
Attention-grabbing Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"It's certainly cool, it's certainly different, and it's certainly head-turning."
"There is nothing that pulls up someone's attention as quickly as a quick rattle around the chops."
"Stop scrolling because I have something absolutely iconic to share with you."
"First, get people's attention and get them interested so you can deliver better arguments later."
"Minds go so quick, we scroll so fast... everything's so fast... you have to grab a way to hook them real quick and pull them in."
"Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention? I need all of you to stop what you're doing and listen now."
"Offering solutions is really the way to grab someone's attention."
"Quirks and features: Turning heads and changing the game."
"Now it's time for the sweet topic. Shut up and look at this image."
"People are scrolling past a hundred tweets a minute. You need something that's gonna make them stop. So putting something sparkly on their timeline is gonna make them pause and read what's attached to it."
"The 2001 UCS model... demands your attention and I love it for that reason."
"Endeavor shouts Shoto's name to encourage him and gains the attention of everyone there."
"I wanted to do something that was going to catch attention, and it did catch attention."
"Offering 50% off everything - catch people's attention."
"Now, imagine me being Bill Barr and I'm saying this: 'Yeah, systemic racism is a big, big problem. Now all the people on the left just said, 'What? What did you just agree that systemic racism is a gigantic problem? You have my attention now.'"
"Oh, it's a powerful motivation isn't it? Gets your attention."
"It's pretty unique and I'll definitely grab people's attention."
"We designed something really cool that got people's attention and then something more practical and functional."
"What is that headline that's literally gonna make somebody stop, pick it up, buy it, and then read it?"
"Cold open is so important to any kind of storytelling because, you know, especially nowadays with like TikTok and Instagram you got to grab people's attention like that."
"If you can do it in a way that you're going to get everybody's attention without turning them off at the beginning, that's the key."
"This jacket is loud, it speaks, you know you're gonna notice this jacket and that's the point."
"I think a cool watch that definitely would turn heads."
"Louis was stealing the show, it's like 'well, we'll get a little bit out there.'"
"This is the guy that your eyes will immediately be drawn to."
"He's gonna steal your attention as soon as you walk in the room."
"Gold will be waving its hand saying, 'Hey, look at me.'"
"At the end of the day, before you tell me how great your SaaS product is, or your service, or how delicious your wine is, you need somebody's attention."
"People are gonna say, 'What are you wearing on your eyes?' That's what you really want."
"I mean, it's marvelous when I see that van going down the road and you see people doing double takes. I don't mind that at all because it means they've got to think."
"If you're looking for a supercar that you could daily drive that still attracts a lot of attention, the NSX is really it."
"You need to create something with impact that draws the eyes."
"Could you imagine if I like walked down it's like you know screaming my name."
"That little kind of snippet doesn't catch your attention I don't know if you have a pulse."
"You need eye catching, you need to click bait, bro." - SonicFox
"Prepare to be disturbed, but pay attention because it's important."
"Doing things in an unconventional way is how you get people to pay attention."
"My most favorite thing about this is that it just grabs everybody's attention because it's so freaking huge and that is what she said."
"It's a show stopper, it's a conversation starter and it's just, I've always wanted a Fendi bag and a bad attitude."
"Start it now and make people pay attention to you because you're doing cool stuff."
"It's like you're going through this resurrection, you're gonna create something so changing that's gonna capture everyone's attention."
"This thing gets a ton of looks... it's very boxy."
"You're like a magnetizing force, people can't not look at you."
"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and watch you burn."
"You best not get me going there, Will. Let me just play that extra, extra read all about it."
"This vehicle is just kind of filled with a lot of character I really like how ford included the boxy shape gets a lot of attention on the road."
"What I came in here to do: grab their attention, show them that regardless of I made shots or Miss shots, then I'm a dog and I'm not gonna give up."
"It's an absolutely devastating scene that throws you in at the deep end and grabs your attention immediately."
