
Policy Criticism Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"This vehicle miles traveled statistic is used to stop projects, block projects. It's all nonsense when you think about what's actually causing the emissions or pollution or traffic that we should be concerned about."
"I couldn't think of a more insane, reckless policy for zero strategic advantage."
"It was not only more constitutionally offensive and odious, it was morally horrendous and actually empirically bad policy."
"Trickle-down economics has been proven false; it does not work."
"I urge the mayor to abandon this counterproductive and cruel tactic and instead pursue more sound management."
"You could hardly think of a worse way to regulate use of psychoactive drugs in the way that the government currently does."
"Well-intentioned but misguided policies have created a lot of the problems we're dealing with."
"Good leaders own their mistakes, I absolutely accept that it wasn't the right policy."
"Policy based on compulsion is misguided and counterproductive."
"How long does it take them to figure this out how many people had to die how many people had to lose their business how many people had to be in a situation where they couldn't connect anymore with their family."
"It's expensive, it's inhumane, and it doesn't work, and I don't understand why we keep repeating things the same way and expecting another result. I think that's called insanity."
"Removing choice, opportunity, reward, and challenge in the name of fairness is just about the most individually unfair thing I've ever heard."
"There will be child sex trafficking victims in this country as long as we have an immigration policy which incentivizes illegal immigration."
"You're homeless because of these bad policies."
"You left New Jersey because of failed Democrat policies and you're coming to a state that needs to be Republican and free."
"It's actually hard to imagine a more oppressive policy than that trying to control your ability to breathe fresh air."
"Freedom of speech and lack of censorship are crucial. One of the biggest mistakes of policy was to try and censor divergent opinions." - Sean Cochran
"The leftists seem to think I know people should be paid more money I know we'll force people to pay them more money as if that manifests money or economic value or labor value it doesn't."
"You have to accept that the model which they have built for themselves no longer works, that you cannot in this day and age conduct policy using terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft."
"The constant underfunding of the NHS across the board is disgusting."
"It really is mind-boggling why Biden has refused to revert to any of his Democratic predecessors' policies."
"Don't kill the economy and destroy people's livelihoods."
"We should support freedom of religion, and this isn't freedom of religion."
"The failed Biden border policy has made technology even more important to keep our American communities safe."
"Its destructive policies should alarm every American."
"I don't think we're helping anyone...if ultimately the solutions that are being provided are ultimately the values that are being espoused have not made your life better."
"Ron DeSantis, you are a legend good sir. It was a brilliant move that exposed the hypocrisy of those who vote for failed policies."
"The mere concept of defunding the police should never again be stated or even heard. It is so ridiculous and so dangerous."
"It's insanity and it's destroying our country."
"We adopted a whole range of ridiculous policies that harmed children, parents, working-class people, and vulnerable people for nothing."
"Democrats hate working people so much they'd rather lose political power than enact a single popular policy that helps us."
"He wants to bury you in regulations, outsource your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders. He doesn't want borders, he wants to confiscate your guns."
"They want you to forget that they want to cut Social Security and Medicare."
"The removal of him from the supposedly neutral Services is ridiculous and not based on any hard and fast policy."
"You just can't stop them from coming in. You just can't. You could theoretically, but you're going to spend more money trying to keep every single one out than if you would just legalize them."
"It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension."
"I think the war on drugs has been a colossal waste of money and a terrible disaster."
"Closing schools for that age group was a catastrophic error - perhaps one of the greatest policy errors of this pandemic."
"We have to get serious, we got to stop arguing with each other and fighting. Our family's dying, let's work together and get it done."
"Twitter's policy tweeted this executive order is a reactionary and politicized approach to a landmark law. Attempts to unilaterally erode it threaten the future of online speech and internet freedoms."
"It's time to stop interfering in that way and turn this around."
"I'm critical of federal policy because it affects more people."
"Biden inviting people to cross... it's a human rights disaster."
"Tariff is just a tax. It is a tax on everyone to the benefit of a few."
"We're going to do the same thing we always do: build alternatives."
"This is dumb policy... it's really stupid it dilutes civil liberties."
"It'll be as if the great powers need to sit down with themselves and recognize the fact that the policies they are pursuing are going to lead to the end of the world." - Dr. Ira Helfand
"A shutdown will destroy the lives and dreams of tens of millions of Americans."
