
Spain Quotes

There are 343 quotes

"For years, a secret has been kept by people in Spain: the secret of their beaches, the secret of their parties, the secret of their easy way of life."
"Long before we had knowledge of what a human heart actually looked like, the earliest known depiction of a modern-day heart symbol was created in Spain within El Pindal Cave."
"The overall picture of the Jewish experience in Spain was amazing...from 950 to 1250, that was the golden age."
"Fourteen thousand-year-old cave art in Spain."
"Alfonso XII's reign is known to history as el pacificador, the peacemaker."
"I don't eat pork, and in Spain a couple weeks ago I had a beautiful beef-based charcuterie called cecina."
"The Morabito movement became dominant in North Africa and extended itself into Spain."
"Los Reyes catolicos, meaning the Catholic monarchs, are often cited as being the start of the Spanish monarchy of a single unified Spanish state."
"The decrees of Nueva planter would essentially merge the legal and jurisdictional domains of both Castile and Leon and Aragon together."
"That's how they were able to finally get the Moors completely out of Spain."
"The ride on these perfect Spanish roads is absolutely impeccable."
"Spain's official unemployment rate was stubbornly high in the 80s and 90s."
"Spain's GDP overtook its pre-crisis peak in 2017."
"It is the best seafood that exists in Spain."
"You just had Smoky Paprika and Almond Pringles. Paprika is commonly used in the cuisine of this country, and this country also happens to be the second largest almond producer in the world behind the USA, and that country is Spain."
"The bones of 12 Neanderthal families have been found in a cave in Spain."
"An ongoing drought across Spain revealed a ghost village that's been submerged underwater for 30 years."
"I want to do the tomato fight in Spain, millions of pounds of tomatoes and they just have a giant food fight."
"Surely worth a visit, one of the most beautiful parts of Spain."
"Northern Spain is such a stunning region. It's full of green scenery, huge mountains, and incredible coastline."
"The first university of Christian Spain was founded at Valencia by Alfonso the Eighth in the 13th century."
"By 1492, the Moors had lost all of Spain except the Kingdom of Granada."
"It was hoped the locals would become loyal supporters of Spain."
"In Spain, we don't have Santa Claus traditionally, we have the Three Wise Men."
"The best thing about living in Spain is that it is always always so lovely and warm here."
"I love all my people in Spain, they're my folks. I got a lot of love in Spain, always have."
"You won't believe it was actually an ancient place in Spain."
"Spain was able to join the European Union and could reinvent itself with the European future."
"I would 100% say that my favorite City break location would probably be the south of Spain."
"The Spanish national anthem has no words."
"When I go to Spain and we got some time to travel, my favorite thing to do is to go walk around have new experiences."
"It's like everything which is nice about Spain, like tomatoes and sunniness and just delicious flavor."
"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
"Spain's name might have come from the lands where metals are forged or from the Greek word 'Hesperia,' meaning 'western land.'"
"Ronda, where time seems to stand still, promises a Spanish adventure steeped in tradition and romance waiting for you to discover its timeless allure."
"Bellona is a bustling City full of energy and culture located on the northeastern coast of Spain."
"Southern Spain is Magic on Earth truly and while the cities of Andalusia are certainly no secret there are still many hidden gems to explore in the region."
"Saint Isidore of Sevilla wrote, 'You, Spain, o sacred and always fortunate mother of princes and peoples, are the most beautiful.'"
"Spain seems to be the frontier of the cocaine trade."
"Spain's energetic capital is full of incredible eats."
"Spain Squad was in the process of becoming a golden generation however under Jorge the team failed to win a single knockout stage match in his first four tournaments."
"But when it got here to Spain, it didn't have that much adapting to do. The Spanish were already fiercely Catholic. They liked drama, emotion, passion, darkness. They were, if you like, instinctively Baroque."
"Spain might have the best work-life balance of Any Nation."
"Spain remembers its rich and poignant history, and shares it well with visitors."
"Spain dominates the Iberian Peninsula."
"Glorious Spain. It is to many a culinary paradise."
"It's no surprise that with its rich culinary history, Spain is where one finds many of the world's best chefs."
