
Wavefunction Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics takes the wavefunction to be physically real and says, if the Schrödinger equation is just a description of reality, what does reality look like?"
"The wave function is reality and it is all of reality."
"The wavefunction is a mathematical formula...gives the probability of finding a particle in a certain position."
"I wanted to try out this wave function collapse."
"The wave function collapses, that is completely new in physics."
"If it produces the same observable, it's an equally valid wave function."
"The meaning of the wave function is that the probability that upon measurement the object is found at the position x is equal to the norm squared of psi of x."
"There is only the wave function of the universe."
"The total sets of coefficients of the wave function that we square to get one and add up to get one, remain with that feature."
"There are different branches of the wave function of the universe which are almost the same in many ways."
"The easy part is why is it the wave function squared rather than the wave function cubed or the logarithm of the wave function or something like that."
"Böhmechanics just looks wrong because the wave function pushes around the particles but the particles do not push around the wave function."
"All these different classical worlds fit in one grand wave function. That's indeed the heart of that top-down approach taken fully."
"Consciousness does collapse the wave function."
"Everett's idea was to explain what happens to the quantum superpositions he presumed the objective reality of the wave function and remove the unobserved collapse."
"The Schrödinger equation preserves the superposition forever."
"The wave function for a particle's momentum is the Fourier transform of the wave function for the particle's position."
"Who says wave functions should be localized in the first place?"
"The wave function interferes with itself. That means that the wave function somehow has something like reality to it."
"The wave function is reality; it is not made of wave functiony stuff, it is the essence of the world."
"What's so bad about quantum mechanics? Instead of describing nature in terms of the positions of particles and the values of fields, you describe it in terms of something called a wave function."
"Psi complex is really the fundamental thing that can be said about this wave function."
"The collapse of the wavefunction is when our wavefunction, which initially was a superposition of the two states, collapses into just one."
"Quantum systems can be represented by what's known as a wave function."
"The wave function contains everything we could possibly know about the system."
"The expectation value of x with wavefunction psi is the integral over all space of psi star times the position operator acting on psi."
"A wave function is only one of many possible ways of looking at a quantum system."
"The information about the momentum can be encoded in the spatial variation of the phase of the wave function."
"Q is governing the spatial variation of the phase of the wave function."
"All information about a particle is encoded into its wave function; information about a particle is guaranteed to be conserved."
"Sine wave is a predictive function."
"There's more to Quantum Mechanics than just dealing with the wave function; we can do some interesting things with the linear algebra structure."
"Nature behaves differently. We describe particles with a wave function that has a space dependent part and a time dependent part."
"The probability of finding a particle at a particular position in time is equal to psi star psi."
"The Schrodinger equation is a linear partial differential equation that describes the wave function or state function of a quantum mechanical system."
"If we know a quantum system's wavefunction, then we know everything that we possibly can about that quantum system."
"The wave function has the important property that its square, integrated over a volume element, is the probability that the particle lies in that volume element at time T."
"We know in quantum mechanics that all of the information about the physical system is encapsulated in the wave function."
"The integral from A to B of the squared magnitude of the wave function gives us the probability that the particle is between A and B."
"The Hamiltonian operator acting on the wave function is related to the total energy of the system."
"The general solution to the Schrödinger equation is \( \Psi(x, t) = \sum_j \psi_j(x) e^{-\frac{iE_jt}{\hbar}} \)."
"The squared modulus of the wave function as a probability density is really the result of some sort of inner product."
"Blocks theorem tells us that the wave function here gives us the wave function here, gives us the wave function here, so we don't need to worry about the entire space; we can only worry about a subportion of the space."
"The absolute value squared of the wave function is interpreted as the probability density of finding the particle at a given position."
"The wave function contains all the physical information about our quantum system."
"The normalization of this wave function is guaranteed if the integral of U squared over r is equal to 1."
"The wave function that satisfies this differential equation is A sine of KX plus B cosine of KX."
"From the energy and states of the system as wave functions, we are able to predict a lot of things related to the system we're describing."
"The wave function contains really all the information about the system."
"This probability was expressed in terms of the square of the modulus of the wave function."
"What the wave function is, is the best knowledge you would have about this system."
"The wave function is a way to predict what happens next."
"When orbitals overlap, it leads to an amplification of the wave functions in those regions where there's overlap occurring."
"If one side's positive and one side's negative, then the wave functions are actually going to lead to what we call destructive overlap."
"The wave function inside was the familiar \( A \sin(kr) \) term, and the wave function outside was \( E \times \sin(lr + \delta) \)."
"If the wave function has the same value at minus X as it does at X, then the parity is said to be even."
"The electronic wave function psi is our target as well as this electronic energy because from psi we can compute all kinds of fun things."
"In quantum mechanics, the important thing that contains everything we're allowed to know about a system is the wave function."
"We can never measure the wave function, we can never experimentally determine it."
"The wave is interpreting the probability instead of its intensity."
"If you have a Hamiltonian that contains a potential that is periodic, then the wave function corresponding to that system has to have a certain form."
"Coupled cluster singles doubles and triples is sometimes called the gold standard of single reference wave function theory."
"The wave function starts out at someplace, and it goes away and comes back, and it does that; it completely rephases."
"The wave function is an abstract concept, but we'll show you how to make sense of it."
"The wave function at this lowest energy situation over here is going to be like a constant value."
"The most general way to write the wave function for the total system is a composite of the two."
"Wavefunction... is going to describe the movement of a particle."