
Retro Gaming Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"You guys know I love retro gaming, and it's become a huge hobby of mine."
"Done right, it’s an affordable, simple way to dip right back into previous generations and relive our childhoods."
"The idea that you could take a cartridge that had been released years ago, plug it in, and play it over the network was mind-blowing."
"Developers couldn't lean on graphics or music to attract a lot of players; games developed at this time really had to be fun."
"If Christian Whitehead showed up at my door and told me I had to choose between Sonic 3 and Knuckles or Knuckles Chaotix to get a mobile port, I would probably choose Knuckles Chaotix."
"This is an absolute golden peek into gaming in the 1990s."
"Sonic Mania isn't just an extension of Sonic 4 or Sonic Rush, rather this game is made to feel like it came straight from the early 1990s."
"A game so 80s it should really only be available for the NES." - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
"Hong Kong 97 is still remembered today as a bizarre and creepy artifact from a bygone era of gaming."
"Game Boy games are being added to Nintendo Switch Online."
"Ion Fury nails everything you would hope for in this genre tight controls, smart level design, killer boss fights, tons of variety, gorgeous pixel art, and a killer soundtrack."
"This game really is for the hardcore classic retro fan."
"It's cool that we're getting games that never actually natively released on the Super Nintendo like through this service."
"The only good thing I can talk about with this game so far is that for a 2001 PS1 title, the analog stick controls are some of the best I've ever used on the system."
"Despite being made in the modern day, Haunted PS1 really brought me back to the era of booting up a demo disc and playing through these weird random games with no context."
"If you guys have played the Haunted PS1 demo disc or any of the games involved in it, definitely let me know below."
"The retro tech scene is lively and always evolving, and has produced miraculous developments to improve video output from NES on up to Dreamcast and GameCube."
"Blazing Chrome is a love letter to classic run-and-gun shooters."
"Finally, some 30 years later the Sega CD would get another chance to show off some of the titles that made it such a fun part of my Sega experience."
"Deliberately using outdated graphical styles to heighten fear."
"Modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges retro games are notorious for."
"Adventure games such as dizzy represent the pinnacle of 8-bit graphic adventures."
"Retro gaming week as part of Kirby's 30th anniversary."
"The SNES controller has similar bonus ZR and ZL buttons on the top."
"The N64 controller has a built-in rumble feature for N64 games."
"Using a Sega Genesis pad should undoubtedly be the best way to play it, right?"
"It looks like a Dreamcast game with associating Spider-Man uses chat rooms to communicate."
"It's hard to emphasize how important emulators roms and pirates were to creating retro gaming as a niche as a viable economic force."
"I'm very happy that people even care about retro games."
"The PSP 6: my new favorite way to enjoy Retro Gaming on the go."
"Without any doubt, the best retro gaming system I have ever used."
"I have no issue with video game collecting or retro game playing being popular at all. I like it because I naturally enjoy talking about my hobby."
"I'm mostly about I love imports and I'm just a fan of like the the 8-bit 16-bit era for sure." - John Riggs
"CRTs are still coveted by retro gamers. In fact, many would argue that CRTs are the absolute best way, some would go so far as to say the only way, to play retro video games the way the developers intended."
"CRT fans tend to be very fond of scanlines and many consider them an integral part of the retro gaming experience."
"Even a good standard definition CRT is better-suited for retro gaming, and much less trouble."
"The screen should go to the main menu and there we are we have the retro pie menu and the controller should work"
"These mini consoles inspired dozens of companies to jump into the retro gaming scene themselves."
"This chip can play SNES with no problem."
"When it comes to price to performance there is nothing that can beat the Retro Pocket 2 Plus for 100 plus shipping you're looking at a device that can play all the way up through Dreamcast with minimal issues."
"Nintendo offered the Wii Classic Controller. This was primarily designed for Wii Virtual Console games."
"The Atari Flashback series does everything it sets out to do."
"The Retro-Bit Generations was not limited by one console's game catalog."
"Commodore 64 is the latest classic console would receive a rerelease it's gonna arrive December 5th 2019 at a retail price of the 119 120 euros a hundred and ten pounds."
"Maybe the CDI isn't going to be looked back on as fondly as the Dreamcast or even 3DO but it still gave us some great full motion video games."