"Spain, known for tapas, music, art, and a work to live rather than live to work laid-back culture."
"In Spain, people are late all the time and it's just culturally accepted. There's a grace period of around 5 to 30 minutes."
"There are so many shrimp dishes in Spain and no wonder, the shrimp is on another level, it's so good."
"Spain's Road to Glory would not be without difficult twists and seemingly insurmountable obstacles."
"I am not living in Barcelona or Madrid or any other part of Spain that people really know. I feel like outsiders when they think about Spain; they think Barcelona and Madrid only. Spain is not just that. I'm living in Valencia."
"Cheers to Spain! Cheers to Barcelona!"
"San Francisco could be a city of Spain, serenely remembering its romantic past."
"It seems rather bizarre that all of these things are reoccurring in Spain nearly sort of 20 years later at a time where everything else is going in the opposite direction throughout Europe."
"All the fresh produce from around Spain, Valencian ingredients, really is a spectacularly beautiful market."
"In Spain, the western hunter-gatherers left many depictions of humans, which had formerly been absent. There are 45 human figures depicted in the caves of El Cogul."
"It was a different form of football he was going to have to play against a sweeper system regularly in Spain where as opposed to the flat uh back four uh defensive system which operates in England he therefore had to have a better eye grasp his."
"Drag in Spain to me is one of the best. That one they watch and that one to me is one of the best drag spinoffs after, it's been a long time. So they work so much harder than us."
"But what if all that changed and Spain managed to remain a global power, keeping hold to the Americas and much of the new world?"
"I've at last discovered that I don't have to survive. I can survive, of course, but I don't really have to. Because you discover, you see, that what you really are doesn't have to survive because it's what there is."
"If you are still thinking about moving to Spain and retiring in Spain, don't be put off."
"Exploring the real Spain and experiencing the lifestyle."
"the very concept of a Catholic State as it had been lived was pretty much restricted to Spain after that"
"This is a fine example of Spain's Plateresque style, masonry so intricate it looks like the region's silver filigree."
"Grab a jug of sangria, suppress the regional independence movement, and prepare yourself for some truly horrific Spanish pronunciations as we count through 101 facts about Spain."
"Spain produces more virgin olive oil than the rest of the planet combined."
"Things are starting to heat up as we continue our journey south, exploring the east coast of Spain."
"The bags are handcrafted in Spain but they're also made in the same Factory which brands like giacomas Nueve."
"Shavier was born on August 7, 1961, in the city of Almeria on the southern coast of Spain."
"Malaga is in southern Spain, and they're known for a lot of amazing Spanish cuisines."
"Juan has played a vital role in the development of still life painting in 17th century Spain."
"The dolmens of Antequera date back to the third millennium BC and are a testament to the prehistoric architectural and cultural heritage of southern Spain."
"I think it's going to be in Spain, and I definitely want to have my two cultures also in this wedding."
"It's amazing. Spain is something else."
"This park knocked it out of the park if you had thought of coming to Spain for coasters this pushes the country over the top and makes it a must-do destination for an Enthusiast."
"This delicious tapa egg dish I had in Spain, it was amazing."
"The Reconquista had finally succeeded in removing the Muslims from Spain after more than 700 years of warfare."
"Danny Diaz from Spain. I absolutely love this guy."
"Spain has come to Los Angeles and they have picked up the win."
"It is Spain, it's Sail GP that comes to the Southland and they take the title."
"First time in Sail GP history Spain is the winner."
"An absolutely epic time here in Spain."
"I think cycling in Spain is massively underrated."
"Spain is a gorgeous part of the world"
"So soon hopefully we'll have some good news to report on. It just seems everything is fines and stopping things and clamping down. It's all discouraging people to come to Spain. It should be the other way around, we should be encouraging people."
"What he transmitted was the simple Noble sound of Spain and that United people he was constantly trying to get closer to what he felt the true sound of the Spanish guitar."
"A story starting in Spain at the Archbishop of Toledo's Palace."
"I went to Spain and rode the high-speed trains and they're awesome."
"It feels like I'm walking in Spain rather than in northern England."
