
Interruption Quotes

There are 687 quotes

"Excuse me, I am working here. Can you stop? I'm trying to work."
"Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted."
"Chief meteorologist Jeff Lyons was interrupted by his cat, Betty, mid-broadcast."
"I love memes, they're just good, it's fun, I like jokes."
"It's a weird feeling when you're having your quiet Saturday night and then all of a sudden somebody calls you and it's like what the [ __ ] are you doing."
"The drums coming in when Vince just interrupts Slow Tie like that, man, that's rude. It's great though."
"I'm really happy for you, and imma let you finish."
"Woo woo. Anyways, let's move on now that we've been interrupted."
"Can't you see that I'm in the middle of a pep talk?"
"I'mma let you finish your term, Mr. President, but first I want to say that Beyonce had one of the greatest videos of all time."
"Let me finish it real quickly, hey hey let me live."
"Being interrupted ruins your ability to think."
"Baptism is a Divine Interruption of anything that's going on in your life."
"She paused the little guys, look, she paused."
"I don't mean to cut you off, but is there anything else you wanted to say?"
"The Charlie Hebdo depiction of the Prophet is deeply offensive... we can't have a dialogue when you're constantly interrupting me."
"Their blissful moment, however, is abruptly shattered."
"I was doing muskrat. That's what I was trying to do but I got interrupted."
"Listen, get out of this video, we're going to come right back."
"There's nothing more irritating than having something important to do and then having cramps."
"He's trying to wash dishes, leave him alone."
"I don't mean to interrupt but I love you in the notebook."
"Stop, I'm not even gonna finish that joke. Stop it."
"Black history doesn't start with slavery, black history was interrupted by slavery."
"Nobody said happy hey hey Nyla can you keep it down here I'm on an important phone call."
"Everything's gonna be okay but I need you to end stream."
"Sorry to interrupt your debriefing, 007. Agent Nightshade, CIA."
"I want to go back to the point that I was trying to make, but you stopped me there."
"Can we turn the lights on, please? I got a text from Warren."
"Yesterday I missed an upload after a 94-day upload streak. I was on a three-month upload streak and I told myself I wasn't gonna miss any days ever but but it happened."
"When two characters are leaning in for an incredibly romantic first kiss at any point other than the very end of the story, they will be interrupted at the last possible moment." - Chris Mick krill dog
"Why do I think Luffy would dominate in 2022? Well, to get the answer, we interrupt our program to bring you this important message."
"Oh no, he's behind you, interrupting me mid-flow. I'm all about the boing boing and he's just like, I'm out of here sucker."
"We've legitimately turned the lights on, stopped Dexter, the whole shebang."
"Progress is being made look at that and we interrupted his like unbreakable chain."
"It's officially Christmas. Right, I won't disturb you anymore, just missing 12 days."
"Interrupt it with these fourth wall moments."
"You're gonna talk the whole time? Damn, shut up." - Anthony Smith
"Most people tend to kick around the halfway line... you just cancel the cast."
"The only reason I'm even mentioning or getting... oh crap, and they delivered my water."
"Do not disturb... it's not going to let anything come through."
"At that moment their peace is interrupted by an attack from Boyan’s army, who shoot a few flaming arrows before storming the castle."
"Rain stopped play; with which sport is this phrase associated?"
"Can you be alone for like two seconds?"
"One of the great things about the BBC is that adverts don't get in the way."
"To eat a meal uninterrupted these days is a luxury."
"Hold on, oh the stream's lagging."
"Before he could complete the spell, the book is knocked out of his hand by a flying knife."
"Perhaps you should give him a second chance," I interrupted.
"Interrupting the patterns of thought that are holding you back is the only way you are gonna change."
"I was almost done sweeping when I heard the front doors to the store opening up."
"I told him to get his haircut one day, he was like in the middle of work day, and I was like, 'Get up and [__] go'."
"It was probably around 9 pm when there was a knock at the door."
"They stopped me from eating, they were interrupting your meal."
"Despite Hugo's attempts to quiet his dog, it keeps barking."
"What the are you doing, dude? Stop, stop, stop!"
"Who's interrupting my horchata time? Sorry, his horror chat"
"Shut up, don't ruin this episode, or what you got, David, yeah."
"Their conversation broken by a car entering the park along the road behind them."
"Stopping 28 Mike, we are abandoning takeoff."
"But just as we entered the hall, someone stopped her to talk."
"It's just an interruption. Yes, it's a heartbreak, but it's an interruption."
"Interrupting nature, that's a big problem."
"But now this is people laughing yeah trying to hope that if you funny like my [ __ ] always had people break yeah maybe people in the background just laughing my [ __ ] come on man I gotta get this take yeah I gotta redo it because you laughing."
"The Messiah's death and Resurrection paused the 70th week timeline."
"He's just like, 'Hey guys,' and they all just stop."
"You constantly have to stop doing anything so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening."
"They're overrunning, the DVR is not getting the finish of the main event."
"Okay, I'm out of meta by the way. Sorry, go ahead."
"I've talked about some hard stoppages."
"That's it, no more, come on, stop it."
"I feel like... I gotta... I got to take this call. Seriously."
