
Sensory Impact Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"There are many ways to experience stress, and it impacts all your senses: hearing, touch, smell, and most definitely vision."
"There was no denying that Pink Sauce provoked a reaction."
"Authenticity was key, so from the iconic ping of the empty M1 Garand to the first assault rifle, the STG44, these guns have a real weight to them."
"The sound in this game is great. It adds to the intensity of the gameplay."
"Smell is so important because it leaves a lasting impression."
"Color in particular helps everything from focus to memory and I think one of the things that we see in Ghost of Tsushima is a mix of that as an indicator..."
"It was such an experience I will never ever forget. It was amazing, it was so deafening."
"Sound matters to the experience, and that really could go farther than the visuals enhancing it."
"Hell is real, when I tell you it is real, I still smell sulfur."
"Seeing the opening cutscene... really made me feel like I could actually smell the books from when I used to play."
"The Lighthouse... this is not a movie for everyone... seek this movie out and let it overwhelm your senses in a way so few movies can ever accomplish."
"No jump scares, that's a reason to celebrate. It's a lot to take in."
"It would be like yelling into a newborn's ear at full volume their entire life you're likely to damage their hearing like right out of the gate."
"Sound is supposed to be a third eye to make you feel like you're power incarnate."
"It's the sound of freedom... it lit me from within... it was like an out-of-body experience."
"Holy sh I have full body Goosebumps, that music, that voice, ah, so good."
"Several sequences in this movie are practically an out-of-body experience."
"Thirties are supposed to be like, 'Okay now I'm grown, let me just live my true life.'"
"If you don't like rose, you will hate this collection because it is a very overpowering rose but absolutely stunning if you like rose."
"I think it's the most single terrifying noise that I've ever experienced."
"Every single revolution, every single explosion of the cylinder, you feel in your chest."
"I wish I could describe it to you but the smell of it was so impactful."
"It feels so much better when you use slow-mo, and then the sound changes, it's just like the visuals, makes it a hundred times better I swear."
"It literally feels like you're in the middle of a band performing to you."
"The flavors in here just bring such a nice forward mouthfeel... it just makes it explode."
"I still remember the smell that came from that room, the raw meat smell."
"The atmosphere that day was there was smoke there was fire and there was this ya smell sound of you like the most terrible thing was the smell it was the smell of death."
"Pizza Tower is exactly what you expect of it just seeing a couple seconds of game play a sensory overload that only makes sense when you're in the thick of it..."
"The combination of sight, sound, and music make for a perfect cocktail to take the audience away on a wild and spaced-out ride."
"But what accompanied the appearance of this, the monster in the woods, was this sort of awful smell that filled the area and stung their eyes, their noses and their throat."
"It's one thing to hear about Doom... it's another thing to play it yourself and feel that primordial heat that is Doom."
"The first thing that you notice is just smells so bad."
"You make my heart race when I smell your perfume."
"You cannot look at what's going on... without all those images all those thoughts coming through."
"You get hit with that sourness. It's like, 'Wow, I'm alive.'"
"You see it and you feel it... the intensity of the light and the sound and the smoke and the low-frequency noise." - John Logsdon
"Sound and light alone produce changes in our brain, much like natural stimuli, and trigger the reward cascade."
"They attack you with sound but in a pleasurable way."
"This is an entire experience to behold."
"One bite feels like a wake-up call, instantly revitalizing."
"Holy cow, and I loved the horns; the music was just overwhelming."
"The result is an incredibly immersive experience."
"Do you think you liked the movie more because you were in a theater and you got to eat popcorn?"
"Sound is a huge influence on people's attention."
"Sound is something that can affect our bodies and our mental state more than you really think about."
"It's like fireworks on steroids if you get the engine off on the boat, you're sitting and listening in the quiet, you can actually feel the impact as it hits the water."
"The sounds around me do make a huge difference in how I'm feeling."