"No way you can stop me with Saturn games costing a fortune on eBay; backups and reproductions have become essential to the experience of owning the hardware."
"Little Samson is easily one of the best games on the NES and often overlooked."
"Sonic Mania feels and plays like a lost Genesis title."
"Shovel Knight managed to dig up inspiration from the past to create something new for the future."
"All of its optional so if people are like super old-school and they want to play like 1999 AI and like all of the old ways to play the game keyboard shortcuts it's all there."
"Super Nintendo Edition: an easy alternative for the most die-hard Sega fan."
"It feels like it comes from such a place of like genuine love for all of these different styles and for old arcade games and stuff."
"The main reason why you'd want to revisit Persona 1 nowadays is for its story and characters."
"This incredible tidal wave all started back on october 4th 2013 when a random retro inspired 2d platformer showed up on Kickstarter."
"This scratches the games I liked on Super Nintendo goldeneyes literally N64."
"The PS1 Tekken 3 arcade stick: it's cool as hell as a complete package."
"Nostalgia, redefined: the Nintendo 64 Classic brings back the joy of gaming's golden era."
"It can play official Game Boy Advance cartridges."
"Every part of Cyber Shadow feels intentionally designed."
"Cyber Shadow is old school masochism at its finest."
"Pitfall The Mayan Adventure is a charming callback to Activision's classic on the 2600."
"The Analogue Pocket is a unique and compelling addition to the broader world of classic gaming."
"Let me take you back to a time when games expected you to stop and think about what you were going to do next."
"There are thousands of games even entire genres that can only be played on an old Windows 98 PC like this one."
"There were a couple of comments I read on the review where someone said, you know, if this game was released in 1987, David would be a millionaire."
"Ask and you shall receive, the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP."
"Lunar Eternal Blue's CD soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal, easily some of the best tunes produced in the 16-bit era."
"The sheer quantity of games on the Genesis Mini blows the SNES Classic out of the water because the Genesis Mini has 42 games on it, which is double that of Nintendo’s offering."
"Castlevania is pretty up there with the greats of retro gaming."
"Fantasy World Dizzy number three was the best. The Oliver's actually said out of the gate that it's their favorite."
"This game is a love letter to that entire 8 and 16-bit era of gaming."
"I'm an 8-bit Castlevania too so where do I go to show off what I've got?"
"If you're new to the channel, we're doing deep dives on retro video games."
"I really like the black and white look with the film grain and the animation is surprisingly polished and Sleek looking considering it's a 10 year old Flash game."
"What's old is new...bringing it back and presenting it with modern visuals."
"Faith emulates the stylings of 1980s 8-bit video games and nails down that haunted game cartridge look."
"So, literally, it's John Madden Football Classic."
"The NES Classic Edition is a brilliant idea that taps into the nostalgia that nearly an entire generation shares for the console that set the standard for gaming going forward."
"Shakedown Hawaii: Everything you love about GTA style games crammed into a 16-bit style with so much detail."
"Wolf's default appearance in Smash Remix is largely inspired by his design for Star Fox 64."
"The game is described as a free fan-made beat-em-up game based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, an update and homage to the classic NES titles with tons of characters playable for the first time." - Captions
"Turtles in Time is a bloody good game which features one of the best visual art styles in the entirety of the Super Nintendo's library."
"Turtles in Time is better, but the Hyperstone Heist is a game that still deserves your attention."
"Presentation Wise It's about as top tier 16-bit Shooters get."
"It's crazy what Infocom did back in the day."
"Classic game design forever: low poly models."
"I'm such a sucker for old games, lost in nostalgia and loving it!"
"These levels would feel right at home on the genesis, both visually and musically."
"This extraordinarily strange and nostalgic group of tracks is keeping the memory of this extraordinarily strange and nostalgic console alive."
"Despite being on the extreme difficulty side this is a great Castlevania and love letter you should check this out for sure."
"Hell yeah man, it's even if you aren't a retro gamer."
"Sengoku was a series of beat em up games on the Neo Geo... they're like decent solid games that are worth checking out."
"The first and second game is some of the more challenging shooters from around that same time period with really complex level design and gory involved shooting."