"If you wake me up in the middle of my sleep, I am going to wake up in a horrible, stinky garbage mood."
"This was John last night on Fox, can I finish?"
"Pause. No way. Oh, no. What are you doing? No, no. Behind you. Pause. I dare to hit the plus button now. Back to the video."
"Oh, what are you doing? Come on, hold it right there, hold it."
"I plan on just keeping... Oh my god, these flies. I don't believe it."
"I don't know why but that [ __ ] came out of nowhere and it threw me off."
"Coolest things are [ __ ] just don't finish your sentence, dude."
"They broke in on Jesus' sleep, typical of people in distress, in desperation."
"Such pristine silence was so quickly interrupted by the roaring crack of a glacier."
"Oh sorry about that man, uh, but anyway."
"A man stepped right in front of me."
"Reminders... I would give it an A tier. It's the one app that I basically allow to interrupt me to make sure that I'm doing something."
"The Restless Tiffany stopped him."
"The number one thing was when I'm focused on the event, that's all the only thing I do. No interruptions."
"Congratulations! So you kicked ass on the college entrance test. Hi Scott, leave me alone."
"I'm gonna let you finish that thought."
"Thank you for doing that. Now, can you try to not ring that for a second?"
"I just had the best dream and you woke me up."
"If Jesus is Lord of your life then he has the right to interrupt your life any time he wants to."
"Wow, what the first R to a breaking run this thing is surprisingly going to I guess maybe because C has as well so that's going to mean that we're also going to go for a little break but I promise we'll be back."
"I was cruising along a seemingly endless stretch of Route 40 in Arizona when my truck's engine coughed, giving me an unpleasant jolt."
"Stop what you're doing 'cause I'm about to ruin the image and the style that you're used to."
"Don't touch your computer. Don't touch your computer. Okay, sorry. Don't touch your computer. Let me do my work."
"I take my leave of my companions," then Dany and the two reporters were leaving. Nick Dean kicked his leg; the chain of the handcuff rattled, and Larry Miller jumped.
"I'm cutting it you see the man has come again."
"Thank you, random lady, for just ruining the show."
"...it interrupts a lot of the attraction circuits that allow us to kind of psychologically invest in the narrative."
"We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to tell you about today's sponsor."
"Her second husband died. Hey, I'm throwing here."
"Suddenly, their conversation is interrupted when a meteorite crashes into their house, directly hitting Pavel and sending him to the basement."
"Their phone call interrupted them."
"Here's Antonio Davis and he is... a foul is called."
"All of their radios go dead. All of them."
"The moral of the story is don't interrupt a lady when she's doing very important business."
"That will call for the covers. This will be the second time the rains interrupted, but India going at great guns, run rate of 8.81." - Commentator
He's a great storyteller. Don't ever interrupt him though, 'cause he'll be like, "Damn it Stephen, I'm getting to it."
"I was just minding my own business and all of a sudden phone dings."
"...Lil Mama just interrupted a performance that was deeply special to a man that had the power to obliterate her career."
"A time before all those pesky notifications and breaking news updates would spring us out of bed in the middle of the night to look at a screen."
"Miss Marple's telephone rang when she was dressing. The sound of it flurried her a little."
"I was about to start making food but um there's a show starting again it sounds loud."
"Throughout the night, Chema focuses on his date, and everyone has a good time. Claudia starts getting jealous when she sees the two dancing, so she interrupts their moment."
"The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs brought Violet out of her thoughts."
"Our telephone hasn't stopped ringing," he waved towards the entrance to the store.
"So then we see them dancing together, but then Emma interrupts them by getting PJ to change it to a fast song."
"...you say an autistic traits as well like where they're absorbed in something and they don't... they need to finish their task before getting interrupted..."
"But I'm just gonna keep going with the bit, hoping that any second now, it's just gonna interrupt me and be like, 'Bap, bap, bap, bap!'"
"I was about to be argumentative and he cuts me off before I can say a word."
"You're going to regret that. Yep, it was a minute. Get out of that! What? Get out of that, it's too loud! There's a tank, I can't hear you!"
"...just hold on UPS too awkward hold on."
"Yo, that's a hell of a way to bust through a meeting. My goodness."
"The Martians interrupt Parker's TV show with Pierce Brosnan."
"I actually had to go to the bathroom. You guys carry on without me. There's no pants on."
"Unfortunately, I've had to call the match now."
"I just tried to switch the I. I just tried to switch this off yo stop the cameraman right here stop where is he ATL you bullying me where at no her KN I don't like this game."
"My orchid was about to rebloom for the first time in five years, my cat had other ideas."
"Um so it was just that and then they stopped for acorns and then one of the panels fell down."
"When you're a first time Mom, you get all of these moments throughout the day not being interrupted."
"Well at least it seemed like the Hornets is gone but what about that before he could finish."
"Hello, is that Christopher? All right, okay. That's fine. We'll pop back. Thank you. Bye."
"You're at the counter and you start asking for something and the phone rings and the person picks it up and goes, 'Oh yeah, I don't know if we have that in stock, let me check on that.'"
"Yo guys sorry I was I need an intermission bro."