"Sometimes you gotta do wild shit so people pay attention."
"It's wild and I love it. It's going to turn heads."
"It dominated bedroom walls for decades and it will continue to dominate attention on the road for decades to come."
"The showstopper is definitely the sleeves."
"As soon as it was revealed, Mimikyu grabbed attention by being a terrifying version of Pikachu."
"Pale Communion grasps your attention quicker."
"If you want people's attention, the best way to do it is little bits of information, right content if you will."
"I think I prefer Iron Mountain Road."
"Sometimes being obnoxious works. If you're annoying, that means you've caught people's attention. It's a start."
"I need to make this compelling, I need to make this interesting, I need to catch people's attention."
"I'm confident if you purchase this you're gonna have to stop and get asked a whole lot of questions by a whole lot of people because they've just never seen anything like it."
"Make sure your video keeps your viewers' attention. The best videos are controversial, educational, funny, or shocking."
"...Bruce Wayne becomes Green Lantern. If that doesn't get your attention, I don't know how to help you."
"I want to do something that's just going to grab people's attention."
"The car on fire stands out like a giant giant bonfire."
"This article will catch a lot of people's attention."
"For the first time in my life, I had all their undivided attention."
"I feel like it would actually get a lot of people's attention."
"The YouTubers are manipulating every color in their image to ensure the right part sticks out first to get your attention and create intrigue."
"To say it was a show stopper, I mean they saw it."
"That scarf grabs attention and that scarf is iconic for good reason."
"The best magazine cover layout design grabs attention and is visually striking, stands out from the rest."
"Definitely caught my attention as soon as I walked by this display."
"A stylish and fun design with a colorful shell pattern that is sure to turn heads."
"The singularity and steadiness of this threatening gesture in so public a Thorofare attracted my attention."
"Get your mind blown. Made you look."
"Burn Paris, you get everyone's attention and fortify bridges are like turning bridges into castles."
"You might want to start off an essay with a joke, a little bit of a joke. It makes people go, 'That's funny.' And then I'm going to say, 'Why did you tell me this joke? I grabbed you. I got you. Now you're curious about what else I have to say, even if it's not the best joke.'"
"Azaro Most Wanted: addictive toffee note, modern, attention-grabbing, a 10 out of 10."
"Generally, combinations with high contrast tend to be more eye-catching and clear, capturing attention with their bold distinctions."
"Yellow, the color of yellow itself is just it just stick out so much to me, like no matter what you put it on or where you put it, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna, you know what I'm saying, it's gonna pop, yeah."
"A visual hierarchy... you have less than a few seconds to really grab and hold that attention."
"This is a sexy perfume that will definitely give you some attention."
"Sometimes it's not the loudest or the fast or ridiculously expensive cars that turn the most heads, but rather the unique, quirky, and downright adorable cars."
"This explosive action right off the market lows, that's what should get your attention."
"When you're isolated like that, other than violence, how do you get the world's attention?"
"This one really draws and holds your eye."
"I know Marbella is all about the supercars and the luxury lifestyle experience, but seeing one of these flying around the streets, it's going to break people's necks, it's just so cool!"
"This design is a true head-turner with details up and down the vehicle."
"Whether you like the look of it or not, it sure as hell turns heads."
"These cars really are a unique time capsule. You cannot help but get thumbs up and looks."
"You shine out, stealing all attention wherever you go. Your heart shines out, making you even more noticed and seen."
"This is going to get attention, grab attention, hold attention."
"...captured the attention of the world with its opulence and extravagant features."
"Holy cow, look at this, not clickbait."
"But 20 seconds left, what can you do to really grab these fans' attention?"
"Justice. That would probably make headlines. Justice."
"...people have no clue what the C8 is when they see it. They think it's a Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren. They get it confused all the time. And between this car and that car, I think the C8 turns a little bit more heads."
"The choreography of the fight scene in the beginning—Are you kidding me? They wanted an attention grabber, they brought it."
