
Event Impact Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"I wasn't convinced of that until I saw the energy in that arena that day."
"This intimate style of event spawned another reputable form of expression and has given us some of the best moments in the MC battle culture to date."
"If you're not thinking about it, it only takes one school bus crash for the regulations to become incredibly tight."
"The significance of this event cannot be understated."
"Comic-Con at Home cast a pale shadow in comparison to Comic-Con of recent years."
"Last night was great but it was a freebie, and the responsibility really is on what do we do next."
"These events make us put everything into perspective."
"It's such a serious event with such serious consequences."
"Re-releases Shadow drops like this is this is honestly amazing this feels like this could have been their E3 maybe it was maybe if there was an E3 they would."
"Ultimately at the end of the day yesterday, it was just a big nothing burger."
"It's definitely a sense of relief here in Brooklyn Center."
"In the short term, the price is based around events, speculation, and hype."
"Juneteenth is an opportunity... to raise his issues in a more powerful way."
"Hey Chris, I'm hyped to either see the best or worst thing I've ever seen."
"Well, let's just say that her appearance at the show was totally worth it."
"The relaunch of the Hotel Chester is a huge success."
"2016 was also the year that Sony delivered what many, IGN included, called one of the best E3 showcases of all time."
"We had over 10,000 people descend on our set over the course of three days filming this, it's going to be extraordinary."
"It was jaw-dropping, unbelievable. People had tears in their eyes."
"We've never seen a response like this before."
"For the first time ever they invited BTS and it just completely shut the whole thing down."
"The angels have been sent to help us tonight, it's going to be strong."
"We're going to see shifts and changes after this event today."
"There are many serious stigmas about the gaming community, but events like AGDQ prove such accusations are effectively baseless."
"I still feel sorry for the sound guys at the back who have to like... oh the poor microphone is it going to be okay?"
"There is a humanity that occurs at an event like this that you just can't get by yourself."
"The world building they pull off in a nine minute segment or however long the event was is insane."
"There's no doubt people came here on January 6 to cause trouble."
"The reality of this event is pretty bad but pretty cool."
"The feeling because of the scenario was really crazy for the fan."
"The Women's division didn't pick up after WrestleMania until SummerSlam."
"Events like this...are an amazing way to cut through the noise."
"It must also mean that we're gonna see a difference through Will gone in the Jon Jones fight."
"It's really kind of hard to explain the hype that was surrounding this thing at the time."
"It honestly helps people see what I saw at KCON LA."
"Choosing the right prom dress can have a powerful impact on your confidence and create a truly memorable night."
"That was really cool, coolest thing we've seen so far."
"Wow, this might be the biggest announcement of this show."
"When all is said and done... this event will go down on that list. It's that big. Don't miss it."
"The turnout was awesome. That had to be at least three to five thousand people here."
"I thought that the Oscar ceremony from the start... wanted to make a statement and it certainly did."
"I think it's a factor in a way... tonight would have been a very different occasion."
"The fans played a huge part in the occasion."
"I just don't know if this event is living up to expectations. We see a lot of this stuff of buy the rumor sell the news type of a deal."
"It's a fascinating what-if scenario that came really came that close to actually happening."
"Smart people that wanted to make money short term had targeted the SNL event as the peak."
"If you get a Doge mention during the show or better yet if you get a Doge announcement, I think we break through a buck easy."
"It's a natural outcome of the kind of reaction that a person would have when experiencing the kind of events we're talking about here."
"This is a huge, huge thing that has happened."
"The results of this event are absolutely insane."
"Fortnite changed the game with live events and constant updates."
"The fallout is enormous and will probably continue onwards for weeks or for months."
"For CLG EU and W.E., it was determined that only one match would decide this series. Day three of the season two World Championship was an absolute disaster for Riot, but its legacy still lives on in the League of Legends community today."
"Give them an experience that'll blow them away."
"Sometimes nothing happens for decades and sometimes decades happen in weeks."
"It's been neat to see the enthusiasm from the community."
"We failed as a society, Guillermo, you had a big night."
"For those three weeks, the Monster Prom seemed larger than life, and then it was gone just like that."
