
Health Conditions Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Why is my intelligence so low? Because of your age, man, you're like, you're forgetting. You've got dementia, remember?"
"There are over 200 medical conditions linked to gluten sensitivity."
"Wendy may have trouble communicating because of the Aphasia, it does not affect her intelligence."
"Laughter causes my neck to weaken … I lose control of my limbs and become paralyzed on my left side … it usually only lasts for a few seconds but it is frightening."
"I've got something wrong with me which lots of other people have got and it can be cured."
"PCOS is not a life sentence. When you address the root cause, it can be reversed."
"People still get those really awful looking pox pustules all over their body."
"Wedgwood demanded hard work, but his religious beliefs made him an enlightened employer. He built 76 workers' cottages near the factory to combat the lung disease that killed potters."
"Insulin resistance leads to diabetes where eventually the time is run out your pancreas just gives up and now you have type 2 diabetes."
"Making fun of people with medical conditions that make them lose their hair is incredibly bad taste."
"But if somebody else has a medical condition or a religious reason or a personal belief or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear the mask then they shouldn't have to wear it."
"Makeup wipes should not be a regular part of a routine unless somebody has a Mobility condition or issue that they want to use a makeup wipe for."
"The ketogenic diet may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you have certain medical conditions or if you're an athlete."
"Low dopamine can result in Parkinson's, cold hands or feet, restless leg syndrome..."
"You really have attacked these conditions with some real ferocity."
"London just became a healthier city to live in."
"23-year-old Roman Glabinski fell victim to a heart condition he didn't even know he had."
"In an autoimmune disease, the person's own immune system attacks their own body."
"Dietitians apply nutrition science to help with conditions like allergies diabetes cardiovascular diseases and weight and eating disorders amongst others."
"I've made huge steps in the world of bringing a condition and fashion together so yeah, I'm kind of proud of myself."
"It's like normal feet normal hands and you're exactly right Siobhan since lipedema is now on my radar every time we're at the mall the restaurant any social Gathering where there's a bunch of people I'm like she has she has liida."
"You have genetically inherited hypertension or you have familial hypertension."
"Krista was born with fetal alcohol syndrome which then would later go on to cause her to have seizures when she was just a young child growing up."
"Hyponatremia is the most common of all electrolyte disorders... an independent risk factor for worse morbidity and mortality."
"It's part of the condition, it's not me at all."
"Big business in my opinion. You should use testosterone when someone has a bona fide organic reason for not making testosterone."
"Significantly fewer people with comorbidities."
"The most common new diagnoses since the pandemic were anxiety, neurological conditions, GIT issues, and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome."
"Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism are often linked to low magnesium."
"There's a lot of things where there's certain genetic conditions that people might have."
"We're essentially just treating chronic inflammation and then you look around you at all these other conditions... they all seem to have this element of chronic inflammation."
"Empowerment of people who've got various health conditions, yes this is a matter of putting knowledge into people's hands and that's an exciting process."
"Causes of alpha lipoic acid deficiency include severe stress, chronic degenerative diseases, overtraining, and adrenal fatigue."
"Chronic wounds have delayed healing, often due to underlying conditions like poor circulation."
"Obesity, like cancer, is just another disease."
"Gluten sensitivity is an autoimmune disorder that creates inflammation throughout the body."
"Indians get it at a younger age and at a lower body mass index."
"Even if all you did was wipe out your type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, then you would also be reducing your risk of developing cancer."
"There is little recognition in the system of the person who has a long-term fluctuating health condition and the adverse effects that this has on their person's ability to work, undertake education, and maintain their physical and mental health."
"You can have a totally normal blood glucose level but be hyperinsulinemic."
"I'm not lying to you. I'm telling you the truth. I have a medical condition that requires me to take medication regularly."
"These conditions are related to childhood trauma but they begin as adaptations."
"If you have sensitive joints, if you have osteoarthritis, if you have osteoporosis, or if you're just a badass looking for a joint-friendly workout, alright, let's go get busy."
"Chronic pain shows up in chronic health conditions that cause pain, such as autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, and so on."
"People with Down syndrome are more likely to experience sleep disturbances such as obstructive sleep apnea."
"There really is a difference between dementia and delirium."
"Inflammatory bowel disease includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis."
"It's really interesting how many conditions are popping up that we never even knew existed."