
Communication Style Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"It's super easy to bring on a bunch of people who don't know anything about what they're saying and then just own them and dunk on them. It's more fun, in my opinion, to go back and forth with somebody who is educated in what they're talking about."
"In idiomatic swearing, words are being used purely for their ability to arouse the listener's autonomic nervous system, to gain their attention, to assert a macho or cool pose, or to express informality."
"Style is not just what you say; it's how you say it."
"If you want to sound more formal, please choose the verb 'speak.' If you want to sound a little more casual, use the verb 'talk.'"
"Does it look like I didn't think through it? I've just rambled on this topic for an extended period of time giving my position."
"Well, first of all, it's called Chick-fil-A, sir, so use your [expletive] brain."
"Petty Petty is a compliment Petty means you're like you are pissed and you are saying something about it."
"We're gonna use a singing voice, not a yelling voice."
"Rather than many things and coming off as flighty and scatterbrained."
"Don't say the most clever thing about a subject. Say what you [ __ ] feel about it."
"I will not kill you with PowerPoint. That's not my goal."
"The throwback is the egregiousness of it, you should do like a little give a back, give a look back, yeah."
"Donald Trump speaks in a way that holds people's interests."
"It's not what you say, it's how you say it. That man stood up for his woman, and I love that."
"Use it if we put exclamation marks at the end of all of our sentences it sounds like we're shouting because that shows we're exclaiming something!"
"Chael's take no prisoner's approach to trash talk."
"I try to be the opposite of what I complain about. At least I try, in terms of sometimes I'll see snarky messages, and then I'll respond by trying to be reasonable."
"It doesn't matter what you're saying, it matters how you're saying it."
"Soft spoken for me is more comforting and relaxing compared to whispers."
"The best email marketing is when you're almost like acting as if the person you're sending the email to is a friend."
"That sort of inflammatory style works out well for a lot of people."
"He writes in his normal handwriting and the notes aren't as cheesy but they're still really sweet."
"As I've grown older, I think I appreciate bluntness quite a bit more."
"It's not vitriolic. Vitriolic would be shouting and swearing and engaging in ad hominem attacks. It's not. It's an analysis about narcissism with some snark thrown in for good measure to get one through the bilge that one has to read."
"I do actually enjoy just calmly talking about disagreements, you know?"
"I've never heard Andrew Weissman actually speak before, very odd way of speaking."
"I don't agree with what you say but I like the way you say it."
"Bring something to the conversation rather than simply being gnarly, grumpy, attack-oriented."
"Guys should socialize differently, they bond through bantering and trash talk."
"I'm going to serve up the truth and try and be as authentic as possible."
"Less is more... a soft spoken word can actually have more of an impact than an argument."
"What she says is right, what she says is true but I don't like how she says it boohoo."
"The etiquette here is 'do you know who I am?'"
"I'm gonna tell you exactly how I feel, No BS."
"This shit was so shattering, if anyone here is emotionally questionable buddy, it's you."
"I'm always saying on the regular, just part of my vernacular."
"Please, do yourself the favor and perfect the art of being a sarcastic a-hole."
"I'm not from the show-me-state Missouri, and I can show you better than I could tell you."
"I'm just looking for the questions so cool means if you have questions just put q with them or question marks."
"My faith keeps me going, I try not to ever get too spiritually or overly religious sounding with anybody."
"I think some things that I won't say, but say, I don't see it."
"That's almost as descriptive as our foodie terms."
"If you're not talking Wang you're not talking sense."
"Always trying to keep it short, punchy, and entertaining."
"Bold and direct with intent means that your words have meaning."
"Hillary has comprehensive policies to help people, her opponent has tweets, you decide."
"High-quality critique in professional spaces often requires a direct approach."
"I'm a cool guy, you know, I could talk it out."
"Mental really does let his gameplay do the talking."
"I want you guys to sit down for this part because this is true."
"Just shut up, look, not to be mean, but like I'm gonna stop reading after that first part where you're like I think it's very good but..."
