
Misrepresentation Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"The fandom is broad enough to cover anything. It comes down to being about friendship and community which makes the mainstream media's reduction of the fandom to a fetish insulting and categorically demonstrable inaccuracy."
"The ultimate irony here is that the news media misframe your video about misframing."
"Misrepresenting what is real in relation to others is the ultimate condemnation of a kind of cancel culture."
"You want to pull this like you're trying to paint me like this was totally innocent."
"I'm not blaming you, blame anybody else, I'm saying that the policy has been misrepresented."
"The issue is none of these things that they complain about...are not actual problems...these are deflections away from the actual problem."
"They'll lie about everything that you've done, they'll misrepresent you, they'll never engage in good faith."
"It's not therapy. You can say it's torture. You can say it's abuse."
"They are not representing reality accurately. She is acting as a leader, she is devaluing Outsiders and so are her students. They are dependent on her and they are not interested in dissent."
"The portrayal of Mr. Janus as either a peaceful protester or someone simply swept up by the crowd does not match the reality established at trial."
"You don't get to say you were a victim of that because you weren't just like I don't know a random conservative shouldn't get to say that they were a personal fatality in 911 like this this shouldn't be hard."
"It began as a terrorist group, its entire existence it has been a terrorist group, it is still a terrorist group."
"We reported it like it's a football game. It's not a football game."
"It's a little bit weird because you've been really kind and reasonable over email but on Instagram you have been literally like engaging in some of the most heinous misrepresentation of my beliefs imaginable."
"The fact that this EA employee is trying to rewrite history and trying to make it out to be like two and a half years ago is just a different situation."
"Why would you deliberately frame a story to make it worse than it actually is?"
"Miss Heard herself held herself out to the world as a representative of abused survivors everywhere."
"It's ridiculous to try and argue he is. He didn't say anything to anybody, you know?"
"The media like to portray people as into something they're not and as a result they get hurt."
"This is your chance to talk about Fauci, and you spend 60 seconds talking about his bet? Why is bad, and 15 of those seconds are spent on him throwing a baseball. That's not exactly the point, is it?"
"Albert Einstein is one of the most misquoted and over quoted people in history."
"He manipulated my players into thinking LG was the devil."
"The way that the clip is edited together makes it seem like everybody is gonna die."
"Students made Mizzou out to be... redneck racist, which was never the case."
"Misrepresenting me is one thing misrepresenting Islam is something completely different and that's inexcusable."
"No it's not ongoing, it is not called an atrocity by Academia."
"Every single time that a person complains about this they will always misrepresent things in a way that's completely different than what they're talking about."
"It's a constant and endless barrage of unfair disingenuous misrepresentations."
"The idea that they're taking this family and trying to turn him into the Biden crime family... it's creative but it's just not true."
"If you reduce the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots to bad actions by individuals you are obscuring the reality of both what was going on there what was going on around the country."
"It's not like they have real Nazis to fight, they invent Nazis."
"There's value in data, but not a single data point paints an actual or fair picture."
"It's an interesting thing where like when you're on the spot sometimes do you say things that are easy to say but don't perfectly match your internal thought process."
"Either the Republicans are mocking Dr. King or they really have never really read Dr. King they just heard about the holiday it seems rather insulting."
"The name Jezebel became synonymous with harlotry, but the biblical character herself is better described as fierce, formidable, and pagan."
"Hold on, what is this video titled? 'Lady calls this woman's service dog a fake'... That's wrong, you can't do that!"
"The misportrayal of the truckers as hateful, white supremacist, racist, and misogynistic is transparent."
"What he is saying is not it's not the truth it's not going to be the truth and you have to Advocate from that position."
"The disaster that was a result of man-made acts was presented as a natural disaster."
"That's the whole point of gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, literally, your identity doesn't match with the physical body you're in." - You saying that that's not the case doesn't make it true.
"We're talking about the American worker, but here's what's interesting about that: I thought Republicans said that they were the party of the working class. Hmm, that's sort of wrong."
"If the evidence shows a sincere good faith attempt to evaluate fair use, a misrepresentation claim won't succeed."
"I think that this has been a narrative that's been not really pushed enough I think that it's just it's taken in a position that makes it makes men look like they're always the abusers."
"Stop celebrating people just because somebody put them on TV to promote the wrong images."
"My fear is that what happened in Charlottesville is now going to be conflated with events that are not alt-right, events that are not white supremacist."
"I'm devastated that he made me sound crazy and twisted so many things out of context in his most recent video to the point of literally painting me into the loud crazy over stereotype that people try to use on young women especially Latina women."
