
Sabbath Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"The Sabbath is the golden clasp that unites God and His people."
"The Sabbathless world we've built, especially for working-class people, is not a good world... we squeezed out the liberty of the Sabbath for the liberty of the market."
"In the Jewish faith, the most important ritual of all is the Sabbath, a day of rest and spiritual enrichment when all else is set aside."
"If the seal of God is in His law, as the Bible says, then which law out of the Ten Commandments contains the seal? It's the fourth commandment about the seventh-day Sabbath."
"God made the seventh day holy, the Sabbath is all about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Sabbath was made for [ARAMAIC], not [ARAMAIC] for the Sabbath. Therefore, [ARAMAIC] is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"The seal of God is in the Sabbath commandment."
"Jesus doesn't get rid of the Sabbath if that was the case then in Luke chapter 4 verse 16 why would he while he's here keep a day when he is the day."
"The Sabbath is part of God's perfect plan from the beginning."
"The Sabbath is a time for corporate worship, physical rest, and a memorial of creation and redemption."
"The Sabbath has always been on the seventh day of the week."
"The Sabbath is God's signature, and if we keep it, it lets people know that the God of the Bible is our God."
"What if we Sabbath keepers are limited when it comes to buying and selling because we don't keep Sunday, we don't have that mark of the beast?"
"Every Sabbath is a reminder of the rest we can experience in Jesus."
"When we observe and we honor the biblical Sabbath as given in the Ten Commandments, then we are honoring and recognizing God as the supreme creator being that he is."
"The Sabbath is finally over with all of its perceived restrictions and things I'm not allowed to do."
"Does God have a plan to keep us refreshed? He does. It's called a Sabbath, one day a week."
"Life is busy, and that is the point of a Sabbath: to stop the business, to give your body and your mind a day to rest and recharge."
"The Sabbath is an anchor of stability in an uncertain world."
"The Sabbath is the antidote for worry, fear, and anxiety."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"Each Sabbath reminds us of a Creator's care, a Savior's love, and our Redeemer's return."
"The Sabbath is a sign and seal of creation and redemption."
"The Sabbath commandment shows that you're a worshiper of Jesus Christ as creator and Redeemer."
"There's a call to worship the Creator and keep His commandments, including the Sabbath."
"God is never restrained from doing good on the Sabbath, neither am I."
"The Papacy attempted to change God's holy Sabbath to the first day of the week, a day that God never sanctified, a day that is not holy."
"History records for us a gradual change that took place, from Sabbath to Sunday."
"Therefore, the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath."
"And on the seventh day yah ended his work...and he rested on the seventh day."
"Sabbath is definitely unique because we did really, really stick together."
"Sabbath and sleep and rest and prayer are a form of spiritual warfare against the enemy and against our own flesh."
"I'm praying for you to find rest in Jesus Christ, your Sabbath."
"For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest, holy to the Lord."
"The Sabbath day was to the Jews only and has done away with in Christ, the first day of the week is the Lord's Day and is given to Christians."
"Christ did not actually break the Sabbath."
"Remember the Sabbath day in order to keep it holy. You will work six days where you can do everything you need to do, however the seventh day will be a day of rest to honor the Lord your God."
"It's unthinkable that you spent so many years without keeping Sabbath."
"To keep the Sabbath today is the Sabbath."
"I realize that tomorrow is your Sabbath."
"The Sabbath is made for people, not people for the Sabbath."
"Sabbath is my day to worship God, and God and church is important for me."
"Jesus honored the Sabbath, even in his passion, death, and resurrection."
"So happy happy Sabbath we're so glad to see each of you here and all of our friends we know are watching on television now or one of the various internet sites."
"The Sabbath is it biblical that there will be a Remnant called for a specific Duty yes or no?"
"Shabbos is a day of testimony declaring the truth about God."
"On this Sabbath day, let us give more glory and praise and thanks to Father and Mother hoping that today will be a blessed Sabbath day."
"Give me a day, a Sabbath devoted to me."
"One of the first Commandments that God gives is to rest, is to take a Sabbath."
"Now when evening had come because it was the preparation day, that is the day before the Sabbath."
"I want my kids to grow up thinking about the Sabbath and trusting in the Sabbath."
