
Solar Activity Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The idea that there seems to be a bit of a correlation between every time the sun itself reaches solar maximum... and the occurrence of flu pandemics on the planet."
"What many people do not realize is that that activity waxes and wanes."
"The Sun operates on an 11-year cycle that alternates between a period of low activity to a much higher level and back again."
"The sun is reliably protected from high-energy cosmic particles rushing from the center of the galaxy."
"The sun went into Aries, boom, here we go, solar activity jumped up."
"The moment the sun went into Aries, solar activity just jumped up."
"Every time something happens on the Sun that could affect human health I tell myself, 'Alright, you know what's coming, you know what to do with that energy, you even know the spectrum it's coming in on, don't let it do anything bad, use it.'"
"Earth's magnetic field has changed but as the field is weakening both the Sun and galactic cosmic rays are going to be able to have a lot stronger effect on our weather."
"There's evidence that the Sun was playing a role."
"A big solar storm for up to three days worth of blackout with interruptions through technology on a small scale and on a large scale."
"The Sun decreasing its activity, global cooling right here right now."
"Solar storm with massive speed of 1.6 million kilometers per hour expected to hit Earth this weekend."
"The sun has cycles, much like the Earth has seasons, and the latest solar forecast predicts that we will be entering into peak activity between November 2024 and March 2026."
"Earth could be hit by a mini ice age as the Sun hibernates."
"When pandemics form, they... both happening during periods of extended lower extended periods of lower solar activity."
"The Sun's variable magnetic activity influences the heliospheric environment."
"Even if solar irradiance fell to the same level of the maunder minimum, the resultant drop in global temperature would be less than 0.3 degrees centigrade."
"Solar cycle 25 has broken the current Sunspot record... we are in new territory."
"A period of significant solar activity... recent trend and historical data."
"Earth is about to enter a thirty-year mini ice age as the Sun hibernates, scientist warns."
"We have this 11-year back and forth between the sun being sometimes very ferocious and it goes crazy and it's like the 4th of July with fireworks all the time."
"So you have this 11-year back and forth between the sun being sometimes very ferocious and it goes crazy and it's like the 4th of July with fireworks all the time."
"If HOdi can spot these densely packed lines of magnetism before a flare explodes on the sun, scientists might be able to predict when the next solar storm will strike."
"The sun isn't the only star that produces solar storms."
"Events like this may occur multiple times in the next 2 years as the sun's activity climbs to its peak."
"Those explosions that come from the surface of the Sun, those can result in really fun occurrences such as the Aurora."
"Wow, you can see that spiky structure of the corona. That's indicative of our approach to solar maximum."
"Get ready for the solar flash that's coming."
"The Lagrange spacecraft will be looking at some spots and solar flares and coronal mass ejection source regions before they get into the firing line of the Earth."
"If you imagine the Sun as a giant volcano, the CMEs are what happens when it erupts."
"The magnetic activity is all responsible for heating this outer corona."
"The sun's output is highly variable both particles and photons affect us."
"When there's more sunspots, there's more radiation coming from the sun."
"Solar flares are an explosion of the Sun that happens when energy stored in twisted magnetic fields suddenly snaps and releases."
"It's a really good way to help educate people about the Sun and about what's going on in the Sun."
"Increased activity means that we have more chance to see what the Sun is going to do."
"The radio waves were actually coming from these little tiny spots on the sun."
"As the solar cycle starts to work its way up again, those high bands are going to be fantastic."
"The Sun is getting much more active as we go on through this year and next year."
"The more sunspots there are on the Sun, the more ionization we get on Earth."
"Your Wi-Fi is going to be really slow for the next two days because of a solar flare."
"Solar flares make themselves known on Earth all the time."
"The relationship between CMEs and solar flares is a big part of space weather, which can have a big impact on our technological stuff on Earth."
"This region right in here began to fire off a solar storm and then it fired off another solar storm back to back."
"A severe geomagnetic storm caused by massive solar flares."
"We are going to talk about solar activity."
"We've had a lot of solar storms, more solar storms in about the last week and a half than there had been in the rest of the year."
"In the vast expanse of space, we find ourselves amidst the throes of solar maximum, a phase characterized by the sun's magnetic field undergoing a reversal while solar activity reaches its pinnacle."
"Solar storms are intense bursts of energy from the Sun that can have effects all the way here on Earth."
"This is where the action really is: the flares, the prominences, the sort of mass ejections coming off from the solar surface."
"This big sunspot has set off more than 50 solar flares in recent days."
"The sunspot causing all this commotion is at least 15 times wider than Earth, making it the largest sunspot of this solar cycle."
"The severe G4 geomagnetic storm watch reminds us how strong and impactful our sun can be and how its actions can reach all the way to Earth."
"A massive geomagnetic storm on the sun... has supercharged the Northern Lights."
"Something that not a lot of people check out but they should is the solar activity."
"The sun is more active now than it has been for not just thousands of years, but essentially for the last 10,000 years or more."
"The sun is getting very active now, and we should prepare."
"The sun is a much more active star than anyone ever suspected."
"I want to read on the solar flares that occurred over the weekend and are occurring right now."
"Strong Aurora is likely as powerful solar flare eruption hurls towards Earth."
"Biggest solar flare in years temporarily disrupts radio signals on Earth."
"We did get bombarded by seven solar bursts over the weekend, so that was pretty cool."
"The solar cycles signify the sun's sunspot activity, expected to peak and be highly active in 2024."
"An elevation in consciousness is probably happening in tandem with this increase in geomagnetic activity."