
Student Debt Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"We need to get student debt forgiveness; it's about the working class."
"Our generation deserves better. It's your choice: join the movement or join the 1.5 trillion student debt crisis."
"Truly fun fact: All the jobs that I trained for no longer exist. Now I have all these student loans and I'm paying off this college that taught me stuff that I can't even use."
"Outstanding student loan debt is over a trillion dollars, which is more than credit card debt."
"Put yourself in this position: You've graduated from college, you have $32,000 with student loan debt, you are eventually able to land a job at $65,000 but over the next few years, the reality sets in — you'll never be able to afford a house."
"We cannot, as a country, do it. This student debt is key to understanding the whole inequality thing."
"College is a scam. I feel so bad for these kids."
"Financial freedom chart: I am in the last $90,000 of my student loans."
"It's immoral what we've done. We're up to 1.6 trillion in student loan debt up from less than a hundred billion in 99."
"Should you just blow off college and jump right into the workforce in order to avoid all that student loan debt?"
"Where are we today? People over 50 now outnumber people under 25 with student loans, and they owe three times more."
"I never thought that I would ever be able to make enough money to get to the point where I can say 'holy holy crap I have enough money to actually pay off my student loans.'" - Kyle Holzhauer
"We are not going to let up until we accomplish it, until $50,000 of debt is forgiven for every student in the country."
"College debt is real it's hurting young people and there's really no good reason for it."
"Think about Medicaid and US expanding it, think about health care for everybody, think about a decent education, think about the elimination of student loans."
"It costs too much damn money to go to school."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"Your student loans don't have to be your prison."
"Now he wants to propose canceling the entire 1.6 trillion dollars in U.S. student loan debt."
"If joe biden drops student debt end of story there's a movement that would support him no matter what whether you like him whether you hate him or you like some of his policies."
"They're setting up the student loan forgiveness to pass in the future."
"Student loans are a major problem in the United States."
"Flashback: Is now a time to forgive student debt and then restructure how we pay for college? The answer is yes."
"Studies show that student debt weighs heavier on graduates of color."
"More reasons to hope student debt relief when he was contemplating it every elitist came out everyone in the establishment came out and said don't do it if you do it the sky will fall."
"College students shouldn't have to take on debt."
"It argues that the president can forgive student debt thanks to a 2003 law called the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act for short."
"Student debt cancellation has gone from being just a demand of activists at Occupy Wall Street to the political mainstream."
"85 percent of young Americans wanting Biden to take some form of action on student debt."
"Debt cancellation would be significant for a generation."
"More kids should look into picking up a trade instead of going into debt fresh out of these overpriced colleges."
"Canceling $10,000 of student loan debt would completely wipe out the debts of more than 15 million borrowers."
"Two-thirds of black voters strongly support cancelling student loan debt."
"Currently there is 1.6 trillion dollars of student loan debt outstanding in America."
"101 organizations call for a $1.5 trillion student debt Jubilee."
"College is not cheap... a lot of kids are ending up in student loan debt."
"I would forgive a significant proportion of this 1.5 trillion in student loan debt because our young people should be starting families, buying homes, starting businesses, and moving our country forward."
"College grads would get great degrees, land high-paying jobs, and repay that debt easily, allowing even more students to take out loans. At least that was the plan."
"We're going to cancel all student debt through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation."
"When we tell people to better themselves by going to college, we shouldn't saddle them with the albatross of debt. That's immoral."
"Nearly 45% can have their student debt fully canceled - that's 20 million people who can start getting on with their lives."
"The Congressional Black Caucus is pushing for an urgent meeting with President Biden to discuss student loan debt and call for broad-based cancellation of federal debt through executive action."
"People are seeing that this is just resuming a crisis that had in 2019 someone defaulted on their student loan bar were defaulted on the student debt every third second."
"Student loan debt is just an albatross around our young generations' necks."
"Ultimately, the Democratic Party is selling out the American taxpayer, ultimately Joe Biden is selling out the responsible productive individual out there who paid off their own student loan."
"I did not go to law school and rack up six figures in student loans to become a vigilante. That is for billionaires and narcissists and adult orphans."
"After thousands of dollars of student debt, all the hard work seemed to pay off finally. That student debt is a whole other horror story for another day."
"My student debt story is just a tiny sliver of a national crisis that impacts many Americans regardless of party affiliation, race, gender identity, or religion."
"We got to start avoiding student loans and teaching our younger people different routes."