"I kind of like the American way of being more direct with each other, having less Small Talk."
"ISFPs are very straightforward in their approach to communication."
"Silence in taking your time tends to sound more confident than anything."
"Let's just call that thing a thing and be honest about both."
"That is piss-poor look it really is do you read me he's chalking it a bit right now so IRA serious."
"Just asking yourself the question: am I largely in receiver mode or am I largely in transmission mode?"
"It's not what you're saying, it's how you say it."
"I want us to act like you're talking to your best friend."
"I really am enjoying the way this writer communicates things."
"I think this is going to help me attract the kind of people who are more like me: get to the point, let's go, give me the facts, I ain't got time, come on, enough already."
"He is so slow to speak, and I think that's one of the most wonderful things about him."
"There's something refreshing about them just being like, 'Yeah, oh yeah, we're doing that.'"
"It's not a threat, it's a public service announcement."
"This is how you convey social value based on your masculine indifference by not giving a [] not playing it safe saying whatever the [] you want."
"Elon is trying to... have hot takes which may be viewed as political... and just have this really casual relationship with communication."
"Do you want the good news first or the bad news first? I think I'm gonna do the bad news first so that the video can end on a happy note."
"I'm just trying to find nicer ways to say it instead of being really aggressive about it, I guess."
"Sometimes being direct is not a negative thing."
"I don't read from the script, I just jump on and press record and go. How is everyone doing?"
"Be ruthless in your actions, kind in your tone."
"Did I say that already? Yeah, but I still do."
"People don't necessarily understand this rapid fire we say as many words as we can fit into a minute conversation."
"I do my talking in the ring, and time to talk is over."
"If you disagree with me let me know why because I do like hearing from you and I'm not the kind of person who sits here and thinks I'm right everybody else fucking stupid."
"It's the tone he was taking... really dismissive disrespectful way to talk about people."
"What is up everybody? I'm going to trade trades. We freaking talk fast and don't skip class."
"Very straightforward communication is important. You don't have to be cruel but you do have to be direct."
"I don't really give a [__] if I convinced you or not because that's not really what I'm here to do."
"It's always nice when you have a presentation or something like this where he's spitting out like new ideas or new thoughts he hasn't really expressed before."
"Let's just do that and we'll OH first or first or ass."
"I think there is something that is more truthful about just letting the words flow out than trying to kind of hammer everything into like a preformed shape of what that conversation is going to look like."
"I'll decide later all right guys bye bye bye bye bye okay bye bye bye."
"You always say how it is, thank you. You got me on your sarcasm earlier and I respect that."
"As you begin to say that, you know it's in the tonality in the way that you're saying it, the energy, the speed on that you're saying this."
"We have very specific ways that we say things, very specific ways that we talk about things."
"Every time he goes on a rant it's like gem jam jam jam jam something wild jam jam and then everybody ignores all the gems."
"The purpose of howlers of course being red letters that deliver a message expressing significant displeasure or anger in a manner which standard writing could not adequately convey."
"Thunder God Zeus the type of Dude to color code is dry erase and of course stepen was like well look I'm getting engagement."
"She's very sincere. I love how she gives her answers because she really sounds like she speaks from the heart."
"She said a lot of [ __ ] without saying a lot of stuff, real talk."
"He speaks like he's the captain of the club."
"Every word she utters is with this secret smile and conspiratorial, 'I'm letting you in, telling you I'm confessing. It's so embarrassing, guys.'"
"Listen as you all know, I'm a purveyor of on-the-ground independent content, straight from my brain out of my mouth, okay? I don't even lie, don't even think about the things I say. It's phenomenal."
"Your ways of still addressing the question, I like that."
"It's less about the words, more about the vibe."
"It's not a regular [ __ ] like it's like that's just how New York is."
"It sounds so much better than what 'Tis Me' has to say."
"Stay petty and after all petty is our love language and we got a lot of love to give."
