
Paganism Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Our third attempt inside the ruins, once holy idols and shrines have been corrupted to favor pagan gods. Holy water can help restore them."
"Even a thousand years on, Christians still honor pagan festivals. Think of the winter solstice at Christmas and the spring equinox at Easter."
"Rituals of paganism are gone... even pagans who do pagan stuff don't do birthdays with the neo-paganism."
"Stragonaria is an archaic word for witchcraft and it is a pagan-oriented religious system."
"Baal is the spirit that begins the paganization transforming a nation."
"The modern witches' sabbath... can be traced back to much earlier traditions, the pagan rituals that marked the Earth's changing seasons."
"Way back in about the middle of the 1800s there was the discovery of what became the most famous pagan creation myth that had ever been found in human history."
"Paganism in the sense of adopting chaos and not just entirely an orderly nature is actually closer to reality."
"The retention of the old pagan name for Sunday."
"Just know that the Wheel of the year is used by a lot of people, Wicca is very popular."
"I do truly believe that you can have experiences with both the Nordic and the Celtic deities."
"All pagan prayers fulfill a tripartite format."
"I really hope that my review has sparked your interest in Nordic Germanic paganism."
"Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25th inadvertently celebrates pagan gods and traditions."
"The Vikings liked being pagans... it was also a form of religious payback."
"I think the thing we've got to remember here is that in the sixth century they were basically pagan..."
"In modern times, various polytheists, those who practice nature worship, and others who embrace spirituality but reject the world's largest religions, have reclaimed paganism as a concept and made the word their own."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"We're becoming a pagan nation that has forgotten that it ever knew God."
"We really are seeing a kind of flooding in of paganism... and pagan structures and pagan gods."
"Paganism built Western civilization before Christianity existed."
"Pagans built Western civilization; it was already there."
"Almost everything we see today is rooted in some type of Pagan occultic history."
"It's THE literal inversion of the holy trinity, the pagan triple goddess."
"For all Varg’s waffle about paganism and returning to their roots, burning shit is fun!"
"There is definitely a mix of paganism in Christianity and the holidays, and it's just named differently."
"The indigenous people of Northern Scandinavia and Finland, and their paganism actually lasted the longest all the way into until the 1800s."
"I found the pagan gods more exciting and interesting, you know, Aphrodite or Dionysus, just seemed more interesting and kind of charismatic than the Christian God."
"If anyone is interested in learning more about the sabbats, the Llewellyn book series could be a really interesting choice."
"It's a post-secular age where spirituality is rising, but so is the worship of identities, resembling a new kind of paganism."
"Paganism is a big mishmash and it's cross cultures languages times and especially because we're now living in the modern day it is just a crazy time to be alive you literally have all knowledge at your fingertips."
"If it can be proven that a group of pagan worshippers, their rituals, and their symbols came from Scotland to America thousands of years ago, that would open up a whole new chapter in American history."
"Pagans believe that worshipping multiple gods was better than worshipping just one God. For them, more equals better."
"The grip of paganism was broken over one of the largest empires known to the world at that time."
"Almost every pagan culture has its own form of traditional witchcraft."
"As someone who follows one of these paths, I personally follow kind of a combination of Celtic and Norse paganism."
"In paganism, we don't need to have faith in miracles; we can actually see and touch what's important to our faith."
"They're mixing Christ with paganism and witchcraft."
"Tragedy wasn't the final word of pagan man."
"I love your content, thoughts on naturalistic secular paganism and Witchcraft."
"Temple buildings are not limited to Greco-Roman paganism, as some claim. We have plenty of textual and archaeological evidence for Germanic Pagan temples."
"I personally think that this idea that you will find all over the Internet and in many books and many people saying that there were lots of pagan dying and Rising Gods I think that that's not true."
"I think as pagans and magicians, we really understand that the mind can do anything."
"Don't tell me that's not a hat from paganism."
"Is there anything in the whole wide world that's not Pagan?"
"Returning the Divine Feminine to a central place has been a wonderful revival within modern paganism."
"Manasseh reversed reforms, restoring pagan worship, temple prostitution, and child sacrifice."
"Assuming that the Christmas tradition of gift giving came from paganism because pagans exchanged gifts is as ridiculous as assuming having a family meal comes from paganism because pagans also like to have meals together."
"Paganism is not about fixing your problems. It's about giving you an acceptance of life."
"Paganism was never about worshipping gods like rock star idols. It had specific purposes."
"Invoking Thor for job interviews or weight loss? That's not what ancient worship was about."
"The revelation of the Quran is a revelation of the written word that signifies to the diviner, to be different to saying God came in the form of flesh, and God came or the accident of God descended and the man became divine. That is a pagan concept."
"It is time for paganism to take its place as a public religion in the UK."
"The last pagan Julian the Apostate is one of my favorite Roman history figures."
"If Christianity is supremely about ethics, if the ancient pagans are outstanding ethical exemplars, doesn't that mean that unbelievers can achieve true godliness?"
"Maybe Christians should therefore concentrate less on doctrine, maybe even less on the devotional and sacramental life of the church, and more on cultivating virtues which pagans as well as Christians might share."
"Paganism isn't a religion, and the notion of religion is very modernistic."
"We pagans can celebrate that which we don't know as well."
"Welcome to the pagan origins of Christmas and New Year's Eve."
"Christianity hijacks Christmas; pagan traditions and stories created the foundation of Christmas."
"The use and purpose for the Christmas tree dates back to the times of shamans and mystics in pagan Europe."
"Paganism never truly died; it might have went quiet for a while... but paganism is returning to the world in a pretty strong way."
"For the aspiring mage, this text is like a time capsule to the world of 4th century pagan religion, ritual, and philosophy."
"This anthology remains instructive for understanding the world of the Renaissance and engagement with late classical paganism."
"Can we find these evidences of what the pagans were doing? Yes."
"Death in pagan religions always marks a new beginning."
"The religious life was part of the everyday life activities of the pagans."
"The Halloween custom of dressing up in costume and begging candy, nuts, and apples goes back to the Pagan New Year feast."
"We have to strike a balance because on the one hand this is so exciting that paganism and witchcraft are booming."
"Paganism has made me healthier, not just spiritually but just as a person in general."
"For Yule festival, the pagan group that I'm a part of, we all celebrate together."
"Paganism and spirituality are about connecting to the natural world."
"Paganism is a return to the ancient religions... these religions existed in the natural world."
"Anthropologists are now saying that driving the snakes out of Ireland is probably a metaphor for the eradication of pagan ideology."
"The Christians had arrived, and they were going to eradicate paganism, wipe off the face of the earth."
"In many pagan societies prostitution wasn’t a sin. It was directly associated with the powers of sexuality, and love."
"The old gods are still strong beyond the wall, the gods of the first men and the Starks."
"Now Rome was free, the stage was cleared for the incomparable drama of the grandeur and decline of paganism in the ancient world."
"We need to self-initiate ourselves and establish the lineage that will give continuity after these tremendous hiatus of centuries to these pagan traditions."
"I want to promote people having metaphysical relationships with their environment in a pagan sense."
"Wicker's emphasis on gender equality, nature worship, and sacred sexuality made a perfect fit for the historical moment."
"...some of these pagan rites did make their way over into Christianity..."
"George made the papers and made history in 2004 by conducting the first legal Pagan marriage down in these vaults."
"It's about removing yourself from paganism, removing yourself from idol worship."
"Our God is nature, our God is the four elements."
"For Christianity is the only frame for pagan freedom."
"Germanic paganism is about honoring gods, honoring the community, honoring your ancestors, and honoring spirits of the land."