
Traffic Safety Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"If this person doesn't have the shoulder available and decides to go into oncoming traffic again, that's the worry part."
"This article cites a study showing that rear-end collisions increased 22% in the city of Chicago after red light cameras were rolled out everywhere."
"Experts predict that once successfully achieved, the technology could prevent 1.3 million estimated deaths worldwide per year caused by traffic accidents, as well as reduce congestion and emissions."
"Self-driving cars could save more than two-thirds of those lives."
"So the signs are denoted by these gray stripes and from what I've always heard and understood about the autobahn is there's actually far less accidents there than other places on the planet."
"Piece by piece, the way the vehicle left the roadway, one of the first things did was impacted a utility pole near the left rear of the car."
"The car went a long distance, so he had to been traveling at a pretty decent speed."
"You're like a driver that comes to a busy highway and you need to cross six lanes but you ignore the red light and you run through the light, one of the chances of you coming out of that alive or not injured, slim to none, probably none to none."
"If the problem really is disproportionate speeding inside the black community..."
"Enforcement of traffic laws is an effective way to improve safety."
"Making a difference: one stop sign at a time."
"Drivers in LA are absolutely crazy, you're taking your life and your hands being out there."
"People just don't know how to drive. People are reckless, they don't care. You got drunk drivers, people on their phone, that stuff is dangerous, bro."
"Just make better decisions and where are you where you are in a four-way lane highway or more on a highway and where are you placing yourself."
"Woman injures two after allegedly driving into traffic as a test of faith."
"It is tragic what happens to some people because of drunk driving."
"If anything, we're helping feed two birds with one scone less cars on the road less auto accidents less chance of transmission win-win dummy."
"Forty speed limits are just options to keep up, you know, minors safe or something."
"For the turn of a switch, this pedestrian could still be alive."
"Garrett Morgan: A prolific inventor who created early versions of the traffic light and gas mask."
"Sadly, Jeremy told me that there's something like five other crash memorials in this general vicinity."
"Fortunately, thanks to good reflexes, both Addie and the other driver managed to avoid a collision."
"Tristan quickly moved his Tesla to block traffic and protect the woman from getting run over."
"You're failing to maintain a lane, you're erratic bro."
"Signal 30 is the phrase that means another violent death on the highway, another life snatched by carelessness, another bloody statistic."
"Probably the most needless among many unnecessary ways in which to meet death."
"Remember, somebody could walk out from behind this van. Then what?"
"There's never a reason. I've seen people drive on the wrong side of the road, I've seen people squeezing between traffic and parked cars because whatever dumb stupid plans they have are so important that it's worth risking other people's lives for."
"Why should you stop at a red light and let me hit you doing 50? Dang Cook."
"Road rage can also be a huge problem with aggressive and impatient motorists pressuring you..."
"We have stop signs, stop lights, and seat belt laws that are designed to reduce the amount of deaths due to car accidents."
"So if the next car I stop happens to be yours, don't tell me you were only speeding a little, only breaking the law a little, only doing something a little bit wrong."
"School zone signs and signals: you are near a school."
"You are far more likely to be killed in a crash if you are not wearing a seat belt."
"If it is a red light, consider it as a stop sign and look for oncoming traffic."
"Wait for the gap in between the traffic before proceeding."
"Drive safely because there are too many cars and pedestrians around."
"Drive at the speed limit and always check for oncoming traffic before proceeding."
"Never change lanes over double solid white lines. Wait until you see a single broken white line."
"Success! Omamari acquired. This is for Traffic Safety. Now we should have some good fortune."
"Be prepared and if you are going through an intersection, probably a good idea to slow down a little bit, look both ways."
"Just because the traffic light is green does not mean you are safe to go."
"In most cases, a citation has the desired effect; the motorist drives on with increased alertness and caution."
"Crashes become more likely because you get more aggressive perturbations later on."
"Give way to pedestrians on the crossing."
"Maintain a good following distance no matter what's happening ahead."
"We don't just signal for other vehicles; we also signal for pedestrians."
"When a traffic signal displays a solid yellow arrow, it means you should yield to oncoming traffic and proceed with caution."
"If you encounter a school bus stopped with its red lights flashing and stop arm extended, you must stop and wait until the lights stop flashing and the stop arm is retracted."
"When you see a flashing yellow light, it means you should be cautious and continue through the intersection safely."
"Stop your vehicle and do not pass until pedestrians have crossed the road."
"Do be prepared to stop at intersections, even when your light is green."
"I don't oppose speed limits as long as they're imposed sensibly and for the right reasons."
"The operator of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent."
"Patience and respect for traffic laws are essential for everyone's safety on the road."
"Always prioritize safety by adhering to traffic signals."
"Respecting traffic regulations cultivates a culture of road safety."
"Stockholm has a speed camera lottery which rewards safe drivers."
"A flagger's responsibilities are critical in keeping the work zone safe."
"82 percent of current traffic accidents can be prevented by using connected vehicles."
"There are two responsibilities at a flashing red light: one is to stop, and the other is to stay stopped until such time as traffic is clear."
"They need to obey speed limits, they need to stop for red lights, they need to wear their seat belts."
"For the first time, more people died from traffic violence than from gun violence in the city."
"The vehicle's ability to stop you in stop-and-go traffic on the highway and resume your speed using the cruise control function."
"Just because the light turns green, it doesn't mean you can just go."
"Vehicles with a diamond-shaped sign must stop before crossing railroad tracks."
"Intersections are places where a number of road users cross paths; there is often a lot of activity at intersections, so it is important to be alert."
"It provides you with space to see ahead to a traffic light or something like a double parked car."
"For the love of God, when the light turns green, just wait a second and then go."
"Modern roundabouts reduce vehicle collisions by 38%, are cheaper to construct, reduce congestion, and are better for the environment."
"Reducing road death to setting clear targets, increase road policing."
"Crossroads often referred to as accident black spots can cause quite a bit of confusion amongst new drivers; however, if you understand them and treat them correctly, they really are quite easy."
"What do you call a set of traffic lights operated by pedestrians? Is it a pelican crossing or a heron crossing? Pelican crossing."
"Keep pace with traffic; going much slower than other vehicles can be as hazardous as speeding."
"It'll actually recognize vehicles coming towards you, so it won't let you make that left turn if it's a dangerous situation."
"Essentially to evaluate the response of a driver that's approaching Northbound to see whether or not the response was reasonable based upon a normal response time compiled from research."
"By sharing the space available, drivers become more aware of pedestrians and drive more carefully."