
Community Identity Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"A brony is a grown-up fan of My Little Pony, namely of the 2010 show. Bronies are a community of fans who simply aren't afraid to admit that they enjoy a colorful, fun show."
"When individuals are surrounded by architecture that poorly reflects their community identity, individuals actually internalize the negative emotions evoked by the external ugliness."
"People that live here love New York. It's like East Coast people till we die; it's in your blood."
"It's about local control and people moving out to the suburbs wanting to be able to determine what the nature of their community is on a non-race-based basis."
"I'd say South Floyd, I represent the whole thing."
"I don't necessarily need everyone to pipe up and say I'm disabled, but there's something really powerful in thinking about yourself as part of a disability community."
"Atlanta has a lot of those same qualities. In my mind, the city of Atlanta for Black people is what Mecca is to Muslims."
"Greenwood was soon labeled the black Wall Street of America..."
"Everyone in Buff Nation should be really proud of that performance. Hell yeah."
"We are really Manchester United. We are really a global fan base."
"We changed the narrative and now we Crenshaw."
"God's special people were always characterized by obedience, they loved him enough to obey him, they were carved out from the majority, they were a commandment-keeping people."
"I care about the origins of our football clubs."
"He's such his roots are so firmly in Liverpool... and he belongs to that very kind of close-knit community in Manchester."
"You can't just take our community and make it what you wanted to be regardless of who you are."
"The PC master-race is our only safeguard against a greedy corporation."
"He represented the Phil body of melanated people."
"When you was doing all the reporting, the whole world really gravitated to you because they thought you was from Chicago."
"Simply by having one thing that makes your town unique and special can make the town memorable."
"That's not important. What is important is, I, like you, am a Critter."
"Let's use our power as women, as Latinos, as whatever subculture that you identify with."
"Back where we belong. If you know, you know."
"Let's be the big 10-minute, let's become the 10 million person metropolis that you go that place is still Austin."
"Miami's future looks brighter than ever, never forgetting its soul."
"It's difficult to have a special street without naming our streets. This will be Umbrella Way."
"And you know what basketball is important? This is what we do. But this is not who we are, yeah? Because the community that's being impacted, they look like us, right?"
"The winner of this could change the game forever, so you do not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"We're looking for the Sweet Baby Gang's own Francis Scott Key."
"The rainbow flag had become a common decoration in many overtly gay spaces by this point but to me that always made it a little bit intimidating."
"I'm just a big [ __ ] nerd like all of you, and the reason I get so upset is because I care."
"We are New York tough, which means tough, smart, united, disciplined, and loving."
"Gamers aren't dead... there's nothing wrong with identifying with your hobby."
"I think the end game here is to get a 'P' attached to our acronym, our ever-growing acronym."
"BTS said many times we are BTS and you are our ARMY, but at the same time you are our BTS and we are your ARMY."
"Nobody separates black men into groups except black men."
"We can once again become that ummah that is known for its critical thinking."
"Black Americans who live in zip codes where 75 percent or more of the population was black believed that black people's over-representation in the criminal justice system was a product of structural inequality."
"We are not robots, we are banana nation" - a quirky rallying cry.
"We're the most on code people on the planet as far as black people."
"It really is, and I almost feel... that Barça is also a part of us."
"Drone delivery is a new form of transportation, and I think there's going to be many, many use cases that we haven't even contemplated."
"Before we can talk about supporting a black community, there has to be a black community defined."
"Black folks know that there's a certain astuteness that we have."
"It's pretty goddamn cool to see this stark contrast between the dry and dusty desert landscape and the metropolitan glory basking the desert in its radiance."
"Welcome to the island of true nerds, where all who live or visit shall themselves be the many a true nerds."
"Juan's the people, Juan's the community. It's very, very true."
"We don't want people coming into our culture, trying to make us feel like we're guests in something that we created."
"Chicago's gonna love you like the Chicago's a Blue Collar city Chicago's a hard-nosed city they want people it's not really like a Glitz and glamorous City"
"Let's stop referring to it as the skeptic community."
"I want to make sure that we as a nation are a place that people feel yes we can come here we can innovate."
"Islam makes Muslims great, not the other way around."
"I'm definitely known as sort of the black sheep in the trans community. That's kind of what I always say because I'm definitely not someone who has really any of the opinions of sort of like mainstream trans community activists."
