
Soldier Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"The truest virtue of a soldier is love... It's about humanity, love, the truest virtue."
"To the world, you were only a soldier. To us, you were all the world."
"Soldiers from fortress worlds have been trained and raised to serve in war... each is already a proficient combatant long before they are taken to serve in the Imperial Guard."
"Leil, Uhabach's most devout Soldier, paves the way for the Total Takeover and collapse of the Royal Palace."
"And here is a romantic reunion between a soldier and his girlfriend."
"And as for Mike, our last departing soldier here is that he is the ultimate soldier."
"He was a good dad, he was a good soldier, he was loved by his family."
"You are a real soldier, you're a brave heart."
"If you were an 18-year-old soldier in 1945, you would be 95 or 96 years old today."
"You're somebody that's a soldier throughout the situation."
"A good man... not a perfect soldier."
"It's starting to become more and more likely that we're at the home of a soldier."
"Not a perfect soldier, but a good man."
"Larry Thorne was listed as missing in action."
"A man who had excelled at combat literally like no one else, and a soldier of three armies."
"A man who was not a barrack-room lawyer, drunk, or malingerer, but a fine Victorian gentleman, a teetotaler, and a model soldier who served in uniform for 45 years and was honored with Britain's highest medal of valor."
"The real Henry Hook was a teetotaler, a model soldier who served his country for over 40 years."
"The spine of Finn's character is very simple: he's a soldier who doesn't want to be a soldier anymore."
"Why didn’t we dispatch a [peace] note, when our offensives had their greatest success? No! Now, when we are taking it on the chin, they want to make peace again. Just like in December of 1916." - Unnamed soldier
"Henry V already an experienced soldier, looked unshakable on the throne."
"Me is a very proud patrician soldier. Pride is a good quality to have in a soldier, is it not? Not arrogance, but pride."
"You can't just simply welcome a returning soldier back, there's a period of intense reintegration where you have to reintroduce a soldier to his or her humanity and that if you don't do that you're putting the entire society at risk."
"You were the last standing soldier. They battled you, they possibly betrayed you with some sort of action that involved sex, is what I'm getting."
"Every soldier isn’t just a unit to dispose of, but a person in your care, another invaluable passenger on the Last Train Home."
"He doesn't know what it means to be a soldier."
"Harry made a congratulatory video to present Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marx the military times is prestigious soldier of the Year."
"Trust is vital for any special forces soldier."
"You have your nameless generic super cool Soldier."
"If you are a soldier, you are welcome. If you are a bystander, if you are a spectator, then you are not welcome."
"I knew, and as I had always known, that I was born to be a soldier."
"Give me a plain, downright soldier, who knows why he fights and loves what he knows."
"I was a soldier. I fought, and I died. I wasn't some rich kid without hang-ups on bats."
"A soldier without his weapon can easily be defeated."
"Lord, it's grand to be back again. Not just on filthy little leave."
"I even gave them the massage gun away I didn't even want it you know why because you can't buy this this has to be gifted by a fallen soldier"
"You can't separate his experience as a soldier from his writing as a theorist."
"I'm a soldier. I don't get the whole peacetime idea. I'm for peace with God and in my spirit, but the rest of it's war. That's how I view it."
"I'm a part-time Soldier, full-time fighter."
"I'm a soldier who's returning have her weight and did the Twin Flame bruise."
"You're a soldier in a [ __ ] uniform. You're not a wolf."
"It's difficult for me to... this is a guy that on the ground, you know, he didn't carry a gun, no, as a soldier, right? So us peasants were the ones that had to carry the guns and protect him."
"I'm a soldier, not a bloody clerk. I fetch bloody forage, calm bloody shovels, and take punishment drills."
"Better than this humiliation, I'm a soldier, not a bloody clerk."
"The soldier, above all others, prays for peace."
"He was a soldier, and I loved him."
"A man who displays the very pinnacle of soldiery virtue and unwavering loyalty."
"A real Soldier is a highly trained machine made for one purpose: combat."
