
Studying Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"There are RPG mechanics...genius makes it so that when you study, you get more benefit out of studying."
"This is about using time effectively rather than spending more time studying."
"The worst thing you can do...is to read and reread your highlights and your notes."
"Spaced out your studying time...your mind works best with frequent check-ins."
"Studying is not a talent; it's hard work. Those who use 'talent,' 'effort,' and 'incompetence' as excuses aren't qualified to criticize others."
"You are brilliant, you're studying, you will do very well. Just take your time, know the stuff and bold, and you will do great."
"Document your progress along the way. This will keep you motivated as you continue studying."
"Practice exams, do as many as you possibly can."
"If you always struggle to stay focused while studying, you're not alone."
"So if you hear football in the background, my son is studying and watching football."
"You want to take notes, make a study journal just for optimal trade entry."
"You will absolutely make the right decision and studying will go extremely well."
"Cramming can work, but only on a test administered right after cramming."
"Make essay plans, essay plans are so useful."
"Treat it like a game that you can and will beat."
"Studying is all about figuring out what works for you and for the class."
"I don't want it to be what I mostly think about when I'm studying."
"All the best with your revision and have a lovely day!"
"Make your notes so precise... whenever you open that notes up reading two three pages should give you the information of an entire chapter."
"Your note should also have a lot of flowcharts... in this way you will save your time while revising."
"Like studying for a test and then saying, 'I'm not gonna use any of that for this test,' right?"
"Honestly this is a great supplement even if you do go through the textbook."
"In times like this, it's a good time to study."
"She's the perfect antidote for the stress of test studying."
"My brain when I study. My brain during an exam: George Washing Machine."
"Remembering quotes is like the most important thing; implementing quotes is what gets you those higher marks and pushes you into grade nine."
"Make studying easier than it is to be distracted."
"Come on, let's resume the study session."
"Interleaving is important because it is the last piece of the studying puzzle which relational prioritized learning and flash cards do not cover."
"The exam objectives tell you everything you need to know. It's incredibly useful because you can go through this list and simply use it as a checklist."
"If you're trying to find information in my video course, it's numbered exactly the same as the exam objectives, making it very easy to find information."
"You move on to Annie and also when you when you think about it when you go into different rewire you're going to be revising that page more than you would if you were just going through halves."
"Hope you enjoyed the video, happy studying, and see you next time! Bye."
"If you're not going to stop studying, why are you rushing?"
"Go through them as anyways it'll be like a revision for the test."
"Active recall is the best way to study."
"Focus less on the textbook and focus more on the specification."
"But you're analyzing so much stuff that you're really analyzing in detail and developing your understanding of your quotations."
"You need to have the whole weekend through to revision, because you're going to burn out."
"Testing yourself is a much better way of storing information in long-term memory than any passive means of studying like reading or watching videos."
"Dumb mistakes happen when you go too fast. Take a practice test untimed and go very slowly."
"Don't focus on memorizing formulas. Focus on understanding them."
"Remember, every second you spend in UWorld can be a second that's spent to learn."
"Best food always makes studying so much more worth it."
"Start studying. I promise you will just feel so much better once you get over the initial mental hurdle of starting."
"I'm studying for my test in the classroom."
"Romanticize studying. Make it exciting."
"I love bringing you guys along because it feels like I have a friend with me even though sometimes like I just am not in the mood to do all this studying stuff."
"If you want a really good grade, you should start two weeks before the exam reading over that study guide over and over and over again."
"Hey, good luck studying. You got this!"
"I remember being in school or before an exam and everyone would pile up outside of the classroom or in the hallway, just couldn't drown out people trying to memorize last-minute stuff."
"The best method of studying this content is to first get a lot of different kinds of study materials."
"I hate being stuck inside during summer studying, but at least I'm not missing a first date or a first kiss."