"He tells it like it is... He just says things and he doesn't sugarcoat it."
"There is a way to be honest without being an asshole about it."
"If it's a natural way of talking for you to add extra information, don't worry about that."
"Twitter is poetic; within 140 characters, how attitude can come through."
"I'm not trying to freaking Netflix and chill with yo lame culito."
"So there's an old saying: the amateur talk tactics, the pros talk Logistics. I talk both just to stay on the safe side because I like talking."
"Anyways," it is used in slang to basically-[snaps]-end the conversation.
"I've never had to make a video like this before so this is a bit new to me. I'm gonna try and talk about this in a conversational and, you know, just general manner."
"I hope you're not tuning in for like sugar-coated powerpuff comments. That is not my style."
"I'm so black I gotta have one in the side of my cabin and then one in my hand when I talk to my Vegas."
"Jamaicans just like to call it as they see it. Simple, no need to overcomplicate!"
"I think my favorite thing about this interview though is that he constantly kept saying, or like continually said, he's constantly learning."
"Most of you say stop flailing your arms around anyway."
"Speak the language of love, it's in the stars."
"I will always be 100% open with whatever is going on in my life on my terms."
"I could see where he's coming from, I think it's a strong statement."
"Let's just put that part in, everything else today was [__]."
"Whenever Stinger Flyn talks I have a real hard time listening to him cuz he's just monotone."
"Say it with your chest, folks guys! All right, you little [], say it with your chest, your little []! If you're gonna talk [] about me, you're gonna talk [] about the GOAT of this [], say it with your [] chest!"
"Never let it be said that I don't listen to feedback, I just ignore it."
"I didn't expect before I even answer that question."
"It's not my job to convince anybody. It's my job just to tell you what I've experienced. If you believe it fine, if you don't believe it I don't care."
"Saying less is always better than saying too much."
"We like to put extra words in sometimes, it's just a quirk of English."
"No small talk, just get right down to business."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"I'm going to give it to you straight, I'm going to give it to you honest, I'm going to give it to you critical."
"We're not blowing this up, we're not sugarcoating this." - Asserting the commitment to truthfulness and authenticity.
"All she does is carry on about this or that. That's gonna be my new response to people. It feels like a more intense burn."
"It's really easy at midnight to put caps lock on your computer or your iPhone and tweet tough words but what does that mean?"
"Public health should never hinge on financial considerations."
"Too much. Way too much. My combo will go like this: Customer calling in, 'How much is to just fix the glass lens in my LG something?' Me: 'Too much. Way too much.'"
"Trump is a fighter, he'll call people names, he'll insult people, he'll make up nicknames."
"Dirty talk is usually a little sexy. You should note guys, that was you talking nerdy. TMI. He's never talked dirty to me in our entire relationship."
"Insults don't hurt my feelings. If I cared about being insulted, I'd just tell everybody what they wanted to hear."
"It's not a criticism, it's just an observation."
"It starts like this yo, what's up, and ends like this peace."
"A lot of the message that we say is very consistent and maybe even boring sometimes."
"We gotta get a hold, you know, it's, uh, we gotta, we need to know."
"They're planning on not really saying much...sitting in their authoritative power."
"Silence is louder than words because your actions speak louder than your words."
"Because, when it comes to Italy, we can talk a lot… like, A Lot a lot."
"Some people might remember me as being abrasive and I'm not one that usually holds back."
"He speaks differently... more neutral, slower, less aggressive."
"I like to keep it exciting or horrendously boring to everyone at home who might be interested in what you have to say."
"Be open to discussion about other people's views instead of insulting people."
"Telling people what you need doesn't make you difficult or demanding; it's the way you tell them."
"It's not in what you say, it's in how you treat people."
"Be for the most part silent or speak merely what is necessary and in few words."
"Questions or comments put them below I'll talk to you later bye-bye thank you for watching Leto's law a programmer is someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand."