"...an honest marriage was absolutely forbidden on the grounds that it was a distraction to the soldier..."
"'The test of a soldier is not in his arm, it's here, dear.'"
"Howzer is as selfless as a soldier could be."
"A good soldier expects some measure of hardship."
"The soldier abruptly heeds her advice and launches a decisive strike of light magius to his body, revealing his identity as a demon."
"And because of just how fast Barnes was, he was the perfect soldier."
"God and a soldier all men adore... but not before."
"It is said that the noblest title for a soldier is to be called a 'warrior'."
"Who else was in the vehicle? I think it was Jor-el and Aaron's friend, Soldier."
"You see the horror of this, he doesn't look like a soldier anymore, he looks grotesque."
"The qualities which make a good soldier have a spiritual foundation."
"The true Christian is called to be a soldier and must behave like one."
"Be a good soldier, fight to the finish."
"I'm a soldier at the end of the day, I did what I had to do."
"The soldier overseas must be combat ready not only in terms of equipment training and conviction but also in terms of ability to withstand the rugged demands of physical combat."
"The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence, utter, complete, and bumptious."
"The soldier must also have full knowledge of the purpose of what he learns, of why he needs to know it."
"Noble Hound archons embody the virtue of diligence, serving as soldiers in the thick of battle or acting as Sentinels assigned to safeguard specific strategic locations or holy sites."
"It's time to stand strong and fight for God's kingdom and to be a true soldier of Christ."
"Remember who you are, you are a soldier of Christ."
"A good soldier is never forgot whether he dies by musket or by pot."
"Since he is a soldier, he has to go through Spartan training, so he knows the definition of what hard work and dedication is."
"We have been called to be soldiers of the Cross."
"This faith of an ordinary German soldier is heartwarming."
"He was focused now on getting on with what he was there for, why he'd signed up in the first place: to be a soldier and a good one at that."
"Of that every Soldier must be mindful."
"The last person who touched this was a U.S. soldier in 1944."
"He would have made a good soldier."
"I know an old soldier always keeps his living quarters clean."
"The common soldier becomes the courageous Tommy, the stoic German, the noble colonial, the heroic Yankee."
"I don't need a friend; I need a soldier."
"You can only understand a soldier's story really by being out here on a battlefield, walking in their footsteps and seeing the ground that they saw."
"The Clone Army is comprised of clones of Jango Fett, a legendary Mandalorian bounty hunter who was the perfect template for a soldier."
"It's about a soldier who returns from battle to try and rekindle the flame with his true love, Emily."
"A soldier's death... is a happy one because a man would die in the best company in the world."
"We choose to ignore the successes of the British Army in the field and what was achieved by the ordinary British soldier."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred way more in World War II than in almost any other large-scale modern conflict."
"She didn't fall in love with some prince or king or duke; she fell in love with the soldier."
"Only God knows what a soldier I am."
"The American soldier has drained deep the chalice of courage."
"Every single word that Snake Eyes talked about to Sean Collins on what it means to be a soldier, this four-part series embodies every single word."
"Private Watkins was one such soldier, brushing his sandy blonde hair back from his forehead."
"Once back from the mission, the soldier goes to visit his lover in the hospital."
"Take with me your share of hardship, passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus."
"Captain America was mentally and physically enhanced to be the perfect soldier."
"That's my whole soul and being, is that guy on the ground."
"A soldier needs the right amount, the right balance of courage."
"It's the soldier not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press."
"It's the soldier not the poet who has given us the freedom of speech."
"It's the soldier not the politicians that ensure our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"The last unknown soldier to be interred at the site was one from the Vietnam War on May 28, 1984, Memorial Day."
"And as brave a soldier as any other soldier that was serving in that war."
"A soldier follows orders, follows his heart."
"When a true soldier is told to kill, he kills. He does not question why; he does not mourn the fallen; he fulfills his role."
"We'll never know who this soldier was, but we now know what the war looked like through his eyes."
"Bob is a soldier, bro, and I respect Bob, real talk."