"...when you're promoting that Sunday worship as the date of Sabbath, you're actually causing people to worship the Sun God. It goes a lot deeper than what we're going to say to you in this video here."
"The Sabbath changed to Sunday. Jesus said, 'I am the Sabbath. My yoke is easy, rest in me.'"
"But even before the Israelites got there, God gave them a taste of their future rest through the gift of a weekly Shabbat, a day when they could just stop their working and striving and instead rest in God."
"Jesus boldly announced, 'The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath,' a title that can only belong to God."
"At the end of the day, Christians who keep the Sabbath are in a win-win situation."
"The seventh day is a long period of time."
"The Sabbath is whatever helps you rest and recover."
"Sabbath is not sitting in front of the TV all day and just doing nothing. It's a time to refresh and be intentional about quality time."
"Shabbat is not about the law. Shabbat is a creation principle."
"Sabbath has ethical implications. Work should not be what defines us as human beings."
"The Sabbath isn't simply a pious teaching; it's the very meaning of life."
"There's not a single instance that I can find anywhere in scripture where God gives Sabbath to an individual. It's always to the community, it's to the whole creation, it's to the gathering of God's people."
"The Sabbath is a cultural asset of importance, a release from the daily grind, a preserve of mental peace, and opportunity for self-disposition."
"The most important Sabbath text, in my view, is the story in Genesis: God created, God completed, God rested on the seventh day, and hallowed it."
"What Jesus is doing in his ministry is helping us understand what would the Sabbath way of being look like when it encounters trouble, pain, suffering."
"When we keep the Sabbath the way that God intended, by practicing righteousness, justice, and compassion toward those most in need, then the Bible helps us to understand that we will experience all of the blessings of Sabbath that God has fashioned into the day."
"Sabbath essentially becomes, for all persons in the Hebrew community, a memorial of freedom."
"When we keep the Sabbath the way that God intended, then we will experience all of the blessings of Sabbath that God has fashioned into the day."
"To look closely is to discover a Sabbath theme underline so much of the American story."
"The real target of Sabbath rest is not just stopping but figuring out what to do with the restlessness when we rest."
"The Sabbath is made to teach humanity something."
"The Sabbath is actually the key that unlocks the meaning and significance of everything that God's doing in those six days making the world."
"If Sabbath rest was going to flourish and live in their lives, something else was going to have to die."
"...it's our regular way of life and once a week God calls us to do something different, God calls us to rest."
"Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy."
"For six days the Lord made the heavens and the Earth, the sea and all which is in them, and he rested on the seventh day."
"God established marriage and the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden."
"Paul never instructs us to keep the Sabbath."
"Mrs. White died July 16, 1915, at 3:40 in the afternoon. It was a Friday afternoon, and Mrs. White rests for the Sabbath."
"Tracks like supernaughts...this is the heaviest they ever got, this is the heaviest darkest Sabbath album for me."
"When our nation shall enact laws to bind the conscience of men in regard to their religious privileges, enforcing Sunday observance, the law of God will be made void."
"Every time we celebrate the Sabbath it is a memorial of that fact that God created the earth and God creates in me a clean heart."
"...definition A says, 'the seventh day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and worship by Jews and some Christians...'"
"The Sabbath is intended to be a delight, not a drudgery."
"It's not a day for you to stay in bed for hours and hours and hours, sleeping the sacred hours of the Sabbath away."
"Remember, the Sabbath day is for you and I, and He says call it a delight."
"The Sabbath was made for man way back in the Garden of Eden."
"The Sabbath becomes a sign that we are set apart for God."
"Sabbath is a day of blessings, and what a great day for a person to be set free."
"God did not create the Sabbath day and then create man to observe it. God created man and then created the Sabbath day for it to be a blessing for man."
"The Sabbath rest even for the land."
"The Sabbath is a sign that it is the Lord that sanctifies us."
"We keep the Sabbath by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"Happy Sabbath, everybody! Jesus is the reason why we are living."
"Every day is a Sabbath if you use Acts 20:7 as evidence."
"Sabbath is a 24-hour period where you stop your paid and unpaid work actually rest and experience the delight of gifts of God in the world."
