
Spiritual Ascension Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Be the love that you are...having it be your identity is really the purest way of ascending towards oneness with the divine."
"We all have the ability to mirror Christ in his resurrection. We all have that ability."
"Now is the time of transformation and because there is an ascension going on."
"2024 will be the biggest year yet for the rise of the light worker."
"Your connection is a higher dimensional experience, a path of ascension to come out of this plane of duality."
"Break free from the lower vibrational energies and rise into the light. Hold that space for yourself and for others."
"Keep ascending, even through challenges, towards a higher state."
"If enough of us can take that leap to a higher place, we help bring in the golden age for everybody."
"If enough of us can hold the frequency, we can help the whole of humanity jump through this timeline loop."
"The greatest Miracle exists within the human body. The Ascension is happening inside."
"That is the only way out of this third density realm... to activate the heart and get into the heart."
"You're attracting a lot of different blessings, ascending right now."
"Remembering who we are is the key to unlocking the fifth dimension."
"Every single illness and adversity is an ascension symptom."
"That's a rapture right there... ascended up to heaven in a cloud."
"Every single one of us is playing a ridiculously important role in this ascension."
"Culturally, embrace ascension... minds, bodies, spirits."
"Are we going to make it through these times? All of these things? Yes, this is an inevitable Ascension path that you are all on together."
"Of the cottage cheese things I've made, this one is pretty stinking good."
"I do believe that we are ascending ourselves into a new vibrational frequency."
"Ascension is your right and your responsibility, a pivotal step in your Evolution as a star seed."
"The universe is always clearing the path for you to ascend."
"This person is being brought into your world to help you ascend and also help you recognize genuine, unconditional love does exist."
"Activate more of your mission and ascend your vibration in a powerful way."
"If I'm going to ascend and come into my highest good, if I'm going to let go of all my inner rings of pain and past life stuff, well then I want a life to match that."
"When you are evolving... the more you're evolving, ascending."
"You are ascending personally and spiritually at this time."
"This actual planet is ascending... and we are too... vibration needs to raise... clear the darkness."
"God said, 'Let me take some, baby. Everybody ain't stuck, everybody ain't complacent, everybody ain't still on this.' It's divine ones that's going higher and higher in the spirit."
"The only way out is up, and it's up in consciousness."
"We came here to ascend, to help Mother Gaia ascend."
"The original human template for Spiritual Ascension is the sacred marriage made between the soul and the monadic spirit."
"They see you as ascending, you've ascended, and they admire that."
"Depending on where their heart is, if they're generally good people, the solar flash will neutralize the poison in their body so that they could Ascend."
"You've ascended to a place where they don't have access to you, so the telepathy, the dream, the astral stuff, or whatever that it's not going to affect you."
"The soul has this opportunity to ascend and one has the opportunity to see and hear, to explore the kingdom of the heavens."
"As you ascend, your DNA undergoes a process of upgrading to incorporate higher light and divine intelligence."
"The anointing will raise you up so much higher than what's going on in the world right now."
"We want to ascend out of the illusion."
"Hyper hydrating right now is so important; put a lot of water inside of you, it helps with the Ascension process."
"Ascension is a process of making your bodies congruent with your light bodies."
"Using that clear light mind, the innate clear light mind, then you rise into the illusory body."
"They are catalysts for change, unlocking a legacy of unity and conscious ascension."
"I'm going up, going up to be with my Lord."
"You have truly entered into the kingdom of God and you have ascended."
"They're ready to ascend once they clear these energies here, they're ready to ascend and go over this Rainbow Bridge."
"A part of her life's purpose is preparing for the spiritual ascension."
"In this incarnation, you are meant to ascend to the next level and shine your soul light brighter than ever before."