that stability makes all the difference."
"This career change allows him to show dedication to personal growth and his desire to make a difference beyond entertainment."
"Start making a real difference, just call and say yes, I'm ready to be a child sponsor and friend."
"I feel very good really deciding to put my money towards things that support people that are trying to make a difference in this world."
"Meaning comes from making a difference."
"It's like validation that wow, we're really making a difference."
"My hope though is that it's opportunity that calls all of you, the chance to make a real difference in an extremely important way for the causes that you care about most."
"I'm not trying to live day to day just to make it, I'm trying to make a difference."
"I wanted to work with something that I felt I can make a difference with."
"I'm really out here trying to make a difference."
"What makes the difference is proper maintenance, good management."
"You can change your life and make a difference."
"I always say it's passive difference making, like passive income; you're making a difference while you sleep."
"It makes me want to help others and make a real difference."
"One girl can make a difference, huh?"
"Having a really nice smooth spinning reel can really make a huge difference."
"The efforts that we can help collectively can make a difference."
"I do this job because I like seeing a difference in a person's life."
"It's absolutely amazing to know that I am making a difference at such a young age."
"I want to make a difference today, not months from today, not years from today. Today."
"I did that because, you know, I wanted to make a difference."
"Starting local is definitely where you can actually make a difference and work out from there."
"We're here to make a difference, make an impact."
"We're going to use our platform to make a difference."
"She's all about making a difference and she would love to have someone on her side that's willing to make a difference with her."
"It's about waking up in the morning thinking you're making a difference and inspiring others to make a difference."
"Thank you for looking for ways to make a difference."
"Whatever context we find ourselves in, we have to make sure that our presence makes a difference."
"I'm one of the very lucky people who loves what we do... at the end of the day, you feel like you made a difference."
"We really were making a difference in that area."
"I think it should feel wonderful to know that you've made a real difference in somebody's life."
"Thank you very much and I hope that we're able to make any sort of difference."
"Anybody who tries to make a difference to me is somebody that should be commended."
"All together we can make a good difference in the world."
"I'm convinced that we can make a difference."
"If you actually want to make a stand and make a difference, you have to make a stand for life."
"You make a difference, you make a much bigger difference than you can ever imagine."
"This thing is very close to my heart, so I want to use this platform to spread the word, do good, and hopefully make a difference."
"I'm fortunate, and I'm gonna help in any way that I can that will make a difference."
"You kind of forget how lucky you are to be put in a position where you can maybe make a little difference."
"It's the little subtle things that make the difference in games."
"I think going that extra mile makes a big difference."
"No one ever made a difference by being someone else."
"Together we can build local communities and global communities and we can come together and make a positive difference in this world."
"You are there to make not a living but to make a difference."
"He's making a positive difference."
"If I was going to make a difference, I was going to have to assume responsibility for doing that myself."
"If you're out to make a difference... if your friends don't like it or don't support you, they're really not your friends."
"Who's this going to make a difference for? Whose life is this going to improve?"
"If you wanted to make a real difference and not just give another Earth Day speech, that's what you would do."
"Could I be making more of a difference with what I'm doing? Could I be making more mindful decisions about the products I use?"
"You guys are special, that people are talking about it, you guys have the ability to make a difference in people's lives."
"Believe in your good luck, Libra. Believe that you have this opportunity to make a big difference."
"Whatever it is that you are naturally talented with, use that, leverage it, make a difference in the world."
"Trust your intuition; that is what's going to make all the difference."
"Giving of your quilting skills really does make a difference and helps encourage those that are in a spot that may be a little down in their lives."
"Trust your intuition, it really will make all the difference for you this week."
"This track, this is where a driver can really make a difference."
"Continue to do that work because it is going to make a difference."
"I believe every soul is here to really make a difference."