"The decisive factor despite technology and weaponry is the value of the individual soldier."
"I was never prouder to be an American fighting soldier because everybody did their job above and beyond the call of duty."
"The only way a soldier is supposed to function is without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it."
"Just think of it, an old soldier having held high position in the army, turn loose after the war to make his way all over again."
"No one is so aware of the tranquility of nature as a soldier resting between one action and the next."
"Part of the dream of becoming a soldier was to be an elite soldier."
"The worst thing that his teammates can say about him is the best thing that a soldier can say about another soldier: he does his job."
"He's like a soldier with no war to fight."
"We can fight and die or we submit and die. I know my choice. A soldier should know his."
"I'd rather live like a soldier than die like a coward."
"The old soldier has gone home. What a soldier he was, what a man of God he was."
"That's a true soldier right there, he's like, 'Yeah, we gotta keep going.'"
"You don't stop being a soldier because you got wounded in battle."
"Captain America is a soldier, not a vigilante."
"If you're a soldier, you will get through this."
"It's a super soldier and spy who has lived a lifetime of triumph during the Cold War."
"A soldier never leaves his comrades behind."
"I had no political ambitions before that; I was a career soldier."
"I am a soldier in the Lord's army; I'm going into battle, and I've got the victory."
"Spectral splinters of a soldier's worn and tattered soul."
"It's a new environment for everyone, with one exception, for one soldier coming to Bise is actually coming home."
"This conflict is between the purpose for the soldier's self versus the purpose in the war and for society at large."
"No wonder this Soldier has become a symbol of American Pride and determination."
"No, Ray, you're a soldier, and this is a war."
"Let's start chapter one: The Perfect Soldier."
"I have no ambitions; I've always been a soldier, and a soldier I wish to remain."
"Nothing would have led me to believe that I would be a soldier, make soldiering my career."
"Mainframe represents one of my favorite character archetypes: the old soldier."
"Being a soldier is one of the most respected jobs there is."
"Death does not diminish these qualities in a soldier."
"The soldiers walked with their battle gear, their fighting load, ammunition, water, a single day's ration."
"I started thinking like a soldier."
"A soldier could give his life at any moment, so he wants that debt to count for something."
"Logan is a soldier by nature; he can't help but try to rescue Yoshida."
"Like a soldier, I keep moving forward, always getting closer."
"The combat soldier refuses to fall."
"I'm on a mission, I don't know what I'm doing or what my goal is, but I'm that soldier."
"It's the Victory Monument for the Unknown Soldier for them wars."
"That's what it means to me to be a first-class soldier, but more importantly to me, that's what it means to be a hero."
"When a soldier gives up everything for another soldier, for the love of each other, it's only right to make sure they get properly acknowledged and rewarded and be brought back home to the people they love."
"I knew a simple soldier boy who grinned at life in empty joy."
"Years later, war broke out and I became a soldier, and was wounded while in France."
"Death is an honorable end for any soldier, and I believe it true for myself."
"He wanted to be a respected soldier and live his life with dignity, no matter what others think or say."
"I'm a soldier like you. This is what I was bred for."
"The rigorous training here gives him that physical strength and endurance levels required for a soldier."
"You are a soldier of the light; every single one of you has this inside of you."
"He's a soldier who has worked super hard to earn this title."
"Hughes chooses to show the terrible fear and the frailty of one soldier dealing with unimaginable horrors."
"I'm not a hero, I was just a soldier thought lost in battle who kept a promise to an old friend and came home."
"The soldier's heart rarely has any hatred in it; he goes out to fight because that is his job."
"He's a man who went out, was an excellent soldier, came back, and just struggled."
"No one loves peace more than the soldier."
"A man is made a soldier when he goes through the process that makes soldiers."
"Here lies the remains of a soldier known but to God."
"We have a much better-looking soldier that is weathered out; he went in the field, he went through a lot of different things."
"He rests in honor glory, an American soldier known but to God."
"Frunze remained its soldier until the last day of his life."