"For this being one of the first Mega 10 games to be released on a handheld console as early as 1992 in Japan, Last Bible really isn't bad."
"Street Fighter 2: What a game, what an event."
"Mini consoles have become a fad in recent years."
"This impossibly good port nails the look and feel of its inspiration and could easily be mistaken for 16-bit title at times."
"Burst's graphical style helps it to stand apart from other 8-bit Mega Man titles."
"It looks awesome. I mean, bringing back that classic NES look and playing through it, that looks really great."
"It is perfect. It is right in line with the old style but it looks so crisp and detailed. It is gorgeous."
"It’s comfortable for power sliding in Mario Kart 64… smooth turns in F-Zero X…"
"An old West-themed shooter without a light gun, Bank Panic demands you move tactically to collect bank deposits from 12 different vault doors while gunning down criminals."
"If they had added a 16-bit style sound version of the soundtrack, I would buy whatever they ask for it in a second."
"Adam Sandler was like a video game champion from the 80s."
"In the case of Maverick Hunter X, I find it interesting to look back and use this game as a case study for how far handheld games had come in just a few years."
"Shovel Knight brought retro into the forefront, adding a layer of distinction to each immaculately designed stage and boss fight."
"Sonic Mania was the last 2D Sonic game that I played probably launch."
"Final Fantasy 6 uses the same art style to its fullest, showing off some of the best presentation ever seen in a 16-bit game."
"I'm happy to announce that if you want to play this long-lost Japanese McDonald's training game for yourself, you can start playing with it today."
"It's a beautiful world, it's an old school style of game."
"Everything from the 8-bit and 16-bit era is going to run just great."
"Many retro games are going to look really good... Game Boy Advance with a 3x2 aspect ratio is going to fill up basically the full screen..."
"These games were brilliantly re-realized in an 8-bit style."
"It's a great device to tinker with if you're into retro game emulation."
"Dragon Quest nailed it all the way back in 1986."
"Personally, I think this is an ideal way to play Game Boy and Game Boy Color games."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project is easily one of the greatest beat-em-up games for the NES."
"This is like a master class on what makes 8-bit Nintendo games cool."
"In the end, this makes for an awesome little retro game companion, especially for those who don't wanna buy extra Joy-Cons."
"The Game Boy Advance offers such a bright, colorful, fun gaming experience that felt like enjoying the Golden Age of Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive games all over again."
"The sprite and pixel animation that came with the Super Nintendo era and some of the titles that came out of that era are just to this day some of my favorites."
"The Japanese Sega Saturn: a necessity for gracious living when it comes to classic video game consoles."
"Sonic CD was always that mysterious classic Sonic game not many got to experience, the hidden gem of the series."
"There's just something about combining mechanics from the 8-bit era with modern inflections."
"The NES established many rules of game design that would continue for years to come."
"They stole this from the Intellivision and the ColecoVision for the 5200 and just never put it away."
"Toe Jam and Earl feels like a 90s cartoon come to life."
"The idea to have players collect videotapes was directly inspired by the collection of stars in Super Mario 64."
"All in all, I really think that this is going to be an incredible way to play your Game Boy system on an HD television."
"Nostalgia is a big reason why a lot of us still dust off the old SNES or PlayStation controllers and select new game."
"Castle of Illusion was a killer addition to the Master System Library."
"Every October for the last four years I have traveled to Portland Oregon to attend the Portland retro gaming expo."
"I think we should head over to the retro video game store."
"This is your best bang for your buck if you want a fake handheld console that can play Gameboy games."
"You play PS2 and PS1 games on some of these older systems. It was fine. Oh yeah, like it worked fine when you had them."
"Streets of Rage... one of the four games I've got with the console from the very beginning."
"The Atari Vault contains a collection of old-school Atari 2600 games."
"If you are a fan of PlayStation controls on the Sony interface and are looking for a cool way to play old games, you could do a hell of a lot worse than play with the Xperia Play."
"In this wonderful world of retro gaming, every click of a button brings joy."
"Does it play PlayStation One? It even plays PlayStation One."
"While modern games usually look to the future, it's nice to delve into the nostalgic delight of those that look to the past."
"Part of the idea of this is to run emulators and run lots and lots of old games on the move."
