
Cultural Issues Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Loneliness isn't an isolated individual issue; it's a social issue to do with the way this culture is going."
"Cultural colonialism and its modern iteration of cultural appropriation requires a power dynamic in which an ethnicity dominates the other ethnicity by taking a claim to their cultural markers and redefining said markers through the dominant cultural lens and claiming it as their own curation."
"This is a cultural problem and we need to fix the culture."
"The issues are very definitely cultural ones."
"Democrats seem to have spent too much time policing a lot of cultural issues instead of fighting and making lives better for the working class in particular."
"The middle will prevail culturally, economically, and more because they've been shut out of the conversation and neglected for far, far too long."
"The purpose of the Discord server is to have legitimate academic conversations on cultural issues, policy, and things that are impacting our world."
"Woke Hollywood is dying and ultimately it is not the fault of the consumer or even the pandemic it is the collective tone-deaf approach of the executives, producers, and writers."
"The fruit of cancel culture started to grab legs and just wobble."
"Trumpism is not going away... the substituting of cultural grievances for economic ones... and Trump added to that."
"The culture of free speech in this country is under attack."
"It's also why conservatives need to recognize that the cultural issues are the most important ones..."
"We must first ask an equally reasonable but far more urgent question: what are the social, cultural, economic, and intellectual conditions that led these people to our doors?"
"This is where we're at, where we have a culture problem, and if we really want to correct this long term, we have to start making some of this [__] not cool."
"We have to stop being afraid to call a lot of this nonsense out."
"There is a strong pastoral genocide in America."
"The only reason all this gender bs is so prominent and oft-discussed at the moment is because it keeps getting brought up."
"It is a subtle sign of cultural dysfunction and by subtle I mean that it's a flashing blaring siren with a bright neon sign that says danger in huge capital letters."
"The music is the scapegoat for the problem they just create in the music."
"The severe abuse native children had suffered amounted to cultural genocide."
"The culture war in the United States matters an awful lot."
"He has realized that if I distract people and I own the libs all the time with these culture War issues and I do that non-stop I could distract people from thinking about the incredibly exorbitant rent prices."
"This is an act of cultural genocide and one of the worst human rights abuses of our time."
"Kamala Harris definitely tapped into something that was populist, that was culture war-ish."
"The Chinese Communist Party is launching a cultural genocide."
"Tolerance in society is lacking; we need more open discussion."
"It is abhorrent that this is still something that goes on within churches, that this is still within anyone's culture to hide the abuse, specifically sexual abuse of children."
"I think culturally this is endemic and representative of America's domestic terrorism problem."
"My conservatism has tended to be more on cultural issues and less on economic issues."
"It's become so ridiculously one-sided that this whole ninja thing has basically been the tipping point."
"Free speech is under attack in America too... we are facing the virulent aspect of our culture that wants to cancel people for saying anything they don't like."
"When people say don't talk about cultural issues, I always say, well, that's where everything that's rotten stems from."
"This happens nowhere other than in the United States."
"Do you think that racism is the main impetus behind differences in policing and sentencing, or are there other cultural issues at play?"
"These issues are deeply rooted in the culture of Amino."
"Maybe it'll make people think twice about cancel culture."
"These are just those silly Chinese that abandon their homeland, right?"
"An exercise in theft and deception and copying and propaganda."
"What do you see when you see all of these culture war issues? In my opinion, they become these Rorschach tests."
"When identity politics becomes the celebration of and the encouragement of group identities to the exclusion of everything else, it can start to go really really wrong."
"School choice is important, and we are not going to allow wokism and critical race Theory to brainwash a generation."
"We are living in an epidemic or a desert of authenticity... Ultimately is a disease."
"Evil exists and we're having a cultural breakdown."
"We need a class war not a culture war strategy moving forward."
"One of his main mistakes was to be shoulder shrugging about the woke mob."
"Having to prove your blackness is a universal thing amongst black people."
"The glorification of drug use, the celebration of violence."