"If you say the word 'yeah' more than like twice in succession, I'm gonna hit you with a brick."
"Radical candor... directly challenging something but also showing that you care personally at the same time."
"Be blessed, Benji out." - "That's all I got, be blessed, Benji out."
"Speaking slowly and using fancy words does not make intelligence, it does not make rational thought, it does not make a logical thought."
"It's just a little dance... so I'm gonna feel this many, many talking points in this until someone comes in and interrupts me."
"Something can be important and worth talking about and you can also be kind of petty and funny while doing it."
"You're not holding back how you feel, you're just choosing your words in a very professional, oh my gosh, politically correct way."
"With all of that being said, have a great day guys!"
"My name is Kristina Smallhorn, your real estate whisper."
"My lies were so ridiculous that you were never meant to believe them in the first place."
"This is how you should disagree: in a respectful way."
"I don't really like to talk too much, but I just think it's a sign of weakness in my opinion."
"I thought they'd have turned up by now, maybe I should stop talking in the future."
"It cannot be an intellectual debate... it's just about the emotion."
"When I say that scary face, when I say, um yeah, like you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, it's scary bro."
"I do not care if it makes you feel good if it pisses you off or it makes you feel bad if it if you like it hell yeah that's a bonus."
"Fetterman either said the quiet part out loud or lacks the capability to provide the nuanced evasion that most politicians provide."
"Let me speak, man! You always girly, you're like Ty."
"People just believe what he says whenever he speaks in that beautiful accent that he has, you know?"
"A lot of truth you won't receive unless he has to wrap it in the joke."
"Japanese people are not as direct as we are in America."
"But if you come on and start bashing and really being aggressive, you're not going to be heard. Okay? So, 'cause that's not 5D, okay? It's just not 5D, right?"
"I'm seeing happy birthday if you guys can't understand what I'm doing right now."
"Do you know what it is about the Nordic cultures? It's all about economy of language."
"Goldberg will talk all day. You don't have to worry about Goldberg. This guy is a storyteller all the way through."
"It was trash talk, yes, it was cutting, but there was a real edge of originality, of character, real personality in there, loads of humor."
"Radical honesty... you really can't say the wrong thing to the right person."
"Glorious, what an introduction! I'm doing great, I know really, really, somebody, really so many words to show off all of our hard work."
"I'm not a killing with kindness guy, I'm like overwhelm them with rapid-fire rhetoric sort of guy."
"I'm not reading all this, bro, I'm not reading all this."
"The meat industry produces many greenhouse gases."
"It's very hard to be that direct and passionate."
"Mature shade takes tact; young shade is just throwing insults."
"He won't lie, but he will suffocate and misdirect."
"It's like an ADHD fueled rant with these crazy mannerisms."
"Don't ever use the word smart with me. Don't ever use that word." - Biden to Trump during the debate.
"I've also been told like, 'Do you know that you talk a little aggressively?'"
"Brevity is not my strong suit, so I could crash and burn."
"Don't be arguing with each other, just state your point."
"To all of our haters I just want to take a moment to speak in your language and tell you thank you."
"A gentle answer deflects anger but harsh words make tempers flare."
"Respect people, I like to listen to people, I like to listen more than I talk."
"That's how we do things here. I don't have time to waste. I like to give it to the people fast because that's how I like it. I'm impatient, you know what I'm saying?"
"Shown is often used to make a statement friendlier or add emphasis."
"Part of the problem with the climate debate is that so much gas board language like that has been used."
"My philosophy on conducting interviews is to be a good listener."
"Are you feeling more upset? Are you maybe talking faster and faster, louder and louder?"
"I do acknowledge that when I look back that my vocabulary was at times too harsh and ineffective."
"So, we need to have a seam. Now, when I say a friendly, I don't necessarily mean to mock."
"He had nothing to say, it's good here, he still fights but he doesn't want to be 5-1. Bends like the grass over nothing, lucky charm. See about that."
"I waste time say lot word when few word do trick."