
Health Protection Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Our immune system helps protect us from scary things that want to eat us."
"Vaccines often offer a proven level of protection."
"We have to work through it and do our best to protect people's health. Doing that doesn't mean we have to destroy privacy."
"The mask is a layer of protection. It decreases the chance that if you have it, you're wearing a mask, you'll spread it to someone. It decreases the chance that if it's coming at you, and you don't have it, that you'll get it. It's not foolproof."
"Sunscreen protects people from harmful UV rays."
"The vaccines were never supposed to protect you against infection or transmission. The purpose of the vaccines was always to mitigate the risk of hospitalization or death."
"Protect your eyes, it appears that glasses act as a barrier from coughs or sneezes."
"There's this strange protection against pretty well all-cause mortality."
"Vaccines are stopping people getting very sick and being hospitalized."
"We're taking responsible steps to protect them."
"This vaccine is protecting me against all of those things."
"Early reports on both vaccines suggest that they protect against the individual who's being vaccinated getting the disease, okay, that's really important."
"There's much that's not known, but I do think that with coronavirus to date, it does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"Vaccinated people almost never end up in the hospital. They don't seem to get very infected and so on and so forth."
"A hundred percent protection so far against severe COVID-19 after completing the vaccine course."
"Sunscreen is there to protect our skin against Burns, skin cancer, signs of aging."
"This virus... i might go so far as to say that this face mask... is more guaranteed to protect me against covet than when i take a covert vaccine." - Direct quote advocating for the efficacy of masks.
"Natural immunity was more protective against infection than vaccination."
"Standard surgical masks cannot protect you from the virus, but they can help prevent you from spreading it if you're infected."
"The basic thing that you should know about the n95 is this mask prevents things from getting in."
"The surgical mask is basically protecting other people around you."
"You can both protect other people and protect the unborn."
"Three doses of either vaccine... offers very high levels protection against severe outcomes."
"A boost in protection is on the way for vaccinated Americans."
"Protect yourself from hospitalization with vaccination."
"PPE is about protecting the people who protect us."
"It will prevent you from getting a severe case of Covid or dying from it."
"During this pandemic, masks are an effective strategy for preventing the spread of infection, especially for kids who are younger, especially for kids who are not vaccinated."
"What is the goal of this vaccine? One could argue that the goal of this vaccine is to prevent serious illness."
"The epidemiology does not support that this vaccine does anything other than consistently protect against serious illness."
"All the evidence is that if our goal is to prevent serious illness, we're doing that."
"I think it's surprising that it induces as high of level as it does of these memory cells, which will protect against serious illness."
"Improvised masks are actually pretty good. Better than nothing."
"The first shot of eg Moderna... provides much higher protection than not absolute against symptomatic illness and also even higher protection particularly for those who are vulnerable underlying conditions..."
"Yes, you can trust it, but you know that it's not a perfect thing and it should not be the only thing that you rely on."
"Your happiness, your overall satisfaction in any given 24-hour period or any given 10-year period has to do with how well you have lived in terms of protecting your health."
"Natural immunity seems to be giving longer-term good quality protection against symptomatic hospitalization."
"Your protection against death and hospitalization, in particular against severe disease, is the same... So that are also very very good news for all of us."
"The fourth dose group was 3.5 times less likely... less likely to get severe disease."
"Protection against severe disease... hopefully that puts you in a better position."
"We want to know are they protected afterwards and how long are they protected?"
"I would rather be covered and protected and if something does happen and I have to worry about repercussions of a vaccine versus being buried in seven days."
"Protecting your health is also protecting your wealth. Don't deplete assets due to medical costs."
"Follow the science, make sure that you double, triple mask."
"Vaccination greatly reduces transmission, and two doses provide a very high degree of protection against serious illness and death."
"Masks are not theater. Masks are protective."
"Just think, it's four shots that he got in the span of what, 18 months? Four shots to protect against this virus, and he still got it."
"Sunscreen is a must-have for everyone, regardless of skin type."
"Vaccine protects you against getting really sick."
"The effectiveness for preventing death in serious COVID is like close to 99%, which is awesome."
"Do masks work? I quite literally trusted masks with my life."
"Best defense, probably even better than a vaccine."
"The vaccine works to protect against severe critical disease."
"Literally, they're protecting us against testicular cancer."
"Protect the elderly. The average age of those who succumb to the virus is 78 years old."
"Prior COVID infection more protective than vaccination during delta surge."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"Having enough melatonin can actually help your body from free radical damage."