"I will ask you one thing: Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy?"
"You know where you go thank God it's Friday and so forth we all need rest and there's this sort of seven day cycle that our culture has and we need to take breaks we need we call it vacation vacate you need that's the word Sabbath to have a rest."
"Can't defend myself because you know uh got to keep the Sabbath."
"The most beautiful thing about a Sabbath is that we're no more than six days away from the next Sabbath."
"Let all the feasts and Sabbath's and New Moon's in solemn days be all days of immunity and freedom for all the Jews in my realm."
"One of the beautiful things about Sabbath is that as you slow down it creates a space to connect in a way that can sometimes feel harder to do in the hustle and bustle of everyday life."
"After the feast of unleavened bread, we have Sabbath's, Passover could be any day of the week."
"Busyness is the enemy of Sabbath."
"The Sabbath is how we come to know yahuwah; He gave us the Sabbath so that we can know Him."
"The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. Man was created to enter into rest."
"If you work on the Sabbath, what happens to you? You die. You get cut off."
"Part of the reason why in our Church we know some things that other people don't know is because we keep the Sabbath."
"The scripture says let no man therefore judge you in respect of... the Sabbath days."
"We have directly stated really that the Sabbath plays a role in the final message to the world."
"The Sabbath rest was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."
"God says I want you to take one out of seven off. I want you to enter a physical rest."
"Remember the Sabbath is about resting in the conviction that it's already done."
"And I gave a message on the sabbath because there are people who are confused about the sabbath, and tonight I want to talk to you a little bit about the Lord's Day."
"It was Saturday, the Sabbath, and it was as though we were there to attend services."
"The Sabbath day is the seventh day, Saturday."
"The seventh day Sabbath is a prophetic foreshadowing of when Yahweh rests with us."
"The seventh day is the last day of a week."
"The seventh day Sabbath is a period in which our Messiah is Lord."
"The Sabbath is Holy, meaning it's separate, it's not like every other day."
"Happy Sabbath to y'all brothers and sisters who are watching. Happy Sabbath to you haters who are doing nothing with your lives. Happy Sabbath to you as well."
"To keep Sabbath means to let go of my treasured illusions of my indispensability."
"...when Moses is talking here about the Sabbath representing the seventh day that God rested he is attributing it to the literal day one day out of seven within a week in the same way we think of week this to me looks like really clear evidence..."
"...we see this doubl down on in further verses like in Exodus 20 for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the Earth the sea and all that is in them but he rested on the seventh day therefore the Lord blesses the Sabbath day and made it holy..."
"...Sabbath is resistance... a weekly reminder of the Freedom From Slavery in Egypt... truly resisting that Idol of productivity."
"The Sabbath is not a day of bondage; it's a day of Freedom."
"Honor the Sabbath as you would honor all the other nine Commandments."
"Jesus said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.'"
"God wants us to observe the Sabbath day."
"Can you imagine Adam saying you mean to say that I have to take a whole day a week out of my busy schedule?"
"The Sabbath is the only day in the Bible that is declared to be holy."
"...he blessed the Sabbath and in the third place we find that God hallowed it or sanctified it he made it holy."
"God rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
"The Sabbath is a sign that God makes us holy."
"Every time that we keep the Sabbath, we're announcing to the world that we are creatures and we are followers of the great creator God."
"It's okay to heal; Jesus healed people on the Sabbath day."
"The Sabbath celebrates the ability of our God to take care of us."
"If when the sun did set, they brought the sick to Jesus because the religious leaders didn't want Jesus healing on Sabbath."
"The Sabbath remains a sacred day, a sign of reverence and rest."
"The Sabbath has massive blessings attached to it that are related to connectivity and restoration."
"The Sabbath is God's mark of creation."
"The Sabbath becomes the seal of our Redemption."
"When you keep the Sabbath holy, you celebrate a mighty God who really, really loves you."
"The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people, a sign of respect for Him as the Creator."
"Every Sabbath reminds us He made the day holy, and the day is a memorial of His creation."
"The Sabbath literally resting appropriately literally can save your lives."
"God healed on the Shabbat. Yeshua healed on the Shabbat of Pentecost."
"...it's a glorious day, the Sabbath, a day of deliverance..."
