
Revenue Growth Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"A lot of good things obviously come with revenue growth."
"We actually made $80,000 in revenue this year. That's a lot of money."
"I wanted to quickly show you guys the crazy amount of money that we are now making."
"But after a lean six months of cost-cutting and penny-pinching, the company hit one million dollars per month in revenue, doubling their revenue figures."
"Overnight, we 6x7 extra revenue... just think about that."
"If I were to show you that the time spent on this project would increase our monthly revenue by 15% within the first 60 days, then would you be willing to implement this proposal?"
"Q4 revenue for Sensionics was 3.9 million... we are blowing that out of the water."
"Revenues all in all up six percent year on year."
"A surge in hard procedures helped drive Johnson & Johnson revenue."
"One extra star in a restaurant review and revenues can go up by as much as nine percent."
"Unity software just reported earnings earlier this month and according to their guidance they expect their Quarter Two Revenue to increase by around 75 percent year over year."
"Tesla has literally laid out a plan on how they will become the world's largest company by revenue this decade."
"Lean Six Sigma increases revenue by enabling an organization to do more with less."
"Step one is not for a company or an individual to save money but to go out and produce new revenue."
"Within the first year, me and my brother, our business went from zero to a million dollars."
"RV companies have seen revenues soar over the last decade."
"Organic revenue growth, free cash flow per share growth, and predictability are key indicators of a company's progress."
"Amazon.com like you think that's gonna shrink or you think they're gonna continue to have revenues go up substantially."
"Shopify is gonna be a massive grower for the next decade plus. Current year they're expected to have over 80 percent revenue growth."
"Revenue growth and operating margins drive the value of this company."
"Companies with superior revenue and superior future profit margins will have superior future returns."
"Revenue growth is the primary driver of returns."
"Google is a business where the total revenue is increasing and their operating income is also increasing with that total revenue."
"AMD notched another record quarter with revenue coming in at $1.79 billion, a 40% increase year-over-year."
"Airbnb projected record third quarter revenue on the back of higher rental prices and said it expects to post its first full-year profit this year."
"Ethereum smashes big Tech in the past 10 billion in revenue, faster than any other major software company besides Google."
"Subscriptions saved the New York Times; their revenue is growing again."
"Peloton has potential to have really high margins. I see Peloton's upside at 8 to 10x over 3 to 5 years."
"Definitely a profitable company with expanding revenues."
"This company is growing rapidly, the revenue year-over-year is over 100%."
"Tesla's energy revenue could dwarf their auto revenue."
"Our wine day profits were now topping 600 Grand and still growing each week."
"Apple's top line revenue is slowing, but their most important form of Revenue, the highest margin portion, is continuing to grow at a very high pace."
"Verano's revenue increased by 214 percent year over year."
"Diablo 4...ridiculous earnings right that if 50 year-over-year increase in net bookings."
"This year we're scheduled to do about 10 million dollars in revenue. Oh my gosh, that's pretty good!"
"We feel pretty comfortable saying that we'll do about 1.5 million in total revenue this year."
"The restaurant's revenue increased and naturally so did the service tips."
"It means a lot of vehicles and power walls possibly produced in 2022. It means dramatically higher revenue."
"If your goal this year is to achieve a hundred thousand dollars, five hundred thousand dollars, a million dollars in revenue, whatever it is, this strategic plan can do exactly that."
"Two trillion dollars in revenue means Tesla would be approaching a 20 trillion dollar market cap and the share price would be 20,000 a share."
"Transforming contact centers from cost hubs to revenue-generating experience centers."
"Do I think the revenue and profit will be higher 10, 20, 30 years from now than it is today?"
"There was an immediate six percent increase in monthly revenue."
"This achievement represented a substantial 34.7% increase in revenue year-over-year."
"I almost 5xed my revenue just for making that simple change."
"We sit down with the CEO of Pinterest as revenue surges."
"Adidas rocketed to the top in 2015 with 16% growth in overall revenue."
"Increase your chances of growing your revenue tenfold."
"The revenue was growing. With commercial real estate, the more income you bring out of your storage facility, the higher the value is."
"Stop relying on Amazon eBay or Etsy for all of your sales. Diversifying your sales channels can help you reach a wider customer base and increase your overall Revenue."
"What happens when you have massive revenue growth while you're cutting costs? You have a nitro and glycerin explosion in earnings."
"Infinity Revenue growth year-over-year, that's not bad."
"Take your annual revenue, turn it into your monthly revenue. Take your monthly revenue, turn it into your weekly revenue. Take your weekly revenue, turn it into your daily revenue."
"The question is not where do you want to be, that's easy. The holy grail: upper right. 100% revenue retention, 200% revenue growth."