"Hopefully this video just inspires you to continue experimenting and to find what works for you"
"I feel like using an app for a couple of weeks or even months before I actually start studying with a textbook is a great way to ease myself into it"
"It's very likely at some point if not already that you've dealt with cramming."
"Hamstudy.org is a fantastic way to study for the test. It's very streamlined, it's very simple."
"These are going to save you time in the long run from hours of studying that is not necessary."
"Studying is hard. It's gonna take you a long time, and that's okay."
"Even after spending hours and days revising for an exam, you still don't feel 100% confident."
"Sitting and studying for an exam like this actually gives you an opportunity to expand your skill set."
"Yeah, you can't really cram in... I mean, I did."
"I'm just so excited that I finally got the confidence to believe in my own studying."
"Your score truly does increase proportionally to the amount of time that you study it. Just takes practice in order to build reading comprehension skills."
"Why would I spend my time reading an entire novel to get acquainted with all of these irrelevant details when I know that the exam question is going to be something vague about the themes of the text that I could write in my sleep?"
"You study for one of the exams, you go to take that exam, you pass that exam, then you can put that exam aside and move to the next one."
"You have to develop a systematic approach to test-taking for yourself that you can stay consistent with."
"You just have to be constantly reading, studying."
"Good luck studying tonight, don't trust, you're gonna do great."
"It's all about the exam objectives at that point. You really need to go through the objectives and step through them. That is one of the best ways to know, 'Have I covered everything?'"
"Flashcards are going to be your best friend."
"I loved taking my paper notes, I loved writing out as much as I could. It helped me retain my information."
"Studies are your main building blocks."
"Excellent, it was worth studying, wasn't it?"
"Just know the primary ones because you're not going to get asked a question that's like name this bone. That's not how the exam is going to be."
"There's no way to memorize a bunch of facts for the exam and then sort of hope to pass. You have to actually understand the material."
"Studying is important. When I was a student, I also saved money to buy study materials."
"The more you study, the better you get."
"She wants them to get together so she can learn some studying stuff off him but then she's also like sings admits of that'll be followed by some like kissing"
"Importance of reviewing lectures multiple times to grasp concepts thoroughly."
"Treat your study as a practice session just like a workout."
"Spacing out study sessions over time is more effective than cramming."
"Effective encoding techniques involve a little extra effort, but they lead to efficient and effective studying."
"Question generation after studying helps to test understanding and deepen processing."
"Active recall questions reduce passive reading."
"We're gonna get you an A in history if you do this all the time from here until the exam. There's still a chance, beginning I need to put this room."
"The most effective study strategy is to quiz yourself."
"Active recall helps form memories faster."
"Do not use time as the reason why you're not going to study something. Because whether you like it or not, 2027 is going to come."
"Anything that makes your studying a little bit nicer, a little bit more enjoyable, a little bit easier to focus on the information is a bonus."
"The amount of time you spend studying does not equate to how much better you are at learning."
"After two years of studying, they spoke very well. They put so much work into it and got so far."
"If you have one class in particular where the teacher talks really fast or gives a huge amount of information one of the best things you could do later that day or that night while it's still sort of fresh is to go back over your notes and type them up or rewrite them."
"If you're physically tired, you can't study, and my dad was a coach for many years, and he was always worried about that."
"...good luck studying, we're all gonna get through this, inshallah."
"The browse feature allows you to see all the cards you've made and edit them, making your studying even more efficient."
"If you've studied, this is supposed to help you to get all of it out on the test. There's nothing worse than half hour later as you're driving home thinking up and you remember half the answers that you forgot during the test."
"When I studied, I studied very efficiently and effectively."
"Comprehensibility is the most important aspect of studying."
"Pre-study can save you a lot of time essentially. One hour of pre-study saves 10 hours of studying later on."
"Always be prepared to study anytime, anywhere."
"This is the bit that gets you organized and Anki and testing yourself is the bit that gets you the good grades."