"If you're looking for cultural change, if you got 10 days in Spain and you wonder what to do on day 11, go to Morocco. That'd be the most exciting thing you could do."
"Spain is a country where small enemies are defeated and large enemies starve."
"The war in Spain would ultimately cost the lives of 240,000 French soldiers."
"Spain has the third highest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites at 48."
"Now in regards to Spain's impact on the world, it's nothing short of massive."
"Mathematics, astronomy, botany, history, philosophy, and jurisprudence were to be mastered in Spain and Spain alone."
"Spain is a hub of many inventions such as the space suit, the stapler, the predecessor to the helicopter, the gyro plane, the wheelchair, glasses, foosball, and the discovery of the elements tungsten, vanadium, and platinum."
"We are welcoming, and the cool thing about Spain is like you have many different cultures within the same country."
"How lucky we are to be from Spain."
"That field of purple flowers was undeniably Spain."
"We might just have found Spain's best-kept secret."
"As a nation, the British have a love affair with Spain."
"It's been absolutely fantastic visit to Spain; we've really enjoyed it."
"Good morning guys, it's my last day in Spain, but I have the whole day today as well."
"It's like being in Spain with all the balconies and people sat out."
"Muslims ruled much of Spain for almost 700 years."
"If you could move country for a year, where would you go and who would you take? Spain, yes Spain, and obviously you girls."
"What a view here in the southern Spain area. So beautiful, actually."
"PortAventura is located in Salou, Spain. This is a resort town offering some stunning views."
"Ladies and gentlemen, today we embark on a journey to experience the true essence of Spain."
"Spain is a top destination for investors and retirees."
"The weather, world-class beaches, rich culture, affordability, and quality of life are just a few of them that make this country so desirable."
"This young man here from Spain, who is a super skillful driver."
"Spain's the sort of place that never really made any sense anyway, and in the very best possible way."
"Spain, throughout the rural areas, a large number of farmhouses welcome guests offering them not only a place to stay but also an opportunity to engage with the everyday routines of farming life."
"The capital of Spain is in the middle of the country and it's called Madrid."
"As a chef, my passion is bringing the culture and flavor of Spain to you in America."
"Spain is launching a campaign to eliminate the tradition of siestas."
"Costa Blanca is a region in Spain that extends from the Alicante on one side all the way to Benidorm on the other."
"Spain is incredibly diverse because their history is incredibly diverse."
"What is the approximate population of Spain?"
"It's a beautiful day today, and I am in the dead center of Spain."
"What do Spanish people say when they have a bull fight? Olé!"
"You're on your way to Madrid, Spain!"
"What an amazing place Spain is, and the markets there are truly spectacular."
"For the good of trade, for the good of the church, for the good of Spain's empire, and above all, for the glory of Spain."
"In Spain, everyone comes alive at night."
"It was six days from coast to coast across Spain."
"The fact that Spain's Empire owed its financial foundation to distant Ming China is a forceful reminder that much of what passes for local history in the early modern period can only be understood in terms of world history."
"This is a very important area which is producing some of the most recognizable high quality premium wines from Spain."
"I always felt like I wanted to play out in Spain."
"So that has been your video on Priorat from Catalunya in Spain."
"The man walked through the sun-warmed Spanish field, his hand touching the wheat."
"Spain is just incredible, what an amazing country."
"La Tomatina, the world's biggest tomato fight, adds a touch of wacky fun to the Spanish summer."
"El Salto del Colacho, or the baby jumping festival, is held in the village of Castrillo de Murcia in Northern Spain."
"Spain's population is believed to have tripled in the two centuries following the Muslim conquest and this was made possible in large measure by the large scale introduction of sophisticated techniques of irrigation again from the Near East."
"Spain was the channel for this...and it received its great boost with this famous person...Zeryab."
"This amazing city is located in the south of Spain on the Mediterranean coast."
"I think Spain puts out a lot of good products... the tools that I've had that's been made over there have been pretty high quality."
"When in Spain, do as the Spanish do."
"I think that one of the happiest days in my life was the day I made a farewell to move to Spain because all my friends and my family were there."
"Father Salvador Monseni, killer priest and patriot, had just ensured the salvation of Spain."