"If this were happening in another country, the United Nations would call it a cultural genocide."
"Even the ancestral lands of South Africans are being given away to these false pastors."
"This is a civilizational type of thing we're dealing with."
"We need to try to combat what's going on currently within culture."
"Fast. In conclusion, brown face not that bad."
"Disney and their deep and abiding desire to apparently trans the kids is very weird."
"What's wrong with America today is that we are reaping from having not sown to the word of God as a culture."
"It's a very concerning issue. The spread of indecency, vulgarity, drinking of wine, and the spread of songstresses."
"Tanning your skin is just as problematic as whitewashing. Love your natural skin."
"Ignorance is deep in the culture for many colored people in the USA unfortunately."
"History of book banning in America...we're living in a moment...book banning is happening right under our very noses."
"The Trump era will be marked by potentially violent conflict over cultural issues."
"Don't put the weird stuff on black people. Don't say that we just don't understand. Weird is weird."
"On day one, I will ban critical race theory from being in our schools."
"If you've ever been caught off guard that your co-workers didn't really know about Asian hate or that these Asian attacks were happening, this is why, guys."
"I actually think we're winning. This is one of the social issues we're winning."
"The bluntness of the show’s portrayal of sex, drugs, homophobia, being in the closet, dealing with disease, and friendship."
"Both parties push culture war to distraction."
"Nope, nope. Savages everywhere. Monsters everywhere. People taking over the culture and continuing to do the worst things to their own people and their own children."
"Our people are some of the most evil people on this planet, and this is the reason why we have so many problems. We don't follow the laws of the most high, we're rebellious, hypocrites, right?"
"Ultimately, there is a lot of issues in our media sphere and creator sphere. This girl boss hustle grind culture BS is just one of hundreds of flaws in our media."
"The Republican party has nothing left but the culture war... They are obsessed with issues that are not the most important for Americans."
"The culture of making Muslims uncomfortable with their own kind is a big problem."
"The pressure of the industry, treatment by fans, and South Korea's culture of ignoring mental illness contributed to their anguish."
"The absurd cost of health care in the United States has become a constant irritant in our culture."
"Anti-semitism is a deep part of world thought... it's a real thing."
"Thank you for bringing that up... This is another [__] up thing that's wrong with rap and battle rap."
"We still have so many states that have intentionally turned COVID into a culture war issue."
"Two of the biggest things that Nikita pretty consistently gets called out for is cultural appropriation and the disregard of COVID guidelines."
"Fundamentally this is a cultural issue within the United States."
"I just think that America has dug a hole both culturally and militarily with regards to a the weaponization of anti-Semitism in name only government packed with Nazis the GOP packed with Nazis."
"The way you do it in politics is to defeat your opponents who want to divide the country who want to use cultural issues to inflict pain and Punishment on people who don't fit within their version of the United States."
"It's easier for them to just focus on these cultural issues, which they would generally agree upon."
"African people issues that's totally different from mental health issues"
"I think there is a huge problem in North American and British cultures about questions of translation and non-Anglophone literatures."
"It's a higher ed culture problem, which means it's a leadership problem."
"cultural appropriation is real and a huge problem in kpop"
"I think there is a culture problem in Alabama and has lost control of the locker room."
"Excessive force is built into the culture of policing in this country."
"At its best, the beef draws attention to issues within the culture and pushes the music forward."
"If you want to solve deeply entrenched cultural issues like patriarchy and racism, you need to deal with the practical conditions that generate those issues."
"Issues around the gender pay gap are deeply cultural, and we have a lot more we can do to support the women in our lives and to make them feel like they should succeed."
"We are horrible as a culture, we do not take care of our elderly."
"My whole generation of my culture, Korean Americans, really messed up in a way where they were so worried about surviving that they messed up the whole emotional part."
"The problems in the culture should not be the issues in the church, and that the church should be the first place that people should go when the culture is in upheaval to find what it looks like when biblical unity is at work."
"History teaches us that anti-Semitism is actually a symptom of a deeper cultural malaise."