"Don't cram, have a plan, you still have plenty of time."
"Make sure to memorize important equations, even if they're provided in the test."
"I study hard I can do well on the AP psych test even though it may be difficult that's an internal internal locus of control."
"Studying gets you nowhere. You need to live with the Lord in order to see the Lord."
"After studying for one and a half years, he finally decided that he wanted to leave school and focus on YouTube full time to pursue his dream."
"Your girl loves color coding her notes."
"You just need a basic understanding of everything to pass the test."
"I used the time in prison to study, you know, in prison a lot hold you there and say take a good look at yourself."
"I just quickly revised my CCS cases notes before my day two and before day one just the last two days I just went through all the biochem biostatistical equations because I did hear that's day one is heavy on biostats."
"Understand the material. Don't just retain information."
"Studying with a fixie tab is fantastic."
"It's time to study, to do the work that's necessary."
"Study as if you were preparing for your final exam."
"I genuinely enjoy studying. I genuinely enjoy learning."
"With the studying I did, I got straight A's on my midterms. So you see, perseverance does pay off."
"I had like a final to study for... I just hit a thousand curls."
"Studying the test and learning about which questions they ask and how they ask is very valuable to your score."
"It's required viewing, as opposed to required reading. So you see why I used to study the day of a test when we were in school? That's completely different, man. That's not even the same."
"I need to cram for this test if I'm going to get a good grade."
"Testing never ends as a doctor... get used to testing learn how you test best and just develop really strong study habits kind of early on those these things that will really help you in the long run."
"When you actually like just sit down and focus and study like not scrolling TikTok and then study it and then do this, like sit down, pay attention, like do nothing else and it helped so much."
"For the best results, study thoroughly and understand the rationale behind each answer."
"Practice, practice, practice. Past papers are really important."
"Follow an optimized study strategy to ensure you can pass it in just one week's worth of studying."
"Dark academia genuinely helps me to study sometimes."
"...cramming is what pretty much 90% of the population does and even myself did...however for A-level this cannot work at all because of the vast amount of content you need to learn and memorize."
"...the number one thing to do in this practice section...do as much past papers as you can."
"...doing them allows you to also learn the content, identify which part of the syllabus that you're weak in..."
"...after you've something for example gotten something wrong in the past paper question, you simply make a flashcard in Anki."
"...review your mistakes as well and also put the mistakes into flashcards..."
"There's no point studying without a fixed plan. It's like the gym, only if you follow a plan will you see the results."
"Once I realized the power and the freedom that that gave me, of like, 'Oh my gosh, I don't have to panic and do 50 pages of notes tonight,'"
"If you over study, you're going to burn yourself out."
"Active recall is proven by science to be better than simply reading or highlighting but if you're just memorizing the entire textbook that's completely wrong."
"Studying is actually the physical process that we do. It could be writing your notes when you're in class or revising material. It could be us watching a video or something like that."
"I decided to not share my notes this time around before our Pediatrics final."
"Studying information in smaller bits is going to be much more helpful than reading it all the way through."
"Pre-reading gave me this big picture view of things but it also helped me to realize what I didn't know and it motivated me to actually go about figuring things out myself independently."
"Knowing that I read the book and at least have spread through all the information at least once, that if I see an acronym on the exam that I don't know that I know it's like not something that's created."
"Studying the past is the key to your future."
"Study hard, don't feel overwhelmed. Ask for help if needed!"
"Make sure to read the book, make sure to attempt your homework, your quizzes, and you'll be fine."
"There's power in the repetitiveness of study after study after study."
"it was definitely hard I was studying anywhere from four to eight hours every single day even on the weekends"
"I want you guys to visualize your study schedule."
"They have to relax with that study."
"One thing that I've learned that I think is really important is that there's no use in studying if you're not gonna put 100% of your effort into it."
"When I'm watching lectures I'll annotate the slides with any additional information or highlight key points."
