
Final Words Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The last thing that my husband said to me was 'I love you.'"
"I'm here to send you and your gang into retirement. Got any last words?"
"My last words need to be better than his because he's my competition."
"This was a powerful final line to a complex, morally ambiguous character who loved her children."
"His last words were, 'It’s a joke! It’s just a joke!'"
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"Her real last words were, 'Don't forget that I love you.'"
"What would you say to your dad if you only had two hours left for them? It would be appreciation."
"I entrust my secrets to this letter. If you are reading it, things have gone as I thought they might, and I'm no longer there with you."
"Gun to your head, what are your last words? Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, yes, finally, [ __ ]."
"When I die, I want to hear these words: 'Well done, good and faithful servant.'"
"His final words are his wife's name and his gravestone has the phrase 'loving husband' embossed into it."
"Money can't buy life," were Bob Marley's last words to his son Ziggy.
"Those last words 'I love you' were the last words that I was going to hear my daughter say to me."
"Few things are more heartbreaking than knowing Gwen's last words were of love to her killer."
"Even after all the crazy they just went through, Uzi chooses to save N and her last words being 'die mad'."
"Sam 19's last words were 'I Feel Like A Champion'."
"The final push for Junu as he records his final words of justice."
"The last thing she told me is that I am the most important person to her."
"His last words were reportedly 'It's a beautiful day.'"
"To my family, I love them. To Cami, I love you and will always be with you." - Spencer Corey Goodman
"Juice World's last words to his fans during his final concert were, 'I love you all more than life itself.'"
"John's last words were, 'I thought you were going to let me live.'"
"Sasha's last words were an attempt to lighten the mood."
"Before Judy's passing, her final words to her daughters emphasized her love for them and the importance of remembering that they were the colors of her heart."
"When Betty White died on December 31, 2021, her last word was 'Alan,' whom she longed to reunite with one day."
"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough already."
"What were his final words? Treat everybody the way that you like to be treated."
"My last words on the earth oh be I love you."
His hangman that day was a Mr James Billington, and while Cream is said to have been silent during his walk to the scaffold, Billington claims that in the split second before he plunged to his doom, Cream uttered the words "I am Jack..."
"His last words were 'I'd like to tell my family that I love y'all and I wish y'all well. I'm ready.'"
"Those would be John Denver's final recorded words."
"On the 1st of December 1947, at the age of 72, he died, uttering his final words, 'I am perplexed.'"
"'Fear and death may come for the general at any moment,' an aide asked him for any last words. Steedman stated, 'Make sure they spell my name right.'"
"He said please to me before he died."
"Her last words were, 'I'm afraid to die. I've been a Wicked Woman.'"
"Grave's last words: 'Stand again and live on.'"
"Tommy, the young man, was unreachable in his trance-like state, slowly removing his helmet he uttered what would be his final haunting words, 'That's my mother. I think she's come for me.'"
"I don't know if you were told you've got one last thing to say to someone that you loved you know you'd probably guard your words and pick them carefully."
"With his last breaths, Ryder offers a strange compliment, telling Walter that he is his hero."
"Rengoku tells Tanjiro in his final moments to visit the Rengoku household."
"The last thing she heard, as she was dying, was that I loved her."
"I can see the sea. Oh Jesus, okay, final words guys. Just listen in a second. Two things for you to remember: courage and kindness."
"As Roger is executed, his final words are, 'So you all want my treasure? Well, you can go ahead and have it. It's out there. I left it in one place. Now you just have to find it.'"
"'Just tell my daddy,' Todd said in his final words to a witness at the scene."
"His final text to his loved ones was, 'I'll see you in a better place in the next life. I'm sorry.'"
"He died with a woman's name on his lips."
"Right before the blackbox cut out, someone in the cabin yelled 'I love you Mom.'"
"My last words will be: If you don't believe in yourself you can't expect nobody to believe me."
"The last words from this world are 'La ilaha illallah' - there is no God worthy of worship except Allah."
"I too hope that one day those can be my final words. Good night."
"With his final breath, he whispered to me that you should take his place on the throne."
"In his dying breath, her father urged her to remain strong and fight till the very end."
"Your honor, those were my husband's last words."
"Oscar Wilde spoke his final words to a friend: 'My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One of us has got to go.'"
"Those were the last words Rhaegar Targaryen ever spoke to him."
"Last words are for fools who haven't said enough." - Karl Marx
"The last word that he uttered in this world was 'Hare Krishna'."
"Before my spirit rises high above the white clouds, please be there to hear my last words on earth."
"Before I lie down to rise no more, I will speak to my people."
"In Bruce's dying moments, he told Noelle that she needed to be strong and humble and keep pushing forward."
"Any last words? Yes, two: defeat."
"Malcolm had no opportunity to say anything to address the crowd other than the only words that he said were, 'Shalom Aleichem and stay calm, stay cool.' Those were his last words."
"The only sea creature I would even consider being eaten by is the Kraken because the last words I would hear are 'Release the Kraken'."
"I will miss Olenna terribly, and when season 8 arrives, it just won't feel the same without her, but I am at least happy that in her final moments, she had the last word."
"The final words weren't goodbye, it was 'I love you'."
"Her last note to me was about the cats of all things; it was strange, almost laughable."
"Sasha dies, her last words are 'meat'."
"Life is too short, and you do not want your last words to somebody you love to be silence."