"Latmagantic is the type of small community where everyone knows everyone by name."
"This tribe has come far but the rest of their story is your story."
"The combined experience of being around people who look like you, go through the same struggles, speak the same language, and are also black is something that I can't put into words."
"The United Stand is not Mark Goldbridge. It is not me. My opinion is not The United Stand."
"People need to look at it like it's just a Detroit thing people don't need to put us in different categories we are Detroit."
"We are not your experiments, we're a culture."
"Listen, man, I don't think the people who live there are in Oklahoma anymore based on this ruling."
"It would be the greatest crime of all to lose our individuality as a community."
"There's nothing wrong with that. We're fans at the end of the day."
"After two decades, Vice City feels like home."
"It's a town that bleeds red in a deep blue state."
"One of the things I've been loving most about being here is how black it is."
"Philadelphia is the type of city that families settle down for generations, and those generations wear the green and white with pride."
"Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love."
"There's always been unapologetically black and proud people in our communities."
"This one's for my city. This one's for Cleveland."
"I mean, Martin O's was on the rise but, you know, we saw that dude and we were like, 'Hell, let's do this, he's our homeboy.'"
"Let it be known that the Vault Squad made this happen. Vault Squad in the house!"
"The historic city of Bisbee is known as Old Bisbee and is home to a thriving downtown cultural scene."
"He's reestablishing us again as a people and it's an absolutely beautiful thing."
"We're just a bunch of nerds that want to play our favorite video game."
"Our blood is here, you know what I'm saying, but we're getting pushed out."
"We nerds, we're intelligent, we're Engineers, we're investors."
"Ultimately I always say like the hood girls get up however the hood girls get up."
"We're doing what we can to get our culture back."
"We don't need to be under one banner because we already used to be."
"Baldur's Gate gives us such a wonderful playground."
"Gotham isn't Batman, Gotham isn't the Owls, Gotham is everyone..."
"Pray the rosary. If you don't pray the rosary, you're not on the team."
"We're here, we're queer, and we have no fear."
"Pike County is a resilient Community very small I know it's been tough to be known as the place where people were murdered but we are much much more than that."
"Education is very important, my peeps. You heard? And yes, I share my info with the sergeant so he knows who we bees and what we bees at."
"The idea that the integrity of your city's identity is being corrupted by the lesser suburbanites is a very common trope."
"But ZCC Family, as we all know, the grind never stops, and so the ZCC Gang is on top. It's showtime."
"Come to Zion, come to Zion, it really is kind of a racial superiority vibe."
"The jeep community, you know, they're fierce. They are some of the most brand-driven group of people I've ever met."
"Nationalism is having a belief and conviction in peoplehood."
"No ticket gang, if you're part of the no ticket gang, yeah!"
"We're not racist, we're not extremists, we're not fundamentalists, we're not terrorists or militants. We're just concerned citizens."
"Historic properties are tangible evidence. They're in-your-face reminders that this community has been around a long time."
"Whenever people ask you hey what's Kentucky known for? The answers were easy: making bourbon, racing horses, and shooting hoops. Now we have a new addition to that list: they are really good at playing football."
"The swamp wrecks had become a vital part of Okani's lore, a cartoon version of it was even featured on the town sign."
"Our struggle really is to learn to love ourselves for what we are and to become the full, rich, beautiful place that we've always known in our hearts we really are."
"This will not define us because what will define us is what we will do in the midst of this tragedy and what we will do after it."
"We must depend on God for the power to obey him, the power to be his people."
"Lake Superior State University, Michigan's smallest publicly funded university, where the athletic teams go by the Lakers."
"Cedar is all around us, the roots are deep, they're strong, just like our people."
"Brooklyn has always been like a planet, Brooklyn is self-sustaining."
"We're a fan site and that's who we are."
"That's who we are. Alexandria, the others, the ones that aren't here, those that might find us help."
"Never go there, we in the hood, we doing our thing."
"Without this firewalking ritual, we wouldn't be who we are; San Pedro, our village, would never be San Pedro without this tradition."
"It's the blue-collar town, I'm a blue-collar player, a hard worker, and it's the same way with the town."
"Every great city has its own personality, whether you're talking about how people live, how they talk, what they eat, what they drink."
"Globalism... do individual cultures and traditions get displaced by just a generic worldwide community?"