"Resolve will also protect our health a little bit."
"At the end of the day, we protect our health by calming down and basing our views on evidence, not stories."
"Vaccinated people protected from hospitalization, unvaccinated people not protected."
"CPR breathing barriers are used to protect the rescuer when giving rescue breaths."
"We are so fortunate that the protection against hospitalization is holding up."
"If you take the vaccine you're protected." - Donald Trump
"We will not only slow the spread, we'll protect the vulnerable and will heal our land."
"Always protect yourself, and make sure you're collecting the dust at the source."
"People who have underlying health conditions... have to protect that grandmother."
"Exposure to some extent is inevitable but illness is not inevitable. There are factors that we can do to make ourselves more resilient, less susceptible, to help ensure that we have a better outcome." - Dr. Robyn Chutkin
"If you expose cells to EMF you get damage but if you expose them to melatonin or to omega-3 fatty acids you can reverse and prevent that damage."
"Our sunscreens provide broad-spectrum protection against skin cancer and aging."
"A mask will protect you against all forms of the virus. It also protects you against the flu virus as well."
"Being vaccinated gives you additional protection."
"President Trump made the unprecedented decision to ban travel to certain countries to save American lives."
"The appendix has been discovered to protect good bacteria and provide a 'safe house' for these beneficial bugs."
"The effect of the vaccine is usually reducing the risk of hospitalizations and deaths."
"We want every eligible voter to be able to cast their ballot and protect their health."
"We have a vaccine, it works, it will protect you from death generally, it will decrease the amount of infection."
"Personal protective equipment, we understand what PPE is."
"Our vaccines are working to prevent severe illness, hospitalizations, and death."
"Vitamin D is an important protective Factor in the progression and prognosis of prostatic cancer."
"Sunscreen helps protect us from a type of light, UV or ultraviolet light, which also goes by its formal name ultraviolet radiation."
"This is something I was just thinking about one night... how could I make a particulate filter mask which was sufficient at filtering out viruses."
"Even if you get vaccinated right now in the setting of these variants and still high cases, mask and distance."
"...these people are likely, not proven but likely to be protected at least from serious COVID-19 for years into the future..."
"Our vaccine doesn't last long enough... it's a miracle in terms of preventing severe disease."
"You can be vaccinated and still get COVID, but you have a significantly less chance of getting symptomatic COVID, being hospitalized, or dying from SARS-CoV-2 if you're vaccinated."
"The immune system does... constant surveillance, identifying, and getting rid of foreign material."
"By keeping your distance, you're protecting your community, Scotland's essential workers, and our NHS."
"You gotta protect your health because it's your number one asset."
"The absence of excellent scientific information can lead the government into making decisions that are actually not health protective or environmentally protective."
"We are going to keep the economy open, we are going to protect the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions."
"The main objective of this organization is actually to provide internationally adopted food standards presented in a uniform manner with the objective to protect consumer health and to facilitate trade by removing barriers."
"Filtering your air and water is going to help protect you."
"Anaerobic exercise is good because it gets your body used to a low oxygen environment and it's protected from heart attack."
"The main thing vaccines are doing is they're preventing disease as opposed to infection."
"Masks protect you against every variant."
"The vaccine was 95% effective at preventing severe illness in all age groups."
"They are very effective at mitigating harmful vapors and smells."
"The vaccine have proven to be highly effective in preventing hospitalization and deaths."
"It's 70% protection against being sent to hospital and it's 90% protection against being killed by the virus."
"I use all of this certain PPE to keep me safe."
"Protecting employees from any health hazards is essential, and if we follow the health and safety procedures, we can protect ourselves."
"Vaccines can help prime the immune system to attack pathogens early and quickly."
"Exercise is going to protect against cardiovascular disease as well as some types of cancers."
"Protection against serious illness was continuing to hold up well."
"Don't think that an infection means that vaccine failed. What the vaccines do is they keep you from dying, they keep you from ending up on a ventilator, they keep you out of the ICU."
"I only do this as a means of trying to protect everyone's health to the extent that we can."
"Get vaccinated, if you have a breakthrough infection, get treated. It's the best thing you can do to protect yourself."
"A qualitative fit test can be performed to ensure the proper fit of a respirator."
"It is essential to produce the next generation of vaccines here in Canada to protect our health and security."
"When our health defenses are activated, our health is protected."
"These vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe critical disease."
"The potential of what COVID can do to you is worth getting the vaccine, that is why I did and got the booster."
"The vaccines are effective and prevent against serious illness and death."