"They're misrepresented, they're wonderful, they're virtuous, they are heroes, they are saints."
"So much of who Mary Magdalene is has been misrepresented."
"She is a representative of someone who is trying to defraud the experience of real legitimate domestic violence survivors."
"It is impossible to be in good faith and take a singular quote from a book and present it in support of your argument to someone who hasn't read the book."
"There are real Nazis out there whenever they use the word anti-semite of someone who isn't an anti-semite they really devalue the word."
"That was a clear sign from God saying do not twist my word or mock my name."
"As the war in Ukraine has shown, tanks are not as important as they once were. They have largely become long-range infantry support vehicles that allow ground troops to move forward under the cover of their fire."
"It's just so not cool to go and put words into the mouth of someone who is a legend who has passed away and then pretend that you have like the insight into how they would want the world to play out for the rest of their career."
"President Trump's assertion that the Supreme Court returned the issue of abortion solely to the states is a completely inaccurate reading..."
"Instead of attacking someone's actual position, you waste your time attacking a view that no one holds."
"We are helping America devalue our need in this world by constantly misrepresenting ourselves on TV and radio for money."
"They're misrepresenting the points that the people in the not so awesome document were making."
"Such misrepresentations are not only unfair they are potentially illegal and fraudulent potentially keyword"
"During the pandemic, the things that helped people enormously... it really gets on my nerves because it's simply not true."
"I didn't expect them to come here. We're very, very clean, the food's good, it's beautiful, and that's not what I saw in the show."
"Behold, I am against the prophets, says the Lord, that used their tongues and say, 'He saith.'"
"Pretending this is a rare act by a crazy person is disingenuous."
"Thank you to everyone who watched my livestream and didn't allow a 30-second clip taken out of context to sway their decision of who I am as a person."
"Let's stop demonizing people and recognize that white men aren't people."
"Comparing Napoleon to 20th-century dictators is a gross injustice."
"There are casual buyers out there who may be misled into genuinely believing the desktop and laptop RTX 4090s are effectively identical when that couldn't be further from the truth."
"Mueller said, 'The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24th did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions.'"
"Misrepresentations can contribute to stigmatization and shaming of people with the disorder."
"It's just this gross misrepresentation and spiritual manipulation."
"Werewolves are underused, underutilized, and misrepresented in films like van Helsing and underworld. They're not the type of werewolves that's a werewolf."
"Iran is evil incarnate, it's responsible for everything. Well, that was never true and it's not true right now."
"It felt like it went well beyond the actual topics on the panel and went more towards like a straw man or like a set of frustrations that you had with me."
"It's going to give the jury a false impression of what happened."
"There was just so much about her that really only were ever described in general, really dishonest headlines."
"If you don't tell your story, someone could tell it for you and they could tell it wrong."
"We denounce that. That doesn't represent us."
"The people wearing the skull had nothing to do with what Frank stands for."
"Fundamentalists do not represent most evangelicals."
"This is not Christianity and Josh Duggar is not a representative of Jesus."
"All you needed to do was make a joke... and the FBI would purposefully misrepresent it as though it was a credible allegation."
"We are going to resurrect racism by virtue of falsely demonizing people claiming that they have it when in fact it isn't in their minds."
"It was a horrible day in American history. It was not a tour through the Capitol."
"The operation that was touted as a success was actually a fiasco."
"They make us feel like it's anti-semitic when it's not at all."
"You're letting other people tell your story and they're telling it wrong."
"Pointing out how ridiculous it is to call you a white supremacist, not you being a white supremacist or a bigot..."
"He's genuine, which is a contrast to how he was represented."
"I'd rather get and [sic] [__] for the things that I've actually said rather than people make things up and claim that I said them to begin with."
"Vlad was almost certainly not as tyrannical and blood-thirsty as many accounts of his life made him out to be."
"We wanted to show how cessationists are misrepresented."
"It's a way of characterizing things to make fun of science it's unfortunate."
"I don't really get what lies he takes my words and twists them, he makes me look like I'm lying when I'm just voicing things the community has said or pointed out as well."
"Your credibility is shot in a court of law when you paint a picture that's not the reality."
"This is a center-left progressive president, certainly not a socialist, but they're treating him as if he's the reincarnation of Fidel Castro."
"Don't tell me you love dr. King every five minutes when this man's life was threatened every day."
"It's very dangerous... to state 'a people without a land for a land without a people.' There was always a people; they were the people of Palestine."
"Out of context clips, the sole reason why people think anime fans look like this, when in reality, they look like this."
"History doesn't change because of your wishes. If you misrepresent history then you can't learn from it."