"The policies being put forward by this administration are in fact inhumane."
"The politicization of interest rates is in itself the problem."
"Censorship of scientific discussion permitted policies like school closures and a generation of children were hurt."
"Everything with the pandemic policy... was based on modeling. It was literally like computers just spitting out modeling and then that being implemented as policy."
"You don't grow the economy by uncapping Bankers bonuses, you grow the economy by getting money back into people's pockets."
"Price controls have never worked; they only create shortages."
"It's an equal opportunity offender of people taking."
"Any policy that results in unequal outcomes is a racist policy."
"This really heartless and dangerous policy that the president latched onto was actually completely thought out in detail."
"We need to take on China's abusive, unfair, and illegal practices."
"If you shut down the economy... you will be responsible for many, many, many more deaths."
"I'd advocate against stupid policies that had no benefit but to make our lives harder."
"The prime minister can't defend his policy so he's changing the name"
"There's no immediate prospects right now of getting rid of the forced speech element of this policy."
"He knows very well the human costs of these policies, so we should not let him off the hook."
"This will destroy our country and make us non-competitive with other countries."
"What have I learned? If a policy or a rule gets in the way of the liberal agenda, it will be shredded."
"We've done absolutely the worst thing we could do to stabilize the economy: we have incentivized people not to go back to work."
"If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden's policies and the failures that we've seen... we will win the presidency and we will have a chance to turn the country around."
"We need heterodoxy more than ever in especially in healthcare especially in public policy we need to question every single existing belief that we have because because they need to be questioned."
"Our policy, as well as our support of draconian leaders in many of these countries, it has a lot of the responsibility for the terrible devastation that's been going on in Central America."
"Our response to this disease has actually been worse than the disease itself."
"Our resilience as a democracy is going to be recognizing when decisions are bad ones and reversing those bad decisions, hearing legitimate criticism, responding to it, and correcting course."
"These lunatics will keep pushing policy that will keep making things worse."
"All we're doing is hurting these people, that's what the zero tolerance policy to me is so important."
"Buildapower999 posted an extremely long statement about how he feels Minecraft 'flip-flops' on their stance on animal cruelty."
"The number one way they can do that is by recognizing that the military mandates are unjust and must be reversed."
"Building walls and fear-mongering about migration will not stop people from being able to exercise their human right to migrate."
"When those fantasies start becoming policy, that becomes very problematic."
"A policy of never-ending lockdowns month after month would ultimately do more harm than good to public health."
"We're moving toward a system where the only people who will have access to a college education are those who can pay for it."
"The real consequences might be coming down the line. This might actually be the first step towards something that the political consequences may resonate for decades to come."
"But you know what would fix it the most? If we didn't have a wide open border."
"President Trump is not content with a health care system where millions of Americans receive costly burdensome treatments when better options are possible and available."
"There's overclassification...our classification system has morphed into a monstrosity that will continue to lead to the mishandling of classified information."
"It really is mind-boggling that the same people behind those policies can then go and say that."
"If people ask, do I have an agenda? Yes, my agenda is that never again does our country, and I do hope no other country does it either, go down this route in such an ill-informed candid and at times deeply sinister fashion."
"Perhaps counter-intuitively to Warren's myopic thought process, it may be crucial to let the innovators and the wealth creators choose the right time to sell."
"There is no free lunch you can't be negligent to the extent that central bankers and politicians are today and not have any type of fallout or consequences."
"Sanctioning Alaskans in Alaska makes zero economic sense, zero National Security sense, zero environmental sense, and zero job sense."
"China is showing more civil instability even as its economy continues to decline due to its zero covet policies."
"He's hoist on his own patard. I mean he's a victim of his own terrible rule making."
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying how stupid the candy cane ban is. You spent 15 bucks for being mad about candy canes getting banned."
"We don't need another task force, we need information transparency."
"There has been more illegal border crossing under Joe Biden."
"We must never return to the days of soul-crushing regulation that ravaged our cities devastated our workers drained our vitality and right out of our people and thoroughly crippled our nation's prized competitive edge."
"I think that may be considered a human rights violation in the future."
"People who create art have a much deeper understanding of human nature than the people who make our policies."
"Mayor Salinas's plea echoes the frustration of many enforcing existing immigration law, yet the Biden administration's soft stance on border security exposes an alarming disregard for the rule of law."
"We can't have this change. This can't be allowed to get asleep."
