
Indigenous Knowledge Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Indigenous tribal cultures... had their own knowledge system that was as meaningful as ours."
"The inclusion of indigenous knowledge and worldview into the education system doesn't replace [modern education], it's about integration in a way that is productive for society as a whole."
"Indigenous people are brilliant scientists; we have got to start respecting their knowledge of science."
"Aboriginal Australians knew about Beetlejuice's bright and dim cycles even before Western astronomers."
"Indigenous people developed a complex writing system, calendars, and books."
"The learning process of most indigenous peoples is observation and experience."
"I think they absolutely have knowledge and abilities far beyond any of us ordinary folk have because they've just been so I mean this is stuff they've carried for thousands and thousands of years."
"The corporatization of psychedelics is fraught with pitfalls. Corporations need to recognize that they have an obligation, using indigenous knowledge."
"Placing our national parks under the care and supervision of the Indigenous people they were stolen from seems like it would be a significant way to contribute to the healing of past wrongs."
"We need to reinvest in biodiversity and learn from indigenous wisdom."
"Western science still needs to in a way catch up to the indigenous knowledge that we have."
"All indigenous ways of knowing are marred by subjectivity and bias, lacking objectivity and evidence."
"His profound connection to the natural world and his everlasting support of his people."
"This was the end of thousands of years of accumulated knowledge."
"The original culture needs to stop fighting with each other... we need your knowledge."
"Indigenous diet is really the most ideal diet."
"Deep bird language is an ancient discipline perfected by native peoples the world over and science is finally catching up."
"We're here to experience this world that we're existing in but we have had a lot of very clever mechanisms that have kept us almost entrapped in this illusion of reality."
"But the thing is, they don’t need recursion or numbers to be great hunters and fishermen, have encyclopedic knowledge of the flora and fauna of the jungle, or maintain a social community."
"The knowledge of indigenous peoples... is still being practiced today."
"The primary function of the traditional or the indigenous perspectives is dealing with medicine and tapping into the world soul and the spirit powers of the earth."
"We knew this change was coming. They've been telling us the indigenous people for thousands of years."
"When you want to farm sustainably or organically in a new location... you take is to learn from the experience of indigenous populations."
"10,000 years ago the Native Americans of the Great Lakes were among the best scientists in the world."
"The tribes knew the roots and patterns of migrating animals, setting strategic hunting camps in the same places every year."
"Biochar is the material that has been added to soils for over hundreds of years for agricultural management. Indigenous people have been using it for centuries."
"This African tribe was able to identify Sirius A, the brightest star in the night sky, but they also identified a much dimmer star near it, Sirius B."
"I cannot find anyone among the Daykeepers who heard about it earlier than the 1990s, so I'm assuming that it developed in the late 1980s."
"It's very prevalent in the Algonquin tribes, like the tribes that spoke that language or the derivatives of that language."
"I like to call indigenous science it's in no way primitive it's exactly what really all humans have been doing."
"The forest itself was the very fabric of our ancestors' life, their supermarket, their drug store, their hardware store all rolled into one."
"There's a lot of stuff we've probably lost by not listening to the people that were here before us, who lived much more in harmony with the land than we do for sure."
"Faced with this crucial problem of the absence of prototypes and perhaps in search of a totally Indian origin for knowledge and techniques."
"There is a tribe in India that has learned to make Living Bridges out of focus tree roots. The bridges take 15 to 30 years to complete, mature bridges stretch 15 to 250 feet over deep rivers and gorges."
"Native people made this environment sustainable for 8,000 years."
"That's right from our creation story, that when she went up into the sky world, she became Grandmother Moon. And to this day, we still call her Grandmother Moon."
"Having lived there for thousands and thousands of years, they'd have a pretty good sense of when the first frost comes, when the rains are going to come. It's predictable."
"Valuing and respecting indigenous knowledge to create a more sustainable future."
"Indigenous peoples understand and value that relationship directly to the earth."
"He suggested that the Indians had been in America so long and had been in such intimate contact with their natural environment that they had formed relationships with beings and things of which Europeans had no knowledge."
"Postmodernism is placeless... All indigenous knowledge is grounded strongly in place."
"We're so eager to dismiss the natives... maybe they know more than we do, they're from here, not us."
"What the Primitive people have to teach us is much more important than what the Civilized man had to teach them."
"We particularly need to learn from indigenous communities, because they are so connected to the biosphere, to the climate system, to the Earth system."
"For thousands of years, indigenous people managed forests, land, and other natural resources in the Americas and developed what's known as traditional ecological knowledge."
"Listen to the elders of your local First Nations communities if you can. They are going to fill you in on the honest truths about these things; they've known about them forever."
"There's a lot we could learn from the indigenous people about how to live in this country."
"They've managed to preserve their culture and their teachings and their religions and their languages."
"I'm not stealing anything from the native, and if a new medicine comes out from one of these plants, it's possible that the natives themselves will have that medicine."
"The world's changing, but indigenous people know about change and have proven time and time again they can adapt to change."
"There is the belief by many people that even if native people didn't actively clear the land, they may have been using fire in more subtle ways within the forest to manage for species composition and structure."
"This forest and these people and this knowledge of how to live with a very light footprint in the world is something we have to preserve."
"The Native Americans of the Columbia Plateau already knew about the great floods."
"Our indigenous ancestors... were in fact indigenous scientists."
"Indigenous populations carry humanity's ability to have a sensitive relationship with the landscape."
"Turns out that the indigenous groups of America know what they're talking about."
"It's all about having a successful conversation with the environment, that's what indigenous people do."
"Indigenous knowledge and local knowledge is critical to understanding the world, responding to the climate change challenge, and finding solutions."
"Our First Nations people were our first scientists."
"Ethnobotany simply means someone who's investigating plants used by primitive societies in various parts of the world."
"The very thing we're told the Indians knew nothing about, namely private property rights, is that very institution that they used to protect the environment."
"This project is attempting to maintain and build Barbadian food security but also in a very, very deep way, thinking about how we come back to this indigenous knowledge, to this knowledge that has been lost to us."
"Native American Studies as a discipline anticipates that there's an intelligence in the cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas."
"Proper engagement with people with indigenous expertise results in much richer science."
"There's so much to learn from indigenous knowledge about the night sky."
"One of our favorite things to teach about though is indigenous food systems."
"Indigenous knowledge is very much important and that is what is keeping some of us going all the time."