
Mystical Experiences Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"You are what you practice. If you practice being a master or mystic, keep practicing, and you'll start experiencing inexplicable events in your life."
"Jupiter in Pisces will see a mystical awakening, personal experiences of divine love."
"There are latent systems in the brain and body that have to be activated in order for us to have a lucid or mystical moment."
"I have watched you for a long time watched you with a thousand eyes and one I saw your birth and that of your lord father before you I saw your first step heard your first word was part of your first dream."
"It's an invitation into this mystical world."
"People don't understand that everything that happens on the ranch is just so... it's all about energy."
"Humans are Spiritual Beings. It's not the other way around. Every one of us has had that mystical experience."
"Suddenly You Are Not Alone a phantom Voice issues from the wood itself oh stranger do you know the spell which controls the gate uh no I do not."
"There is a portal in your life right now. You're being offered a return to wonder."
"It's probably fair to say that almost everyone on the planet has had an experience that could be considered mystical or even divinely inspired."
"All mystical experiences are actually taking you out of a dissonance and forcing you back into resonance with yourself."
"Would you still love and follow Jesus if you never had one single mystical experience or miracle? Is He enough for you?"
"In the world of Mars Neptune the Ecstasy has a goal."
"Don't fight fate and karma. Allow synchronicity and your mystical powers to bring things into alignment."
"Near-death experiences: Illusions or reality?"
"Ecstatic mystical experiences again and again appear as perhaps the fundamental datum of religion, spirituality, and religious philosophy for millions indeed billions of people around the world."
"Eclipses can feel like the veil between the worlds is especially thin, allowing us to recognize our spiritual lessons more easily."
"I do think that many of these individuals were having genuine mystical experiences."
"Once you go above 200 and up to say 400 then you're usually talking about a transcendent or a mystical or a unity experience."
"I felt this warm rod about an inch and a half in diameter start growing up inside my central channel."
"It is interesting to note that many people entering stone circles or burial mounds notice an elevated sense of consciousness."
"Synchronicities become part of your life...magic seems to infuse your life."
"The supernatural is as close as the air between your fingertips."
"Waking up between 3 and 5 a.m. can thus be seen as a call to spiritual awakening, an invitation to explore the depths of our consciousness and the universe."
"In the dream, he was walking down a path into the woods, and he saw the faerie they passed on the tree, as well as another in a ditch near it."
"There's something mystical and magical existing within you."
"Everything that's worth anything comes out of the secret place of mystical union with Jesus. It's from that place that the kingdom of heaven is revealed." - Keith Collins
"Animals can be spirit guides, talking about following certain signs and synchronistic things happening."
"If you're starting to see numbers and they're showing up everywhere, it's probably because you are in some way magical and magnetic at this time."
"Magic works through you, you're a conduit, you're energetically connecting to God and connecting to spirit."
"Lots of other mystical stuff in my life, but I consider them spiritual gifts."
"Yoda realizes he needs to let the rest of the Jedi Council know about the voices he's hearing in his head."
"Dragon dreams are interpretive visions of the future."
"Between now and 11 11, because the veil is thin, the spirits are a store, they are talking, they are guiding, they are helping, they are delivering messages."
"That phenomena is showing us, after these mystical-type experiences, they are enduring changes in the personality dimension of openness."
"William James, the father of American psychology, assigned several characteristics to mystical experiences, two of the most important being noetic and ineffable. - Video Caption"
"Mystical experiences, whether real or fictional, have significantly shaped the course of human history. All the world's major religions have started from reported mystical experiences. - Video Caption"
"Psilocybin can occasion mystical type experiences."
"Mystical experiences are profound experiences of a spiritual nature, many people describe them as a burst of intense energy, a laser focus, an all-consuming love, and an encounter with God."
"The highest common factor in all these experiences is the experience of light."
"Mystical experiences offer an alternative avenue to knowledge."
"...effortlessness is this feeling in mystical experiences we talk about this as effortless effort."
"Mystical is just something that happens beyond words, simply cannot be described for words, ineffable."
"How can we trigger those mystical experiences in ourselves and then create environments where it's triggered in others too?"
"There's a significant relationship between mystical experience and if you have meaning in life."