
Pathways Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"There's a new pathway coming in for you, but it's not going to emerge as long as we are way too cluttered."
"Rising Ballers...have actually created pathways for footballers to go into the pro game."
"Your risk or your mental and brain health via a lot of different pathways."
"If you fail to provide someone a path to Redemption they're going to walk one of the other paths available to them."
"There's always a pathway that goes through and over the mountain, so you will find a way through challenging times."
"Seeding grass pathways and creating beautiful arrangements."
"You strive in the way of Allah, and Allah will open up pathways."
"The hidden pathways of breakthrough are opening up in your life."
"There's just so many ways to get there, and there isn't just one way."
"Success can come from so many different paths."
"You are creating infinite Pathways with the new beauty that you have found."
"Perseverance is more than just sticking with something; it's turning problems into pathways."
"Every urge, every wish gets through the mechanism through these pathways."
"The first steps lead you down a pathway that, at least in principle, you don't want to go."
"We believe in programs that are tested, have support, and have real standards. They've been a pathway into the middle class for many American workers."
"Define pathways by using these fencing sections."
"You need to know there's an alternative pathway."
"Nothing's ever perfect, but... more pathways and options."
"Look at who the masters are in any profession, yes, and you will see there were a lot of paths to obtain that mastery."
"It's important that a development process be put in place that has pathways for each of these levels of leadership to enter into and to experience leadership development."
"...there were anti-anxiety pathways buried within the brain when the blue letters come on here you'll see when she started driving one of these as we discovered anti-anxiety pathways."
"That's your fungal energy channel, that's like the pathway."
"You can activate all these pathways through things that our bodies naturally did as part of evolution."
"There isn't a single path to achieving financial success."
"There's no individual singular path to any creative endeavor."
"Given the large number of molecules involved in co-stimulation and co-inhibition, it's very likely that we're going to be seeing a lot of therapies targeting these pathways."
"There's no single pathway by which music influences emotion." - Dr. Ani Patel
"Archway, new opportunities, possibilities, and paths opening up."
"Efficiency creates better learning pathways."
"All roads leading to your success are open."
"Standard pathway, competent Authority pathway, and specialist registration pathway."
"In the end, your ATAR does not define you. There are so many other pathways to getting into the degree that you want to do."
"I think there's multiple possible paths to AGI."
"Creating new Pathways makes time seem slower."
"There are so many different paths you can take, that's why this video exists is to show you the many different pathways that you can take being a Norse pagan."
"We all have a process through life and we all learn in different ways we all grow in different ways and have different pathways so why should education be any different."
"So these are the three different pathways that we now believe lead to the formation of the first black holes."
"We have to open up legal pathways."
"The next step is to see if these genes that are differentially expressed are in specific pathways."
"Functional profiling is the process of taking these lists of genes that are changing under different conditions and identifying pathways or transcriptional networks or regulators that are enriched beyond what you'd expect by chance."
"These type of pathways are absolutely crucial for women's sport, opens up options for girls that are younger."
"Take care of these pathways first, see how much of your symptoms you can correct."
"This suggests that whilst both can change how you're feeling, they do so via different routes."
"There are myriad paths to poor mental health, but there are just as many ways out."
"Can we take basic mechanisms of regulation and wind these things up to create customizable pathways that we then embed into cells?"
"There is no clear line to success; there are millions of pathways to get there."
"It started out as an Indian footpath way back in the day."
"I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
"I'm someone who has been working with young people since I was 16 years old, making sure that there are better pathways for other people."
"The universe is just creating these magic pathways for you."
"This opened up potential evolutionary pathways that just simply weren't available beforehand."
"The Warrens themselves are kind of pathways into those realms."
"So what the model is telling you is that there's three different pathways that are substantially different between a normal liver cell and a liver tumor cell."
"All the paths and everything you need to learn has already been mapped by somebody else."
"It's not so much about making a choice but maybe getting a little bit more light and more clarity about the pathways."
"College is not the answer for everybody; there are so many other paths that one can take that does not require college."
"Mindfulness doesn't reduce pain through one avenue but through multiple pathways."
"Be positive, think big, think multifaceted, multiple pathways."
"Now one of the fascinating things as Europeans came out here to the Americas and settled out west is that they often used the same pathways and trails that had been developed by Native Americans."
"There are a lot of different ways to get to the same endpoint."
"There are pathways that enable us to imagine ourselves within this world."
"Do not tell me that is not the cutest pathway you've ever seen."
"Protein-protein docking is what we do when we want to understand how the protein-protein interaction takes place in your metabolic pathways or your signaling pathways."
"In a disease that is oriented around a pathway, there might be many different ways of causing dysfunction."
"Pathways are... a series of molecular events."
"Pathways... have the highest level of interpretability."
"Rosemary is fantastic to grow next to pathways because as you walk and brush past it, you smell that beautiful aromatic herb."
"These pathways look absolutely unreal."
"They make a way for you. I love it when somebody make a way for me."
"Reactions in metabolism... end up being important for lots of pathways."
"If we're going to regulate steps in a pathway, which steps should actually be regulated?"
"Every pathway... has to be thermodynamically favorable."
"It's just you and some pretty Pathways in nature."
"Both hot and cold... are nudging some of the same pathways in the same direction."
"I'm looking forward to seeing what's ahead with future pathways and following this fish and this story because I think it can be impactful."
"Paths, doorways, and gateways being opened for you."
"There's a new path that is opening for you at this moment."
"This year of the open door, where new pathways will be revealed and blessings overflow abundantly."
"Build those Pathways of friendship."
"I know that my deepest desires are the pathways toward my dreams."