
Threat Response Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Make no mistake, we will face ever greater threats. Our soldiers must be ready."
"He doesn't fire on them until they're threatening him."
"But if they're already attacking us or threatening to, I don't know of any other time in history that the country and the world, in general, will have been more united than if this happened."
"If somebody threatens to annihilate us, take them seriously and act to prevent it early on. Don't let them have the means to do so, because that may be too late."
"People have died... You do your duty to the country and you put yourself in a position now where you're a target of threats."
"To hesitate in the slightest before this threat will see us cast into anarchy."
"The lich has foreseen a future threat and is trying to prepare the world to meet that future threat."
"The entity had always threatened me, but this was the first specific threat that they had come across."
"Why did I just see a guy who was planning to kill me change everything because of a healed man?"
"If you see one of those things, you do not hesitate. You take it out or you run."
"As soon as you threaten me with jail, I will do anything not to go to jail."
"The DoD takes seriously all threats and potential threats to our people, our assets, and our mission."
"One of the lessons of history is, when you detect a potential threat, you need to pay attention and investigate it."
"They can't threaten nobody, homie. They can get killed like that with a self-defense case. Nobody would prosecute somebody for killing them."
"If it comes back, we kill it. It's code red."
"He's up against a serial killer; your best move is to run."
"If you hit me with that thing I will shove it up your bottom."
"You're allowed to defend yourself against the apparent threat."
"Any further actions that threaten the interests of our nation will be met with a resolute and consequential response."
"I'm not afraid of anybody in the world. If you're prepared to kill me, that's fine."
"I just loved seeing these people that are pretty much ill-equipped to deal with this threat." - Robert Meyer Burnett
"In response to that threat, the consternation was expressed by his opponents."
"I lived in fear every day that he would come back and try to kill us."
"We are not powerless in the face of these threats."
"And there you have it guys, the Porsche 911 GT3 RS is your Fast and Furious champion."
"Anytime something's going down, fam, if it's somebody threatening your life, all you gotta do is clap one and the rest gonna scatter. Guaranteed."
"I liked it. I don't think that you deserve the death threat so remember that. I mean it's a silly stupid video and so on sometimes it's just good to have a silly song I liked it all right."
"If you threaten my life [__] I'm going to try my best to do whatever I got to do to make sure that never happens again."
"This guy was going to hurt me and probably kill me."
"Many people want to kill me but you know what we didn't get the successful hunt did defend our life we'll take that."
"If you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out."
"Advent knows we possess the Avenger. They'll be ramping up their efforts to destroy us."
"She's obsessed with survival, she will take out anybody that ever threatened her."
"Since it's a protective mechanism, it's only gonna pull us out of self or environment if we feel threatened."
"I would contend that women feel that threat in a completely different way than men do and always will because yeah absolutely always will and must be responded to differently and uniquely yes."
"You'll kill somebody who threatened people that you're close to."
"You're gonna get Justice for this, because I feel like somebody is really trying to take your security from you."
"We gotta survive for the next five minutes before somebody tries to kill us."
"10 o'clock, 10 o'clock! He wanted to murder me. I think this will do nicely, Kemp."
"Your body has reworked itself, reprioritizing resources, switching from a physiological state suited to exploring to one that can best assess a threat."
"If you enter my house, you are an enemy to me."
"Anger is an emotion triggered by a threat that prompts the fight or flight reaction."
"Microsoft 365 Defender helps respond to threats and manage security across your identities, data, devices, apps, and infrastructure."
"Polyvagal Theory basically says the body in a state of threat gets manifested on all levels and so it's your mental you're physiological behavioral you know everything gets messed up now the question is uh is this a state or is it locked into the nervous system."
"The Azure Security Center... helps you protect, detect, and respond to threats."
"Envy stems from feeling threatened."
"If they even threaten to hurt his friends, his family, his party, everything will be set ablaze."
"The advancing and very real threat requires that we expand our focus beyond integrating and fielding a single space system iteratively."
"Life goes on, I can't stop living because of this threat of attack."
"These new plans are an important step for the alliance to deal with this changing threat."
"The importance of communication and also working together against one threat."
"Not taking action in the face of such a rapidly changing immediate threat is also a choice which requires evidence."
"The threat intelligence life cycle will determine what to do when a threat is detected."
"Adrenaline courses through me, wiping all the concerns of the day from my mind as I focus on the immediate threat."