"We made this transition to this new model which had to do with the way the auction worked and our revenue began to grow very very very quickly."
"It's revenue growth and margins. Everything else is a side story."
"We are now making huge progress on our efforts to grow the revenue of minority business enterprises here in the United States."
"Revenue is going up, and when revenue goes up, the club is worth more than it was before."
"You can constantly keep building up your monthly recurring revenue and live a good sustainable life with an awesome business model on a relatively low amount of clients."
"If you look at these subscription Revenue curve, if you look at total ARR on a dollar basis it is pretty exceptional."
"Now more than ever, it is crucial to orchestrate your product team's efforts for maximum customer value and revenue growth."
"One of the main benefits of A/B testing: you can actually impact your bottom line and increase your revenue and your conversions."
"What drives value creation? You have to drive revenue growth, you have to earn a healthy return on capital, and you have to build an organization that's sustainable over long periods of time."
"Ultimately, the end game in business is not just growing revenues; it's you have to make money on monetizing those revenues."
"Using this exact strategy, I managed to take a brand new personalized print-on-demand Shopify store over one thousand dollars in revenue in under one week."
"From the beginning of November until now, there has been an over 100% increase in revenue to hit the million dollar month mark."
"Gymshark is a 1.45 billion dollar brand, we're doing 300 plus 400 million revenue in the next sort of 12 months."
"Active users is actually a reasonable proxy for revenue because eventually when your startup starts making money, it's usually just revenue is just a multiple of your active users."
"If you make it a rule to have your staff upsell on every single order, the results will astound you."
"We're going to take advantage of that customer loyalty and we're going to turn that into revenue."
"Initiate company's first subscription business improvement project and reduce overdue payment by 90%, revenue impact of $35 million."
"Using customer match and remarketing are going to be the best ways to drive revenue and conversions from your Google Ads account."
"We finished 2023 strong with sequential year-over-year revenue growth."
"If you have revenue and earnings going up, the stock price is going to follow it."
"As global debts grow, so will the revenue and the margins of the rating business."
"Therefore, you sell more products per visitor, and that means you’ll make more revenue."
"Enticing a customer to buy a more expensive version of the product they're already buying increases the revenue and customer value."
"For the second quarter this year we again had an outstanding quarter as most of you know our revenues were up about 75% net income up about 30% earnings per share up about 26%."
"Ultimately generate significantly more sales for your Etsy shop starting today."
"So my recommendation would be go ahead with the in-person training because we'll be able to generating additional $120 million in term of sale."
"Every single extra dollar they bring in revenue, 79% of it goes to the bottom line."
"Google Cloud Revenue came in at $9.6 billion, which is up 28.4% year-over-year."
"When investors are looking for early-stage startups, what they're looking for is revenue growth, top-line growth."
"Every single location opened in any single year over the past 20 years grows its average revenue every year."
"They expect to see 25% subscription revenue growth by the year 2024 or FY25."
"That is half the game done right; I've made small revenues into big revenues."
"Work on your Revenue, get that Revenue as big as you can."
"The goal is to make the 20% of our customer base that spends the most money with us spend more."
"A five percent increase in customer retention can result in an increase in 75 percent to the top line."
"If you can double how much your customers are worth, you more than double your revenue."
"We see higher revenues coming from the storytelling posts that we do."
"It really drives up some lifetime value."
"By 2021, the product was sponsoring Olympic athletes and ranking 13 million dollars in annual revenue, all without the help of the sharks."
"There is a revenue opportunity of 300 billion US dollars by 2025 as per GSMA."
"The acquisition has substantially enhanced our ability to fulfill this demand and continue delivering strong revenue growth."
"And through this process, Autodesk has raised total time in its trial versions by 40% and increased revenue by 15%."
"The operational improvements have increased revenue part led by mom was 200,000 to now and 40,000 dollars in six years, that's significant."
"The million-dollar one-person business is how non-employer businesses are scaling to 1 million dollars in revenue and beyond."
"Subscription and services revenue also grew 12%."
"For this last step, we're going to make everything you see better, we're going to make conversions better and the revenue better."
"This is how it's increased my business's revenue significantly."
"I built a productized service to over twenty thousand dollars per month."
"Increase the average customer spend per visit by 20% from event attendees over the next three months."
"That's a decent increase in revenue there."
"Following all the principle that is required to make a high converting landing page which will bring more revenue for your online e-commerce business."
"It's only a matter of time until the stock price catches up or it moves along with this type of revenue growth."
"He was able to move the ARPU metric up to 3 dollars and 30 cents when his initial goal was three dollars."
"Holy smokes, 44% growth in their Marketplace Revenue turned positive."
"Coca-Cola had a monster year for revenue growth."
"Quadrupled their Cloud revenues, quadrupled is good last time I checked."