"He suddenly interrupts and Anna stops and changes her mind while smiling."
"The second you start counting, you interrupt, whether it's negative ideation, suicidal ideation, self-hatred ideation."
"Nobody had said speak now but the groom's ex still decided to get up and scream that he was her soul mate."
"Regina wake up why is your phone blowing up oh yeah who is it let me Peters why why is he calling just tell him you'll call him back later oh just yeah every time we try to do anything romantic or normal we always get interrupted by Daniel."
"Daddy, daddy, we went up and—" (interrupted by mud)
"I actually need to move this because I need a plug for the laminating machine. Hold on."
"Oh shoot, we're in the middle making a video right now."
"You gotta interrupt, because he'll go, he'll like you know he'll just keep like I don't he has that ability to breathe while he's talking he don't even stop the ass so one word just goes in."
"Why are you telling me that? You're like an autistic child interrupting the whole class right now."
"I don't know if you guys can hear that, but Omar literally left 10 minutes ago and it's raining super hard. I know I said goodnight, holy [ __ ], it's loud!"
"We also need to note that abrupt cut off."
"What the hell are you doing in here? Stop, stop, listen!"
"Someone said my mom asked if you could stop."
"Sorry for interrupting you, go ahead with your story."
"Interrupting comedy into serious scenes can still work."
"I already asked him but he's like, 'Dude, I'm having my dinner with my beautiful girl right now, you're interrupting."
"Unfortunately, the line cuts off."
"It's ruining our listening experience every time we have to do this."
"He finally snaps and yells at everyone to stop whatever they were doing."
"That's enough! The butterflies are gone. Stop!"
"Real life, you're going to hear my kiddos."
"Aphrodite turned in annoyance, a figure in the crowd had come too close and something sharp had pricked her side."
"Excuse me while somebody's talking."
"I didn't even know we had stopped."
"Would you like us to shut down Manhattan so you can focus? Would that be inconvenient?"
"La La Land, I was a mess. I just heard you play and I wanted—" (interrupted)
"I reached halfway to my house when my phone buzzed."
"You and me against the world, you and me, and no one else. You got that? You and me, and what's the... is that the doorbell?"
"I'm sorry to disturb you at this time of night Colonel Kent all right I I was only dozing in the chair uh what do you want could you step into the control room right away it's very urgent sir."
"I'm just gonna stop for now because I don't need to read it all right now."
"What could be so important to warrant such an interruption?"
"This is why we never get to finish the game."
"The pounding got louder and louder and then it stopped for several minutes and then abruptly continued."
"I wrote this on the street now about interrupting a wedding of an ex."
"You're just not going to be able to interrupt yourself into success."
"I stopped in my tracks, what the heck?"
"Avoid interrupting others, and if necessary, use 'excuse me'."
"These interruptions had kept her from entering."
"Stop singing, I know, go to the store."
"Literally, man was in the middle of his sentence, bro."
"It is always best if possible to avoid directly interrupting someone in the moment of speaking."
"I'm sorry to cut you off, but this reminded me of the new ad campaign our team is developing."
"It's weird because there's this great superhero romance that gets interrupted by other things."
"Sometimes what looks like an interruption can be the Lord giving us an extra shot of faith."
"My thoughts were interrupted by the painting all of a sudden falling to the floor."
"You have to be attentive, you have to be willing to be interrupted."
"Austin comes out for a promo, he starts to brag about beating Rock when Vince comes down the ramp."
"Stop what you're doing. Stop. Put the spaghetti down, put the drink and the juice down, put the soda down, or whatever it is you're doing. Stop it."
"At some point in the night, I woke up. It must've been around 1:30 in the morning. I noticed that I could barely hear the video, which must have been the reason my sleep ended so abruptly."
"I'm sorry, your TV was so loud that I couldn't hear my lecture."
"We're gonna turn off the cameras because they are dying."
"He suddenly came to an erupt halt his cute little face becoming overwhelmed with confusion."
"'I love you,' she said, cutting him off."
"For us, the whole regiment, all of those tasking stopped."
"God has a plan or a series of plans for his people, but so many times before that plan can be executed, there comes an interruption."
"An invisible man is a man of power," he stopped for a moment to sneeze violently.
"I just want to interject here because you're a Raiders guy."
"We interrupt this rambling for yet another victory lap of the Super Bowl champ."
"...and this is how Casey falls victim to sexual assault. Yet the assault is abruptly interrupted by a gunshot from behind, the shooter introducing himself as Billy."
"It's 12 a.m. and your mom walks in while you're playing Super Mario 64 on your DS."
"Hold the line one second, I got a plug in."
"Don't you dare I said bumping my fist against Dawson's arm to silence him Bell had wanted the moment she told Luke I love you to be perfect this would be no different."
"Jenny was singing blowing in the wind and when I begun to play she stopped for a second and the banjo player he stopped too."
"Stop with the [ __ ], shut up man."
"I think the best thing we can... holy crap."
"I love momentum in conversations. Like, if I'm like, you know how I'm performative with my conversations? Yeah, I hate it being interrupted by an elevator. So, I'm like, 'We're already... We're about to hit the climax. I need to keep going with this story.'"