"The marriage of Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon had united Spain."
"We are all soldiers," Monseni said, "fighting for a better Spain."
"Conquering the oceans gave Catholic Spain unique wealth, power, and global reach."
"At the dawn of history, Spain was a desirable destination."
"A beautiful place in the south of Spain that between mountains and crops hides the best kept secrets in the history of the Spanish."
"Spain wins the team championships over the Philippines."
"We are about to take a trip back in time hundreds of years ago when Spain was not what we know today."
"I feel like I'm in Spain, it just feels so lovely."
"Wonderful scenes here in Spain for a well-deserved champion."
"Welcome to a beautiful day here in Spain."
"Why would you not come to Spain, just why?"
"Spain's got everything, it's got the weather, it's got the community, it's got the people, it's cheap."
"If you think you know Spain, think again."
"We found the first dog in sight in Spain, brilliant!"
"This is a very useful section in order to help you understand a key wine region and wine style in Spain."
"I'm just obsessed with Spain in general."
"Spain is such a friendly biker country, motorists actively look out for you and pull out the way to let you pass."
"The Spanish officially joined the war in June 1779."
"These masterpieces offer a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Spain, a visual feast for art enthusiasts."
"Formula One returned to Spain for the European Grand Prix."
"It's Mark Wiens, I'm on the Mediterranean coast of Spain near Valencia."
"Fresher than fresh, like Calpe on the tourist map, it's a touch of the real Spain."
"I was probably happiest on my birthday in Spain this year."
"We are now back from Spain and had such an amazing time."
"The concept of Reconquista is a very valid framework and approach when studying history of medieval Spain."
"By far Spain's best writer today."
"Spain is a hub for remote workers plus the country boasts first-rate healthcare, efficient transportation, and endless opportunities for fun for retirees."
"In Spain, you find this in tapas bars and bodegas."
"Spain was left with its King Charles II of the Habsburg Dynasty, unfortunately his poor condition caused by an incredibly long line of Habsburg inbreeding."
"The nearly 200-year-old Habsburg rule over Spain had come to an end."
"With a combination of fantastic year-round Mediterranean weather, gastronomic delights, rich culture, and a more relaxed pace of life, it's easy to see why so many retirees look to Spain."
"And of course, one of the greatest Rishonim who lived in the 13th century in Spain..."
"Close your eyes, listen to that noise, tell me you're not in Spain right now."
"I'd love to go back to Spain, hit the museums."
"We are in Malaga, and we are leaving Malagon first, but we have arrived in Spain. No, beautiful, beautiful place."
"Something about Spain's midfield is just magical, so we gotta highlight the actual center mid roles with the Spanish."
"Valencia is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Spain."
"We're soaking up the sun on a food adventure to San Sebastian in Spain."
"Welcome back to beautifully sunny Southern Spain."
"Hola a todos, I am back in Cantabria after my birthday trip through Catalunya and Aragon."
"The food in Spain is super regional."
"Spain is a country where people are greatly respected because of their differences."
"I'm really excited about today's topic of the history of Christianity in Spain."
"The national animal of Spain is the bull."
"We have the Camino de Santiago, one of the largest Catholic pilgrimages in the world."
"Ernest Hemingway once said, 'There is no nightlife in Spain; they stay up late, and they get up late. That is not nightlife; that is delaying the day.'"
"Spain is the second largest producer of wine after Italy and the largest producer of olive oil in the world."
"Spain is the fifth largest producer of wind energy in the world."
"Spain has territories in Africa, the ocean, and Europe; it's transcontinental."
"The Spanish are very accommodating, the Spanish are a beautiful people."
"Well my people, we have just landed in Madrid, Spain. The adventure begins."
"Here we are officially on the streets of Spain. This is Madrid, my people."
"In Spain, the value of the ball is so important."
"It was like any other morning in the sunny Spanish seaside resort."
"The ancient Spanish Town of Belchite found itself in a difficult situation during the Spanish Civil War."
"Traveling north along the highways of Spain, you can't help but notice the country's distinctive character."
"In 1975, the country's leader General Franco died, and Spain started a period of social and political change."