"The media was so biased and misrepresentative in showcasing what happened and who these people are."
"The man's name is John Smiser and his creation was the terrifying Toronado. This is the story, the accurate and true story of the man and his machine and how history has done them both very, very wrong."
"He told me he was 33 with three kids, he was actually 23 with no kids. Like, why? That's so backwards."
"People love to misrepresent situations for likes and views."
"Don't put words into my mouth about who you think I am because that's what you've read or seen in movies."
"You're labeled all kinds of things that you're just not."
"But yeah this plot has nothing to do with Predator, but it's on this list because of the marketing of it."
"I didn't want to do no interviews because every time I did an interview it was always taken out of light everything that I said was taking out of context."
"We all have a facade... it very often misrepresents who we believe we actually are."
"The smart ways that the story is structured and layered are constantly completely ignored or misrepresented by its critics."
"For 20 years Fox has misrepresented Cyclops and worse than that Fox has convinced a whole generation of moviegoers to think that Scott Summers sucks."
"She made up a lie saying that I told cast members that I had a conversation with her."
While the very official looking ad on Instagram and the Cool Izzy site alike showed me a bold yellow and red lettering "Easy Vinyl Crackles Remover," I ended up with something called "Scratched Wax."
"Mischaracterization by the media is common."
"Truth is the vulture just might be the most generationally misunderstood bird."
"Where they mis-characterized my argument."
"It's pretty easy to misrepresent Islam because so few have read the Quran."
"Backbiting is one thing, but slandering, assuming things wrongly, and misrepresenting them, that's even worse."
"The Holy Spirit has been given a bad rap."
"I resent those false reports that portray me as ungracious to a fellow artist."
"Project Milo, not entirely a hoax, but misleading nonetheless."
"The movie was so different from what the trailers portrayed it to be."
"It's like the poker table equivalent of a F40 kit on a Fiero."
"The Salem witch trials were not localized to a central space... a lot of those spaces didn't actually happen here."
"It just breaks my heart that so many people portrayed him in ways that weren't true."
"Messrs Salsa and Cisco utterly distorted my argument because they couldn't get even the basic terminology about heresy straight."
"We tend to be far more tolerant of misrepresentations of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, which, by the way, abound everywhere."
"This whole concept I think has been misrepresented and taken out of context and is really driven by folks that are interested in pushing their own agenda."
"The report highlighted structural misrepresentation and possible fraudulent practices."
"This sort of messaging makes it seem as though veganism is an awful movement."
"There's this false narrative out there that I'm like a psycho."
"It is to me the most heinous possible misrepresentation of God and Christ."
"All this because people feel the need to call other people out and misrepresent people."
"Gamergate happens and people kind of can, I think you know, this is something that a lot of people underestimated because it was about video games, but the problem is it wasn't really about video games."
"Here again is this problem of taking one verse, pulling it out of context, and making it everything."
"There's a lot of misrepresentation on this YouTube [__]."
"It's not an accurate representation of our relationship and definitely not of me."
"...it does a disservice to people like Liliana to misrepresent them to argue that someone else is responsible for their safety and their well-being when in fact they rescued themselves."
"Beloved Prophet Gordon B Hinckley when he writes the biography of James Henry Moy covers up and misleads people about James Henry Moy's interactions with David Whitmer."
"It's sort of a pathetic sad story because he writes home saying that he had won certain awards pitching for this military team awards that he never won."
"...it's a misrepresentation of what's actually happening."
"They described the Dark Phoenix movie as a small-scale movie about a girl struggling with mental illness, which annoys me so much because that's not the story."
"Jesus have been misrepresented for years."
"You're almost less misrepresented unless you're purposefully misrepresenting yourself."
"We want each other in real life, but it's portrayed on the internet into people that don't actually talk to black men and women as if they hate one another."
"Reports like these often misrepresent or outright lie about events."
"They will take a verse from the Bible, take it out of its context, and give it a meaning for you that isn't really what the original writer was saying."
"This thing was sold to me as PM 5534 not working for parts as if I'm going to be scrapping it for parts. Unless half of it is missing, this thing is going to work again."
"And we don't get no reciprocation and they don't have no knowledge of our history of FBA history of black American history and they come here saying these lies about what we did and didn't do."
"All I can say is what you guys saw on the show wasn't really what happened."
"I am so shocked that this item made it onto this list only because when I first saw the pictures don't let the picture fool you okay it looks huge."
"Okay, I know that sounds like a lot, but as you've probably already guessed, that was a 12-course tasting menu of horseshit. Because he is wildly misrepresenting every single one of those cases."
"It's very convenient for them, yeah. You know, to show, well see, this is the same as this when in fact it's not at all."