"I think moments are made bigger at WrestleMania simply for happening at WrestleMania."
"Had this event gone any other way, whether it's a moderate success or an extreme success, everyone would have been like, 'Oh my god, Tana Mojo, she put on an event that rivaled VidCon, she's only 19, your fave could never.'"
"One of the best WrestleManias of the decade."
"That's why it's a flex for Travis Scott. It's like look at this unbelievable thing that you could have never imagined happening."
"Around 18 months out, we're gonna look back and go like, 'Wow, what is that going on? It's nuts.'" - Speculation on future events and their impact.
"Forget about it quite quickly isn't that says something about the championship there doesn't it"
"Sometimes these things can actually be life-changing."
"As long as MLB plays 162 games, everybody will forget this ever happened."
"I think you can't help but be impressed by the sheer magnitude of that."
"The fact that we could reach out to even a bigger group of people, I just don't think many people outside of us understand what AI day is."
"When something axiomatically impossible happens, people are going to scramble to find reasons."
"It was always about the aftermath, not the event."
"I've never had more wild experiences in my life than Playlist."
"This is going to be the most blessed year ever because what happened on election night was a miracle."
"The North American Championship ladder match may be the match that will steal the entire weekend."
"The match could steal the whole fucking weekend."
"How good was that? That was absolutely incredible!"
"I'm shocked, I'm really really shocked... this was absolutely fantastic."
"You're not dreaming. What happened yesterday was real."
"The road that led to Blizzard's current reputational collapse started in BlizzCon 2018."
"If you take away nothing else from this night, expect powerful change."
"I think one thing that recent events have shown uh we've had a lot of things happen just in the past month that show the ridiculousness of bitcoin um in privacy."
"Well, first things first, I want to say thank you guys so much for an incredible 12 days. It has been life-changing."
"The O and that honestly when they went to the brain came back that's when inner circle walked in and tore the house down."
"When the door finally opens and people start to flow through and you see the reactions and the just overwhelming excitement, like, that's really at that point time where we can take a big sigh of relief."
"I know that there was a lot that happened here."
"It was so emotional and I just wanted to thank every speaker."
"It was only given a few weeks to build and again on paper it doesn't sound like anything special but it's a match that felt important thanks to the intriguing tale that was told heading into the pay-per-view."
"Thank you for doing this, they all just wanted to pass along this has been a big big deal for lots of folks."
"The crowd and setting for this one helped it feel more meaningful."
"This kind of thing is majorly helpful for their fortune."
"This is a true connected experience: Warzone and Cold War, the events in one will impact the events in the other, expanding Call of Duty in new ways you've never seen before."
"It's a little bit overwhelming to see everybody here considering the things that have gone on the last few months."
"The thing that would have made the difference is what happened in Utah."
"The post WrestleMania reaction and WrestleMania 28 is what really catapulted all this."
"I think the Super Bowl is going to be a very powerful catalyst."
"The significance of WrestleMania 1 cannot be overstated."
"I mean, there is just, admittedly, just something about seeing Sting that automatically makes something feel big time."
"Nearly 190 million Americans are expected to watch the event... total spending could be as much as 14 billion dollars." - Super Bowl viewership and spending
"It's a huge result for them and also for Riley. The only one that doesn't really win out of today would have to be the tooth fairy who may very well go broke after this."
"It felt like there were some big things happening. That first hour was... it felt like an event."
"There's no way to cover this too much, because this was a defining event in our history."
"They're canceling all sorts of major events. It's affecting everything from comic-con to stadium tours."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this video, and as always, I love you guys. I hope you have a wonderful day. Peace."
"Now that it's over... I feel kind of emotionally empty."
"It did create a sense of participation and the sense of cause and all of this was happening."
"The happiness of the wedding didn't last long... his brother Armando was assassinated."
"the chaos that unfolded was beyond comprehension"
"The one here today excited and ignited this huge crowd."
"The real moment where we realized the power of it was the first event that we ever did."
"I'm so glad this all happened, I'm kind of speechless about the whole thing."
"It makes a huge impact on the event that I'm doing and it just makes the day a lot more fun."
"This is what an event means something, stuff happens, change hearts and minds, empires."