"Blanket statements and one-size-fits-all is dangerous for the health of Americans."
"Being tough on crime means just being stupid and single-minded." - "What does it mean being tough on crime? Means just being stupid and single-minded."
"They don't need to be put in cages separated from their children like during the Trump Administration."
"You can't look at what's going on in cities in terms of violent crime and then say, 'What we really should do is keep going down the road where we're taking more money from the force.' It's got to stop."
"When someone raises a voice in dissent to this deadly calculus or questions necessity or even justification for these types of destructive policies, the response is immediate, drastic and consequential."
"That's my wish: that we will stop having policies of lies and denials, that we will tell the truth."
"Scotland's relatively high COVID death rate prompted questions over Scotland's strategy."
"Even today, a lot of this sounds like a left-wing wish list."
"The federal government is so incompetent that even when they want to give people money, they screw it up."
"The federal government is doing a terrible disservice to Americans by halting usage of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine."
"When inclusiveness becomes the core mission, it severely damages the institution."
"Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad." - Senior medical advisor at the Department of Veterans Affairs
"What's happening at the border right now can't continue. It just can't."
"Just because it's a policy doesn't mean it's right."
"This is part of an overall policy of trying to whip up the cold war rhetoric."
"They wanna outsource our energy to China. Everything about their policies makes us weaker."
"It is Joe Biden who is in charge... and it is Democrats who have been pushing consistently insane policies."
"Netflix, what are you doing? They lost it. They are taking away shared passwords. Ain't no more everybody gonna have their own."
"With the economy going into a recession on its own and a global liquidity crisis brewing, why on Earth is the Fed raising rates at all?"
"Blanket bans won't work. Targeted restrictions and sound monetary policy are needed."
"This guy's new policy is stopping our ability to transport goods and it was killing the economy of Texas by 100 million dollars a day."
"Stop giving in to the Taliban. I can't believe we even have to ask for that."
"Biden has all this talk about restoring dignity, but his policies are continuing what Trump did."
"They're so pro-life except when it comes to preventing people from dying from their own foolish policy."
"Vaccine passports were never intended to stop transmission."
"Common sense wins again right, walk this is antithetical to common sense because what this was was a woke policy right."
"The irony is now that it's come back to China and their Draconian strategies will no longer be effective. They just can't be effective against Omicron."
"A net loss to ban the overall topic based only on its worst examples."
"We're putting our own people's lives at risk because of this of this policy."
"This is intentional. It's a policy choice being made on purpose by this administration, and it's cruel and inhumane."
"The harm of the lockdowns way outweighs the harms of COVID."
"The incentive structures are wrong in the first place."
"They're trying to like instill price controls, it's like price controls never work economically, they just cause prices to go up."
"You cannot control inflation without destroying the economy. You've proved that already."
"Policies and pathways that left you broke ain't your friend."
"YouTube is infamous for creating policies that don't really fix anything."
"Joe Biden's dismissiveness of the ACLU's question on the Hyde Amendment raises concerns." - Sam Cedar
"The destruction of small business and the categories that I've discussed is now being advanced as a matter of conscious policy by the United States government."
"Lockdowns are the biggest public health mistake we've ever made."
"Even if you think it's good policy for the United States not to be involved in Afghanistan the way that Joe Biden has performed this is the crappiest way anyone could have ever performed this."
"One crime from someone here illegally is one too many."
"It's illogical that paid leave isn't already a law in this country."
"These experiences underscore yet another grievous problem of Civerella's zero tolerance one-size-fits-all approach to juvenile offenders."
"If their policies are so great, why do you need to censor?"
"Lockdowns were not in the pre-pandemic playbook."
"The reactionary becomes preventative becomes permanent when it comes to government measures."
"You can't just take away something and not replace it with something else." - Spring
"The Russian sanctions were a big mistake... Now you've weakened the Western position."
"This bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the Border catastrophe."
"Outrageous soft-on-crime policies result in whistleblowers being punished."
"If fear was a driving force of policies to keep America safe, we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men." - Ilhan Omar
"You cannot justify along these lines government control of output through farm programs or detailed control of industry."
"It is the obvious consequence of dangerous policies in Republican-controlled states that flood our streets with guns and enable mass shootings that shatter families and destroy lives."
"The guidelines ignore the survivors... they were deeply wounded both physically and emotionally."