
Avant-garde Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You guys are the bad boys of Comedy... we're cutting edge avant-garde."
"The gray fascist regime Avenger wash our knowledge yamino when a bomb at hasna the cat eyes."
"Anti-political correctness is becoming seen...as avant-garde, as counterculture."
"I think any music that proclaims itself as having absolutely no interest in being music is kind of like the most interesting music."
"Paris between the wars was the home of the avant-garde."
"Their music being well incredibly bizarre and deliberately inaccessible somehow they've quietly become one of the most influential bands in the last 30 years of rock and metal."
"Balenciaga was sure to make new waves in modern fashion by pushing the boundaries of avant-garde clothing and an understanding of mean culture mixed with performance art."
"There's certainly overlap between Balenciaga and the cremaster cycle both play with avant-garde fashion as well as strange environments to convey a sense of outlandish futurism."
"Fluxus rejected the status quo, upsetting norms."
"The result is raw, it's artisanal, it's avant-garde."
"Paris was the most avant-garde of all cities between the wars."
"The same avant-garde, defiant, maverick, renegade spirit will be present in people across the board."
"Magical Mystery Tour was ahead of its time."
"Jupiter in Aquarius can also be ahead of its time, it can be avant-garde, fashion forward, very aware of the next trends of what's coming, ahead of the pack."
"It's very avant-garde. She'll stream for like four or five hours but she never actually shows herself. You only ever see her arm."
"My he's an Avant guard like horror artist he's going to make an a24 movie in like a couple years."
"Nicolas Ghesquière is always forward thinking his clothes are some of the most interesting, avant garde, exciting clothes that there are."
"If you like truly weird filmmaking, this one is a must-see."
"As I keep saying, I think he's such a good example of someone who really did push a lot of things forward and was an Avant guard real sort of artists artist back in the day."
"'Are We Not Men?' by Devo is avant-garde and experimental."
"It was very avant-garde but in a cool way."
"It's just such a fun look and as crazy and avant-garde as this look is, it's actually very wearable and looks really chic for a night out."
"to this day you made me realize stands as a record ahead of its time that easily transcends any Orthodox idea of Music."
"What does it mean to be a bohemian? To be avant-garde? It essentially comes from the mid-19th century description of an unconventional artist, writer, actor, musician."
"Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon belongs here without a doubt. It's off the charts in terms of sound but that's what makes it so influential."
"He was doing something which avantgarde artists later in the 19th century were going to do kind of 50 years ahead of his time."
"The more grandiose its pretentions, the further from its grasp is its true fulfillment. This art is necessarily avant-garde and at the same time it does not actually exist."
"The last authentically avant-garde work was done by Robert Mapplethorpe in the late 1970s."
"ICarly I think objectively is probably like the most avant-garde like sitcom ever made."
"It's like this almost postmodern avant-garde style of doing things that I find really inspiring."
"Pere Ubu: avant-garde, experimental, unusual band."
"Under all the avant-garde bells and whistles, it unquestionably has a heart, a buoyancy, and belief in humanity."
"I don't find that interesting anymore. I gave up on all that a long time ago. I think it's far more avant-garde to live raw than it is to switch off."
"Literature, if you like, was so in front of everybody else that in many senses we haven't caught up with him."
"The soloist takes a much different approach than number nine did. The designs and the clothes are much more avant-garde and creative, and it's a fuller exploration of imagination and what the mind can create."
"German expressionism is largely an avant-garde or in some sense a modernist film movement that goes against the Hollywood conventions."
"It's amazing, it's avant-garde, it's over the top, it's very Billy Porter, and I love it."
"Feldman got plugged into Cage's circle of avant-garde artists of all stripes."
"Sublimotion, which is on the island of Ibiza in Spain, is an avant-garde gastronomic experience that pushes the boundaries of culinary innovation."
"The spirit of avant-garde is about creating what has not yet been made."
"I'm considering moving to Paris and dropping the vowels from my name to signify the abandonment of my old life and my total embrace of the avant-garde."
"This team took it to the next level by making them more avant-garde, more high concept."
"Stravinsky was the new Wagner in the sense that he was this scandalous avant-gardist who was once again revolutionizing music."
"Unfiltered by commercial and mainstream standards, Doom is able to be as experimental and avant-garde as he pleases."
"This move would mark the group not only as avant-garde but revolutionary."
"Avant-garde art reflects a transformed consciousness of time."
"Of two squares is among the most important publications in the history of the avant-garde in graphic design."
"Captain Beefheart was the avant-garde pioneer, the mad genius who threw traditional rock out the window."
"What I hope to accomplish eventually is to fit avant-garde sensibilities into pop forms so more people will enjoy them."
"Essence is at the vanguard of directional retail with its mix of luxury streetwear and avant-garde labels."
"The Audi counts among the avant-garde of the automobile world and continues to set new standards in automotive engineering."
"The whole point of the avant-garde is to fight the status quo."
"Avant-garde art was once seen as a revolutionary activity, socially effective, public, disruptive."
"A little bit different, a little bit avant-garde, but in all ways that are very thoughtful."
"The fact that he chose to wear such a dedicated tooltastic pilot's instrument watch with such smart sartorial choices was kind of like his music, well ahead of its time."
"He created something new in avant-garde and others imitated; he started a movement and became its poster boy in the process."
"The goal is to create a look that is tasteful, memorable, and usually a little bit avant-garde."
"Y'all, this dress was very avant-garde, made me feel like I was supposed to be in Hunger Games."
"No notes, no notes, no notes, and I love how they did a little avant-garde touch."
"I liked late era John Coltrane, I liked Albert Ayler, these kind of guys that were on the fringes."
"Art is ahead of its time, and the artiste, I'm just expressing myself."
"It's the most avant-garde topic right now in our society."
"We have with us three avant-garde visionaries who both individually and collectively have created a body of work of momentous influence over our culture."
"The brilliant Capriles collection is a window into the development of the avant-garde in Latin America and a testament to the amazing contribution that these artists made in the earlier part of the 20th century."
"Tag actually stands for Techniques d'Avant Garde."
"I was delighted to see the principles of our avant-garde dreams expressed throughout an entire country."
"Everything about it like her body, the clothes, the hair, you know she just... And then this red carpet look, it's creepy but it's so like beautifully avant-garde."
"She was always very avant-garde, very forward-thinking about things."
"This is my brand; this is what I do, I'm avant-garde."
"He had gotten the opportunity to play the recording for Stockhausen... one of the great 20th-century avant-garde composers."
"Avant-garde means ahead of time and beyond historical limitations."
"Embrace the notion of avant-garde style and art."
"Only to the extent that as the culture moves forward in time, the avant-garde and the experimental of yesterday becomes the wallpaper and the home furniture of tomorrow."