"Essentially the entire world of Amiga is at your fingertips."
"Did you guys ever play this Empire Strikes Back game? That Star Wars game is the hardest I have ever played in my entire life."
"Originally released in 1994, Natsume's (Nat-su-may) Wild Guns has some stellar production values, especially considering it was developed on a meagre budget to a strict time limit and primarily by a team of just three people."
"I really love chiptune is taking these old pieces of vintage video game consoles and pushing their soundships to beyond what they were supposed to be doing."
"They're basically a museum of retro video games."
"It's got the classic Atari logo - I think that lights up when you power the thing up."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, let me know your thoughts on the city of Final Fantasy down below, take excellent care of yourselves, and I will see you in the next retro rebound. Peace out."
"There's a strong demand for retro handhelds capable of perfectly emulating up to the PlayStation 2 and GameCube."
"It wasn't until a retro gaming YouTuber and journalist called aoy made a video detailing his investigations."
"The Retro Tink 4K can connect to 4K displays, 1440p, 1080p, and 480p."
"...The Retro Tink 4K is hands down the best scaler that is available."
"...The Retro Tink 4K scaler gets a huge thumbs up."
"I am always down for some retro game shopping."
"Tetris, perhaps one of the most famous retro games ever, thought to be unbeatable, has been beaten quite literally."
"In many aspects, yes. I actually feel that DOSBox is better compared to the real thing when it comes to audio."
"Welcome back to Retro Rebound. I just thought this was a good chance to talk about a game that I kind of weirdly associate with The Flash."
"Every time you mention emulation they're like oh you're pirate in games. I'm like bro the game is 40 [__] years old, okay? They don't sell it anymore, you're not you're not smarter for like the game company because you gave your [__] money to some reseller."
"...if you're looking for YouTubers who can make retro game recommendations, I think SNES Drunk and Sega Lord X are great places to start."
"Running classic games on the Pi 400 is a great project to work on; it's just awesome."
"Imagine that you've gone online and found everything you want to load into your Amiga's hard drive."
"There's a brand new contender for the title of best retro shinobi right now."
"Money's not what makes me happy. Retro games, especially DOS, that's what makes me happy."
"I love revisiting early 3D video gaming, and some PS1 games are literally $1.00."
"DOSBox is a great piece of free software that allows us to enjoy retro games and other long lost DOS software from the golden age of personal computing."
"It feels like a game that was made yesterday with like a 16-bit style."
"I call it the 4K of the Retro PC gaming World."
"The Sega Genesis is fully functional, and it goes to show you cleaning it can go a long way."
"It feels right out of a modern platformer but to see concepts so advanced and well thought out in a game from 1994, it's mind-blowing."
"Playing some old school like eight-bit chip tunes from an old NES would sound awesome with these."
"These nifty devices allowed us to experience the joy of retro mini-games inspired by iconic titles like Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Monkey Ball."
"Finally, if you like this tutorial, be sure to check out my retro style 3D FPS course on Udemy."
"I really like old video games and computers from the 80s and 90s."
"I love it so much more than I thought I was going to, and it's definitely going to be giving retro a run for its money."
"So that's your Raspberry Pi set up as the ultimate retro games console."
"RetroPie is a great way to turn a simple Raspberry Pi into any console or arcade machine up to the mid-1990s."
"With literally thousands of classic games to choose from, retro gaming is one of the most fun things you can do with your computer."
"Let me show you the easiest way to turn your PC into a retro gaming powerhouse."
"At the heart of the Retro Box, of course, is the Raspberry Pi 3."
"That's my dream, that retro just goes to a completely platform agnostic thing where we're just running code on some other device."
"Burger Time, a unique game of building burgers while being chased by hot dogs, pickles, and eggs."
"This super cool kind of vintage video game early 3D computer graphics aesthetic looks to have been created all with Point Clouds."
"These systems run just perfectly when it comes to the old school 8-bit 16-bit era."
"Arcades were such a huge part of the 80s."
"The best part of these old retro consoles that come pre-installed with a bunch of games is that you get to discover new games."
"Some games needed like that pixel art needed to be on CRT TVs, those tube TVs, because there's a like the way it blended together, and it actually made it look like art with shading."