
Aggressive Behavior Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Every time law enforcement has made their presence known, he ratchets up the aggression, the speed, and the dangerous driving."
"Kick me in, somebody busted the [__] open. That's the only way I'm doing this."
"Everybody just wants it, driving hard." - Explanation for the aggressive driving
"Um, a pregnant woman tried to fight me and since I didn't want to fight her because she was pregnant, her six foot five boyfriend chased me around my work facility at my old job and they tried to kill me."
"It simply took a few seconds of watching him on television, I think he was at one of his rallies, saying something like, 'he will pay all the legal fees if you knock the hell out of somebody.'"
"It has been reported to have swallowed entire canoes hole and run onto the nearby shores to devour and attack any tribes passing by."
"Conduct like theirs is just asking for another January 6th."
"Send emails which are really nasty also she would slash his tires that is very very scary behavior."
"Is this teeth? Is this when the teeth come out?"
"I am a scorched Earth kind of guy. If you wrong me, I will happily drive my car off the cliff if it means I get to hit you on the way down. That's just me, a little bit of Italian in me, if you will."
"That is one of the most vengeful, spiteful, violent things I've heard in a while."
"He stabbed his tires, slashed two different Lambo tires."
"Leafy attacked them all with little remorse, growing faster and faster with each one of his controversies."
"Fans are out of hand and sometimes a fan needs to [] the [] knocked out of them to make them realize."
"Spitting on another person, you should be prepared to be murdered by them. Spit's such a weird thing to do, that is an act of hostility my dude."
"He is so aggressive. Everything he does with power and authority."
"Strickland threw a first pitch fastball at Bryce Harper; Harper charged the mound and almost nailed him with a helmet."
"He's barreling like a cannonball in the direction of being a serial killer."
"The little people's mischief can very quickly turn into open violence."
"I think it's nonsense, I think it's overly aggressive, it's just them being dicks, they didn't have to do it."
"She's waving this yoga stick in her face, she's blowing pot smoke in her face, she's screaming at her, she's getting louder and louder and more aggressive."
"I've never met a successful person in my life who isn't either neurotic or obsessive or extremely dominant and aggressive as [ __ ]."
"He's talking about knocking him out not boxing him, knocking him out."
"You'd be very very easily fooled into thinking it was a bit of a pussycat but if you take liberties with it it really really will not take prisoners."
"I'm not the one who did that, but yet they come at you like spider monkeys."
"If they mess with me, they are going to meet the very dark side of me."
"Some people come with the vengeance of the devil."
"Throw stools at him, throw things, throw your stool at him!"
"We've got this horrible 80-pound aggressive dog that looks like he's mauled his owner."
"It's almost like he was just itching for you know a reason to shoot somebody."
"They're usually brutish thugs that are extremely aggressive, like vile animals."
"The Bears are going to be vicious at this point."
"He looks like a frat bro who's calling you out like you wanna go bro."
"Trump is like that gorilla getting riled up on what he's doing in the mirror."
"A very aggressive and violent looking Clifford took control over all the other dogs and humans in the town."
"You earned it, you destroyed your family, you attacked them, you called them names, you were just rather vile to everyone."
"You can't play with a gorilla and think he ain't gonna turn apeshit on you."
"He's a coward, a thug, and a bully all at once."
"Russia is absolutely being a bunch of [ __ ] for invading another country."
"Violence and aggression were his default settings."
"Burning, torching, flaming your enemies—it doesn't get any better than that."
"Do not mess with my corner, raccoon will come at you!" - Raccoons will fight back and if you ever see a wild animal and they're not scared of you, run!
"The definition of violence is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something."
"Yeah, on Sunday, Team Sky rider Gianni Moscon was disqualified from the race for, well punching Elie Gesbert of Fortuneo Samsic."
"I want the world to know about Zell fucking ding, the character from that game who communicates entirely through punching."
"I live that, I'm gonna go murk some people right now."
"I am the last person you wanna [ __ ] with because I will [ __ ] you back in ways you never even imagined."
"A saltwater crocodile attempts attack on tour guide."
"It wasn't a fight, two people charging at each other, it was Rachel basically running up to the van and attacking..."
"You don't attack my crew, you don't blow up your bad chin, you don't do it!"
"They nip his toes and eat the food, they do this and they get closer and closer and bolder and older until one day that lion gets up and tears the [ __ ] out of everybody."
"We need more slapping the [__] out of people, that's for God damn sure."
"I'm going to destroy you with violence. I'm not fighting you out of a sense of duty."
"Whatever words are spoken, whatever agreements are signed, this aggressor has no plans to stop until he is stopped."
"Somebody wants revenge, somebody wants Revenge, now this masculine Wants Revenge."
"A farmer observed a black shaggy-haired monster with no neck fatally injure a calf by lifting it over its head and throwing it down."
"This fish is basically a poster child for creepy deep sea creatures."
"Green has a disturbing habit of kicking players, often in the groin area."
"Brazen aggressive violent homosexuality was a conspicuous feature of the days of Sodom."
"He's aggressive, he's unapologetic about it."
"You already got everything, just like I burned your ass in the parking lot."
"If you talk to my girlfriend like that ever again, you'll get to see the demon inside me. Don't mess with me, I will ruin your life."
"Don't show aggression if you don't want this thing showing aggression towards you because once I threw rocks at it, everything changed."
"He just starts cussing him out, saying he's going to shoot him."
"He throws things with intent to hurt."