"Practicing retrieval is crucial for remembering information without constantly relying on references."
"So just as content is important, so is doing practice questions."
"It's really not the most innovative or glamorous way of working through a textbook, but it works really, really well for me."
"Gohan managed to balance a harsh training regimen in studying."
"You need to make sure you are preparing for your exam early."
"So what is the key? Well, it's not exactly laziness, but maybe the term is more like 'work smarter, not harder.' Students who tend to do really well on the AP exam, they don't memorize everything. Instead, they work to understand the concepts and see the big picture."
"Movement whilst studying has been shown in research to really help and improve focus and memorization with people that have ADHD."
"I pretty much got obsessed with studying because I had this strong desire. I just wanted to fill it all the time."
"Immense pressure, relentless studying, but ultimately, perseverance pays off."
"It's surprising how quickly the minute hand actually moves when you're studying it."
"You better start cracking the books."
"Now is the exact right time to start reviewing for the AP exam."
"Specific facts, specific names, dates, events are the least important part of your studying process."
"It just worked my brain in a way that I didn't like. I wanted to be creative, I didn't want to be doing book work all the time."
"Enjoy where you are, enjoy this process of studying."
"Memorization and understanding. In order to successfully study, you have to become good at both of these!"
"Some lessons are harder than others. Some of them you study and you can pass the test on. You fail them."
"No one cares if you memorize every word in the US history textbook or if you don't read a single page in the US history textbook the whole year anyway."
"Use resources to understand, not to memorize. The first aid is not a book that teaches you anything. It's a compendium of medical facts."
"My preparation for the final is this deck of about 700 flash cards."
"Practice as well using exam questions because it's one thing knowing the content, it's another thing applying it."
"The questions were more difficult than any NBME and any test I did at home, but they were definitely closest to the NBMEs."
"The key to success is always hard work and studying."
"Every individual has different ways of studying, and it's in the way that you learn how to, is going to help it click for you."
"You can print them out, use your notes, you can look back over them whenever you want."
"Don't cram, you guys. It's really exhausting and I don't think in the long run that it's gonna help you guys. We don't cram, we are prepared."
"Take your study efforts a lot like you would take training in the gym."
"The longer that information will stick in your long-term memory and the better you'll perform on the test."
"I needed to study in order to become a better writer."
"Understanding is important... you need to utilize how you learn and implement those methods to help you become a better studier."
"Make sure to set goals with your studying. When you set those weekly goals, okay, and you set those weekly goals, do you know what they help you do? They help motivate you when you obtain them."
"I've been enjoying studying this. It's just amazing."
"Studying smart is... more important than studying hard."
"The smartest people fail the exam because they're thinking it. Don't think it, memorize it and keep rolling."
"The more we've been doing videos on just study skills, we've realized that studying isn't just about strategies and the brain."
"The exam technique is just as important as knowing the content."
"Everything is highlighted like a bad student taking notes, who don't understand, you can only highlight the important messages, otherwise you won't get it, my man."
"Pedro reassured her one more time saying, 'As long as you hit the book, as long as you hit the book, you'll be fine.'"
"Wishing you success in your cramming efforts!"
"Answer choices should be easy given your study."
"...the hours spent with the textbooks is really, really rewarding."
"You should be able to get 80% just off your logic from your studying."
"I was so nervous I was doing so much last minute studying."
"I just looked over what I had to review and it is four lectures 166 slides."
"Studying for comprehensive tests is like being in a grocery store contest, grabbing as much stuff as you can."
"It's always a good strategy to skip the hard stuff and come back."
"Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain more information and is directly linked to high test scores."
"Make notes on a scratch piece of paper for margins regarding vocabulary words, key concepts, as well as comments."
"How I think I look like while studying at 3:00 a.m. How I actually look like."
"...I went from a 7/10 on my first practice tests after studying a little bit to a 750, 760 and then I finished with a 790 on my practice test number four..."