"This fragrance stops and turns heads, and they're like, 'Oh my God, what do you have on?'"
"If your first line isn't strong, you've lost them."
"In the annals of history there are moments that redefine Nations, shape Destinies, and Captivate the world's attention."
"...the unique design of this speaker is the main reason that it's one of my favorite. Anywhere you take the speaker, it's going to grab attention."
"...I thought I was going to get a lot more kind of vitriolic response than I actually did because the book is a bit Wicked and it's wicked on purpose right it's kind of a strategy on my part to kind of get people's attention and get them to be excited about my ideas."
"I needed a little clickbait to get the girls going."
"People will notice you. The car commands attention like none other."
"The headlines were very, they were just headlines to grab attention, they weren't actually the reality."
"It's certainly a very eye-catching vehicle."
"It's iconic, it's rare, it's different, it just demands attention."
"This dress is beautiful...you just instantly know you are about to turn heads."
"You will be that wedding guest that just turns heads in this outfit."
"Isn't that amazing? And I had your attention."
"You have an edginess about you, you know, that kind of gets people's attention."
"The intro to a video is like the most important part. If you're not spending a crazy amount of time on the first 10 or 20 seconds, you're doing things wrong."
"...the eyes aren't too bright and nothing too crazy as is going on but there is a lot of contrast in there and it does definitely grab your attention..."
"I mean, this gets a lot of attention."
"...it's all about drawing the eye, grabbing attention, and making you want a piece of this."
"I've had so many good results with these slinky glide cables that to be honest it's better off for what they cost to just slap a set on there and forget about it."
"That dress will certainly turn some heads."
"These would ingrain in your mind forever and that's the point of making an advert disturbing is so that you'll remember it it's rememberable and it gets your attention."
"The bolder the color, the more it'll stand out."
"That was so striking to see a full page splash intro."
"A one-liner is one sentence that explains what you do or what you offer in such a way that you capture the most people's attention."
"We want to say something that attracts them right away that makes them interested in what we're offering."
"BMW took a page from Rolls-Royce and made the 7 Series more attention-grabbing in addition to its already stately design."
"It's kind of clickbaity, but I want people to click on it."
"Do something that gets their attention."
"You steal all attention from people in a very strong and powerful way."
"...living breathing entity with a distinct personality that demands attention."
"This SUV has a road presence that demands attention."
"The movie immediately pulls you in, doesn't let you have time to adjust, just immediately holds your attention."
"That's the whole point of the shoe, to make people be like 'what the hell is he got on?'"
"You put one of these around your neck, you stand out in a room, for sure."
"It turns heads of the young and the old."
"Send a physical package in the mail to get noticed and get attention."
"This is more of a mini tote, but it very much catches your eye right from the beginning."
"You never have to advertise a fire; everyone comes running where there is a fire."
"Chat GPT is a state-of-the-art language generation AI model that has captured the attention of millions of people around the world."
"The first thing in any ad is what we call the hook."
"The song here goes nothing grabs your attention by the throat right off the bat."
"Gruesome creatures command attention, honestly not really for the right reasons."
"The whole cliffhanger ending was to hold your attention to get back to watch the commercial break."
"The subtitle is really something that can show off a bit."
"This design turns a lot of heads... nice for a car that isn't necessarily super expensive."
"It's bold, it's feminine, it's soft, it's spicy, it's definitely commanding attention."
"This is a head turner... This will literally stop people dead in their tracks and come and ask you what you're wearing."
"This is the biggest billboard I've ever seen. Grab one."
"The Ram 1500 aggressive strong styling strong drivetrain the truck you want if you want to turn heads when you're driving down the road."
"I like my title slide to be bold, full screen, it just catches the eye."
"If you like attention, this car grabs a lot more attention than the S-Class does, of course."
"...they get people looking and they get people talking, plus it's a distinctive design even without the contrasting trillion safety cell."
