
Ceasefire Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"The only way out of this crisis is an immediate and unconditional cessation of the military campaign."
"The heart of the problem here, the core of the issue, is our unconditional support for Israel and our unwillingness to push for a ceasefire."
"The ceasefire has to be followed with a reasonable period of time... There has to be a settlement on the basis of international law."
"The first step towards having a hostage deal is to ensure that the fighting stops, which means you need to have a ceasefire."
"A ceasefire that simply freezes current lines in place and enables Putin to consolidate control over the territory he seized and then rearm and retack is not lasting peace."
"You don't get to wage war and then once you start losing or fear losing come and beg for a ceasefire."
"An unconditional ceasefire... some space for negotiation."
"I don't see the potential ceasefire as a realistic possibility at all."
"Russia was not a party to the conflict. Truce concerns only the forces on either side of the disengagement line."
"Russia didn't really have much option but to ask everybody to down their weapons and to get around the table."
"We made some unlikely progress, both Reapers and skirmishers have agreed to suspend hostilities."
"Hostilities will end officially at one minute after midnight tonight, Tuesday, the 8th of May. But in the interest of saving lives, the ceasefire began yesterday."
"I think what the West needs to do... is some kind of a ceasefire allow the gas to flow from Russia to Europe do away with most of these sanctions."
"Plan B is the Hawkin process, there's going to be this magical ceasefire."
"Ceasefire should be taken as an initial measure for peace resolution."
"Humanitarian aid must come in with a ceasefire."
"A ceasefire must be called and must be called now."
"Nothing can be resolved without an immediate ceasefire."
"We need to freeze the situation; we need a ceasefire."
"Let's hope it increases with a ceasefire in the next few days."
"The Germans and British soldiers paused the war for a day on Christmas Day 1914. They sang, drank, and celebrated together."
"An Armistice was enacted and hostilities between Greeks and Trojans ceased for a time."
"The ceasefire held, the humans rebuilt once destroyed planets and colonies, and the cavari did the same whilst militaries were restored to their former might."
"We need a ceasefire, we need those hostages returned."
"At Christmas 1914, there was a brief ceasefire. The fighting stopped, soldiers got out of the holes."
"We want to see humanitarian law respected and adhered to by all parties... we want to see more Aid going in and bring about a hostage deal so we can move towards a sustainable ceasefire."
"...the failure to call for a ceasefire is a component of the failure of the International System at the moment but I think some important successes were achieved despite the fact that there wasn't the victory we were all hoping for..."
"...don't vote for anybody who hasn't explicitly and unreservedly endorsed a ceasefire from the moment this appalling situation started because they don't deserve your vote..."
"'Ceasefire! Follow us!' Vivar called from the gully's far crest."
"The ceasefire fragile and unprecedented brought an uneasy peace to the galaxy."
"A ceasefire would only allow the slth to find a way to defeat them in time."
"'I'd see that and I'd just be like, I would actually like, like, ask for a ceasefire. I'd wave my white flag and I'd go up to my enemy, be like, 'As a token of gratitude for you accepting my ceasefire, please take this gift on my behalf.'"
"We hope there'll be a ceasefire in Palestine and that we'll have peace there and a lasting peace."
"The major desire for many activists on the pro-Palestinian side seemed to be to advocate for a ceasefire."
"It was a message from General Yamada’s staff, informing the Red Army that he had ordered a cease fire."
"I've got some very good news for you; there's going to be a ceasefire."
"We have been calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire which will provide the conditions for a lasting and sustainable peace."
"Until the UK government calls for an immediate ceasefire, it is complicit in the horrors in Gaza."
"Of course we want to see a peaceful resolution to this conflict as soon as possible. A sustainable, permanent ceasefire with an end to the destruction, fighting, and loss of life."
"The only way of getting supplies to a people who are currently being starved is for a ceasefire so that humanitarian supplies can enter."
"An immediate pause in fighting is necessary."
"The priority has to be securing an immediate pause in fighting to ensure we can get Aid in."
"Hudna means a temporary agreement to cease hostilities, a state of tranquility."
"The top priority at this moment is an effective implementation of resolution 2728 to bring about an immediate ceasefire in Gaza."
"The green line has nothing to do with the Palestinians; it was a ceasefire line between Israel and Jordan."
"A few days later, however, a ceasefire was finally signed, ending the war of attrition."
"That night, hostilities ceased in at least one corner of the forest."
"Technically, the war has never stopped because there has been no peace treaty; it was simply an Armistice to stop the fighting."
"It's a truce, don't even go back to hating each other tomorrow."
"No more Bloodshed, both sides stop immediately."
"Our administration agreed to call for a ceasefire, and we also made progress on divestment."
"Our guns have stopped. You don't think maybe the war's over? Maybe it's peace."
"We have stopped the shooting; that means much to the fighting men and their families."
"There have been 28 ceasefires, and each of them has been followed by even fiercer fighting."
"By early afternoon across the narrow waist of Korea, 2 million men are briefly at peace."
"The momentary ceasefire allows the men to relax for a little while."
"The majority of Americans, and I'd wager the world, wants permanent ceasefire and the killing to stop."
"We want to see an immediate, permanent ceasefire; we want to see humanitarian aid delivered to the people of Gaza."
"The shelling has ceased; I turn towards the crater, beckoning to the others. They take off their masks; we lift up the wounded man."
"All hands, all ships, cease fire. I repeat, cease fire immediately."
"The United Nations Security Council passes the ceasefire agreement, Resolution 687."
"Most immediately, I urge the parties to this conflict to secure an agreement of ceasefire that would end the suffering, end the bloodshed, free all hostages, protect innocent civilians, and ensure immediate, unhindered access of humanitarian aid without conditions."
"The tragic situation on the ground reaffirms the position of our country and the vast majority of the international community about the need for a cease-fire."
"We've been consistent in calling for sustained humanitarian pauses or indeed a sustainable ceasefire."
"The necessity to immediately have a sustainable ceasefire, Palestine's full membership in the UN, statehood."
"It is time for a ceasefire; the safety of civilians must be ensured, all hostages must be released immediately and unconditionally."
"We want to see this temporary ceasefire in place as soon as possible."
"We must be united in calling for an immediate, comprehensive ceasefire."
"The military planes stopped shooting at them after reading the message."
"We urge the continuation of the ceasefire and the creation of confidence in which peace efforts can go forward."
"There is a need for an immediate and sustained ceasefire."
"The alternative is a humanitarian ceasefire."
"The need for a sustainable ceasefire is clear, to stop the killing of innocent civilians."
"In January 1973, Nixon suspended any attacks on North Vietnam, ended the draft and the Paris Accords were signed, ending the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War."
"We call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Street."
"The most effective way to put an end to the devastation suffered by civilians is a definitive cessation of hostilities."