
Notion Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"The cool thing about Notion is that you can create your own personalized spaces."
"Notion isn't just a note-taking tool or to-do list app. It's really a set of building blocks that allows you to create the exact tools you need for the work that you want to do."
"Buttons now allow us to actually create default tasks inside of new projects that we create inside of Notion."
"Buttons give us a single centralized place where we can create brand new tasks, new notes, new projects, new areas of resources inside of our second brain."
"These are buttons that give us a single centralized place where we can create brand new tasks, new notes, new projects, new areas or resources inside of the second brain."
"Notion to me, Notion is like my digital planner... I really can't live without it."
"Notion is essentially an all-in-one workspace."
"What I love about Notion is that it is so customizable."
"Those are my 10 big mistakes that I see beginners making in their Notion workspace."
"It matters that we have this notion of single thread of time."
"The problem that most people run into is when they first start using notion they treat it like they are used to from Google Sheets or Google Docs and create a lot of different pages and then on these Pages recall information."
"This is also going to serve as basically a Notion crash course."
"Notion is an amazing tool for project management because there's so much you can do on it."
"Notion brings projects into one connected workspace so that you can accomplish more with fewer tools."
"How to edit a button if it's broken. It's really nice that Notion fixed this recently."
"You can easily share pages. It's very much a beginner Notion tip."
"Let's jump in with how to create a button in Notion."
"The final trick to really Master Notion is to use database templates."
"Notion is the only thing that has really kept me organized."
"Notion is an incredible product management tool."
"Essentially Notion feels like that, like at first it seemed very scary but if you just learn a few of the basic tools, it's actually not that hard."
"Let's just jump into it, let me show you my Notion and hopefully you get some inspiration from it."
"...if you have other automations that you're interested in building into your notion workspace... let me know about them in the comments down below."
"You will understand the possibilities with Notion and how to use this amazing tool to organize and manage your life more effectively."
"55 awesome notion tips and tricks that will blow your mind and supercharge your productivity."
"Notion is a great application. It's been the Hub where I store all my information so I can have it digitally and be able to search through it quickly."
"I constantly run into lag or connectivity issues like if I don't have internet then I can't get into my notes and start editing them which is a real problem."
"As someone who is really into keyboard shortcuts and using Vim motions I found that notion is pretty lacking and you aren't able to customize any of the key mappings you're just stuck with the defaults."
"This is just too slow and a clear Advantage for obsidian because you can use Vim motions to do that editing which you're going to get a lot of speed and efficiency just from making that switch."
"Notion's combination of project management with wikis and notes makes it a brilliant option for creative minds."
"Using Notion for school can help you keep track of your goals, help you stay organized, and in general just feel more confident going into your semesters."
"I love that notion is just like a tool that I can use for whatever I want which involves like cultivating work stuff but also life stuff."
"Unity is this notion of sublimation."
"I am finally going to be going through a very like quick beginner's guide to using notion for the first time."
"I still discover new things that I can do in Notion every day. I have a lot of fun with it."
"Turning ideas for notion products into realized actionable tasks."
"If you know how to leverage it, Notion is a brilliant tool to build a customized organization system for your life and work."
"This is a tutorial to show you the absolute essentials of how to sync up and automate Google Calendar into a Notion database."
"This API is opening up a whole world of joy in the Notion system."
"Notion has published its own language that can communicate with other apps and systems so that everything can be automated, integrated, and synced."
"Where Notion really shines is in its databases."
"With Notion, there's almost no limitations on the way that you're able to connect this data."
"The biggest benefit for me of Notion is being able to surface the information that you need when you need it."
"The beauty of Notion is I only had to create this page once."
"Notion is honestly my favorite thing in the entire world."
"One of the things that I love about Notion so much is that you can have these very accessible, user-friendly databases to your using."
"I hope you found this inspiring, you got some ideas for your own Notion setup."
"Notion is a really powerful tool; there is a free version and there's a paid version."
"I absolutely love all the features of Notion and want to make the most of them."
"Notion has been a constant and reliable source."
"I am constantly making tweaks to it, and that is what I love about Notion; it is so customizable."
"Notion's unique blend of databases and documents lends it beautifully to managing finances."
"The outcome leverages Notion's most powerful features, including relations and roll-ups, formulas, database templates, and those integrations."
"To help you learn Notion's most robust capabilities, I'm going to guide you through the construction of a sophisticated accounting system."
"You rarely visit those databases directly and instead access them through linked databases which are filtered, formatted, and sorted to display your information in various contexts."
"We'll start by creating our top-level Accounting Databases page."
"I feel like so many engineers who are PMs here and so many designers who also code and so many engineers who also have this great design sense, and we like it that it's blurry at Notion."
"How can I learn Notion faster? By watching Productive Dude."
"Create a table of contents in Notion."
"Use Notion's web clipper tool to pull text from anywhere on the internet."
"I have fallen absolutely obsessed with, absolutely in love with, which is the platform Notion."
"That's how you can create an advanced to-do list in Notion."
"What I love about Notion is that it just allows me to keep an active checklist of everything that I'm working on."
"Notion really has taken control of every element of my project management."
"This template that I've created covers everything that you would possibly need as a freelancer."
"Notion offers a widely beneficial destination for the information that you share with your clients."
"With it, you can give your clients just a single URL that they can bookmark and then they can rely on just that one bookmark to access all of the information that you share."
"Notion offers a pleasing professional interface that's intuitive for all users."
"You can share virtually any type of content from stored files and multimedia to original documents that you create directly within Notion."
"To sophisticated databases and project management mechanisms, Notion also helps you to keep your clients focused and accountable for any information that they may owe you."
"You can also use Notion to collect feedback from your clients and collaborate with them in other ways."
"Centralize your information within master databases and then create gateways for accessing that information."
"Those master databases live within a data page and then the gateways for accessing the information are on a home page or a home base that contains useful perspectives of your master database."
"When you create your client portals, you can use these same core principles to create sort of microcosms of the bulletproof workspace."
"For planned projects, you can schedule them and prioritize them. For active projects, you can display the progress and other helpful contextual information."
"The weekly review system that I've created in Notion is the answer."
"I help businesses of all sizes get completely set up in Notion."
"Notion is a database... it allows you to take the same set of data and view it in a variety of ways."
"The powerful thing about Notion is that it's not only great for keeping my notes but it's also great with working with others."
"This has been such a labor of love for me really trying to make something that I think would be not only functional but help beginners and new people who get really overwhelmed and stuck with Notion."
"You can just push it straight into Notion, which is really cool."
"I organize everything in Notion, I plan everything then I go through everything in a step by step process."
"A complete life operating system in Notion that helps me organize my life."
"Welcome to our ongoing series on how to create a life operating system in Notion."
"Notion is great at visually organizing information and kind of collecting it into a container."
"The basic building block in Notion is a page, and inside of a page you can insert almost anything."
"Once you get a feel for the UI and the basic interface here and the real power of these databases and creating little wiki's, you'll probably start using it everywhere."
"Good luck building out your Notion, actually it's a lot of fun."
"I love the CONCAT formula because of the improvements it can offer in how you view information in Notion."
"Welcome back to our ongoing series on how to create a life operating system in Notion."
"I'm going to introduce the idea and the functionality of database relations and roll-ups."
"Create a master calendar inside of Notion; this master calendar can also act as an activity log that documents all the actions you do inside of your workspace."
"This is one of my favorite use cases for Notion."
"I've completely fallen in love with Notion recently."