
Movie Success Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"The movie was definitely a success and it's still considered to be one of the most inspiring American motion pictures."
"This movie was a success and it is very important to the horror genre."
"But the point is, is this it's going to depend on how this movie plays out. I think the movie is going to have a pretty big opening weekend. I think the movie's probably going to open north of 150 million domestically."
"A hundred million is still what you're predicting? Yeah, I truly believe that this movie now is going to cross 100 million opening weekend."
"I actually thought that the movie failed, but it made over a billion dollars worldwide."
"Marvel spent 10 years building up loyalty with their fan base, and it paid off with this movie."
"Fan reactions can significantly impact a movie's reception and success."
"Spider-Verse gave us what the fans have been clamoring for."
"Sonic was a good success but it was them listening to the fans."
"The Exorcist surpassed all previous box-office records at 3 theaters in New York."
"Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is officially the second biggest movie release since the start of the pandemic."
"Frozen one had as much reach as it did because of the quality of their songs."
"Despite the crossover element and strong fan bases, the movie was not a success."
"You put in all the work and now it's time to rest."
"Plenty of these female-led movies have been successful."
"You've got to have a movie that comes out and just slays."
"When we do these movies, we sell the theaters out, we sell theaters out, every theater that we have the movies in, they sell out."
"Joker's opening weekend is a huge headline and a very big deal."
"Deadpool is still crushing it in theaters, and that's something to celebrate."
"Avengers endgame: demolishing box-office records with a stunning $350 million in North America and $1.2 billion worldwide."
"This movie's going to crush it. It is going to do very well."
"Even Ant-Man, reviewing poorly, is making money."
"Of all the X-Men movies, 'Days of Future Past' works."
"Spider-Man far from home, by a pretty large margin, is the first Spider-Man movie since Raimi's films to sell 20 million tickets through six days."
"Aquaman grossed 105.7 million over the five-day holiday, winning females over in a big way."
"No Time to Die took in $56 million over the first three days."
"There are so many movies that get made and then you never hear from it."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home exceeded expectations."
"After the Pierce Brosnan era ended on such a humiliating note, the James Bond franchise came roaring back to life with Casino Royale."
"I saw a headline the other day being like 'Oh Five Nights at Freddy's right now is set to be the second biggest opening of the Fall outside of outside of the Aras tour.'"
"Nearly $775 million in box office receipts later, Guardians of the Galaxy could be the start of an Avengers-style franchise for the studio."
"If he's in a movie, I bet that movie is going to be [ __ ] amazing."
"And finally, Sonic did it y'all! Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has become the highest grossing video game movie ever in the U.S."
"Crazy rich Asians was such a huge success it's like we the studio's find the right path forward you know what I mean."
"Terminator 2 grossed 70 million dollars in its opening week."
"This is an incredible movie, I'm not surprised to see this at number one."
"The Legend of Tarzan did better than predicted swing into 45 point six million dollars over the long weekend."
"So they were clearly trying to do right by the fans and I'd say the success of that first movie and Tyson's further involvement in the sequel is proof of that."
"Remember the Shawshank Redemption didn't do well when it came out theatrically and yet it's become a beloved movie over the years."
"It's thanks entirely to her that the movie is a resounding success."
"The Mummy opened in theaters on May 7, 1999, and went on to defy expectations..."
"Shang-Chi has become the top-grossing movie at the North American box office this year, bringing in $187 million according to comScore."
"People are going to see the rise of Skywalker and posted the second biggest Christmas Day gross of all time."
"Oh man, dear internet friends, I have to eat crow first because I was like this movie is gonna tank. Oh my gosh, day and date, what a bunch of... and it worked. It, for some reason, worked."
"Super Mario Brothers has literally more than doubled it. That doesn't happen often in the world of movies." - John Campia
"Wonder Woman is in my opinion a success. You can go to this film whether you're a guy or girl and you're going to have a ton of fun."
"Marvel's Captain America Civil War has now surpassed Disney Zootopia... worldwide... revenue... climbing."
"The soundtrack played a large part in the movie's success."
"The success of 'I can only imagine' kind of shows that audiences especially Christian audiences are kind of done with the victim Christian mentality."
"Beverly Hills Cop made close to $700 million adjusted for inflation one of the most successful movies of all time"
"The biggest driving factor for these movie success is the fact that it Banks off of your Nostalgia and nothing more."
"How could I really be upset? This movie was a phenomenon, people loved it, it brought people together, girls got dressed up, we broke records."
"The first Slam Dunk film earns 130 million yen in one-day revival screenings in Japan."
"This movie is going to be a hit, I think, unless the trailers are like lies."
"When the movie came out, it was instantly great, it was instantly profitable."
"Despite very mediocre reviews, this movie grossed over 147 million worldwide. That's a lot of doggy biscuits."
"The fan love persisted, so when the Battle of Gods movie came out, everyone in the world raised their hands in unison and threw millions of dollars at it."
"Crazy Rich Asians was a remarkable success, grossing over $230 million."
"Top Gun Maverick had the best legs of the summer."
"Fandango announced that Avengers: Endgame was their biggest first-day pre-sales in history."
"How hot is Barbie right now? Really, the movie is Warner Brothers' biggest grossing movie ever."