"It wasn't how it was presented to be."
"Oftentimes, the crime masquerades under the guise of an accident."
"If I weren't a Christian I would at least understand that this is not an accurate characterization of Christians."
"Fraud in the inducement...is when a party is making a misrepresentation in order to induce the other party's ascent."
"The film was critiqued for misrepresenting the character's relationship."
"Joe Rogan has said that this man speaks to anyone about anything we know for a fact me and you that that's not the case."
"They painted a picture, people hated you from the picture they painted and made the right very easy."
"I'm the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, you're ruining the story again!"
"You misrepresented Heiser, you quote mined him, you do not know what he was referring to, you don't understand it."
"To make him out to be a villain is very wrong."
"Ruining rap, it's not what rap is about."
"The defendant's motion to dismiss is a predictably false, misleading, and histrionic misrepresentation of the facts and circumstances of the history of the case."
"I'm a George Floyd fan I was at Neiman Marcus earlier looting televisions you name it I'm a George Floyd guy."
"I don't know if you can hear us right now what we're saying to you but we know that you weren't a witch that you weren't a bad person and we're sorry that in the art of our time you've been portrayed how you've been portrayed."
"The national media, let's say the National right-wing media, the Murdoch press were very hostile to us and did blatantly misrepresent things."
"The number one perpetrator, the number one reason for the sick condition of this world is damaged minds and damaged hearts, because there are a lot of things that have been done that have been evil by people that call themselves Christians."
"The straw man fallacy misrepresents an opponent's argument to make it easier to dismiss it."
"It's a travesty and it approaches blackface levels of misrepresentation."
"That's not a discrepancy, it's a misstatement, it's a lie, it's a hiding of the truth."
"The depiction of the European Union as our enemy... doesn't actually make sense but it did sell newspapers."
"God looks beyond our faults and sees our needs, but we falsely misrepresent God when all we want to talk about is what God will do for us rather than what we should do for God."
"I am obsessed with the historical figure Rasputin, who has been cruelly misrepresented in a popular song."
"We were shamed, we were made out to be something that we weren't, and we were silenced through shame."
"Anything that you do on social media, people like to turn it into something that it's not."
"Africa has been portrayed as poverty and lack when in fact it's like the most resource-rich continent on the planet."
"I have nothing but love and admiration for everybody on the cast. I'm sometimes painted in a way that I don't think is accurate."
"This is not at all a representation of what therapy or mental health services can and should look like."
"I'm not talking about somebody unsent a message or somebody took something out of context; I'm talking about conversations that fully never happened."
"The colonization of the imagination, the kind of blindness that exists in Western Civilization, is due to profound errors and often profound misrepresentations, deliberate conspiracies against the history of the African and the history of other peoples in the third world."
"Ted Bundy has been romanticized and kind of hyped up as this almost like a fictional character."
"Seldom in the history of modern therapeutics have the substantial proven benefits of a treatment been compromised to such an extent by serious misrepresentations of the evidence for its safety."
"Equatorial Guinea is still one of the poorest countries on Earth; don't be fooled by every per capita number you see."
"People are complicated, and whenever you see a political caricature, it's almost always wrong."
"People not only hate being told how to think but they also hate someone trying to tell them how they're already thinking, especially when it's way off base."
"Human language can be used to communicate ideas that don't correspond to fact."
"Pidgins and creoles have been misunderstood and misrepresented for a very long time."
"Misrepresentations about the standard, quality, value, grade, style, model, history, price, the place of origin... the law says if you tell lies to consumers about these things, well the ACL is going to provide a remedy against you."
"The elements of misrepresentation are that you need a false statement of a past or present fact, made at or before the time of contract formation, with the purpose to induce the other party to enter into the contract."
"To twist his words to get the sound bite that you want, to take him out of context and to completely lose his trust is awful."
"It is profoundly disturbing that those representations would have been made to the court."
"What really got my goat was the very misleading article that said four Green Berets had destroyed Kony... giving no credit to the Ugandans who were the guys who actually did the heavy lifting."
"God has been misrepresented; He's been said that He's the one that causes all of the tragedy and the problems in our life, and that is not true."
"The code of clickbait is that the words and pictures that act as the bait tend to bear no relation whatsoever to the thing you're going to click through to."
"The Sun shines brightest on Africa, and so to call us a dark continent is a serious misnomer."
"This is misrepresented perfection."
"Cancel culture and political correctness are right-wing tools in a left-wing disguise."
"One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts."
"Those things which have been misrepresented as legitimate on this planet are reflected as and often mentioned as being the illusions of the world."