
National Health Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The health of the nation is literally at stake; it's not hyperbole."
"Obesity will crush the United States and we will fade in the rearview mirror in oblivion."
"In the greatest country on Earth, we should be living long, healthy lives in America that get longer year after year."
"We are on our way to becoming a nation of orthorexia."
"I just think that this is just another sign of the decay of the core and the soul of this country."
"The hope of America is a healthy thriving church. Let's put that first and then have a healthy involvement in politics."
"A tree rots from its roots. If a country is likened to a large tree and its roots are rotten, how can one expect its branches to be healthy?"
"Universal healthcare is probably where I'd start."
"Positive stories are crucial for the health of our nation."
"Let's get America back on track, let's get a nation of people who are fit."
"A nation that cannot take care of its People's Health is a nation that's in trouble."
"I commend her efforts to improve the health of Americans across this country."
"Russia is in a very strong and healthy position."
"I'm so proud that Britain avoided the catastrophe of an overwhelmed NHS and that through foresight and brilliant science we've led the world in a vaccination effort."
"Trying to take down opponents? Not healthy for the country."
"When you find the Mark II GTI of your dreams the chances are it will not be as clean as this example however this car will show you a benchmark example."
"We've got to go back to a culture of sanity in the whole country."
"More than money and assets, the GDP indicates the health of an economy."
"We're facing a crisis right now in this nation and Mark said it beautifully, the nation is burning not because of the political structure. The nation is only as healthy as its church, just remember that."
"We need people-centered healthcare in our country."
"Living comfortably without health risks should be a priority."
"South Korea has one of the lowest obesity rates in the OECD, which means, you know, they must be getting something right."
"Teaching people how to think clearly is a better strategy for the long-term health of the country."
"As goes the health of space-faring ambitions, so too goes the future of America."
"They have practically no deaths from opioids, they have a low crime rate, they have no debt of the whole country. They're doing a lot right."
"The very health of our nation is at stake. Our rescue plan also includes immediate relief to Americans hardest hit and most in need."
"The health of a nation can be reflected in its stories."
"Leadership means standing up for the people of this country, standing up for our police, standing up for our NHS."
"We're the sickest country in the world, we spend more money than any country in the world on health care."
"A healthy food supply must be a top national priority."
"It's not always about the leaders. A good leader has a healthy country and a bad leader has a decaying country."
"A good healthcare system has several attributes: one is how does it affect our health as a country."
"Are we not lucky in the fact that the country is so healthy that it can survive either of the parties?"
"It's America's disease, and its cure will be an American cure."
"If we're not thinking about the long-term health of the country, if we're not thinking about investment in children, in parents, in households, in the elderly, in infrastructure, then we're not thinking about the country."
"This nation needs a heart transplant."
"The wild Atlantic salmon is not only an indicator species for the health of our rivers but also an indicator of the physical and emotional health of our nation."
"If we spent more on food, we could spend less on healthcare in this country."
"The health of the land is the health of our people, and the health of our nation."
"What role do health care facilities and services play in achieving better health for all Australians?"
"It's important that we get involved and it's not always a completely self-serving tax policy; it's what's right for the long-term health of the country."