"Making sure that young people go to college without leaving school deeply in debt."
"If you're in thousands of dollars of student loan debt like I am then you probably don't have a lot of Susan eidolons but that's okay."
"Canceling debt for more than 95 percent of the nearly 45 million Americans with student loan debt."
"Black families, already disadvantaged by generational wealth disparities, rely more heavily on student debt and on riskier forms of student debt than white families do."
"If I were to single out some, well, one, he can address student debt right."
"50,000 student loan forgiveness would be awesome."
"Cancel the debt or we cancel you because the Democratic Party is playing with fire on this one."
"College is still a good deal for the rich while it's a scam for poor and working-class kids who because of Interest pay more for the same credentials as the rich counterparts."
"The Biden administration canceling student debt for 150,000 borrowers and he's hoping they are voters."
"I used to be in over a hundred and twenty thousand dollars of student loan debt."
"Student loan debt forgiven from where debt could be forgiven."
"This is how you get your $60,000 student loan debt repaid."
"Widespread student loan forgiveness has evolved... from a fringe idea to a serious policy initiative."
"If you care about student debt cancelization it's time for you. It is go time for you. You need to mobilize."
"We make it affordable because having all this debt is obviously a dead end for so many students."
"SoFi has committed to paying off $100,000 of student debt for 10 people."
"Why can't the New York Post get off the Squad for fighting for student debt relief?"
"Students leave in a debt trap. When you have a student leave college with a big debt, they don't have many options. Indoctrination is working. That's true of social control generally. It's also an important feature of international policy."
"So on today's video, we're going to be talking about student debt and student loans and more specifically medical student debt."
"In 2006, total student debt was under $500 billion. Now, it's over $1.5 trillion, eclipsing both credit card debt and auto loan debt."
"Look, we asked her audience members to fill out a survey before coming to the show tonight, and there is over $6 million of student debt in this room alone."
"The constant I hear about is how student debt kicks the [expletive] out of people."
"I think the student debt conversation is something that's extremely nuanced."
"I wanted to just pay for it rather than accrue more student debt."
"By freeing millions of Americans from the crushing burden of student debt it means they can go and get their lives in order."
"We plan to cancel debt for about 2 million borrowers who would be eligible for debt forgiveness through the save program."
"Student debt now totals 1.7 trillion dollars."
"Why not tie debt payments to income so those with the highest incomes after they graduate pay, for example, 10% of their income for their first 10 years of full-time work?"
"I pray that young people will not be yoked with student loan debt for the next 20 years of your life."
"Honestly, canceling student loan debt seems like some [__] that they would never really do. It always seems like, damn, the only person that I really believe would do it would be somebody like Bernie."
"This company's mission to help recent graduates pay off student loan debt really speaks to me."
"With the average student loan debt at a staggering $39,351, the U.S. middle class can't keep pace with the rising cost of education."
"We got all the money in the world to be an imperialistic superpower and bomb eight different countries... but we can't wipe out a trillion dollars in student loan debt? Of course, we can."
"We're going to win because we want to cancel student debt, we want to have affordable health care, affordable housing, we want health care for all."
"Graduating without student debt is a huge leg up."
"These young people are leaving school deeply in debt; they're struggling economically; they deserve a break."
"Healthcare, student debt, the economy... these are the issues driving young voters."
"I would pay off every student loan in the country number one, because that is just ruining America."
"No hardworking student should be stuck in the red."
"I salute to you regarding your first coming out as a contractor... that was one way to reduce the student debt by having earning some good money just doing the sweat equity."
"Quincy pulls no punches and has no mercy when talking about the US university system, the student debt epidemic, and a student visa system that leaves so many bright people unable to get a US degree."
"Most Americans support government intervention to deal with student debt relief."
"Student loan debt is crushing young men and women, it's crushing adults who went back to school, and it is really devastating people's mental and emotional health."
"Everyone's student loans have two components: a federal component and a provincial component."
"Lipscomb students graduate with less debt on average than many of their peers at other national universities."
"Education is broken, student loans debt is bigger than credit card debt."
"You could potentially cut the forty thousand dollar in student loan debt that the average student goes into in half."
"26k on the student loan but I'm still paying that rent."
"There's no student debt relief program that is perfect, but I think that there has to be something better than the predatory and crippling situation that we have now."
"Skyrocketing student loan debt doesn't just prohibit young people from getting the education they need and deserve; it prevents them from buying a car, buying a house, and starting a family."