
Saving Lives Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Saving innocents in imminent danger will make your legend grow."
"Saving lives and how many people's lives can be saved depending on the rate of infection."
"I've saved hundreds of thousands indirectly and I've saved thousands directly. That's what I've done."
"When you save one life, you save the whole world."
"The good news is what we've been doing has worked. It has saved thousands of lives."
"This premonition gives him an extremely rare chance to save more people who he knows are going to die soon and cheat death on a much larger scale."
"Start saving a life today by enjoying the one you have."
"Hostilities will end officially at one minute after midnight tonight, Tuesday, the 8th of May. But in the interest of saving lives, the ceasefire began yesterday."
"If we can save just one person, that would be justice."
"I nearly killed myself half a dozen times for that thing, and those risks will have saved hundreds, no thousands alive."
"We're in the business of saving lives, Matthew."
"I delivered that baby. You saved two lives."
"He saved over a thousand people by this policy."
"Never apologize for saving lives."
"I keep saving lives and this is my way of saving myself and saving others."
"There was no doubt her actions this afternoon saved other lives today."
"I'm a doctor, I'm 903 years old, and I'm Gonna Save all of your lives."
"Leon realized that if he accepted this assignment, he could save a lot of lives."
"So amazing and saving so many babies' lives."
"We are committed to saving lives."
"You're already you might already be saving somebody's life."
"This is a chance to save lives, billions of them."
"Making enough medicine for one person requires two eyes. Then you should be able to save everyone with these, sir."
"I'm going to help someone today. I can't help but smile at the thought of saving someone's life."
"Now that she thinks about it, the war may have begun with the aim of saving people."
"Winning simply doesn't compare to saving lives."
"It's tour season right now, but I'm on a tour to save lives."
"It will save more lives than any other decision we could take."
"Batman is one of the greatest heroes who has ever lived and has saved Untold trillions of humans and aliens in his time."
"Every time you save one of them kids' lives, it's no telling how many lives you saved."
"If you can donate just $28 or if you can donate whatever your best gift is that can help save a life."
"It literally saves 20 million lives."
"In Judaism there's a say, 'He who saves one life saves the world.'"
"...motivated by those deaths to try to do better than I was doing before two down the road try to save lives..."
"We saved lives. There's no doubt we saved a few lives."
"The amount of lives that he saved as well is incredible."
"We saved her life, and that is a win for all humanity."
"By seizing those drugs and arresting this defendant, the law enforcement agencies on this case have undoubtedly saved lives."
"Possibly saving lives medical diagnosis being the paramount case."
"Every second counts, somebody's life is on the line."
"What a feeling that must be to save someone."
"We can help people, we can give a book, have a conversation, show a video, and save a life."
"...the countless lives you could save."
"We may never know in this life how many lives we saved, but I think in the next life we will."
"If you save one life, it is as if you've saved the whole world."
"If we wouldn't have showed up when we did I think that woman might have died."
"According to search and rescue, we saved their lives."
"Patrick Mahomes saved my life tonight"
"We've definitely, definitely, definitely without a doubt saved lives."
"She can't forget the life she took, but at least she can remember those she saved."
"I will save someone someday, just like how I was saved."
"Saving lives is really the only job an expedition leader has."
"I don't want you to look at this like you lost. I want you to look at this like you saved your daughter's life."
"Even if we impact one, two, or three, those are real lives that we're saving."
"They all owed their lives to her."
"I'm going to save as many people as possible"
"He who saves one life, saves the world."
"I'm not trying to be a hero," Jumper insisted, "I'm trying to save lives."
"When you hold one of these babies in your arms that's been saved from death because you went to an abortion mill to preach the gospel and to love these women, it fundamentally changes you."
"We can't stop this fight but we can save lives."
"They've saved over 23,000 babies."
"Quick thinking may have saved many children."
"If you save one life, it's equal to saving an entire world."
"Our mission is to save 100 million lives and we can only do that if we share this information."
"Many patients will be saved thanks to him developing new medicine."
"You could save someone's life tomorrow or next week or next year, so hold on."
"Getting your blood work done is going to save every single person on Earth, but it's going to help people."
"He saved thousands of children through his work with the Kinder transport."
"I think it's a really important job to be a firefighter because they help save people's lives and put out fires."
"I believe it can actually hopefully help save millions of people in the long run."
"He's literally saving people's lives and limbs, saving millions of dollars to the Public Health Care system."
"It's been... it's been a lot. I don't think you guys really understand the full scope of it. You're saving a lot of people."
"I think it'd be kind of cool to save someone's life."
"Even if you can't rescue a child, you can save that child's life."
"...changing somebody's life and even saving somebody's life because the proof is in the facts."
"Protecting and saving people is the ultimate goal of life."
"It was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you."
"Don't you want to save as many people as possible?"
"I'll help our world first, of course, then everywhere else. I can save billions upon trillions of lives."
"It's a doctor's duty to save those who need it."
"Saving the ill is a doctor's duty."
"The main reason why you're there is to save the patient."
"Our mission is to save a 100 million lives."
"Do what heroes are supposed to do, save people."
"It's not about saving money; it's about saving lives."
"Sacrificing myself would be a small price to pay if it means saving the lives of five people."
"You're going to learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives."
"You can't save the world, but you can save one child."
"I have been a doctor for 10 years. If you count my school days, then it's about 15 years. I have always believed that a doctor should save people."
"There's this thrill, you know, excitement when you save a life of a patient and then they thank you."