"The Sabbath is a time to be lived in and to do the Lord's work in and to heal the sick and raise the dead and bring life into what you've turned into dead space."
"... Sabbath is made for people not people for the Sabbath..."
"When you miss the Sabbath, you're hurting yourself. When you don't take a time, a day to rest and get away from work, you miss a day that you need to be able to function rightly and to be healthy in your life."
"Both Saturday and Sunday both honor Christ. And Shabbat, of course, is originally a memorial of creation but a work even greater than creation, namely the Redemption as accomplished by him."
"One of the most significant proposals should be the introduction of a weekly Earth Sabbath to combat climate change and promote environmental stewardship."
"The Sabbath is designed as a love gift from the God of Heaven."
"In our day the Lord has promised that honoring the Sabbath will help us in keeping ourselves 'unspotted from the world.'"
"The Sabbath is like a miniature second coming. It's a training day on how to live in heaven."
"The Sabbath is the seal of God's government because God's government is based upon rest."
"To reject the seventh day is to reject the cross of Christ."
"The Sabbath is the ultimate sign of rest, not works."
"The Sabbath is the sign that I say, I cannot sanctify myself by my works. The only way I can be sanctified is by resting in what God says."
"Lucifer broke something in heaven, what did he break? He broke the Sabbath."
"Ignoring the Sabbath of resting in God frustrates His purpose, as He desires us to rest in Him and cling closely in love."
"What Sabbath intends for us to do is to hold very still and realize that it does not all depend upon us and that it does not originate from us."
"Sabbath is about how we view and use time."
"You're not practicing Sabbath is idolatry."
"The Sabbath is a gift that God has given to us, a time to take out of our busy schedules to renew and deepen our relationship with him."
"Every day is a Sabbath for those that love him because Christ became our Sabbath."
"Christ became our Passover, that's the highest sabbath of all sabbaths."
"Should Christians Keep The Seventh-Day Sabbath? Is the command clear enough to require people to lose their jobs and alienate their families? No."
"Yeshua is our Shabbat. Jesus is our rest, our Sabbath."
"Sunday is widely accepted as the Sabbath."
"God's created the Sabbath for us... It's actually for our benefit... It's something that God's created for us as well for us to acknowledge that's how we're created."
"The rest of the Sabbath is a shadow of the rest that is available through the person and work of Jesus Christ."
"Man was not created for the Sabbath; the Sabbath was created for man."
"Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, king of the universe, who commanded us to kindle the Sabbath lights."
"For the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
"Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
"The Sabbath is a sign between me and you that you may know that I am the Lord that sanctifies you."
"We are invited by God to make the Sabbath a delight."
"The Sabbath is the climax of the week for you and is it a chance when you can experience delight outside of your normal run-of-the-mill activities during the week."
"The Sabbath contains bridal imagery; it represents the confirmation of God's creation and the confirmation of his relationship between God and his people."
"The Sabbath is God's invitation for us to experience His grace once again."
"God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation."
"The Sabbath is not an interlude, a break before you get on with the important work of life; the Sabbath is the climax of living."
"The proclamation of the Sabbath is that God wants us to make it a delight, it is like the high day of the week, it's like having a weekly birthday."
"The Sabbath is a time where God invites us to experience not just physical rest, but also emotional refreshment and renewal."
"We have so much medicine for individuals and families, and the Sabbath would be one of those medicines God has provided."
"The Sabbath doesn't become less amazing, less true, less solid when we anchor it in Christ; it becomes more."
"Happy Sabbath and welcome to the Campbell Seventh-Day Adventist Church online Sabbath school."
"It is lawful on the sabbath to be doing good."
"Happy Sabbath everyone, we're grateful to God that you have joined us for our worship experience."
"Every day is a day of our Sabbath rest before our God where we rest from our good works and we rest in what Jesus Christ has won for us."
"And on the seventh day Elohim ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made."
"We do keep the Sabbath today, not one day but seven days a week, in Jesus by faith."
"The Sabbath was a gift to mankind."
"Sabbath is still the Sabbath. Shabbat is still Saturday."
"Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."
"The Sabbath was the moment in ordinary time when God's new age would arrive in advance."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of the coming age."