"When you cut a dude's head off, people think they're like, 'Oh, that's horrible.' That's when people really started paying attention to ISIS."
"This is definitely a show stopper."
"Melodious voice tone that grabs instant attention."
"Red is the color of Persona 5, red is one of the most visible attention-grabbing colors."
"When I'm listening to a song, I love when things happen once or twice. I love when something can pull out and grab my attention towards a certain lyric or phrase or melody."
"Using sound effects that mirror whatever the lyric is doing can catch a listener's attention almost every time."
"It doesn't matter who's talking in the building. As soon as I just turn that on, it's like you're gonna stop and listen."
"This is a piece you see someone wearing outside and you turn your head for it."
"A real moment there which will grab the headlines."
"Some people need to get hit between the eyes with a 2x4 just to get their attention."
"This is one that when you spray it on, right from the get-go, it's going to get your attention."
"Settle down and listen up because you're going to enjoy this."
"From the very early scenes this film gripped me and I held my attention right up until the last moment."
"He grabs people's attention for a variety of reasons. He can do it all, a jack of all trades."
"This Appley green color was really gorgeous grabbed my attention right away."
"The best intro to a movie I've ever seen ever. You know like how we have short attention spans right? You give this movie to anyone, for sure attention span bro, they're in no matter if the movie's four or five hours long."
"If this car doesn't get your attention, nothing will."
"Samoa Joe is doing a fantastic job in AEW. I think that any time that he gets put into a ring, I pay attention. He makes me care in every single match that he's in."
"Fright Night 1985, when I first watched this movie, I don't even know how, but the movie got my attention from the very start."
"Trial of the century" - a phrase that grabs attention.
"Now let's take a look at the fold because I know that's what you're all here for."
"You have to do something different to stand out and get their attention and establish some kind of personal connection."
"Ladies and gentlemen you heard it right it is about sex."
"And this is very normal. It doesn't necessarily have to be their own discovery, it's also to grab the attention of others."
"God has equipped you with a unique ability to capture people's attention."
"it's just Savage it's really strong so lunarosa carbon this is really a fragrance you can wear anytime year-round you can pull it off daytime or evening and it has always been just a compliment monster for me just a really really consistent attention grabber"
"Bouquet Encore is the one that definitely turns the most heads."
"Wooden Two is absolutely going to turn heads when you wear this one."
"Of all the pages he could have landed on and of all the words he could have noticed at a glance, three were practically shining a light right into his eyes."
"I try to start with something that will catch people's attention, whether it's a personal testimony, something happening in my life, or some kind of relevant event happening in the world."
"It really grabs your attention with a massive punch."
"It's going to grab attention, it oozes confidence, most importantly though, it's got power."
"It is literally like watching a car crash in action. You can't stop watching because we have never witnessed something like this before."
"The sort of thing that's going to grab people's attention."
"It really stands out and catches the attention for your users."
"...nothing makes a thumbnail like an eagle."
"The design of the A7/S7 still turns a lot of heads."
"If the album cover doesn't catch someone's eye, then you already lost their attention."
"The first thing that they need to see when they get to your landing page is they need to see an attention grabbing headline."
"Best of all, it's a head-turner everywhere you go."
"You're gonna turn so many heads that you're probably gonna have the whole world turning headless."
"The car kind of demands your attention, even going slow."
"The 1948 Dodge B series commanded attention with its bold and sturdy design."
"Yeah, I mean, this scene is devastating. It's really hard to watch, but it's even harder to look away."
"Considering the fact that this car looks very much like a concept car, it's going to continue to turn heads."
"That thing is going to turn heads every single which way you go."
"Red and chrome, I feel like you cannot go wrong with that combo. It's classy, it absolutely catches people's eye."
"Imagine being so cool that when you log in the entire world loses their mind."
"People will definitely smell you with this fragrance. It is amazing and I absolutely love it."
"That is a fantastic opener right there, cold open."
"It's a car crash you can't look away from."